Avatar of Katara27
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 40 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Katara27 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current If anyone would like to check out my story on Wattpad I would appreciate it! Trying to finish it and I need motivation. Its not publisher worthy, but its cool, wattpad.com/user/Durachka27


Hello all! I'm a film student who enjoys playing music and writing on the side. Creativity seems to run in my veins, but that does not always mean I'm full of ideas. I really enjoy brainstorming with people and telling cool stories. I stopped roleplaying for a long time because college got in the way, but I am currently about to have a hiatus from such things (Unneeded PSA: The Art Institutes are awful. Don't go there). My school is closing and I have to transfer which means not beginning classes again until the fall. The void must be filled so that I can practice my creativity and thinking skills.

I hope everyone that is reading this is having a great day and I wish you luck in your RP endeavors.

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"How can you be thinking about food?!?" She exclaimed, "You just don't wanna get your spine torn out in Mortal Kombat...again." Kathrine stood up and walked into the kitchen. She hoisted herself up onto the counter and proceeded to swing her legs back and forth as Adam followed her into the kitchen. "So. What are ya gonna make? Something good I hope?"

Due to her quick reflexes gifted to her by her curse, she was incredibly good at video games. It didn't help that she had the ability to stay up all night without getting tired just to perfect a game strategy. This was likely a hindrance to Adam as he never beat her at any game unless she went easy on him. She wondered how badly this hurt his ego and smirked a little at the thought. She almost said something aloud about it, but she wasn't in the teasing, playful argument mood. Even if her mind was thinking such things anyways.

She watched as he moved about the kitchen. Her eyes scanned all over him unwillingly. She knew exactly where her mind was headed to now and she would rather keep it from such things. Somehow after hundreds of years of only being close to her brother she had gotten close to a human. He was funny, sweet, and incredibly attractive. The way she felt around him mirrored what she had felt for her husband Hanz. But those kinds of emotions were no longer allowed in her life. She was no longer human and hadn't been for quite some time. She needed to let go of human connections. Although, it was getting more difficult to see it that way as she settled into living with Adam. They had only been living together for a few months. It felt like an entire lifetime. It felt right and no matter how much she denied it she had fallen for the human standing in front of her. And it hurt. It hurt more everyday as she thought of when she would have to leave him behind.


He felt his insides fall. He wouldn't be feeding tonight until after she fell asleep. He knew now that he was probably going to stay the night at her apartment as he usually did on Friday nights. How in the world would he control himself? Unless she didn't want him to stay. He would keep his mouth shut until they got to her door.Than he would kiss her, say goodnight, and see if she asks why he doesn't want to come inside. If she asks his hands would be tied and he'd have to go inside to spend the night.

If not, which would hopefully be the case, he could go hunt and alleviate any danger she is in by being around him in a hungered state. As they began to walk home he could only feel his stomach growing more hollow. He had been in the sun taught day and it had taken a toll on him. Markus had then attended a party full of many bodies that only strengthen his thirst. How could he be so careless? Especially when Cassandra is involved?

They managed to walk through the small college town of Dinkytown without any problems, but then they were finally at her apartment door and he could feel sweat building on his palms. He kept his inner feelings carefully concealed and smiled softly at her. "Goodnight." He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers softly.
"May or may not have been captured by the trinity. Remains to be seen." She winked at him as she paused the game. She leaned into him and sighed contently. His skin was so warm. It made goosebumps break out across her flesh. "Don't. Get. Me. Started. Adam, I think I may go crazy before the week is over!" She turned, leaned back against the arm of the couch, and propped her legs up on his lap, "Why do they make tests so hard. Like I honestly don't get it!"

She let her head roll back onto the armrest and closed her eyes with an exaggerated groan. "Let's play a game." She opened her eyes and smiled over at him. Being overly theatrical was incredibly fun with him. He never seemed to mind it and it was very entertaining for Kathrine. Her eyes found his neck where his veins pulsed. She suddenly remembered that she had yet to feed that day. She was planning on going out before he had come home, but then she had fallen asleep. Now she was just stuck playing it cool while her insides burned with desire. Good going Anna. Damn idiot.. Her self-depreciating thoughts made her inwardly sigh. Perhaps she could sneak out later to get a midnight thrill.

At least the next day would be a Saturday and she had no classes. She could sleep in and then play video games for most of the day. Or maybe she would pick up the damned violin and try again. The offending thing was sitting over in the corner. Out of all the instruments she had ever tried to learn, the violin seemed to be the most elusive. She had played guitar, bass, and cello before. All stringed instruments with relatively the same structure. Yet the violin was being a little asshole.


Markus grinned when he felt her tense up against him. It thrilled his inner predator. He tried pushing that back as he continued to dance with her. "I told you it wouldn't be terrible." He pressed his lips against her neck. Her pulse pushed against them. He pulled back slightly to look into her eyes. His eyes glistened with playfulness. Even if he was enjoying dancing he kind of wanted to be alone with her for a little while. Something inside of him cautioned against this, however. He had neglected to feed the day before. Now here he was, at typical hunting time, dancing with his girlfriend. Once again neglecting his grumbling stomach.

Perhaps he should sneak away into a different room and quickly grab a snack. It would just be for her safety. He glanced around the room after pulling her closer. He couldn't see anyone off by themselves and he knew he didn't have enough time to get someone by themselves. He had to be quick so that Cassandra wouldn't realize anything.

Then he heard police sirens off in the distance. Suddenly the lights turned on and someone was yelling over the music, "COPS!" Then the music cut off as well. Apparently, there were plenty of underage drinkers at this little shin dig and someone had made a noise complaint. "Time to go." he wiggled his eyebrows at Cassandra as he grabbed her hand and led her out the back door. They ran down the street together and just as the police swirled on by they began walking normally.

"Where to?" He asked, squeezing her hand, "Home or bar?" He was secretly hoping for bar so he could sneak away to feed. Unfortunatley, he doubted she would want to go anywhere right now. She probably wanted to go home.
"Annalies!" His voice echoed through nothingness. "Momma!" Voices all warped by the swirling blackness in Annalies' vision. Blood. Droplets of blood began to fill her vision as she stood barefoot on a hard wooden surface. Blood. The smell became intoxicating and it was all that she could focus on. Suddenly, it filled her mouth and she felt so alive. Her heart beat in her chest and warmth swirled through her. She bathed in that feeling and then pulled away when the flow staunched. The man's face was twisted in horror. "Hanz?" She gasped, but he was suddenly gone. She could only see blackness. "No!" She yelled as she sat up in reality.

The TV cast a blue glow across her living room. Annalies wiped the tears away from her face as she took in a deep breath. It was just that dream again. The faces of her late family had always haunted her dreams every time she closed her eyes. It caused her to not want to sleep. It wasn't like she needed it, but sometimes she found herself dozing off into oblivion. For a few brief moments, it felt good to forget the world. Until the ghosts of her past seeped into it. Then it was simply torture.

She attempted to shake the thoughts out of her head as she grabbed the play station controller. Tombraider's theme music played through the TV's speakers. She had been playing when she dozed off. It was a Friday night at roughly 8 p.m. and it had been a long, stressful day. She had had two tests. Honestly, if she could coast through school without taking a single test she would. Tests were the bane of her existence. Just think about that for a second. On top of a long list of evil things, bloodthirst, and loneliness, tests were Annalies' most hated thing. She was sure she had failed both exams, but oh well. Why did she need to answer questions to prove she knew the material? Her mind had a plethora of knowledge. It just happened to go blank whenever she stared at the trick questions on a piece of paper.

The apartment felt empty. She couldn't hear Adam's heartbeat. It made Annalies' chest feel empty considering her own heart had stopped beating hundreds of years ago. Somehow being around him was like getting a jolt of electricity. It felt like the only thing keeping a zombie like this vampire alive. Besides the blood. Drinking blood was on top of the list of things Annalies thoroughly enjoyed. There truly was nothing like feeling the warmth of it swirl inside of her belly. It brought her to life much like Adam's electricity. She could then hear footsteps coming down the hallway outside her apartment door. They were familiar. Finally, Adam was coming home. She quickly pressed play on her game and began playing. She did not want to seem like she had been lost in her thoughts. Which she had been, but oh well. Time to play the part of Kathrine: a nerdy 21-year-old woman who loved being invisible.


Markus let the music flow through him. Its electric beat thumped through his body as he swayed. His hands were placed firmly on Cassandra's waist as they both moved to the music. He had finally convinced her to go to a party with him after a few months of seeing her. He knew his sister would greatly disapprove, but there was something about this woman that entranced him. It wasn't just the intoxicating scent of her irresistible blood either. It was something foreign that he ached to explore further.

He was tired of not enjoying every aspect of his life. If that was what his sister insisted on doing then fine. He was not obligated to do everything she wished. He had been alive just as long as her and he sure as hell could make his own damn decisions. So now, after 300 years of loneliness, he was letting himself go. He was enjoying a human being's presence for more than just a petty snack. He leaned forward and put his mouth next to her ear, "Having fun, darling?" He asked, purposefully letting his breath tickle her ear.

From this distance, he could smell her blood and it stirred a desire deep inside of him. As tempting as it was to sink his fangs into her neck in that moment, he resisted. He did not want to use her as a blood bag. He had yet to give in to his predatory instincts around Cassandra and he never would. He wanted to be in an actual relationship with her. Not something driven by blood.
Name: Markus Benjamin Augustine
Age: 319
Biography: Markus Benjamin Augustine was born in 1696. He was killed at the tender age of 19. Unlike his sister, he had not yet been married due to a lack of interest. He doesn't believe in not having relationships with humans. Why should they be lonely and miss out on that possible connection? It wouldn't be hard to leave someone behind. All he would have to do is turn off his emotions temporarily until he found a different distraction. Yet his sister was always insistent on it so he has never strayed from that rule. To keep himself busy he tries to learn different languages that strike his fancy. He is also very interested in science. He is constantly trying to look for reasons as to what vampires are scientifically. Perhaps if he understands it he can find a way to reverse it. Markus is a very self-centered and cocky person, but sometimes his humanity shines through. That is when he is the kindest, most caring person one can imagine. He rarely lets that side of him shine, however, and only his sister has ever seen it. It's a weakness in his eyes to empathize.
Name: Annelies Katharine Augustine (Goes by Kathrine or Kat)
Age: 321
Biography: Annelies Katharine Augustine was born in Germany in the year 1694. At the age of 21 she was brutally murdered along with her entire family. The only difference being that she and her little brother, Markus, came back to life as predatory creatures. Annalies' two children and loving husband died that night. Seeing them sprawled out with their blood mixing on wooden planks will forever be burned into her mind. She often dreams about that image and will wake up in the middle of the night screaming because of it. After nearly 100 years of serving under the clan's rule, she had had enough of their tormenting ways. In a split's second decision she ran way with her brother and has been trying to forget ever since. They had rules in order to blend and keep off the clan's farreaching radar. They were constantly on the move. In periods of 5 to 10 years they would move to different cities and begin new lives. Annalies now only has two loves in her life: her little brother and blood. There is truly nothing more exhilarating than the hunt and the blood. The only time Annalies is truly content is when her face is buried in someone's neck. In order to pass the time she is constantly reading or learning a new thing. She knows how to play many instruments and is heavily trained in the art of video games. Her favorite discovery while attending university is video games. She is always trying to get her hands on a new game to play.She also enjoys dying her hair to see what kind of cool ways she can make herself look different. It is boring to look into the mirror and always see the same person. Annalies is a witty woman who can sometimes walk on the line of being a complete bitch. She is not afraid to speak her mind and will often do so. She can act entitled at times and has a tendency to be narcissistic. All symptoms of being an all powerful immortal creature.

@deadpixel101 Sure! I'll PM you! :D

Currently craving a vampire x human RP!
Bump O_O
@POOHEAD189 OH its OK! I was just confused for a minute there. No worries ^_^
@TheLadyJayne Hi! Currently full on Rp's unfortunately. More than 5 would likely make me go crazy, but a lot of them are in the planning stage so if any of them drop me I'll message you.
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