Avatar of Kiroue
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    1. Kiroue 9 yrs ago


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I will post some time tomorrow.
@Leolycan It's okay if you don't answer this, but I have a question. These people that we have been fighting, are they like our party in that they are real people who are embodying champions or are they the real champions being brought to real life?
Sam Cross

Sam had never sprinted with such desperate panic. The woman had never been good at sports, but, Jesus! When you got some adrenaline pumping in you, you could find yourself doing some pretty miraculous things. The fire coated woman cleared the space in not even two seconds, the lack of air from the fire around her making no effect on her. The building crackled and moaned, seconds from giving out when Vicki's fist became enveloped in a hextech weapon glove and punched through the wall. Sam lunged toward the opening, almost flying through the air for a few seconds before crashing shoulder first into the ground. The reduced, pained, ball of flame groaned as she pushed herself up, looking around. The building had come crashing to the ground and Vicki was already up on her feet, asking if she was ready to do something. The dust covered dragon lady looked up at the strong, beautiful woman standing above her and blinked. She nodded, a wicked smile coming to her face, "Hell, yeah!"

Vicki took off in the direction of the Sion which she had thought had been coming straight at them. The hot boxeress punched the hulking man straight in the jaw and Sam was very impressed, a smile stretching across her face. As she looked around her it looked like each of the enemies were well taken care of already. Sion was being teamed up by Clarice, Liam, and now Vicki. Graves was being confronted by both Artemis and a newcomer who was already making his attack. Thresh was being double teamed by Moritz and Raze. Finally, Urgot was suffering from some swirly purple stuff while being pummeled by a struggling man who seemed to be the embodiment of Yorick (telling from the ghoul he casted). However, though he had managed to wrestle an advantage, the ghoul caster made a limping run toward Claire. Claire seemed to be looking to cast a Glacial Storm and the man wanted to stop it. Sam, comfortable in her flames felt no cold and knew no threat from this. So long as she could keep her flames up to resist the cold, she was practically unaffected. The man's efforts, however, left Urgot all alone, still unfinished.

The woman, scales glinting sharply, strode over to the Urgot who was just getting over the horrific visions he was experiencing. Cockily she summoned a fireball in her hand and looked over to the sad disgusting creature. "You know, you look both beat up and disgusting. Maybe you should leave before I burn you and make you look even worse." She said, both giving him a chance to leave with his life and giving him a well earned threat.

I will post Saturday morning to afternoon.
@TheWinchester4 I will post once you post. Just letting everyone know. :)
Posted (finally!)
Sam Cross

The swaggering man noted how he liked his woman feisty. Disgusting. The fact that her personality was being made comparable to almost a flavor of food really ticked her off. The way he said it was just like him saying that he liked his steak spicy or mild or vesty. What a prick, she thought. She gave him the bird, flickering in flames as she growled. "I think you're the one who needs to be rethinking things."

Sam could feel herself brimming with confidence and ferocity. This emotion fueled the roar of searing hot flame around her as well as gasoline. The draconic woman only barely perceived the civilians who shied away in terror at her inferno, some taking shots on their phones as they did so. The crack of the roof above her in response to the flame was worrisome, but she wasn't really one to care about consequences. She was in this moment. Right here. Right now. Clarice hadn't given the same courtesy as Sam had, and neither did Raze. They immediately went for the kill. The punk girl opened her mouth slightly to protest, but sound never came. For a moment her eyes softened and went wide at the sudden and merciless assault. She had at least wanted to give the man a chance. Honestly, it was overkill with how outnumbered he was. He was at the wrong place and the wrong time and now he was certainly going to be obliterated for it.

Thus, the woman stood back as the others took the lead. Clarice ended up getting engulfed in smoke and suddenly Raze was stolen away by a jade hook that had gruesomely found purchase in his shoulder. The flaming woman rushed to the window to see what was responsible and her eyes found a cast of new found enemies. Oh, so he did have back up, she thought. The second thing she noticed was the goliath starting its charge. It was bulky and slow at first, but exponentially built up speed. Sam cursed as the flaming train of a man began to barrel toward the cafe. In the five or so seconds she had before the impact her head spun around back to Vicki who was still sitting at the table. They had to get out of there! Sam, a figure of fleeing flames, ran back in the direction of the boxer. "Vicki! Quick! Punch a way out!" Sprinting like a mad woman, she hoped that Vicki would do as she said in time. If not, they were going to be rammed by the force of a biplane crash landing.

(Note: Sam didn't wait in time to see Clarice moving in to stop Sion or anything like that.)

Okay, I'll definitely whip up something by Monday or Tuesday. I have a ton of homework on my plate.
Of course! I just don't know quite what to do as Sam with Sion ulting or if Sam even knows he's ulting.
Sam Cross

Sam eagerly watched her process of making a decision. She didn't analyze her, though, the woman did notice Vicki shutter slightly. Her eyes narrowed a little, hoping that the shudder wasn't directed at the idea of talking to her. The lady with the awesome hair then made her decision to stay and talk with Sam. Sam couldn't help but smile, already excited for the change of pace. Though, she must admit she was a bit nervous as she was awkward in many social situations and she really didn't want to screw this up. This emotion slowly ebbed as the conversation and to her concern, Vicki already mentioned having to duel a Zed. "Hey, wait. Back up. You fought a Zed and you didn't tell anyone?" She said, shocked. Sam knew for sure that they hadn't identified a Zed yet, which meant this guy was the first random baddie that she had heard of. Luckily it seemed that Vicki had been able to win, but Sam was sure that this Zed was still at large.

Vicki summoned Sam to the table and as she slid into the booth, Vicki began to vent out how she felt. As the woman went on, the punk woman found a frown forming on her face. It wasn't just that she was sympathizing with her, but the questions she was asking were really forcing Samantha to think. After all, she had kinda just rolled with the whole powers thing. I mean, she was freaked out at first, but after she got that part out of the way, the fire power seemed super fucking amazing... well, except that she had to struggle not to turn into an explosive flash fire. No, her life had not been ruined by forming abilities, in fact, it was honestly a high point in her world where she loved adrenaline and living life to the fullest. Vicki on the other hand, was sweating all the negative stuff and none of the positive. It took a long moment for her to consider an answer (which was a big deal since usually she never thought about what she said). "Well, I really don't know why this all happened, I doubt any of us do." She forced herself to look at Vicki in the eyes. The gaze that the other woman had was like a burning building, beautiful, but tragic. It was uncomfortable for Sam to keep in, but the beauty of it kept her eyes locked. "Still, if my opinion counts for anything, I think that we were given these to help." She hadn't taken the time to to think about it, but now that she had, that is honestly how she felt. "Matt says there are going to be bad people who get these powers, like Zed. They are going to hurt people, Vicki. Without us, these civilians don't stand a chance. And, who knows, maybe these evil champions aren't just the beginning." She shrugged, her hands fiddling about on the table as she spoke, making little motions with her words. "So... I guess while you feel that all you can do is hurt people, instead you're actually helping people." Sam offered Vicki a soft smile.

This was all cut off by an acceleration of events. She heard Liam yell a sharp call above the loud murmur of the cafe, which, for the first time, wrenched Sam's attention away from the woman in front of her. She had hardly turned her head before a loud boom blasted throughout the space and Liam fell away shot. Sam gasped and her eyes flashed wide as she looked at Liam sunken into himself, clutching at the wound. After an achingly long moment of shock, she woke up from her daze. Her eyes narrowed and darted back to the monster responsible. Her gaze locked on a large double barrel shot gun and a man swaggering around the establishment as the room erupted into a cacophony of screams and cowering. He looked almost pleased by how everything was going. As the man monologued, so cocky, smoking his cigar, Sam's rage rose exponentially. It hit a tipping point as the man said 'don't be a coward'. Sam shot a look full of rage to Vicki as she growled. "Wait a second, I have to go fucking deal with this ass wipe." With this she flung herself out of her booth, the temperature around her rising to that of a bonfire already. Flame began to flicker out onto her jeans and on her shirt the text, 'Foo Fighters', began to fade to flame as red scales were revealed underneath. "Who the FUCK are YOU?!" She roared at him in blinding anger. "Clearly you are a fucking idiot if you think you can walk in here, alone, shoot a guy, and expect us to cower?! Fuck no!" Her entire form was raging with red, hot fire now that began to find purchase onto some vacant chairs and tables, bringing on oppressive waves of heat. "You are in deep shit, dude, and if you want to live, you better get the hell out of here." Spiraled horns sprouted up through her scull and her gaze no longer held her eyes, but an inferno.

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