Avatar of Khyron Shadowfang


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"What do you think Queen Yuuki, the daemons such as I are almost completely extinct so what do you think I want you to do? I want you to help me rebuild them." Khyron gave Yuuki a smile as he leaned back in his hands and watched the cat-daemon queen with an evil grin as his own tail flicked left and right before he looked around the room with a table appearing and with some food, though there would be no cutlery with which she could use as a weapon as on the plate were a few slices of ham, tomatoes, grapes and other food she could eat with her hands.

Khyron then stood up and walked over to the table as two goblets appeared and a jug of wine which he poured himself and then sipped it before turning to look at Yuuki to see what she planned on doing as he then sat at the table and watched her while drinking the wine slowly. "You will also tell me what you know of your 'sisters' forces and how best to enter their own castles un-detected."
Khyron stared at Yuuki for a few minutes in completely silence before he reached up and tapped the collar a few times in seemingly random spots. "The collar is now set to force you to spend all day light hours in your cat form and all of the night in your human form. Luckily for you where we are now it is night time so you get to spend all of it in your human form." Khyron said with a chuckle and then moved away when she kissed his cheek as he caught onto her game of trying to act nice to get what she wanted and perhaps try to escape.

Stepping back from her Khyron's eyes looked up and down her before looking around the bare cell and with a wave of his hand a king sized bed appeared in the room along with a fire appearing directly opposite, no doubt to keep her warm and keep her comfortable while she was here even though she was a prisoner. Khyron then moved to sit down on the bed and watched Yuuki to see what she did next.
post might be up tomorrow morning, friends want me to watch a film with them. I'll post when i can.
Will post up a reply in a abit, need to cook then eat then have a shower etc as ive just got back from work.
"Im sure Ruby would like to try, she almost did during the last battle your majesty." Khyron chuckled and then stroked her left cheek with the back of his clawed hand and smiled at her showing off his fangs. "Though you underestimate the kind of items and weapons we Dark Lords left within our fabled: Abomination Vault." Khyron cupped her chin with his index finger to bring her eyes up to meet his and then used his tail to top the side of her collar. "There are much powerful versions of this collar you wear, ones which will make you permanently human while you wear it." Khyron then looked Yuuki up and down to take in her full physical appearance as while he had often seen Ruby and the other of her 'sisters' he had rarely seen Yuuki and was interested to see what the Queen really looked like now they weren't about to kill each other though he knew she would give it a try if she was able to.
Khyron smiled at her and changed back into his catling form with his hands in his grey coat and shrugged his shoulders. "Surely your 'sisters' would of told you of the Lord of Shadows, considering one of them has powers very similiar to mine and originally we were supposed to be betrothed." Khyron chuckled and moved back as if he was sitting down and a chair appeared behind him as he continues to stare at Yuuki. "That would be true for any noble or royal blood your 'majesty' but you are just a commoner elevated to royalty through marriage." Khyron's hands moved up to interlock his fingers infront of his face with his chin resting on his hands. "So of the two of us I am the stronger one and if you intend to be like this then I shall simply leave you in this room to starve and not even you would be able to escape from it." Khyron then closed his eyes and sighed before opening them and looked back towards her throne. "Now do you really want to try and hang onto your pride Queen Yuuki or will you submit without me having to break you completely?"
The mouth of the daemon turned into a huge rictus grin as an iron collar closed around her neck blazing with purple runes that would begin sapping Yuuki's strength to force her to resort to her human form as the large daemon pushed her back into her throne and continues to tower over her with the shadows moving around slamming the guards against the walls to knock them out as he leaned down to be almost face to face with her. "Because of you and the other queens, the Dark Lords and their kingdoms are all destroyed. Their royal bloodlines shattered and their lands barren wastes. Only i endure of them and you will help me in rebuilding our numbers along with those other queens, a fitting punishment for the kings who led the war is it not?" The shadow daemon chuckled as he waited for this information to sink in for Yuuki which she would be able to figure out what he plans to do with her before his huge wings enfolded her and her throne before unwrapping and Yuuki would find that they are no longer in her throne room, instead in a sealed room with no windows and a single iron door covered in dark glyphs as Khyron then steps back and crosses his large muscled arms and looks down at her. "You will either comply with what I order your Majesty or I will use all my powers to bring ruin and death to your kingdom."
Khyron padded inside in his cat form and sat down in the middle of the throne room with his black tail flicking back and forth as he looked around at the guards and then saw her move a box. The cat would then have the closest thing to a smile on its face as he smoke to Yuuki and then a voice she would know from having heard it from the other two high-queens echoes around the room. "I have come to repay a debt, your majesty. A kingdom for a Kingdom one would say." The cat then stood up and padded forwards with the lights in the room flickering out leaving only the moon coming in from the glass ceiling. The shadows would reach out from behind Yuuki where she could not see and begin to envelope the box without her knowing as the cat then began to grow in size and change form until he stands before all present in his full daemonic form, his purple-crimson eyes looking around them all with his black-mist like wings folding around him in a parody of a cloak as he stares down at the small form of the Feline Queen. "Not one of you in this entire castle has the power to challenge me, even if you did your majesty then many of your servants will die before you even get a chance to stop me. Do you really want their blood on your hands?"
Khyron smiled and walked up to the guard with his form flickering like liquid shadow as he simply pushes his shadow-arm through the guards chest and out of the side taking his heart with him which he simply through on the ground before turning to look around to see how many guards where on their way, of which he turns and walked directly into the wall melting into more shadow-mist to appear in the gardens outside of the throne room in the form of a small black cat hidden under one of the bushes as he sighed to himself at being careless. Using his shadow magic he made his presence disappear as a shadow-clone of himself was created and controlled to fight its way out of the castle back towards the way it came as in his cat form he padded stealthily from under the bush towards the large double doors that lead into Yuuki's throne room and stopped looking at the light from within, listening to the number of voices inside to get a good estimate of how many guards he would have to get through to capture the queen, which luckily for him meant that the king was still away and hadn't arrived back yet.
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