Avatar of KarthaRRinari
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  • Posts: 55 (0.03 / day)
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    1. KarthaRRinari 5 yrs ago


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Just an academic looking for some RP experiences. I miss writing and creating stories and characters. I don't get to enjoy video games nearly as much due to the complexities of real life, so I am seeking an alternative outlet.

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Cracks of thunder rip across the dark, stormy skies above a seemingly eternal black ocean. Large waves crash against the side of the galleon as the ship lurches up and down. Per the captain's orders, the majority of the crew remain below deck. A handful of officers and sailors stay above to man the helm. Your destination was a freshly discovered continent across the vast dreaded sea, however, now even survival is uncertain. Secured within your room among a handful of other passengers, the sickly scent of fetid discharge coupled with vomit pollute your very lungs with every breath.

As you lay in your cot, you struggle against your own mind and body to maintain control and avoid succumbing to fear or panic. With a heavy lurch of the ship, screams and shouts arise from the top deck as water splashes into your room having swept down the stairs leading into the bowls of the ship. The door to your room swings open wide, and you find yourself thrown from the cot due to the drastic motion of the ship. You land upon the floor with the saltwater mixing with the sickly refuse. You then hear the sound of heavy boots near the door.

A loud crackling of thunder echoes through the very wood of the ship followed by the immense white flash of lightning. You see, standing within the doorway from your view while laying on the floor, a pair of black leather boots. As your gaze rises, your view leads up to the figure of a man dressed in a combination of dark leathers. His armor is riddled with silver and blue metallic studs. His hair is long and black but his skin is milky white, standing out in an eerie fashion within the darkness of the storm. He appears fit and toned, but no giant. A moderate figure with fine form. The skin of his face is youthful and fine. A long curved sword rests with a dark leather sheath upon his belt. A dark leather long coat drapes over his shoulders seemingly offering some protection against the rain and seawater. The pupils of his eyes are bright silver.

Another loud and harsh crash of thunder resounds throughout the ship and is soon followed once more by another white flash of lightning. Within the moments of the flickering light, the man within the doorway appears to suddenly transform. The entirety of his body retains normality, covered in the mixture of dark studded leather. However, the left side of his face and head shimmer into that of a skull with fleshless teeth and a hollowed out eye socket bearing a dark black stone with a small reflection of light as if bearing a pupil in its own right. However, this vision of a half man and half skull lasts for so short of time you may not be certain of your vision. The storm seemingly grows worse as your fate lies in the balance.
Im alright either way. I generally try to match the level of the people Im playing with.

Perfect. I'll not disperse Meleck's concept in case he wants there to be some initial pazazz, but I'm aiming for level 1-3 style characters. This won't include stats or character sheets; more laid back than that. But feel free to make them for your own reference if you like!


Excellent! Go ahead and work on a character concept. Feel free to post it to this thread or message me with questions!

That makes three! I think we are good to go at this point. I will create this RP thread in the advanced forum. The start will be the same introduction posted here and you can all proceed as you wish with your initial postings.

Note: Anyone else interested in joining is welcome to pose interest. I'm not looking for this to be a large-scale RP as far as the number of players, but I am open to considering other interested players.
I'd be interested. Would a tiefling be okay to play?

Perfectly! :) ok so with two people I think we can get started. I’ll create a thread shortly. Any preferences regarding casual vs. advanced?
I am willing to give it a go

Perfect! Do you have a character concept? Also, shall we wait to see if others would like to join or shall we get started and people can jump in as they like?
In Hello 5 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome back!

Thank you very much!
In Hello 5 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself

Thank you! Greetings to you!
((This is dungeons and dragons based role-play, using a character I created nearly 15 years ago. His name is Kartha Rolein Rinari and he is a deity of undeath. You have free reign to create any character you wish, so long as it is not too far out there. Ithillids, wraiths, vampire lords, or similar or grander monstrosities are unacceptable. I may introduce another character to interact on a mortal level, but the start of the story begins with Kartha acting like a mortal for his own amusement. This is a medieval style fantasy role-play story. Male, female, or alternative gender is acceptable. Your character must be mortal but can be an Elf, dwarf, halfling, Orc, or other common race. Let me know if you are interested and I can start up a thread to begin. Multiple players invited! You can be ship crew or the other characters in the room all experiencing the same initial introduction to the story.))

Cracks of thunder rip across the dark, stormy skies above a seemingly eternal black ocean. Large waves crash against the side of the galleon as the ship lurches up and down. Per the captain's orders, the majority of the crew remain below deck. A handful of officers and sailors stay above to man the helm. Your destination was a freshly discovered continent across the vast dreaded sea, however, now even survival is uncertain. Secured within your room among a handful of other passengers, the sickly scent of fetid discharge coupled with vomit pollute your very lungs with every breath.

As you lay in your cot, you struggle against your own mind and body to maintain control and avoid succumbing to fear or panic. With a heavy lurch of the ship, screams and shouts arise from the top deck as water splashes into your room having swept down the stairs leading into the bowls of the ship. The door to your room swings open wide, and you find yourself thrown from the cot due to the drastic motion of the ship. You land upon the floor with the saltwater mixing with the sickly refuse. You then hear the sound of heavy boots near the door.

A loud crackling of thunder echoes through the very wood of the ship followed by the immense white flash of lightning. You see, standing within the doorway from your view while laying on the floor, a pair of black leather boots. As your gaze rises, your view leads up to the figure of a man dressed in a combination of dark leathers. His armor is riddled with silver and blue metallic studs. His hair is long and black but his skin is milky white, standing out in an eerie fashion within the darkness of the storm. He appears fit and toned, but no giant. A moderate figure with fine form. The skin of his face is youthful and fine. A long curved sword rests with a dark leather sheath upon his belt. A dark leather long coat drapes over his shoulders seemingly offering some protection against the rain and seawater. The pupils of his eyes are bright silver.

Another loud and harsh crash of thunder resounds throughout the ship and is soon followed once more by another white flash of lightning. Within the moments of the flickering light, the man within the doorway appears to suddenly transform. The entirety of his body retains normality, covered in the mixture of dark studded leather. However, the left side of his face and head shimmer into that of a skull with fleshless teeth and a hollowed out eye socket bearing a dark black stone with a small reflection of light as if bearing a pupil in its own right. However, this vision of a half man and half skull lasts for so short of time you may not be certain of your vision. The storm seemingly grows worse as your fate lies in the balance.
In Hello 5 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
It has been a very long time since I have participated in forum roleplay, but I am not unfamiliar with the experience. I used to roleplay on this website during a previous incarnation. Sadly that was many years ago (like near a decade). My chaotic life limits my ability to participate in MMO roleplay for any real consistent dedication, therefore I am exploring forum roleplay once again if only to make a post or two a day (sometimes more on lighter work days).

I am an experienced D&D Dungeon Master and Campaign Writer as well as a general roleplayer with about 15 years of experience. Many of my genres have included, but are not limited to, the following:

- Star Wars (Favorite)
- World of Warcraft (Favorite)
- Guild Wars
- Elder Scrolls
- Generic Video Games
- Conan
- Free-Form Fiction (i.e. Sci-fi/medieval/fantasy) — (Favorite)

I have many characters I would love to re-visit on various levels in various genre's, though I am open to new experiences as well. Some pre-existing characters include:

Kartha Rolein Rinari
A deity of undeath, madness, torment, torture, plague, and more. Kartha originated from an oriental background, but he is racially a white male from an orphanage. He grew up as a cleric but followed a darker path. Seen as viciously clever in his youth by many of his elders and religious leaders, an attempt was made to eliminate him for fear of his growing power and intellect. He discovered the plot and perform a dark ritual to summon death itself where he made a tricky pact. His soul for immortality, but the form of his immortality came as a nearly indestructible orb which enhanced his power. Upon his death, his soul would become trapped within the orb for a week before he could be reincarnated. However, if the orb was ever destroyed with his soul trapped inside, he would immediately become the property of death.

He, of course, survived the assassination attempted and used the power of the orb to raise his assailants as his first undead servants. From there he meticulously proceeded with a campaign to annihilate the whole of his country, kingdom, and eventually world. From this point, he attained divinity by slaughtering a god of death and taking its power for his own. He reshaped his world into his new domain and from there proceeded to seek out adventurers to spread his influence.

A creature born of the fire plane as a Prince in an effort to establish a dynasty through which a council of powerful arcanists could control the very elemental plane itself. Tricked into slaughtering a behemoth of a Fire Elemental and claiming its heart for the council, he instead absorbed its power and turned upon the arcanists to claim the fire plane for himself. However, the damage was already done and the very elementals themselves banded together and cast him from the elemental plane of fire into a mortal realm.

With him, he carried a self-appointed title of Prince and worked to establish a kingdom of his own. With the combined efforts of certain allies, he slaughtered an entire dessert city and established himself as to its new leader under a rule of tyranny, power, and fear. But, a hole remains within him for no kingdom can replace the sensation of his home in the elemental plane of fire.

Taliman Lothloerien
A half-elf heir to a wealthy political family. His human father was a high ranking diplomat for a king. His mother died in sickness when he was a young boy. His youth was spent learning to control his powers over the arcane. During his first mission with his father, to a kingdom with some who opposed any alliance for their hatred of magic, assassins raided the diplomatic caravan slaughtering everyone, including his father. In his rage, his blood boiled as his ancestral nature took hold. His sorcery exploded from his draconic blood and he obliterated the assailants in a swift reprise of blood and carnage.

Since then, he journeyed to avenge the death of his father by punishing the kingdom responsible for his death. In the developing campaign, Taliman managed to use the simple spell of prestidigitation to confuse a high-level banker into acquiring a massive shipment of precious gemstones, only to fleed with the fortune and bankrupt the kingdom. This was the very kingdom upon whom he sought vengeance. However, he planned to return what he did not spend once he rooted out those directly responsible.

As the story continued, he fled from the kingdom as he was being hunted, and traveled across the sea to another great empire ruled over by an ancient green dragon. There, managed to free (diplomatically) three slaves from the markets. One, a Half-Orc Barbarian. The second, a Tiku Rogue. The third, a wood elf ranger. These became his bodyguards. Through his efforts, he was summoned to the court of the great dragon were, in his insolence, he managed to insult and then impress the creature. As the dragon assaulted Talimans' mind, he actually managed to resist (for fun, I rolled a natural 20 on the resistance – talk about luck!). Being thoroughly impressed, by both his willpower and having bankrupted its own economic rival, Taliman was granted the rights, duties, and privileges as one of the ancient dragon's agents. (Note: The campaign came to a pause there).
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