Avatar of KiraVanhelsing


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I'm Batman...

I am just another run of the mill nerd who likes to kick ass and raise a few virtual zombies online. I like pirates, whales, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, necromancers and above all anything to do with the ocean. I am up for almost any kind of roleplay, with the aim to not make any grammatical errors or to BECOME THE OVERLORD OF SUPER POWER NEVER TO BE DEFEATED BECAUSE I AM SO UNDENIABLY AWESOME! Oh and did I also mention...

I'm Batman..

Haha...Yeah..MESSAGE ME! I'm fucking hilarious and always willing to try out new rp's!

Most Recent Posts

The last guy. Yeah :)
The limo pulled up slowly to a pleasant side corner bar, complete with a small host of scantily clad women and biker boys smoking just outside the lighted windows. Rose looked the place up and down before reading the sign, "Randolph's Eh?"

Marty lowered the partition, "It's rougha than you think, Pigeon, and I don't feel comfortable leaving you here. Especially in this kind of neighbourhood."

Rose gave him a small smile, "Marty, if I can handle those boys from Wallstreet, I sure as hell can handle this. I appreciate the worry though."

She pulled out her ponytail and grabbed her purse before she opened the door, turning as the window rolled down, "I'll wait until you finish."

Rose turned to lean down to look at Marty with a warmth she never gave to her parents, "I plan to be late, so I'll find my own way home. I'll Uber or cab. Promise. Now go home to Linda...If I need you I will call, besides you're off the clock for the day. Go home."

He shook his head, "Fine...If you were my daughta...Rememba call me for anything."

She gave him a cheesy thumbs up before he drove off. She let out a breath before turning to the bar with bright eyes, before walking up to the door. A few of the smokers turned to stare at her with confused expressions, her appearance visibly different then the rest of the community. She entered the darkly lit bar slowly, noting the touches of homage given to both baseball and motorcycles. Bikers of all ages, with beautifully tattooed ladies, filled the room enjoying jugs of beer and pool. She stood out like a sore thumb and as she walked towards the bar, the conversation obviously lilted. She smirked confidently as she parked herself near the end of the bar, her yellow eyes rising up to meet the bartender who gave her a smile, "Martini or Cosmo, miss?"

She smirked, "I'll take a Jack on the rocks. Make it a double and start a tab...It's been a long fucking day."

The bartender smiled, "Good choice, doll. Let's see if we can make it better."

She set her purse down waiting for her drink when a shadow was cast to the left of her. She looked up to see a slightly greasy boy with dirty blonde hair and a leather jack lean against the bar his semi-handsome face giving her a once over. She gave him a cold smile, "May I help you?"

"I'm just trying to figure out why a girl like you, is in a shithole like this?" he responded quickly.

The bartender came up giving her a drink, frowning at the comment, whilst Rose spoke calmly, "Currently. I am trying to drink in peace, but for some reason, a young buck has come to my side hoping that with his minimal effort line and cheesy smile, I will swoon. Now I appreciate the effort, and on another day I would be charming enough to tell you politely to go away, but I've had a bad one and I just want to enjoy my drink. So fuck off and have a nice day."

She stared him right in the face begging him to retort or comment, her stare cold and confident. The man pulled back slightly, raising his hands, "Alright bitch. It was just a question. Might want to be careful with that mouth though. Most people here don't speak to me like that."

She shook her head flipping him off before turning back around to her drink. She lifted it up sipping it slowly as she leaned against the bar wondering why the hell she decided to come here in the first place. She rubbed her hands through her hair when she noticed a guy at the end of the bar looking at her. He was handsome, bit rough looking, but she could tell that girls probably fell to their knees to get a chance at him. She stared at him back, hoping he would look away like most weak-willed boys would. He didn't though, so she spoke first, "Is there something on my face, asshole?"

She noted the room going silent, not really understanding what happened, but at the same moment not really caring.
Haha awesome! Also POSTED! Sorry if it's long. It's the entry post so I wanted to set it up right!
The streets of New York were filled with the loud sounds of music, taxi-cabs and the chatter of its population of around8 million people. At around 12 o’clock in the afternoon the city was bustling with activity. People of all stages of life were crowding the streets, working, feeding, fighting and of course fucking. A long white limo surfed through the yellow wave of taxis making its way downtown to the land of highrises, luxury, and sin. Its final destination was a tall cylindrical shaped monster. Whitmore tower. Standing at 1,278 ft, this proclamation of wealth was the showcase of Whitmore Inc, and one day it would be hers. The limo door opened quickly, as a slick black pair of Christian Louboutin pumps exited the vehicle. Rose Whitmore stared up at the tower in front of her, a crisp black dress fitting her curves, her burgundy hair coiled up in a half up-do. She pulled off her sunglasses to expose her yellowish hazel eyes, that were passed down in her family taking in the sight of her future. Today she would show her father what she could do. Today was her day.

She walked forward, entering the steel cage with a slight wave to security. They allowed her easy entry into the white and black marble entryway. White leather couches, large sculptures of ferocious animals and the large black designation desk gave the place a clean upper-class look. She walked past all of it towards a side elevator, pressing the ‘UP’ button to get the doors to open. When they did she walked inside hitting the top floor. She entered by herself, the doors closing when another man entered behind her moving to stand on her right. He was 6,2 with slicked back burgundy hair and yellowish hazel eyes, his skin lightly freckled in some spots. He voice was deep and husky, “Evening, little Sis.

She kept her eyes ahead of her remaining calm and collected as the elevator began to move, “Evening, Jack. I’m glad you could make it to the meeting.

He shoved his hands in his expensive deep grey Armani suit, “I always make time for family. How’s Patrick?

She smirked at the mention of her boyfriend, “He’s fine. Spending too much time golfing in my opinion. Chastity?

Jack let out a small laugh, “She’s shopping. She keeps asking why you don’t join her?

The soft ting of the elevator echoed through the box and she gave a false smile, “Funny. She always asks me the same question about you. Lovely girl. Reminds me so much of mom.

Jack frowned slightly, “This better be fast Rose. I have a meeting at Rosschild in twenty.

Rose waved to Donna Velasquez, her father’s longtime secretary and possible mistress to let them in. The raven-haired beauty stood up and moved to the door, opening it into the expansive silver office. The room was mostly art nouveau with hints of modern sculpture and steal apart from an expansive painting depicting a pack of wolves with cold yellow eyes. Mrs Velasquez spoke softly to the single occupant, “Your children are here, Mr. Whitmore.

The man behind the desk looked up from his Mac, his silver hair slicked back like his sons. His suit jacket was off exposing a smooth blue dress shirt with rolled up sleeves and dark yellow suspenders. He moved from around the table with a wide smile, “Jack! Rose! Coming up to see old dad like this. How have I earned such a pleasure?

Rose dropped her purse on a side cabinet, before walking up to her father kissing him lightly on the cheek, “I wanted to get you both here to tell you some news!

Jack came up after her smacking his dad on the shoulder, “I just came to remind you, how good you once looked.

Jared Whitmore laughed heartily his physique sleek and fit for his age, “Well like they say, you can make a thousand versions of a diamond, son, but it’s never gonna be the same as the real I thing.

Rose smirked, moving to one of the white leather chairs in front of her dad’s desk, rubbing her diamond earrings lightly, “True. Now come take a seat. I bring good tidings.

Jack moved to sit at the chair beside her while her father moved to the seat behind the desk. Rose let them get comfortable pulling out a phone as she began to type slowly with one name, after a few minutes Jared leaned back smiling, “Well go on?

Rose smiled standing up and dropping the phone on his desk, “I...got the Quiang Agreement.

Jack burst into laughter, “That’s cute. We haven’t been able to wriggle the Quiangs into a deal for thirty years. What did you do to get the deal done? Blowing Li Quiang?

Rose remained calm as her father grabbed the phone reading it over slowly, “No, Li Quiang has different tastes, unfortunately. I would offer your services, but I figured your knees were sore during your time with Chastity.” She paused giving him a smile before she turned to her dad, “I crunched the numbers and re-evaluated the shares. I also bought a few companies from some asian investors. Played the stocks for a bit…

Her dad spoke up, “Used said companies to blackmail the Quiangs. Either sign our agreement, or their competitors will benefit from the stock of their companies. How much?

She turned to Jack who’s yellow eyes were revealing a hint of a rage, “53 million and 12 shares.

Suddenly both kids turned as Jerold let out a hoot, “HOT DAMN! Darling! Very impressive. A lot of money for us, and a good partnership. A pay increase and a promotion should be given to you post haste…. If...you actually finished the job.

Rose looked at her dad with a confused face, “What do you mean. We signed the papers this morning. I just got off a plane from Shanghai.

Jerold smiled puting the phone softly on her side of the table, “I know. Shi Quiang phoned me this morning, to approve the deal. You see, I had already been talking with him on a retirement deal. See I paired with Li Chan who runs Margon Industries, the second largest architectural company in Hong Kong. He seems to hate Quiang as much as we do, so he paired up with us and with both of our shareholding power we would dominate Quiang in the next quarter. He sold me his company hours before you left.

Rose blanched as Jack stood up, “And you didn’t tell me about this, either!

Jerold smirked, “It was above both of your pay grades. Besides. No need to be mad. I just made all of us a whole lot richer. Good work though Rose. Just try to think bigger next time.

Rose set her jaw, picking up her phone as she turned to look out the window, rage simmering just below the surface, “I...I will try to keep that in mind. Tell mom I said, 'Hi'.

She grabbed her purse then left the room, the doors closing behind her as she headed into the elevator. As soon as the doors closed she pressed her lips together, slamming her fist a few times into the door hard enough that blood sprung from her knuckles, “FUCK! FUCKING FUCKING FUCK!

She let out a few breaths then the door opened and she headed out through the lobby, pulling open her phone and dialling Patrick’s number. It rang two times before it chimed on, and a soft spoken woman started talking, “Patrick...haha...Patrick’s phone. He’s too busy to talk right now because...Stop that...stop it...hahaha...he’s in a...ahh..meeting.

Rose was outside now and she stopped her eyes shutting closed for a moment before she spoke. That Motherfucker. She spoke evenly, her voice cold, “Well, give him a message for me. I can forgive infidelity, that's expected, but sloppiness! THAT is irreproachable.

She turned off the phone then moved back towards her limo, Marty already at the door, “Where to Miss Whitmore?

She paused staring at him for a minute, speaking before she entered the car, “Take me to the roughest bar in Harlem. I need a humble awakening and some hard drinks.
Well if you don't mind then. I will go first :D

Hahaha I totally wrote this in the wrong spot!
Name: Rose Whitmore

Job Title: Chief Finance Director of Whitmore Inc.
Personality:Smart, Focused, Charming, Critical, Confident, Blunt, Bold, Kind to a fault, Ruthless, and over everything else ambitious.
Likes:Winning, Expensive shoes, books, good wine and fast cars.
Dislikes: Losing, Her brother, weakness, mushrooms, idiots, and laziness.

I think it would be fun to do a fun daughter/son, CEO/Gang-leader! I am also a 25-year-old lady who likes writing so I think I fit the criteria! :3
Elsa stayed behind large family groups, her eyes watching to see if anyone was following her. Most of the guards were absent, probably cleaning up her mess in the bathroom, or moving past her with little to no care as to who she was. Suddenly she spotted Alden shuffling along with their bags, pain visible just below his expression. She moved over to him quickly, speaking harshly after her choking, "Al...Brian!" Her eyes darting around in search of future enemies, "You don't look so good. Did they come after you too? Here give me that. We have to get out of here."

She took her suitcase because it was heavier, her eyes moving behind to see a few choice men eyeing them from afar. She set her jaw then looked up at Alden her warm brown eyes confident, "Let's move."

She waited for Alden to go first following slightly behind him, as she kept watch, "I have no idea who the hell sold us down the river, but there is a special place in hell for them!"

Suddenly, she noted the American woman's husband coming from the right his eyes fully zoned on them with intense hatred. She hurried Alden up pushing him towards the doors when she noted the assailant reaching for his waistband. Her eyes widened as she lifted up her suitcase trying to use it as a shield as she screamed, "RUN!"

She ran forward hoping Alden was behind her when a few shots went off. She ducked to the right then left heading outside towards a yellow cab. By now people were screaming and running around, banging into her as she made her way to the car like a giant orange bullseye. When she reached it she opened the door, ducking down and throwing in her suitcase quickly. She turned to Alden about to say something when something wissed by her head. Her eyes widened as she ducked down letting out a haggard breath, before pulling out a knife, "Sneak around and get the car started, I will be vith you in a moment."

She laid low looking around for the assailant, her eyes cold as she rolled the knife between her bruised fingers. She kept her eyes on the shoes he was wearing. She had made a note of them while he was sitting in the plane. One of the rare tactics she had acquired over time. She spotted what she was certain was them in the crowd. She watched the footwork and at the right moment, she stood up whipping her hand forward as the knife sailed through the air into the shoulder of the lone gunman with accurate precision, hitting him just below the shoulder. She ducked into the car quickly yelling out harshly in Russian, "ИДТИ ИДТИ"

She remained low, groaning as she twisted into her seat, as she peeked out the window. No shots followed their departure so she assumed she had at least slowed him down. She turned to Alden, sitting up properly in the front seat, "I think I hurt him, but I can't be certain. Ve should switch cars as soon as possible."

She let out a harsh grunt before punching the dash angrily, "ПРОКЛЯТЬЕ!! I cannot believe our cover vas blown so soon!!! The damn Cyka on the plane tried to choke me in the bathroom. GOD DAMN IT!"

She let out a breath then looked at Alden's shoulder where a large red stain was beginning to grow. She set her jaw, "Move. I vill drive. Don't argue with me. Your shoulder looks bad enough as it is."

She shuffled over his lap, trying not to step or push any of his wounds before she settled in the driver's seat. She settled her bloody fingers on the wheel and tried to ignore the pain in her cheek, "Should I take you to the hospital? I can stitch that up for you, but I am no professional."

She paused trying to not sound like an asshole, "If ve go there, they are going to ask questions. They will probably ship us home."

She settled her eyes on the traffic, trying to shift slightly in a more comfortable position, "It's your choice?"

[color=00746b][/color]“WE ARE SEPARATING!?!?!?!” Takashi yelled quite angrily.

Ursa flinched slightly as she kept her eyes on the sleek pad computer in her hands, reading quietly some information Dill had collected on both Juniper’s planet and some background info on Mr. Handsome. She spoke quietly, “Yes...Like I just said. I am the one who chose Bob as a client and I am the one who brought Juniper on this ship. Half of your bounty warrants barely changed apart from mine. He wants me...hence why I am going alone.

Anna spoke up next, “We have your back Captain! We are your crew! You need us!

Ursa sighed lowering the computer down as she rubbed her sore eyes, “Look guys. I get it. Honestly I want you to come with me. I know we work better as a group. I am not doing this because I find it’s my responsibility to protect you. We are criminals, and at the end of the day we take care of ourselves first. My first priority is not your lives. It’s the business. It’s your wallets. We joined together for money and I am going to be damned losing it because some asshole thinks he can get rid of me so easily. We already missed two shipments and if we lose anymore Donny and his boys are going to steal our routes.

She stood up, leaning forward slowly, “I want you to do what I pay you to do. Smuggle. I want us to make sure our shipments are on time and undamaged, and to make sure our competitors don’t use this slip up to push us off the table. Jerry and I have dedicated too much to just shrink away now.

Takashi shook his head turning to Mac, “I can’t believe this shit. Will you talk some sense into her?

Mac had remained silent for a while his steel eyes staring at her across the table, before he spoke, “She’s right.

Ursa let out a breath and stood up straight as Takashi screamed, “WHAT THE HELL MAC!!!

Mac looked at the group, “She’s right about the business. We need to separate and keep up orders. Jerry is depending on us and we can’t let him down either. We can also find out more through the systems and make contact as soon as possible. I don’t like separating either but it’s smart...also it helps with the other problem.

Ursa’s eyes dropped to the table, as Damian perked up, “Which is?

Mac kept his eyes on Ursa, “The cop.

Ursa blinked, her heart beating fast, “He’s not a problem.

Mac shook his head, “He is. You don’t think he’s gonna send a raid the moment you leave this outpost...or better yet arrests you as soon as he gets a free moment. I read those files, the moment Dill uploaded them. Squeaky clean. He’s moral..He’s..

Ursa lifted her head, anger filling her words, “My problem...and he saved my life mind you. You forgot that. He saved Takashi’s life as well!

Mac nodded, “He did. Hence why I didn’t say anything when we brought him here, but he is going to turn the tables on you one day. It’s inevitable toots. You get too close to him and he will betray you. He doesn’t see the gray. He’s black and white and you know it.

Ursa grabbed the pad, her expression guarded. She knew that Mac was right. Jean was on the wrong side of her world, but she was both enamored and smitten with his courage and charm. There was a chemistry there that excited and scared her. She didn’t feel any connection with anyone, over the course of her travels, but he was different. The attraction was electric and she knew that inevitably it would burn her. She couldn’t help herself though. She wanted him, and the fact that the world told her she couldn’t, made her want him even more. She hid all this though and just nodded, “I know. I’ll lose him, or I’ll find something to blackmail him with…

Mac didn’t relent, “And if you can’t?

Ursa grew angrier, knowing he pushed her into a corner she couldn’t escape from, so she gave him the answer he wanted, even though it tasted like poison on her lips, “I’ll kill him. Crew first. Always.

The thought made her feel such a horrid disgust leaving her feeling sick and confused. She didn’t understand her feelings and felt as if the words were a betrayal. How could it be though? She barely even knew this guy..so why did it matter. She slumped back into her seat knowing the answer was what her second mate wanted. Mac nodded then stood up turning to Aquaria, “Gorgeous, you know the procedure for a raid. I suggest you prepare for it.

Ursa shook her head, “You are so damn paranoid. We have an understanding. He won’t...I think.

Mac shook his head, “Just be ready.

Aquaria smiled, “No problem sugar bear. If things go south, we know what to do. Jim and I are always prepared. Now Ursa you come with me. We found a caseload of Aurara collections on Agrathea and I think there are a few pieces you would like.

Ursa smiled at her, “Sounds good Aquaria. So everyone is clear about the plan. We will be staying in touch but it has to be off the grid. When you find information about Bob. I want to know. Also, I need you to relay Jerry when you are safely out of our reach. I don’t want him near any of this. Everyone got it?

The crew grumbled a few, 'Yes’ and Got it’s!’ before they were sent off to prepare the ships and perform a few other tasks. Ursa gave Mac a look before he walked off then turned to Aquaria who gave her a warm smirk, “You are way too easy to read Ursa.

She turned heading into the hallway as Ursa let out a sigh then started following her, “Well it’s not like I need to lie for my job or anything...oh wait.

Aquaria laughed before heading back into the larger warehouse to where a load of large purple crates was shoved against a wall, "You can lie extremely well, Ursa..you just can’t do it to people you care about. Don’t worry though. No judgment. Now let’s get you fixed up. I thought you would like these.

Aquaria stepped inside a crate and pulled out a few carts, while Ursa began to look through the packaged outfits. She pulled out a few items from the lower priced choices and began to get changed. A few moments later she was suited up in some black knee-high boots, a pair of tight black leather shorts, a black and purple “Strutz Rule” crop top and a light blue denim jacket over top. She turned to Aquaria, “Ta-da!

Aquaria laughed, “Seriously! You have choices like these and you go with the clearance? You know no one’s going to want to sleep with you in that get-up!"

Ursa pursed her lips, “I’m not trying to get laid, Aquaria. I’m trying to save a friend. Who the hell fights in a 3000 dollar dress. Plus I think I look good, for having my face purple with bruises and a few stab wounds in my leg.

Aquaria rolled her eyes, “Whatever you say, miss fashion forward. Anyway I have to go check to see if Jim loaded your ship. Holler if you need me.

Ursa nodded before she headed to her office, running her fingers through her hair. When she reached it, she put on her gun holster, happy that Mac had retrieved it from Nefario’s ship. She then moved over to a large metal cupboard opening it up to show an array of guns and other nifty objects. She pulled out her earbuds and replaced them with a different pair, she also pulled on some interesting metal bracelets and pulled on a garter with one nasty knife just barely visible from her boot. She also grabbed a backpack and threw a few more things inside before she moved to her desk and pulled out a first aid kit. She opened it to look at the mirror and winced, before pulling out a green band-aid which she placed just beneath her slightly black eyes across the bridge of her nose, “Alright...better than nothing I guess.

Moments later, with Aquaria's words stuck in her head she was heading to meet the boys. She grabbed a ‘Tony Treo’s ball cap’ to pop on her head, turning it back as she caught Jean mentioning his change of dress to being more relative to the company. She walked in and gave an awkward smile, looking him up and down, “Not too shabby for wearing the fruits of my evil deeds. You could always come to the dark side, we have all the fun toys."

She turned to Emmett and gave him a smirk, “You aren't too bad either, handsome."

She moved over to a crate and awkwardly jumped up to sit on it, rubbing her chest lightly before she spoke again, "Hopefully, you found everything you will need. Can’t be over prepared when travelling to Deianira. Jim and Aquaria are just loading up, the ‘Sea Dog’ for us to use for transport. It’s smaller than the Ranger but it’s faster and has a better cloaking device. The rest of the crew will not be joining us, and my ship is too familiar so this should be a better option for us in case we get held up again.
The scar was quite visible when he moved his ear, and when Elsa gave it a look over she wondered if the scar was created by lucky deflection or skill. She fixed him with a quizzical gaze, figuring that one day she would expose her scars and so would he. She spoke softly, “Vorkshop accident? Good to know. Lucky thing you didn’t lose anything important.

She turned slightly to note the couple had received their drinks. The thin American woman with blonde hair and stunning blue eyes gave her a smile and a wave. Her middle-aged husband with brown hair and too tanned skin, gave a slight nod, but not much else. She waved back then let out a slight yawn, leaning back into her seat. She leaned her cheek against the seat, turning to the window with her eyes closed, "I vill go over your notes again in a bit, but for now I think I am going to take a nap. Be kind enough to vake me when ve land...husband.

Within a few moments she was out, soft snores coming out of her with ease, still holding Alden’s hand. During the course of the flight she remained sleeping, her head falling against Alden with ease, until the plane started to make it’s landing. She woke with a start, sitting up quickly when she realized whom she was laying on, “Ahh..Sorry. Plane ride vas faster than I thought. Did you have a good flight?

--------------------------------------------------- In the Airport!

Ahhh It’s good to be on solid ground again. Sitting so long makes me vant to go for a run...or...go to the ladies. I vill meet you at baggage in a bit.

She patted Alden on the arm heading to the washroom at a fast pace. After finishing her business she exited the beige stalls to wash her hands. The sinks were set up in a straight line a mirror filling half the room to make the green tiled walls seem larger than they were. She took some soap and ran the water slowly, washing her hands quickly. She looked up from her task into the mirror to notice the American woman was exiting a stall behind her. She smiled at the mirror and spoke calmly, “I hope you enjoyed the vodka, looked like you needed one.

The woman walked up slowly her white heels clacking up against the tile, responding with a soft Texan accent, “Oh darling. You have no idea. Planes always puts me on edge. You would think after travelling the way I do, that I would be used to it, by now, but every new venture is different.

Elsa fixed her ponytail shrugging, “Eh...Fair. I can’t stand being so high like that. Thousands of feet up in the air makes one feel so vulnerable.

The woman was just behind Elsa to the left and did her own fix of her hair, “Yeah...small spaces really make one feel uncomfortable. Like now. It’s just me and you, in a small bathroom. Just two lil girls playing with our hair. Anything could happen!

The world seemed to slow as Elsa understood the meaning of the woman’s words. The Kinks song, ‘You really got me’ erupted through the speaker when suddenly a sliver of metal cord was pulled around Elsa’s neck and she was pulled away from the sink. She reached up curling her hands over the cord as she was pulled back towards the stalls. Elsa choked violently, as her breath escaped her. She kicked out in panic at the sudden attack, her brain went on overdrive as she was hefted off the ground by the tall woman behind her. A whisper being her ear spoke with a satisfied timber, “I always enjoy killing russians. Makes me feel so patriotic.

Elsa groaned, her eyes going blurry as she tried to not lose consciousness. She grit her teeth and used her strength to turn her body towards the side of the stall, but the woman just pulled her inside. Elsa took the chance and kicked at the inside of the door slamming the woman backwards into the toilet/wall. The woman grunted but held on. Elsa let her body drop to the ground using the toilet to pull forward, the cord cutting at her neck slightly. The woman lost her grip though, and Elsa fell onto the ground coughing phlegm and blood as breath suddenly came back to her. She didn’t have long to recover when she felt a hand grip her hair and pull her back. She grunted, pulling her arm in before elbowing the woman in the stomach. The woman grunted and let go of her hair, just as Elsa turned around suckerpunching her in the face. The woman fell back towards the stalls blood running down her nose when Elsa spoke in small gasps,”I was kind enough to buy you a drink...cука!

Elsa ran forward twisting to the left to kick the woman in the face, but the woman held up her arm blocking it as she punched with her right. Elsa grunted, feeling the punch connect to her cheek before she grabbed the arm and head butted the woman in the face. The assailant grunted gripping Elsa’s coat as she pulled her up and threw her body towards the sinks. Elsa hit the mirror hard, leaving streaks in the glass before hitting the ground. She spit up some blood, turning on her back to kick at the approaching woman’s shin. The woman fell forward slightly and Elsa moved to her knee punching the woman in the face. The woman spit out some blood before turning back with a few punches herself. Elsa lifted her arm blocking the punches lightly as she was forced back into the wall. When she couldn’t go any further she dropped down letting the woman punch the wall in her absence. She turned elbowing the woman in the stomach to push her back. With her momentum she twisted her leg around leg swiping the woman so that she fell to the floor. She jumped at her sitting on her chest as she punched the woman in the face, “WHO SENT YOU?

The American let out a small laugh, “So that was the wrath of Mother Russia? Good try doll, but this ain’t over...YET!

Suddenly she bucked to the left, making Elsa lose her footing as the woman kicked out, kicking her back into the floor. She stood grabbing Elsa but let her go when Elsa move to her left keeping her arm straight as she swung backward punching the woman away from her. For a second the woman rubbed her cheek, and both of the girls stared at each other, preparing to go at it again. Before that could happen though, a small elderly woman wearing a brown beige coat and a pink scarf over her head entered the bathroom, looking around with wide eyes. The American reacted first pulling out a small gun from her tight red jacket, aiming it at the woman.

Elsa screamed, “NO!!!” before she moved, lunging at the American and slamming her into a stall as a bullet went off, barely missing the elderly woman as it smashed into the tile. Elsa took her momentum and reached for the hand holding the gun, smashing it against the porcelain, as she pulled up her knee to ram it into the American’s face. The gun fell to the floor and Elsa had her knee up against the woman’s neck wedging her between the seat and the side of the stall, “You vanted...ugh...to see the wrath of Mother Russia. How bout this?

She pulled to the right, the American’s arm twisting at an angle it wasn’t supposed to, and a click echoed along her scream. Elsa grit her teeth, blood running down her chin, “Now tell me, who sent you? NOW!

The woman grit her teeth, her eyes cold, “Fuck...you.

Elsa pulled the womans arm further, whispering coldly,“I said now!

The woman just smiled, her eyes cold as she clenched her jaw, foam spewing out of her mouth as her eyes began to roll back into her head. Elsa watched in frustration as the woman fell lifeless in her hands. The pill doing it's job. She let the woman fall to the floor, letting out an exhausted breath, before she dug through her pockets to see if she had any I.D. on her. She found nothing, moving to the floor she checked to see if she could find a purse on the floor. Again nothing. She moved back to her feet and walked out of the stall to see the old woman standing there with a confused expression. Elsa nodded at her, before she opened all the stall doors finding no purse or evidence of who the woman was. When finished she looked at the mirror noting the bruise on cheek, her busted lip, and her bloody knuckles, “Jeez...Do you have a smoke?

The old woman pulled up her purse and pulled out a cigarette and lighter, and handed it over slowly, “H...h..here.

Elsa smiled, “Thank you Darlin.

Both women turned to look at the stall, and the long wispy legs poking out of them, before looking back at each other. Elsa took a small drag before letting out some smoke, “Bitch, slept vith my husband.

The woman nodded slowly, “He...better be worth it.

Elsa took another drag then doused the cigarette in the sink, before using some water to clean herself up slightly. A smirk crawled up her lip before she responded, “He is...in bed.

Both women smiled wickedly, as Elsa pulled on her gloves and raised her collar, heading towards the door back out into the airport, “Have a nice visit.

The woman didn’t move but gave a soft, “You to..

Elsa headed out into the airport with confidence, keeping her head down and her hands in her pockets she kept out of sight as a group of security guards ran past her, pain rocking her body as she headed to baggage claim, eyes open for Alden.
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