Avatar of Kinjaav
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  • Posts: 265 (0.13 / day)
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    1. Kinjaav 6 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current i’m pretty much just a casual these days but i can’t believe how dead free is lately. might post something there soon to see if anyone else is bored during the rona lol
4 yrs ago
two years ago i made a really good historical rp, bu tit was on my old acc and i’d feel awkward reviving it now
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5 yrs ago
hey guys i’m not hallucinating anymore how cool is that
5 yrs ago
my mini roses are officially dead, can i get an F in the chat
5 yrs ago
ask me about my plants
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legal name: weenie dumpsterboy

if any of you were on the warriorcats forums as kids please hmu, we're brothers in arms.
i prefer to RP casual but if you write more than a screenful at a time i probably can't keep up with you.
i work monday tuesday wednesday and saturday, play DnD on fridays and sometimes i'm just not around. if i’m afk for several days, i’m probably just working or depressed and you can always reach me by dm. i’ll pretty reliably check the site every night even if i don’t post anything.
usually i spend all day intrusively telling people about my plants. anyway please ask me about my plants i want to tell you about my plants

Most Recent Posts

@Cio Nothing wrong with brevity! Your posts are always good and give plenty to work with 😊

@Eviledd1984 I made a reply for Hayato here, I was thinking we could just skip to them meeting at the bar? I probably should have been more clear in my post, I got carried away with flavor lol.
@Cio@Eviledd1984 added a Beck reply, sorry for the delay.

Evren softly ruffled Aava’s hair. “(You’re adorable. I love your long hair.)”
He didn’t think much about being a monster; he’d felt that way for a long time, it didn’t take such a dramatic toll on him. When he still had his intense faith it was somewhat easy to call himself a demon, some damnable thing of sin and wholly to blame for his own fate. Demons had a terrible purpose and would all meet a terrible end at the hands of God, and that was reason enough to exist for one who saw himself so despicable. It wasn’t quite that time had softened him, rather it had broken him down, eroded him; he watched his path stretch ever further into the fog, becoming ever directionless and unimportant, and this change slowly warped his worldview. He was no demon, no beast burdened with great purpose, just a repulsive creature in a world full of repulsive creatures. He didn’t matter, nobody mattered, and he came to terms with that because he felt it was immutable truth.
The woods were fairly sparse, quite forgiving to anyone traveling on foot although there was no true path. The way was slightly downhill until the town was out of earshot, when the landscape was caught up in dry creek beds and scattered thickets, unevenly spread across shallow rolling hills. As the two crested a hill and came to a clearing, the gentle sound of a brook came to their ears. “(It’s a bit of a far walk, but it’s not too far now. Just over the stream and a little bit further.)”
Haddie listened carefully to Duckie, staring intensely as he tried to gauge the words he couldn’t quite hear. ”No, you’re not one of mine. You’re much… deader, if it were a continuum.” he replied. Haddie swung his bag off his shoulder and opened it, withdrawing a charcoal pen and a crumpled handful of notes. ”Who were you? How long have you been undead?”
Beck growled, waiting for a text that never came. She couldn’t see either of them anymore; Hayato had vanished behind the building, and she couldn’t see anything, but rolling her window down just slightly she could hear muffled conversation. Vanessa must have met him outside, whether she meant to or not. It was hard to make the voices out from such a distance, but Beck found it strange that she was hearing anything at all. If Hayato was hunting Vanessa, it seemed the last thing he would want to do was talk to her… unless he was after more than a bounty.
Finally giving into her anxieties she took her gun out of its concealed holster on her shin and set it at her waist; as much as she didn’t want to escalate the situation with her presence, the last thing she wanted was to be impeded if things turned violent. Beck got out of her car and traipsed as silently into the alley as she could, but as she came to the center corridor she only saw Vanessa a few feet ahead, facing the other way. Hayato was already gone.
“What the hell!” Beck exclaimed, a bit overly frustrated for the seemingly resolved situation. “He just left? What did he want? He didn’t hurt you, right?”
@Eviledd1984 I'll write my next post for Haddie asap, it's 4am here and I have work tomorrow lol.
Evren furrowed his brow, looking up at Aava from the bottom of the ravine with a defeated expression. “(We’re all monsters.)” he offered weakly, climbing back up the ridge. He leaned forward with his palms on the guardrail, facing Aava who was still on the other side. “(You don’t have to forgive him. I just want you to come with me.)”
He extended his hand, offering to help Aava over the rail.
A few murky swirls of blood flew down the drain, leaving nothing behind but a ferric odor. Lucifer was back in his apartment, dabbing a powder blue towel to his cheek and looking in the mirror. The cut was nearly gone. He growled and retrieved a bottle of hydrogen peroxide from his cabinet. As if it was a practiced art, he stretched the towel over the counter and soaked the bloody stains in the bubbling solution, repeating until the cloth was saturated so he could rinse it in the sink. Detergent would take care of the rest; he balled it up and set it in the laundry bin.
Aava… there was a problem. A problem Lucifer didn’t foresee. Evren was a lovely piece of his life, one he didn’t know he could share or even change, especially not with a vengeful water-beast. He pulled his shirt over his head and let it join the dirtied towel, along with his pants; they were soiled in the fight by that foetid water. Perhaps he should have done something about the boutique, and what was within it. The guilty thought hung on him for only the briefest moment as he donned a comfortable robe. He made the choice to leave it for the sake of many, and if that meant the loss of some unknown nymphs, so be it.
He picked his phone from the counter and retreated to his living room, flopping down onto the couch and checking his messages. Evren had a right to be angry, he supposed, but not at him. What did he do? He never trapped the creature or knew she meant anything to anyone, much less to his muse. Had he known about her, he would have let her go for Evren…
Lucifer locked his phone, letting it rest on his chest. Was that true? He wasn’t certain. That was bad. His phone buzzed with a new voicemail; he didn’t remember it ringing, but he listened to the message. It was a contact, looking to arrange a meeting to get information. Vaguely annoyed, he called the number back.
“Tell your associate to meet me at my bar, unarmed. I’ll be waiting in the back room.”
I got really tipsy and it broke my writer's block, lmao!

“(It’s a new home, my home. It’s nowhere you’ve been before but it’s certainly more comfortable than this mortal place.)” Evren said, starting down the road to the edge of town. As much as he would have liked to let Aava’s warning go unheard, not think about it and move on, he couldn’t just ignore her; he owed Aava his honesty, even if he hadn’t felt this vulnerable in centuries.
Trying to settle his unease he ran a hand through his curly brown hair and sighed. “(Lucifer is… my truest love. He’s the one who saved me from murderers and pillagers as a youth, and has given me more than I could ever repay, even if I were to live another thousand years.)” He blushed just slightly, seeming at once tense and sentimental. “(He’s a man of great intensity, full of purpose and eternally devoted to the good of all. We lived as lovers, until one day he wasn’t there anymore. Vanished, without a trace.)”
People occasionally stopped to stare at the two as they walked the bustling streets, not afraid or suspicious but maybe a bit surprised at their state; Evren’s torn old clothes and Aava’s long filthy hair certainly stood out among the pedestrians.
”(I mourned him for so long. From your little lake we would lure villagers to their doom… I loved it, and it made me wish for him more. So I left again, crossed the ocean and hoped to be finally far enough to go unnoticed. But he found me again, like he’d always been waiting here.)” Just a bit glassy-eyed, Evren continued. “(I wandered so long only to find my roots where they’d always been; with Lucifer.)”
Redhaven was a small city, with expanses of suburbs shooting off from the town proper like branches rather than encircling it around the center. This made the town feel quite sparse, and if you knew where you were going you could leave nearly any busy cobblestone street to find a way into the forests and rolling hills just a few blocks away.
After less than ten minutes of walking Evren led Aava to the edge of a dry gully, seperated from Redhaven by just a traffic guardrail. He stepped quite easily over it and traipsed clumsily down the eroded incline, looking back up to Aava before moving on. ”(As long as I walk this earth, Aava, Lucifer will never hurt you. In fact, he’ll adore you just as I do. I swear it on all that I am. Today will never happen again.)”
"Speak up, I'm almost deaf." Haddie said curtly, tracing the tattoo on his right wrist with two fingers. He met Duckie's gaze, or at least looked him in the eye sockets, but something about the way he glared at the ghoul was inhuman. He didn't regard James as a living thing, as something sentient or even vaguely equal, but as some pawn that was newly at his disposal.
"What is a corpse doing in a graveyard? Are you here to raise more like you?"
@Cio true! Just wanted to check that no one is confused on anyones motives or knowledge.
Speaking of, does Nessa know Evren, or know of Evren? I’m fairly sure I asked you this a few weeks ago but I can’t find it in the thread.
@Cio Maybe I could create a diversion with Luc? Then Nessa can get away and Hayato can get the info he wants (or at least have a cool fight lol).
@Eviledd1984 How does that sound? If Hayato can convince Luc that Aava is dangerous and he needs to know where Evren is he’ll probably do it. I’ll lead you in the right direction ofc.

Or we can just have a big fight, lmao, that’s always an option too.
@Eviledd1984@Cio So here’s what I’m thinking... Hayato wants to find Aava and Evren, and wants to make a deal with Vanessa for information. But, she doesn’t know Evren, right? Am I forgetting something?
If she knows Luc (and being a vampire in Redhaven she probably does) she might know there’s a weird old guy out in the woods somewhere, but I thought that was sort of it.
What do you guys think?
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