Avatar of Kejmur
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    1. Kejmur 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Lazy Bum Extraordinaire


They call me Kamil Horowski, 28 years old guy straight up from Koszalin, in Northern Poland. I work in sewage plant and make sure I keep water clean and stuff. Pretty chilly job, which I appreciate it as naturally chill and relaxed type of guy. Oh well, my interests include Anime & Manga, reading good books and fanfiction, RPG (Duh, what would I do here otherwise ?! :D), history, geography, lazing around, sleeping and listening good music (mostly hipster stuff like Corvus Corax or Leon Vynehall). So yeah, that's it.

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Sounds pretty good ;).
Personally I think it would be even more interesting (idea is good, so props for it) if there were two group of players. Those who want to create rebellion and free the world and those who actually are part of those big bad corporations (for example Hasbro idea with deranged brony controlling pony mecha is so hilarious and dumb at the same time :D). It would allow to show world in more detail from both sides. At least this is my opinion on this.

And I assume that countries don't exactly exist anymore and all lands are part of corporations ? Also when you mentioned aliens - is it just limited to earth or actually some action could happen on let's say Mars or Moon ?
*Cries a little when he sees the Rp is full.*

Curse this labtop...any chance you can keep me updated on when a spot might open up?

Well to be honest with my character being in reserve (and I agreed to it) if someone decides to drop out, I don't think it will happen too soon. But well, I'm not GM here :D.
Everyone is accepted so far! The story is shaping up perfectly too. I think we could wait until a handful of more applications or we could start soon. Whatever you all prefer.

In my opinion the more the merrier. I think it would be just interesting to see as many clashing personalities as possible, but if I'm outvoted and we will in fact start with the characters already in, I won't complain.
Sended mine. No, she's not claustrophobic :D.

If I need to add something or change, feel free to type it ;).
I'm so tempted to create claustrophobic character just to torture him in this setting, but I don't think is sounds original in first place. But my inner sadist would approve.

Anyway I will edit this post (or create new one) once I decide on concept I truly want to apply here. Plus it's a bump :D.
Yo matey ;). At last I thought of something that I think should be interesting and somewhat original ;).

If I need to add something or change feel free to post it ;).
I would love to see Phoenix Wright based RP, but the amount of work it would require to make it work probably would be staggering. But yeah, I can dream I guess ;).

EDIT: Anything League of Legends roleplay based would be something I could dig in as well :D. Medieval version of Power Rangers/Magical girl (Mechas made out of bricks/stone/wood ? :D) would be amusing to see as well.

The feels man, the feels. Epic feels scale overload :D.

By the way you could always go with 'sended at the same time' like in olympics when two guys end up on let's say 1st place they both gain gold medal. But yeah, kinda too late, that was amusing in the end even if I won't play in the end :D. Worth it :D.
Props for original idea ;).

So yeah, why not. Phoenix Wright would be appreciated as well, lol.

And how many players you exactly want to recruit ? Two like in classic detective and his sidekick style ? Or actually more players would be fine ?
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