Avatar of KiraVanhelsing


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I'm Batman...

I am just another run of the mill nerd who likes to kick ass and raise a few virtual zombies online. I like pirates, whales, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, necromancers and above all anything to do with the ocean. I am up for almost any kind of roleplay, with the aim to not make any grammatical errors or to BECOME THE OVERLORD OF SUPER POWER NEVER TO BE DEFEATED BECAUSE I AM SO UNDENIABLY AWESOME! Oh and did I also mention...

I'm Batman..

Haha...Yeah..MESSAGE ME! I'm fucking hilarious and always willing to try out new rp's!

Most Recent Posts

Elsa Varinski sat quietly in her new partner's office her head hidden behind a yellow case file on his desk. She propped her feet up on the desk and pursed her lips. It had been a long time since she had a partner, and that didn't turn out so well for her last time. She grimaced, thinking about Yuri's smiling face. She re-shuffled, going over her new mantra, New City. New life. New me. She would never be called Alexandra again, and she was happy about it. Hell, she wasn't even that upset about the new partner. She knew it would be a challenge. Most men never really gave her a shot, being that she was only 5,3 and on the leaner side. Being Russian didn't help either, but she never let that get her down. She was confident in who she was and would stay true to herself, regardless of whoever walked through that door.

Speaking of whomever, the door opened quietly and Elsa spoke evenly from behind the papers, her Russian accent thick but her tone soft, "I hope you don't mind that I made myself comfortable. Very interesting reading material you have ere', vouldn't leave something like this on the tabletop. You never know vhen a Russian spy will break in."

She lowered the file and put it back on the desk, giving this new man a smile, her nails were a deep red and her dark hair was up in a slightly bumped ponytail, her sweater dress was a dark mustard yellow. She spoke evenly, a certain amount of charm behind her tone, "Pleasure to meet you Mr. Großwitz. I'm Elsa Varinski, you can call me Elsa if you wish, though. I have an inkling, you and I will become quite close."

She looked over her new partner with warm brown eyes, he was tall, dark, handsome, yet he had a coldness to him that indicated he had a dark past. She looked forward to figuring out what it was.

This looks awesome!!!! Has someone else beat me to the punch? I would love to be a part of this if you are still looking!
Okay nevermind then.
Once the final passenger was picked up, Bellingham sped through the streets quickly, the car jarring occasionally through traffic. Ursa took initiative and spoke up warmly, eyeing the young detective through her lace cover, “My name is Miss Haven. A pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr Randgriz!

She turned to look out the window, continuing, “Apparently we all have a wide array of skills that would appear useful to our mysterious Mr. Weisskampf. I assume you also aren’t entirely sure why we are being brought together? Or what work we will be doing?

She waited for a response and nodded afterwards remaining quiet as the others made there introductions. After a short while later the car was out of the main part of the city, where buildings and brick streets were replaced by rolling hills and gravel roads. Large oaks and hemlocks began to build a deep forest that hid the already cloud covered sun. Suddenly the road led up to a tall iron barred gate attached to a thick concrete wall. Atop the two adjoining columns sat two large gargoyles, wings laid flat but teeth barred. As soon as the car pulled up, the gate opened slowly, allowing the vehicle to head into a massive garden. Hedges made to resemble bats and other fierce animals littered the yard along with thick veins of English Ivy and a large fountain with a group of half-naked sirens spilling water back into the ground. The garden was astounding but it was overshadowed by the expansive black mansion, overlooking the area. The house was a testament to gothic architecture, with expansive glass windows, sharply pointed spires, intricate gargoyle sculptures, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses. Jinx’s eyes were wide open, and when the car was parked, she got out of the cab with her mouth open. She again ignored Birmingham’s hand as she stepped out onto the gravel, “Bloody hell….Oh..Sorry..haha...I mean look at this place. It’s huge! Edgar's family home was quite spacious but it seems like only a townhome compared to this.

She looked towards the door which was like the mansion expansive and was set with two large sculptured wolf and bat door knockers. Mr Birmingham assisted Zarra out of the cab before he headed to the door and gave three knocks, before the door again opened inwards by itself. Mr Birmingham called the group, “Come along! Keep your hands to yourself and no wandering off. Ahh Mr Elroy. Here they are.”

A tall older man with short slicked back black hair, deep set grey eyes stared at the group a few feet in the entrance of the home carrying a beautifully gold inlaid candelabra. He was wearing an obvious butlers uniform and he spoke in a deep baritone, “You’re late. Mr. Birmingham.

Birmingham gulped pulling off his driving cap and staring at the ground, “Ay...The traffic was rough today. I apologiz..

Mr Elroy grimaced, “That will be all. You are dismissed for now. As for the rest of you...follow me to the drawing room. Mr. Weisskampf will be with you promptly.

Jinx followed behind quietly, leaning in towards Zaara, “Is it just me or does this place give you the creepies?

The drawing room was quiet large, with a large fireplace set into the opposite wall, and three large ornate couches surrounding it. Off to one side was a black felt billiards table, and a small bar set with multiple alcohols held in different sized decanters. Candles lit the room, but lamps were present on a few end tables. A few shelves of books and other strange curiosities, such as taxidermied animals, globes and masks gave the room an exotic touch. Jinx walked over towards one of the couches sitting down slowly as she looked around the room. She pulled off her coat to reveal a fitted black dress that was set with a high collar and long sleeves. She kept her gloves and hat on though before moving to sit at the far end couch, “Homey...Nothing like the carcass of a crow...to brighten up the day.
[color=fff200][/color]Ursa laid in the medical bed with her current novel open in her hands. She reached up to itch at her chest when Mac let out a grunt, “Do it...and I will strap you to the bed.

Ursa moved the hand away sighing, as she tried to ignore the itching sensation left by the surgery, moving the book up to hide her face as she peeked over to Jean who was sitting off to the side. He had stayed with her during the surgery and after it, and she knew she owed him deeply for getting her to Taylor. She took another peek only to see him staring back so she quickly pulled up the book knocking herself in the forehead. She dropped it rubbing her head, when suddenly out of the grace of god Emmett burst into the room. She sat up slowly, her body still sore from the stitches and bruises, her eyes were no longer swollen but still covered by dark bruises, and the bridge of her nose had a band-aid strapped across it. She gave Emmett a soft smile and responded to his question, “I’m...fine. Still sore...but..alive. Thank the seven Ruka’s.

She remained quiet for a few moments listening to Emmett speak, smirking at his asshole comment. When he finished she took a few moments of silence before looking at Mac, “Well...we were already planning to head to Magna Xeron to check the slave trades but if you think Deianira is a better option we can take our chances there. In fact, I know just the place to drop port. Mac do we have any orders there?

Mac shut his eyes for a few minutes, “Marnies..could use some X and they are willing to pay out the ass for Romanic Schnaps. Which we have at the outpost.

She nodded, “And how far are we from the outpost?

He shrugged, “About 15 minutes. We can re-fuel there as well.

Ursa’s expression turned tense for a few minutes as she turned away from Mac to Emmett, “Sounds like a plan Draykon, also you don’t have to worry about me talking to your associate. Not to lay waste to your profession, but I try to stay clear of assassins when possible. You guys deal in very messy work, and I like to keep my hands clean of it when I can. This last couple of days has been more violence then I’ve had in months.

Ursa moved away from the covers on the bed and moved her legs over the side slowly. One leg was well wrapped due to the stab wound, and as she moved said leg she grimaced. After a few seconds, she was on her feet, moving away from her bed slowly so that she could test her weight. She took a few steps forward pain running up her one leg. She grit her teeth and took a few more steps, before she reached the wall resting her forehead against it, taking in a small breath as she closed her eyes. Moments later Takashi’s voice appeared over the com, “We should be landing in a few minutes Coop. Aquaria has unlocked the force-fields and has prepped the ships for transport.

Mac cocked his head to the left looking at Ursa with dark silver eyes, “Ships?

Ursa turned around, looking up at the ceiling, “Not here. We will have a meeting at the outpost.

Mac stood up, “No we are going to hav…

Ursa turned her eyes downward to face Mac with a harsh demanding tone, “Mac. Not. Here.

Mac threw his paper down then left the room, “Fine.

Ursa sighed when he was gone, muttering mostly to herself as she leaned against the wall, “That’s going to be fun. Anyways boys when we get to the outpost, you are free to grab some fresh clothes and some weapons. I have a…” She turned to Jean slowly, biting her lip for a few minutes, “I don’t know if I can trust you. You saved my life, but you are also a cop. I usually have something to blackmail cops, so this is me really off my game. It’s hard not to believe that I am going to end up in handcuffs and my shit is being raided.

Sudenly the ship jarred, as it landed. She crossed her arms, “Well I guess I have no choice. I have a solid enough cache of weapons that are being smuggled into Bromox by tomorrow. Take what you need, and if anything happens to that shipment cowboy. I will shoot you into space faster than you can say, ‘Omg….no...don’t shoot me into space…’

She felt a twinge of guilt threatening the man who basically saved her life, but Jerry would tan her hide if that shipment was missed. Suddenly Anna came through the door, “Hey Captain, Aquaria’s waiting at the bay for you.

Ursa nodded, “Alright! Thanks Anna. Can you inform the crew we are going to have a meeting in five.


The outpost was located on a small moon off of the Mona Galaxy. The moon was almost fully covered with water apart from a few sparce islands made of red sand and great large purple fronds. As the ship descended under the water, an array of purple, orange and platinum black corals littered the sea bed. Orange coloured fish that resembled Earth’s goldfish, but had the face of a spider with multiple eyes located on it’s head swam by the ship, tripling the size of the Ranger easily. More fish of various sizes and species swam by undisturbed as the ship descended deep into an underwater cave, moving through the channels until they came up to a large air pocket deep under one of the rare pockets of land. When the ship settled down and unloaded, the crew went to work unloading the salvageable loot, whilst Kira began to prepare of a list for parts needed for repairs of the ship. Ursa walked out of the bay slowly raising her arms in greeting, at the woman who stood at the edge of the sandy beach, “Aquaria. My savior from the depths! Long time no talk, Tentacles!

Aquaria had pale turquoise skin with soft yellow and orange patches that went up her cheeks and arms. Her hair squirmed and curled down around her shoulders like thick tentacles. She was wearing overalls but her hands and feet were bare showing sharp claws and webbed fingers and toes. The creature nodded at Ursa, her voice light and musical, but was also tinted with a Jersey accent, “Savior from the depths. Jesus...no shit. You look like hell baby-doll. Oh damn...Hey cowboy! Mmm..you got cheekbones for days...Sparky.

Ursa turned to see Jean behind her and tried to not seem annoyed when suddenly Emmett popped out and Aquaria placed her hands on her hips, “Well I’ll be. Mr. Emmett Draykon. You were supposed to call me, after the last time you dropped by. Asshole.

Ursa turned to Emmett, her mouth opening in a circle, “OOOOO shit! You and Aquaria!

She turned back to Aquaria, wrapping her arm around the girls neck, “You can’t even be mad girl. You knew exactly what would happen with that one!

She looked over Ursa’s shoulder, her coral eyes zeroing on Emmett, “Yes I guess that’s fair. Of course there is new horizo..Aghhh..

Ursa clenched Aquaria’s neck as she turned to look at Jean, before whispering quietly to her friend, “Well make sure those horizon’s stay far away from my future husband! Got it!

Aquaria barked out a choked, “Got it! Leave the cowboy. Lucky bitch. Anyway...let’s get you some food, clothes and something for that leg . You ain’t getting any husband looking like that. JIM take the boys to get some clothes...and then start up the ships."

After a few moments, a large tan coloured gelatinous looking creatures rolled out of the large mechanical doors, set into the cave wall and waved to the boys, “You dudes, can follow me! I’m Jim!

Ursa and Aquaria headed inside the doors which opened to a large warehouse sized room containing multiple black and orange crates, containing both food, contraband, and various ships, boats, and machines scattered in different zones. Ursa let go of Aquaria and sauntered along slowly, “No music? Jeez...I…

Mac followed behind the girls finally cutting into interject, “Play Track 907!

Suddenly Basement Jaxx’s song, “WHERE’S YOUR HEAD AT?!?!” slammed through the speakers. Ursa turned around and smirked despite the obvious insult, and lip synced the catchy line, shaking her head as Mac followed her and lip synced himself. She giggled then turned to the boys, “I’m just going to have a talk with the crew. I will find you in a few. Emmett. Keep that one out of trouble will ya!

With that she headed into a side room, mouthing the lyrics of the song, the line perfect for the situation, “You have now found yourself trapped in the incomprehensible maze!
Alright, Fabulous Darling!

I'm excited! I have a perfect character for this! So I have a few questions? Where is all this located? Are we Canadian, American, British? Are we going to start before or after the accident? and do you mind cursing? I tend to be a bit sweary sometime..so if that is going to be a problem I can try to hone it in. Anywho let me know! Also, do you have discord? If you do, you can find me under Mewmewcatfish#1815. Message me with a response and we can get chatting!
This seems interesting! Are you still looking for someone? 😯
Everything hurt. Ursa let out a muffled groan as she was pulled onto Emmett, her vision turning slightly blurry for a few moments. She listened to the assassin, as he stated he wouldn’t leave her and she smiled, not sure if she deserved such claims of friendship. She gave a soft, “Thanks, man.

Suddenly Jean’s voice echoed through the coms, just as the door opened and a barrage of shots came their way. Ursa moaned wearily as Emmett whipped to the right, just barely clearing out of the way. Ursa used the momentum to kick off the ship, in order to propel Emmett out of the way but she kicked too hard and they fell. Emmett hit the ground hard, his form knocked out on top of her. Ursa let out a gasp of breath, her body struggling beneath the weight. She tried to shove him off, undoing the rope, but she was to weak. She listened wearily to the conversation between Naefario and Juniper, crying out when he offered her a deal, “DON’T DO IT JUNIPER! YOU DON’T….ahh...OWE US ANYTHING.

Suddenly she keeled over, coughing as blood ran down her cheek. When Juniper made her decision, Ursa grit her teeth, watching Naefario with cold eyes, before her eyes rested on her stowaway. Just before they got on she spoke evenly, “Stay strong kid. Because I will find you.

With that they were gone and Ursa let out a scream of rage, hearing footsteps and gunshots come forward. She turned her head to see Jean, about to speak when her body spasmed, her vision going blurry as she clutched at her chest.

Ursa called out weakly, tears running down her cheeks,“J..Je..Jean!!

Her demeanor was in very bad condition, the deep gash in her leg was bleeding heavily, her eyes were turning black and blue, the bridge of her nose was cut, and her heart was dying. She tried to get her words out, “He...took..took...Jun..I couldn’t..stop...ahhhh..him.

Stumbling to a stop beside her Jean dropped to his knees making a conscious effort to keep his hands from shaking. Ursa looked bad, the last two fights had done a number on her, beyond what a normal person should be able to handle. Well beyond. Stowing his pistol in its holster the sheriff took Ursa’s hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. He looked scared, terrified that she might pass away in his arms.

I saw, I saw and I tried to get here before he got away.” Jean ground his teeth in frustration. He’d made a promise to the Theonian royalty, that he’d keep her safe. They’d all sworn that oath, whether literally or figuratively, and they all failed. Whatever her fate now, it was outside of their immediate control. There was nothing more they could do for her, she would have to take matters into her own hands. “She’s a tough young gel,” Jean forced a reassuring smile, betraying his inner despair at any hope for Juniper’s wellbeing. “Reminds me of you, right. She’ll be fine, I know she will, but you... We gotta get you to the bridge and Taylor. You won’t do Juniper any good dead…

Ursa nodded at him, trying to put up a fake smile of reassurance herself, “I..I’m..too stubborn to die. I think...

Jean cast about the damaged airlock, searching for any sign of assistance. Everyone who’d been with them lay still as death, unconscious maybe, dead possibly. But no one fit to do anything more than groan. Jean himself wasn't in the best condition. His ribs were bruised black and blue, and drops of blood continued to trickle down his face from his broken nose and busted lip.

Alone then,” he muttered, setting himself on one knee and taking Ursa’s arm by wrapping it around his neck. “This might hurt Miz. Cooper.” Jean warned, tensing his knees and back. With a grunt he lifted Ursa up, hoisting her across his shoulders in a fireman’s carry. Securing her arm and leg Jean staggered towards the bridge, a spasm of pain shocking his chest and ribs with every step. Gritting his teeth he ignored it marching steadily towards the bridge, Ursa draped over his back like some oversized shawl.

As Ursa was hoisted up she let out an agonized cry before she settled on Jean's back. She began to wheeze with each breath, tears streaming down her cheeks, as she struggled through the pain. As they walked she spoke quietly, “Is Takashi...ugh alive? And Anna?

She leaned into Jean, trying to stay conscious as the blackness took her for a few minutes. It scared her. She shivered, terrified that she would close her eyes and never open them again. She whispered quietly, "I’m such a fucking idiot. I should have just...fuck.
given myself up and escaped...later. Then Juniper would have...shit.

She sobbed quietly, the strength to repress her emotions gone for now.

No,” Jean said, quieter then before. His breaths were coming in pained wheezes and he focused on putting one foot in front of the other faster and faster until he was almost running. Turning a corner he gave a small sigh of relief, the door to the bridge just ahead.

You did what ya could, that’s what we all did. If Naefario had been allowed to take th’ entire damn ship and you he would have discovered Juniper anyway, killed me, and done who knows what to you. It's better that we’re all alive and free, capable of saving her, rather then everyone being dead or captured. You just gotta promise me to live, ya hear?

Striding through the open hatch Jean slid Ursa as gently as he could off his back, reclining her against a nearby panel. Leaving her he rushed over to Taylor, pounding on the robot’s unresponsive metal head. “C’mon,” he muttered, pressing every button he could find on the small pink bot. “Turn on damn you.” He cast a worried glance over his shoulder at Ursa, worried she might pass out and fall.

Ursa let out another agonized cry, the pain too much as Jean lowered her against the panel. She slumped against it, her face very pale, as she looked up at him, her voice wheezy but her eyes determined, “I..promise.

She watched him walk over to Taylor who seemed out of juice. As Jean began smacking the small pink bot, Ursa sunk lightly down, her eyes drooping. Suddenly Taylors cybernetic eyes came on, and he looked at Jean then over at Ursa. He spoke loudly, “TAYLOR ROBOT REBOOTED! SCANNING FOR INJURIES! PATIENT 3217, URSA COOPER IN CRITICAL CONDITION! BLOOD LEVELS LOW, BLOOD CLOT IN PULMONARY ARTERY, INFECTION IN LEG, MULTIPLE BRUISING AND CUTS!

Ursa breathed out heavily, “Shit…

Taylor twisted up horizontally, his arm whirling up and down, a glitch making his one arm roll in a 360 degree angle, “URSA IS DYING! SHE NEEDS SURGERY. SCANNING FOR SURVIVAL TO BASEMENT. 64% CHANCE! WE GO!

Suddenly Taylor rolled over to Ursa, grabbing her good leg and then lifting her form into his small yet firm hands, before turning to Jean, “HUMAN MALE 200765, LOAD PROGRAM 765802 FOR CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY ON Z-238 PLANET DISC.

Suddenly Dill jumped in through the coms, “GOT IT! Meet you down there in a few, Mr Wylder.

Suddenly Taylor was out the door and heading towards the basement. Ursa was barely awake now, her eyes turning to Jean, as he followed behind. As they reached the basement Taylor rolled over to a large white table with multiple mechanical arms, and a glass case, which was opening up, a light coming on to show that the machine was turning on. Taylor thrust Ursa on the table, and turned to Jean, “PATIENT 3217 SURVIVED TRANSPORT! TAYLOR ROBOT MUST LOAD INTO XEON PRO SURGERY MACHINE! PLUGGING IN!

Suddenly a flap opened on the side of Taylor and a long cord jetted out to fit into a plug on the side of the machine. Once inserted Taylor spoke, “HUMAN MALE 200765, PREPARE 9PATIENT 3217 FOR SURGERY. CLOTHING REMOVAL SCANNING…? DISC INSERTED SCANNING…?

Suddenly the room went silent and Ursa turned, gripping the side of the machine as she pulled lightly at her jacket, then her shirt, barely understanding why she was still able to move. She eyed Jean wearily, “Help me...If you say...ughhhh…” ,she coughed up some blood, “B..boob joke...I will hurt you..

You’re not in th’ condition to hurt anyone but yerself Miz Cooper.” Jean observed, stepping forward to provide his assistance. With practiced hands well versed in this field of expertise he undid the few buttons and zippers not burned away or broken, and eased Ursa’s arms from the sleeves, careful not to injure her further. He managed to remove the jacket without destroying it entirely, but Ursa’s bloodstained undershirt was another matter altogether. Drawing his knife he wiped the green blood from it on his jeans, removing the residue from his bout with Naefario, before making a series of cuts along her hem and sleeves, before tearing away the undergarment.

Jean averted his gaze, more out of habit then not else. He was used to hearing about the ‘police scandals’ where attempting to rescue someone’s life landed a Deputy or Officer a permanent mark on their record, or even a termination of service over misconduct charges. Granted his own badge was well on its way to permanent removal, alongside a lifetime in prison, so looking down at a wounded, derobed smuggler in concern for her wellbeing wasn’t the highest on his list of concerns for a dishonorable discharge. Jean’s not-so-well averted gaze landed on Taylor, the pink bot, and more specifically the sparking hole in his chest.

You’ve got a great crew around ya Miz Cooper, some of th’ most loyal gang of smugglers I’ve ever met.. Not th’ least of which is that medical bot, with a questionable doctorate license program. He surprised me today, and more importantly he survived an’ surprised Naefario earlier. I dunno if y’all saw, he’s quite th’ brawler. Still…” Jean stared very pointedly at Ursa’s face. “I did see him try’n give Takashi a kidney transplant not ten minutes prior. He rebooted, but he’s not in his best condition sparking an’ smoking like that.” Jean grimaced as a stray spark landed on an alcohol swab that Taylor was holding catching it on fire. The bot seemed confused for a moment and then doused it by beating the flames out on the wall. As it stood the robot was Ursa’s only chance of survival, which didn’t satisfy Jean’s concerns in the slightest.

Ursa leaned against Jean as he went to work on her shirt, her body feeling heavier as the clothing was removed. She smirked at his response to her death threat and groaned, “You are...probably right.

When she was laid back down, she covered her chest, too tired to be embarrassed of her small pizza tattoo or the bullet wound scar by her left hip bone. She eyed Jean quietly, listening to him talk about her crew as she struggled to stay awake, “Taylor?..Everyone..told me...he was...scrap...He...earned...his spot. Just like me, I...earned the loyalty....every member...is...my….family. A family….I made..

She turned her head lightly to look at Taylor and the cotton swab and a small look of fear went over her. She turned to the door then up at Jean, yellow eyes staring out of the black, “Not...much...of...a...choice. Unless...you have….a degree...in...medicine?” She paused looking at his face before shutting her eyes in pain, “Didn’t think...so."

She kept her eyes shut for a few minutes shivering as a tear fell down her cheek, “Holy...shit..I…might die. I might….fucking...hahahahahahaah.

Laughter filled the room before it died down to a cold silence. Ursa turned to Jean, the energy she had basically wiped, “You know...when I...saw….you...in...my...office, I heard….music. That’s...got...to...mean...something...right?.

Suddenly the world turned black and Ursa fell back, her arms falling away from her as Dill burst into the room holding a copy of the Beastie Boys, ‘License to Ill’ album, “I GOT IT!!!!!

He rushed over to Taylor, pushing a few buttons, inserting the disc in an open spot. Taylor blinked a few times his head whurring around before he spoke, “CLOTHING REMOVAL SCANNING: CLOTHES REMOVED. DISC INSERTED AND SCANNING: CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY VOLUME 1 COMPLETED! PREPING FOR SURG...SURG...SURGERY! PATIENT 3217 IN EXTREMELY CRITICAL CONDITION. HEART RATE AT CRITICAL LEVEL!

Dill, stood up taking a few steps back as Mac suddenly burst into the room, looking at Jean and his crewmate with wide eyes, “Both of you get out of here. I’ll stay with her. Jean go see Anna she can help you with some of your wounds and Dill, we need you to start tracking that pod before that bastard destroys the tracker. NOW GO!

Dill looked like he was about to tear up, taking one more look at the captain before walking out, punching the wall before he left. Mac turned to look at Jean, “Thanks..for getting her here.

I’ll live, they ain’t but scratches.” Jean pulled a face, wincing as a stab of pain sliced through his battered ribs. He wasn’t in the best of shape, but Ursa was in a far worse condition, and someone had to keep an eye on Taylor, the bot being in an unpredictable state at best. Jean clutched the medical bed’s rim with white knuckled hands willing the pain away, and succeeding moderately. Despite being a little unsteady, and the constant stinging from his face and the dull ache around his ribs he was at least fairly sure he’d escaped permanent or lasting harm. A remarkable thing really, considering Naefario’s strength and skill, they were lucky no one had perished in the conflict, though the possibility of a casualty was still very apparent as the heart monitor connected to Ursa flickered smaller and smaller.

We got lucky,” he said acknowledging Mac’s thanks with a nod, but not moving from his spot. “There’s no saying we’ll get lucky again. That pirate might not have a big ship anymore, or a crew full’a cutthroats, but he’s got himself valuable hostage, and half of us are beaten black and blue in no condition to fight. I’ve seen a few hostage crisis in my career, an’ they don’t always end happy. What ya reckon we’re gonna offer him, or do to trick him when we catch him?

Mac let out a sigh, rubbing his hands through his metal dreads, as the metal arms on the mechanical table began to move, a scan moving over Ursa before one arm with a laser point moved down to Ursa’s chest. Mac spoke quietly, “Suit yourself, you look like shit though! As for that see dog we know where he is going. Magana Xeron is the lead place for a slave trade. The highest buyers will be there and...we...well Ursa has a high clearance to get us into a dealers room. He’s not our only problem though. All these attacks are planned and if we have a chance of getting anywhere, or surviving in general we need more supplies. Anesthesia for one...and a hell of a lot more fuel. I’m taking us to our outpost first. It’s not great for time, but we won’t make it otherwise.

As the metal arm was working away on Ursa’s chest with a gamma-ray, another was cutting off part of her pants to cut and stitch the knife wound to her leg. Mac looked over at Jean, watching him watch Ursa about to say something when the doors opened and Damian brought in an unconscious Emmett placing him on a chair, “Found him in the brig. He should be fine but brought him here just in case. Also look what Kira found! Gortj Juice. A full vat of the shit!

He pulled out a few cans, of one of the best pain relievers in the galaxy from his pocket and handed one to Jean and Mac, “How is the Captain? Oh...Jeez..look at those..

Mac smacked him upside the head, “OUT NOW! Stupid Idiot! Go help Kira with repairs!

Damian rubbed his head, “Alright…They are nice though” He looked at Ursa one more time and nodded before heading out the door. Mac just shook his head and turned back to Ursa, “You better wake up to teach him some manners Bone-head, or I will break every one of those crappy earth tracks you love.

Ursa remained silent as a response, the heart monitor shooting small blips in an unsteady rhythm.

Jax stood off to the edge of the group as Roxas took charge, her mind focused. Usually she would be annoyed, being told what to do but for the moment she was grateful for the reprieve. When Morthos came to stand near her she gave him a confident smirk, not letting an inkling of the fear she felt leak through. She leaned her head forward, her concentration on the beast ahead of them, only looking up at the mention of her name, giving her group a wave before she turned back to Roxas and her sister. After his harrowing speech she watched him walk up and tell Morthos to follow her lead. She stuck out her tongue at him before Roxas told her to give the big guy Hell. She gave him a dark smile, “He’s going to wish he was back there when I am done with him. Be smart out there…and take care of my sister.

Once Roxas was off, she turned to Ophelia, hugging her roughly, “You are my person. You leave me alone here and I will follow you soon. Be safe.

She turned to her group, “Alright, we have one job boys. We need to get to the cave. Keep together and try not to get separated. He knows we are coming so we are going to get the brunt of what is coming. Prepare yourselves!

With that she turned to Morthos, a smug look on her face, “I’m not giving you any last words.” She pulled out her scythe, rolling it onto her shoulders giving him her brightest smile, “Because there is no way I am dying today. Now let’s go save your mom.

With that, she watched Roxas and her sister head into battle. The carnage hit quickly and Jax wasted no time to follow. She let out a battle cry as she ran full force into the demon horde with Morthos at her side. As she came up to her first demon, her arms shot up, her scythe twirling up and over her shoulders as she caught the blade coming down, she twisted it around in her hands slicing the demon in half as she moved around Morthos, her footwork perfect as she kicked out knocking a demon’s teeth in. A grunt erupted out of her lips as she brushed past Morthos’ back, coming back around to slice up and over her head in a downward motion, slicing two more demons the scythe moving in a 360 degree angle.

She kept her eyes out for Roxas as she fought, following behind him, as he and his men were swarmed. She looked at her own men, with Yam flanking her left. She watched the woman go to town on a few demons heading her way and gave her a nod. She could see the face of the cave in the distance, an ominous black rage dwelling just behind the darkness when she noticed a pack of hellhounds was heading her way from the right. She screamed, “WATCH OUT!!!

Suddenly, the pack was on them and a large hound jumped right into the sky to pounce at Jax. She dropped to the ground, rolling in just enough time to miss the sharp jowels of the creature. The hound was fast though and turned around his teeth coming to snap at Jax when suddenly the creature stopped an inch from her face green eyes meeting yellow slits. Jax let out a breath as she smiled, “Pentagrams. Bitch. Your mine now.

Just below the hound was a thick black pentagram drawn from the blood staining the Earth. It turned green shooting up into the sky like a beam of light, the green flames hitting the chest of the beast imprinting it with Jax’s curse. The hound let out a quick howl as Jax rolled onto her feet hopping onto the back of the hound, her hand gripping the bits of fur on its back. She turned to Morthos who seemed to do his best to take down a few of his own hounds. She bit her bottom lip, damn… Suddenly she remembered where she was and yelled at him, “I’m going ahead. Meet you at, the cave.

With that she pushed forward the hound snapping and ripping at any demon in its way at Jax’s command. At the same time, Jax twisted out of the way as demons from the sky came down to try to rip her away from the hound. She slipped her scythe into its sheath, a plan forming as she eyed a new flying demon with large leather wings and sharp claws charging from the skies. She jumped up, her feet resting on the back of the hellhound, her body swaying as she tried to balance on the moving creature. Her eyes remained on the incoming enemy, waiting…waiting…to jump. Suddenly she jumped up grabbing the foot of the creature who swerved to the left, surprised at the action. Jax held on tight her legs flying out to the left when she let go using the motion to propel her towards the cave entrance. She flew, forward a large puddle of demons reaching up to catch/tear her to shreds. She moved in slow motion almost swan diving towards a horde of demons climbing over top of each other to rip her to shreds. Jax reached behind her to drag her palms along her blade before forming a pentagram out of blood in the air, speaking slowly as she closed her eyes, “Te Libero!

She fell into the crowd, blood spraying into the air when suddenly the demons blew away, leaving Jax to stand in the center of a bright red pentagram, her eyes and hands glowing jade green, the outline of two large black runes underneath each of her eyes. Her appearance was eclipsed by a large red demon kneeling behind her, who at full height would double her height, his blade coated in black slime. She clenched her fist, the pentagrams burning away the cuts on her hands, before she pulled out her scythe heading into the cave, “Been awhile Tarax.

The demon snarled, “Too long… Child. Mmm…Fresh meat.

Jax nodded, watching as he began to lick the blood off his sharp claws. She started her incantations as she took a few steps away from the pentagram, towards the cave, a wave of cold air blowing through her hair. She stared into the darkness, her body turning rigid as her attention was caught on two copper colored eyes, and the outline of razor-sharp black teeth. Jax shivered, an inkling of terror she had only felt once before coursing through her. Tarax laughed, “Scared…you should be! He is going to tear you to shreds!

Jax watched the eyes fade into the dark before she let out a deep breath, turning to see Morthos and Yam with only a few of their original group coming up to her. She watched them for a moment before her expression hardened, “He's going to try. Now let's go!

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