Avatar of Katthaj
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 194 (0.09 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Katthaj 6 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current EZ clap
5 yrs ago
Gonna be on a LARP until sunday so excuse me if im not writing stuff
1 like
5 yrs ago
School is done in 20 days and im fucking hyped
6 yrs ago
It really do be like that sometime




Name: Katthaj
Aliases: Cat, Swedish bastard.
Age: 19
Birthday: April the 4th
Ethnicity: Swedish
Location: Sweden
Gender: Male
Major/Minor: Majoring in Event planing. (You start Majoring/Minoring in highschool in sweden)
Occupation: Military Police.
Languages: Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, English and Korean proficiency in that order
Years Rping: Around a year
Preferred Rp Section: I like to dabble in everything
Rp Level: Casual
Dedication Level: 5/10
Biggest Rp Pet Peeve: People who try to tell the GM how to GM his game
Teach New Rpers Or Coach New GM's: Dont listen to toxic people.


Height: 195 CM
Weight: 100 kg
Build: Bulky
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Curly Brown
Skin Tone: White
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: I have a scar on my right cheek
Personal Style: Not sure.


Protective * Anxiety * Loyal * Introvert

Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Yall gotta find out
Habits: Not doing homework and playing games instead.
Hobbies: Gaming, LARP and WH 40k
Fears: Spiders
Dislikes: Licorice and Beef

Cards On The Table

Rp's Currently Gming: N/A I dont GM cuz I suck at it.
Rp's Currently Enjoying: H@CK3S, Cold Front: Tacitum, Ascension Arena.


Quotes or Sayings: "Im a bitch for drama" - Me since 2017
Advice To The World: Pay it forward. Even if you dont get something out of it someone in the future will.
Anything Else: I got 3 cats and I love them with all my heart. Ohh yea the picture at the top is me :)

Most Recent Posts

It seemed calm at first when they stepped onto the planet. It seemed like the frontline was either a bit in front of them or that their brother in arms was wiped out on contact.

"Line up! Line up!" yelled Sergeant Bashil, he was a lanky guy definitely not a person who would have survived on his homeworld, he had a slight discomfort in his voice almost like he had a sore throat or something, the guy was smart though so it was someone to follow especially since most of the people in the conscripts were maybe not the smartest of individuals.

It took maybe an hour for everyone to disembark and lineup, Richard looked at his gunner Nick as the orders for the last squad to line up was called it seemed like everything and everyone was ready to move but suddenly the ground started shaking, and we could see humanoid creatures on the edge of the city coming out of the ground.

Richard fist bumped Nick "Let us do this then" they started setting up their equipment when the commanders and HQ elements scattered and started barking orders.

I'm willing to help
I'll be posting in like 2 or 3 days I have been busy
You may be thinking 'Jb, Necrons, really?! This RP is going to end pretty quickly when we all get Gauss flayed.' And you would be right, but let me tell you that all will become clear once we get into the thick of it.

Basically I'll assure everyone that we won't all be wiped out...not yet, anyway.

The only answer
Looking forward to this next post :)
@Jbcool Did this die? or are you just working on the post?
@Katthaj Let's just go with round lens glasses since goggles are totes a different thing.

So you went with Perception instead, huh? Is it just being observant or you wanna be able to perceive certain things better?

didn't know the name but ill change it. just observant
@RC3 Fixed the spacing and coding of the CS. When I said goggles I meant like the old school glasses thingy and its like cracked on one of the "Eyes"

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