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    1. KOgaming 8 yrs ago
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Appearance: If using a description.

Duel Disk: The current most common and readily accessible model is the design common in the 5Ds era with the sleek, sharp design with an extra deck located opposite the main deck zone and more expensive but still relatively affordable models with duel runner compatibility.
Duel Runner: Technically, most vehicles have Turbo Duel capability to some extent, though there are more specialized and expensive models released and developed by Kaiba Corp.

Speed Duel Skill:
 Skill can come from any of the Duel Links™ skills, the anime skills, or something custom with the GM's approval except Storm Access.
Ace Monster: To start with, each player is entitled 1 custom card to be used as their ace monster. This card must be Special Summon only or Semi-Nomi (all Extra Deck and Ritual monsters are considered Special Summon only), and have an attack value of 2500 or 3000. Taking a custom card as an ace, however, is optional, and the player can use any “boss” monster as their ace.
Deck Master: (If different from Ace monster)
Deck Master Ability:




Welcome to Kaiba World™ is a Yu-Gi-Oh™ fan game that takes place after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh 5DS and features prominently the CEO of Kaiba Corp® Seto Kaiba, beginning with a televised tournament kicking off the debut of his new Kaiba World™ Resort and Theme Parks. Following the events of 5Ds, much has occured, including the introduction of three different summoning methods and a brand new field on which the game can be played, further evolving the Duel Monsters™ card game.


The hotel area is situated at the heart of Kaiba World and includes the three Blue-Eyes Hotels, several restaurants, the Kaiba World Grand Amphitheater, and a large swimming pool area which connects the three hotels. The hotel lobbies themselves feature different restaurants and stores. The hotels are each stylized in the shape of the head of a Blue-Eyes White Dragon, looking up toward the sky with a beam of glass coming out of their mouths which are suites of the hotel. The forehead of each dragon is numbered 1, 2, and 3; made just the right size that one could differentiate the buildings from one another both from a distance and up close. Hotel 1, situated the northernmost of the hotels does not have a shop, but features a buffet restaurant, and the only one in the hotel area; Hotel 2 features multiple stores, including a card shop which sells both packs and singles, but also sells the latest of Kaiba Corp technology™; and Hotel 3 features several clothing and shoe stores stocked with top of the line fashion, including a shop for swimwear for those who came without them and wanted to use the pools.

The hotel rooms themselves are small suites, with a living room, a nice couch, a desk, and a TV with a sectioned off kitchen and dining area. The dining area has a single table with two chairs. The bedrooms are separated from the main room with a door at either the front left or back right part of the suite. The kitchen comes with a mini-refrigerator and a coffee machine with a box of complimentary Blue-Eyes Mountain™ coffee. The bedrooms feature a king-sized bed with luxurious sheets and a soft, new mattress that had yet to be slept on as the bedrooms were all completely new. Each bedroom has a different painting featuring different pictures of Seto Kaiba, depicted defeating his rival, the ex-king-of-games Yugi Moto, beside his Blue-Eyes White Dragon, or simply standing alone in all his glory. At the end of the bedroom at the wall across from the door is the bath room which is stocked with towels, towelettes, as well as soap and shampoo.

Room service comes from the buffet in Hotel 1. Workers have their own elevators which move slightly faster than the guest elevators, allowing them to get to those who request room service quickly and efficiently. The guests can also call a separate number to request a practice partner if they needed to practice for a duel without bothering their fellow competitors. These duelists are selected from among Kaiba Corp’s staff who had not made the cut themselves to become part of the Kaiba World tournament and are more than enough challenge to those competing.

There is a small hospital within the hotel area which handles small medical issues along with emergency medicine, fitted with its own emergency room and intensive care wards where patients can be kept before being sent to a higher level of care.

A shuttle is situated just outside the hotels, which makes periodic trips to the parking structure at the outside of the park, just in case someone forgot something in their car.

Kaiba World is comprised of five separate theme parks, including a safari, two water parks, and two rollercoaster theme parks. After to complaints from the Kaiba Land theme park having only one restroom, each theme park within Kaiba World is equipped with two restrooms.

Current Events:

Entry has begun to Kaiba World. All participants as well as other VIP guests are getting settled into their rooms for the duration.


1. If there is a problem between two players, try to solve it amongst yourselves first before taking it to the GM. The GM will have the players sort the problem amongst each other to try and come up with a compromise . If both parties do not come to a compromise, both players will be kicked from the game. A third party, including the GM, is not allowed to intervene with the problem unless any of the conflicting parties explicitly and specifically (inviting to the PM or mentioning) request assistance.
2. A character sheet submitted that does not use the Custom Card template will be ignored.
3. If you have to leave, just say so. If you don’t have time to write a replay in-character excusing the absence, please at least leave something to explain the absence of your character in-character for me to write down. An unexcused absence will cause a player to lose points (see below).

Players will be rewarded points for playing their characters and doing cool stuff in-character. Points will be deducted for breaking character. Accruing penalties will put a player’s point total in the negatives if they would go below 0. A player who goes beyond -15 points will be kicked from the game.

Players can gain 1 point each time they do the following: Participating in a duel, performing a summoning chant, monologuing, pulling off an unexpected play, using a combo to put themselves at an advantage from a losing position, any other thing the GM deems as being cool in-character, taking the penalty for an action spell/action trap, getting pushed out of the way by another player while trying to grab an action spell thus allowing the other player to use said action spell.

Players will lose 1 point each time they do the following: Poor use of grammar (run-on sentences, not capitalizing letters that should be capitalized, capitalizing every single word in a sentence in spite of not every word being a proper noun, etc), taking more than 1 week unexcused to reply to a post outside of a duel, every two cards your opponent controls that is negated by your card’s effect, destroying 5 or more of your opponent’s cards, every 3000 points of burn damage dealt, using more than 1 action card per turn.

Players will lose 3 points each time they do the following: Spending more than 2 days to write a post during a duel, using Pot of Greed to draw 2 cards, winning on the 1st turn.

Players can spend points for:
1 point: Change their Speed Duel skill.

3 points: Change their deck.
10 points: Acquire a custom card outside of a duel.
15 points: Draw a card not listed in their deck list in the middle of a duel. The card will stay in the deck after the duel and will not be removed unless the player spends points to get rid of it. This cannot be purchased if the player is using a 60 card deck.
20 points: Summon a card from the Extra Deck not listed in their deck list. If the player has a full Extra Deck, they must choose which card to take out in place of the new card. The card will stay in the deck after the duel and will not be removed unless the player spends points to get rid of it.
30 points: Draw a custom card not listed in their deck list in the middle of a duel. The card will stay in the deck after the duel and will not be removed unless the player spends points to get rid of it. This cannot be purchased if the player is using a 60 card deck.
40 points: Summon a custom card from the Extra Deck not listed in their deck list. If the player has a full Extra Deck, they must choose which card to take out in place of the new card. The card will stay in the deck after the duel and will not be removed unless the player spends points to get rid of it.

Gameplay Information

I'll have a proper OOC up in a few days.
If not a school, then where would the game take place? Why, what else than the wonderful and one-of-a-kind (with a Chinese imitation) Kaiba World™ resort?

The game will encompass a tournament that will probably devolve into something else as the game goes on and I inevitably start to lose players but also inevitably (but less so) start to gain newer players.

The game will be using Master Rule 4, which would be the ruleset for post-link summoning. This means that there will be two Extra Monster Zones situated between the two players’ fields above the players’ main zone 3 and 5 with the space between the Extra Monster Zones being blank. Monsters summoned from the Extra Deck by effect or mechanic are to be special summoned to the Extra Monster Zone, or a Main Monster Zone that is designated by a Link Monster’s Link Marker. Spell/Trap Zone 1 and 5 can be used as Pendulum Zones, but are treated as such only if a Pendulum Monster is placed in said zone.

There will be no ban-list save for cards that a normal person technically wouldn't be able to have access to, such as the Egyptian Gods which are all gone or the Sacred Beasts that are all locked up. Yes. This means you can use the fair and balanced film monsters of healthy removal.

This game will be using a multitude of dueling types and will likely feature fewer standard duels using the normal rules because I think those are boring.

Characters in the game are expected to be at least somewhat competent in the card game, picked out from the best of the best. This means the player should know a thing or two about the game; at the very least understanding the basics of deck building and how their deck works.

At this point already, I realize this won't be very casual or beginner friendly. I can teach newer players or returning players how to play the game as well as give tips for deck building, though I myself haven't really won any major events to be a complete expert on the topic.

Like the last one I did, duels will be, by default, fought free-form. This means you'll get to choose your draws. I understand most folks don't like this, but allow me to explain my reasoning. The first reason would be that bricking sucks, and that's no way to run a story-focused Roleplay. If you can control your draws, then that means you can also control when you brick, so it feels more appropriate to the story. The second reason is that it isn't really free-form. Because Yu-gi-oh itself has rules, the game rules limit the duel. A player still only draws once per turn, and each player is only allowed one normal summon per turn. The third reason would be so that players don't need to rely so heavily on cards that search to search, meaning they can do less searching and that combo oriented decks are much easier to play, partly mitigating poor deck building on part of a Billy-deck player. What does this ultimately mean? It means from a competitive stand point, it takes out the luck aspect and increases the skill aspect. Players will be required to know what combos their deck has to extend their plays so that they can compete with their opponent who may also have their strongest board. It creates a puzzle for both players to solve and makes the game less like Uno and more like Chess, with both players responding directly to one another, cleverly weaving their draws and selectively revealing the information they need in order to gain an advantage as they both try to one-up each other; instead of 1 player luck-sacking into something and the other player not having any responses whatsoever because they drew badly.

Now this means that the turn 1 player is 100% capable of pulling off an FTK using something like Cannon Soldier, having all 5 pieces of Exodia in their opening hand, or setting up enough flood gates that the opponent has no way of countering. I have an answer to that as well: A good-boy point system.
Players will be rewarded points for playing their characters and doing cool stuff in-character. Points will be deducted for breaking character. Accruing penalties will put a player’s point total in the negatives if they would go below 0. A player who goes beyond -15 points will be kicked from the game.

Players can gain 1 point each time they do the following: Participating in a duel, performing a summoning chant, monologuing, pulling off an unexpected play, using a combo to put themselves at an advantage from a losing position, any other thing the GM deems as being cool in-character, taking the penalty for an action spell/action trap, getting pushed out of the way by another player while trying to grab an action spell thus allowing the other player to use said action spell.

Players will lose 1 point each time they do the following: Poor use of grammar (run-on sentences, not capitalizing letters that should be capitalized, capitalizing every single word in a sentence in spite of not every word being a proper noun, etc), taking more than 1 week unexcused to reply to a post outside of a duel, every two cards your opponent controls that is negated by your card’s effect, using more than 1 action card per turn.

Players will lose 3 points each time they do the following: Spending more than 2 days to write a post during a duel, using Pot of Greed to draw 2 cards, winning on the 1st turn.

Players can spend points for:
1 point: Change their Speed Duel skill.

3 points: Change their deck.
10 points: Acquire a custom card outside of a duel.
15 points: Draw a card not listed in their deck list in the middle of a duel. The card will stay in the deck after the duel and will not be removed unless the player spends points to get rid of it. This cannot be purchased if the player is using a 60 card deck.
20 points: Summon a card from the Extra Deck not listed in their deck list. If the player has a full Extra Deck, they must choose which card to take out in place of the new card. The card will stay in the deck after the duel and will not be removed unless the player spends points to get rid of it.
30 points: Draw a custom card not listed in their deck list in the middle of a duel. The card will stay in the deck after the duel and will not be removed unless the player spends points to get rid of it. This cannot be purchased if the player is using a 60 card deck.
40 points: Summon a custom card from the Extra Deck not listed in their deck list. If the player has a full Extra Deck, they must choose which card to take out in place of the new card. The card will stay in the deck after the duel and will not be removed unless the player spends points to get rid of it.
This way, a player who is more focused on winning than actually playing the game will either lose points enough to get kicked out; get bored because they missed the whole point of the game; or are having the time of their lives because they're beating everybody, monologuing every other post, and using a summoning chant for every single monster of their deck each time a monster is summoned regardless of how minuscule and unimportant or unnecessary.
Not to profit off of a loss, but I'll probably put an interest check up for a thing later next week if anyone would be interested.
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