Avatar of knifeman
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 390 (0.16 / day)
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    1. knifeman 7 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current taking a break from rping for a little while. i'll be back soon enough but i really need to work on my mental health. hope everyone understands sorry
7 yrs ago
@Mae saaaaaaame
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7 yrs ago
i was literally up all night and i just realized i could have written posts during that time fuck i straight up just read fanfiction and cried for like 6 hours
7 yrs ago
saw thor ragnarok the other day and now i really want to do a Sakaar rp but i caaaaaaaan't
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7 yrs ago
sorry in advance to anyone i'm rping with if my posts are slow/kinda bad, my brain isn't working right lately i'm kind of a mess bleh (シ_ _)シ


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Name: Junko Ruto
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Age: 15
Grade: First Year, High School
Appearance: Junko is short with an average build. She has dark hair which she ties into two buns. Her eyes are pale purple. She wears black fingerless gloves and knee-high black socks. Her nails are usually painted black.
Parent: Oka Ruto
Personality: Just like her mother, Junko is fascinated by the macabre. For her, every day is Halloween. She is especially interested in Horror movies (gory B-movies in particular). She almost obsessively studies film theory and the nature of fear, all in preparation for her future as the next great Horror director. Junko is very driven and ambitious, but you couldn’t tell just by looking at her. Around others, she keeps to herself. She has the image of a creepy loner (taking after her mother in this instance), but when she starts talking about something she likes, she becomes excitable and animated.
Club: None yet, but she’s trying to start a film club.
Other: She has a pet cat named Beetlejuice.

“I wish I could just take this moment and live it forever.”

That night had been one of the best in Lottie’s recent memory. She and Skully had met up at midnight, covered their faces, and painted up a billboard. It was hard to see in the low light, but they had painted creative designs in vibrant colors. A little art to spice up the environment, at least until it was painted over.

The two were sitting on the roof of a store, watching the sun rise behind their masterpiece. Lottie was resting her head in Skully’s lap, tired from the all-nighter. She couldn’t think of anything that could make that moment any better. Watching the sunrise, seeing their work in full color, sharing a quiet moment with her best frien… her girlf… her favorite person. It was perfect.

Skully checked her watch, the motion rousing Lottie from her half-asleep state.

“We’d better get going. Gotta get back before my parents wake up.”

Lottie sat upright, slightly disappointed.

“I guess. School’s gonna suuuuuck.”

“Ugh. Totally. Guess I’ll see you in…” another glance at the watch, “Two hours.”

Lottie groaned as she hopped down from the roof.

Lottie had slept for about an hour after she got back home. She had nearly fallen asleep on the train and missed her stop. She had the shuffling gait of a zombie and most likely the pallor of one. She almost fell asleep once again in front of her locker, but woke up once she hit her head on the hard metal.

Despite how tired she was, there was a little tingle of excitement that came through her nerves every once in a while. She wondered how people would react to their little work of art. Even if she got in trouble for it, she was still glad she did it.

Whatever happened, it would be interesting.


Name: Junko Ruto
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Age: 15
Grade: First Year, High School
Appearance: Junko is short with an average build. She has dark hair which she ties into two buns. Her eyes are pale purple. She wears black fingerless gloves and knee-high black socks. Her nails are usually painted black.
Parent: Oka Ruto
Personality: Just like her mother, Junko is fascinated by the macabre. For her, every day is Halloween. She is especially interested in Horror movies (gory B-movies in particular). She almost obsessively studies film theory and the nature of fear, all in preparation for her future as the next great Horror director. Junko is very driven and ambitious, but you couldn’t tell just by looking at her. Around others, she keeps to herself. She has the image of a creepy loner (taking after her mother in this instance), but when she starts talking about something she likes, she becomes excitable and animated.
Club: None yet, but she’s trying to start a film club.
Other: She has a pet cat named Beetlejuice.
I'll also vote for Pipeline (´。• ᵕ •。`)

I will also have a post up sometime today
yeah, they'll join her
yeah, i'm here. sorry, been sorta busy w other stuff
I’m interested! I’ll have a cs up pretty soon

finished my characters!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

i'd be interested in this! (´ ∀ ` *)
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