Avatar of Kit DewStein
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 236 (0.07 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Kit DewStein 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current I am back....long time no see
8 yrs ago
Flagging is the most interesting job one can do.
8 yrs ago
I am back! Though It depends on when I have to go to work and when I get off on when I can rp. But I missed this place!
1 like
9 yrs ago
Why is it when I go to bed early I get 12 hours of sleep and when I got to bed extremely late I get 7 hours of sleep?
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9 yrs ago
I didn't feel a thing. Still can't xD but it is done whoop whoop


Name: Kit (as I am known as on the internet)
Powers: Being super weird, geeky, and a nerd all at once
Personality: antisocial people person
Age: double digit
Bio: Long story.

If you ever have a problem with me please let me know so I can know what I did. I don't mean to offend people but sometimes it happens.

Most Recent Posts

@Undying Curiosity What is the trivia thing at the end of the CS?
Randa somehow ended up in the back of the room and the last one in. She sat beside another girl who seemed to be a loner. Well at least I got the cell phone thing covered...with a few spare flip phones that I totally planned on using for good. She looked at the girl beside her and was a bit startled by the blank expression and the bit of power-lust vibe. "Hey, uh, are you okay," Randa asked in a whisper to not draw a lot of attention to them.
@KatherinWinter I planned on getting an ally. I just want it to be more natural than forced.
Randa arrived to the main entrance and was a bit startled with how many people there were. This is a lot more people than I expected. She saw most of them headed in one direction and decided to follow. She was not normally one to go with the main crowd but this didn't seem like the time to get lost. She clutched the handles of her bag a bit tighter hoping that this was the right decision.
@PillowSniffer Well the weird part is your characters mother is the female version of my characters dad, but your characters mother is a lot more sensible than my characters father. We can figure it out as we go. Their relationship will be interesting to say the least.
Randa woke up to something tickling her nose. Waking up she saw a vine holding a map and a note, "Amaranda, you do not know me but I am your father. I noticed you discovered your powers and have only experimented with them a little but you can do a lot better. With this note is a map that will lead you to a school to help you out. Knock 'em drunk kiddo." The girl grabbed the map in confusion. This could be either the biggest joke or something real....I'll see if it really exists. She packed a bag of the little possessions she had and started off on the journey to school her "father" mentioned.

Arriving to the forest she saw the path just like the one on the map. Well...I can test my powers on the way up...or something...not sure if vines of any sort grow out here. She ended up more enjoying the scenery and trying to not get lost than testing her powers.
Name: Amaranda (Goes by Randa)
Age: 17
Parents: Dionysus (father) and some female human

Power: Controls vines, decent wine maker
Limitations: Not a big fan of insects or fire, certain chemicals in plant killer and pesticides

Followers: Wine makers
Weapon: Sickle, Vines (sorry I first had this as plants)
Animal: Cheetah
Bio: She was raised by her mother until her mother married. They moved to his place which was a vineyard and decided to start learning the art of it shortly after. She learned the art of it over a few years before getting blamed for something she didn't do. One of the hired hands killed an entire vine and after an argument with her father figure that lasted into the night she got mad at the plants for causing it. The next morning the entire vineyard was dead and she knew it was her doing. She was kicked out that morning and was hired with a landscaping company where she tested her powers in small spurts and still not knowing the full extent of what she can do.
@KatherinWinter Well fire can hurt her for sure. I would have to say certain chemicals used in plant killers or pesticides. If that is what you meant.
@KatherinWinter Uh the symbol is a picture of a vine. Not sure it showed up or not. She can only control vines and make wine....that it other than being able to use a scythe. If I need to be more elaborate let me know?
Name: Amaranda (Goes by Randa)
Age: 17
Parents: Dionysus (father) and some female human

Power: Controls vines, decent wine maker
Limitations: Not a big fan of insects or fire

Followers: Wine makers
Weapon: Sickle, Vines (sorry I first had this as plants)
Animal: Cheetah
Bio: She was raised by her mother until her mother married. They moved to his place which was a vineyard and decided to start learning the art of it shortly after. She learned the art of it over a few years before getting blamed for something she didn't do. One of the hired hands killed an entire vine and after an argument with her father figure that lasted into the night she got mad at the plants for causing it. The next morning the entire vineyard was dead and she knew it was her doing. She was kicked out that morning and was hired with a landscaping company where she tested her powers in small spurts and still not knowing the full extent of what she can do.
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