Avatar of KiwiBaer
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  • Posts: 229 (0.08 / day)
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    1. KiwiBaer 8 yrs ago


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Current All I want out of life is literally hundreds of gay superhero rps
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"They carried the sky. The whole atmosphere, they carried it, the humidity, the monsoons, the stink of fungus and decay, all of it, they carried gravity."
-Tim O'Brien, The Things They Carried

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Well, uh, the only real issue I have is that you don't usually request to join Avia, Kestrel would search you out, but I can see him making an exception I suppose. Though she doesn't exactly seem like the type to be an assassin?
I have lots of filler characters, so hopefully that'll help out with that a bit. I just gotta get around to actually writing them up :p
Yes, everyone who has submitted their CS's beforehand and is pleased with how they fit in to the new information provided are accepted.

So that means @FantasyChic, @Rune_Alchemist, @Sohtem, @urukhai, @bluetommy2, @Keksalot can all pass along your characters to the character part. (I am 96% sure I got everyone this time)

Also I was thinking that since there's at least two of us in each group, it should be fine if someone wanted to make a secondary character if they felt they could successfully juggle it? Anyone interested?

Ha, okay sorry. Um, I'll get it up later today then and try to keep it general. I have a meeting soon, but after that I can get to work on it.
Did you ever decide whether or not you want to lead Black Cats? Because if you don't, I was thinking I'd just take it over. But you of course have first say if you want it!

EDIT: So I'm sending out all of the PMs out right now(I actually got them done, yay!) except for Black Cats, because the dynamics of it will be drastically different whether Kronshi decides to lead it or I do. But just so y'all know, I was a good GM while you were away.

If you don't receive one and you aren't in BC, then let me know I suck.
That fits like... super perfectly with what I had planned, you have no idea haha

Miss Alba is gorgeous!!! *o*
Also, side note to everyone, I was honestly gonna try and get the PMs out today, I swear. But I've had a really bad headache and kinda just a bad day in general so that didn't happen.

Hopefully I'll get them out late tomorrow, but maybe not. At that point, y'all can just assassinate me, I'm so sorry.
Only one. But yeah, if you work it out with your leader, you can probably have a lot of power, or not, that parts not up to me.
Yeah, but it was kind of in its shitty phase for a really long time. So maybe it was disbanded for a bit, like she was travelling or something and then she returned back to this awful place and restarted what she had previously had?
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