Avatar of Korkoa
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    1. Korkoa 8 yrs ago


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@Ceta de Cloyes Well you left the door open with Kyle's mom going next door for flowers, I figured it'd give us a chance to interact a bit in the future. ^.^
10:05 AM, Flower Power floral shop, Coast City California

Jessie Beedle slumped behind the glass countertop of her parents store, the competing smells of every type of flower under the sun assaulting her nose. All she wanted to do with her day was work on her goggles some more, trying to increase the range of the telescope and try to push the limits of her powers. She'd had some success with bouncing from rooftop to rooftop, there generally weren't people up there and she could move freely. But no, instead she was down in this sweet-smelling purgatory, covering for the lazy teenagers her parents had hired. Jessie considered running up to her room and grabbing her googles and tools in order to work on them in the shop when suddenly the bell above the door rang.

Cursing silently, Jessie turned her attention to the customer who had just entered; a familiar-looking woman with dark hair and brown eyes. Jessie had seen her around, her name was... Laura maybe? Something completely unassuming and boring. The young girl sighed as she pretended to wipe off the counter, she had no time or patience for a 45 minute long conversation about what colors complimented each other and what lilacs or lilies meant in some weird old flower language. The only saving grace was that this woman's hyperactive kid wasn't around, otherwise Jessie would have to chase him and clean up after his mess just like every--

"Excuse me?" The woman asked, approaching the counter. Jessie plastered on a big fake smile and turned her attention to the thorn in her side.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't even hear you come in! What can I help you out with today miss?" Jessie asked, her 'customer service' voice coming through as sickly-sweet as the flowers assaulting her senses.

Maybe-Laura smiled and pointed around the shop to a few different bunches. "It's alright dear; you see I'm trying to put together a small bouquet and I was hoping you could help me put something new together. I'm hoping to get something eye-popping, complimenting colors and lots of small accents." Not-Laura continued to smile as she described what most certainly was not a 'small bouquet'.

Jessie ducked behind the counter again and rolled her eyes as she grabbed the bouquet cheat sheet her parents had put together. Every month this happened, this lady would come in and ask for help for a 'small project' and then take up two hours of the day looking at things that wouldn't even look good together, stringing the employees along until they finally found something that worked for her. Today looked to be no different, another frustrating and boring-- Hey, who the Hell turned on the TV?

The part-time floral employee stood back up from behind the counter like a shot, confirming that Whats-Her-Name was still there before looking to the corner where the old TV was, relaxing as she saw her dad fiddling with the volume controls. She remembered there was some fight on today that he wanted to watch, and now it looked like he'd be doing it down here, probably to keep an eye on her and make sure she was actually working. Jessie rolled her eyes again and plastered her fake grin back on. "Well miss, we can certainly put something together that'll fit your needs. Why don't you show me what you were looking at for a base and we'll figure out where to go from there?"
Low/Mid Intermediate tier

Powerhouse Street Level

High Powerhouse/Ultra Medium

I realized I made her Costumed Personality sound slight Joker-Esque, that was completely unintentional on my part and I plan on her being more fun and less batcrap insane than the Clown Prince...

@Blackstripe, Let me know what you think!

@BlackstripeI can do that! I'll get started on the electrokinetic then, and she'll likely be open to anyone who needs a nemesis, or could just be a floating bad guy messing with everyone equally.
@Blackstripe The other ideas I had were a couple characters I've played in the past, I could probably bring in a pyrokinetic, an electrokinetic with short range teleportation, or (for lack of a better term) an energy vampire. For the record, I'd love to do the BL, but I'll go whichever direction you think is best for the RP.
Hi there! I've been keeping an eye on this for a couple days and I was hoping you guys were still accepting? I do have a small question; I understand there being a cap on Green Lantern characters at the start, too many Lanterns in one place doesn't make much sense, but would you possibly accept a Blue Lantern?I have some ideas for one and I'd love to try and play it out; but if not I do have some other ideas I could try if you're still accepting.
In Variance 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Angel yelped as Nevermore's hand clasped around her costume and yanked her back, Angel furiously beating her wings to keep aloft. The other vigilante was right to stop her, some sort of gas was filling the building and Angel could see the SWAT team starting to move in. They'd be useless unless they wanted to fight the police, and that would only make everything worse. But Jason was in there, and he was already registered by NOVA... If he was caught, she might never see her brother again. Nevermore's words caught her attention as she fought the sound of silence ringing in her ears. "You... You mean Ja--Overclock?" she asked, catching herself halfway through her mistake. she cursed inwardly, thankful only that she hadn't said his whole name. "I can call him, tell them to get out..."

Angel brought up her speed dial again, calling her brother for what felt like the hundredth time. "Overclock!" she hissed as the call connected. "SWAT's coming through the hole and the main entrance. Back too, probably. Smash through the windows, that's your best bet..." She said, sending up a silent prayer to anything listening that this would work.


Overclock took a double-take at the smallish, but impressively built woman as she passed by with the tall, rich-looking one. Had she just called him by his vigilante name? She recognized him? Any other time, Jason would have loved to dwell on that, but things were getting dicey now. The horse-thing had stepped in front of him, blocking a couple bullets from him. This was frustrating, as Overclock would have loved sapping the power out of those tiny projectiles, but no matter. This wasn't his night, apparently. He picked up the incoming call from his sister as he maneuvered himself sideways, keeping a close eye on Tank and the cop.

"Right Angel, out the window... see you soon." He said before hanging up. The gas was coming closer now, it was getting hard to see... Whipping around, Overclock pulled a rubber band from his pocket and fired it at the glass storefront; charging it with what little energy he had remaining from the day. With a mall flash of purple energy, the band punched through the glass, leaving a spiderweb of cracks which fell apart into a rainfall of shards a second later.


Oscar looked back and forth, his attention caught between the variants and the robbers. Tank seemed to be cooperative, though Overclock looked on edge. To get them out unhurt, Oscar would need a distraction... A smile crossed the policeman's face as the SWAT team began to move, the tear grenades hissing as the gas filled the room. Oscar looked up to take stock before stepping closer to Tank. Visible cameras out of commission, the rest obscured by smoke. SWAT moving, but not in visible range yet. This could work. "Listen close, big guy." Oscar said, raising his gun and pointing it in the air. "Your buddy looks ready to do something stupid. I'll cover you. You shouldn't be in jail. On my signal you guys run, grab anyone else of yours and go."

Focusing on the air around him and taking a deep breath, Oscar floated a foot into the air. He had plenty of practice flying, he could make a 'throw' look convincing. As he watched Overclock turn and crack the window, Oscar lifted his voice and called out; "NHPD, get on the ground, get--" Oscar fired three shots into the air, cutting himself off. Giving Tank a knowing wink, the officer propelled himself backwards through the cloud of gas, intending to provide a distraction and hopefully knock over a few SWATs in the process.
In Variance 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
((Collaboration post between Korkoa and general Scales.))

Jason turned to look in the direction Tank pointed as the pair began to exit the alley, finding that that strange dog had followed him. "Oh, that..." He muttered, glancing up to check the rooftops for any more surprises. "That's a great question. It just showed up and started following me. I've noticed some odd things about it, I think it might be related to another Variant around here somewhere. Seems friendly enough though." Overclock tapped his earpiece again, sending a call out to his sister. "I'm just going to get in touch with another ally, we need all the help we can-- No Angel, I was talking to Tank, sorry." He said as Angel's helmeted face appeared on the small screen hovering in front of him. "Yeah, there's me and Tank down here, you in the sky, I think there's another one of us around here somewhere with a dog..." Jason trailed off as he saw the truck driving towards the bank and heard the shots ringing out. "Time's up, we have to go." Jason growled as he saw the fiery idiot dive down and land on the armored truck. "While they're distracted; we should get the hostages out!" He cried out before pulling his hood up and stepping out of the alley, making a beeline for the bank.

Girard raised an eyebrow as Overclock tried to explain the dog at first but figured if it hadn't troubled them yet, not to mention was related to another Variant, it probably wouldn't be a bad thing to have the pooch around. It was when the phone and holo projection showed up that he was pleased because apparently there was more backup to come should they need it. He'd make an effort to remember names after this just in case any of them crossed paths again and it was a bit more polite than 'yeah you there'. He had seen the truck a second or two ahead of Overclock who was briefing his partner a moment before making him move ahead to the edge of the alley before he heard the gunshots as well as the loud crash of the truck presumablely. The big man bolted a bit ahead of his comrade getting ready to make a bit of a noisy entrance through a side wall of the bank, quicker for them to get in that way and plenty big enough to get the hostages out. The two of them could provide cover pretty well since the civies would be funneling through behind them of course something was going to have to be done about the truck as well but that he could handle. "No time for anything complicated, I'll get us in quickly and give them something to shoot at. Get the hostages moving out the new entrance then you can back me up as needed." Tank said relaying his strategy before he picked up a bit of extra speed and made impact blasting clean through the brick wall ending up roughly between the robbers and the terrified hostages. The big man put his faith in Overclock to get the far more important job done while he charged the criminals and the escape vehicle bellowing out a roar from under his helmet for an extra intimidation factor.

"Right, get them-- Wait, I need-- No he's gone." Overclock grumbled as Tank began to charge. The smaller man didn't have much power built up, he was going to ask for a boost before Tank had started running. Riding the wake of Tank's trail, Jason dashed through the shocked onlookers, deftly leaping over the police barricades and whooping as he saw Tank in action, crashing through the wall of the bank. Skidding to a halt on the polished floors, Jason made a mental note of where the robbers were standing before moving towards the hostages. "Alright folks!" He cried over the noise inside the bank. "Cavalry's here, time to get you out!" He held his staff out in front of himself, motioning towards the huge hole in the wall. "The good officers of our fair city will be waiting out there, just keep your hands high so they know you're coming! Me and the big guy are offering cover, courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Variants!"

Oscar meanwhile, was having a Hell of a night. He'd been in the exact spot where he was stuck between the truck and the Tank, but too far from either to intercept. Yelling in frustration he keyed on his radio and called the officer in charge. "This whole thing is blown to Hell! I'm going in, we have to get those hostages out!" He didn't bother waiting for a reply before tearing the radio off his uniform and throwing it to the ground. He chased after the pair of Variants, feeling his own powers kickstart. The world around seemed to slow as Oscar felt power coursing through him. Speed, stamina, strength, toughness would all be enhanced by now. His reflexes were coming sharper, his mind opening up in new possibilities. Tank; seemingly invulnerable and super strength. Good street reputation for the most part. Despite his size, nobody knew who he was. Overclock; seemingly invulnerable as well, strength seemed to differ between accounts. Leaned a bit more violent than Tank, but never cruel. One possible connection to an unsolved mass murder, but considering the victims it was never pursued. This was the first time the two had been seen together. The outcome seemed hopeful.

Charging into the bank Oscar turned to confront the robbers, stepping up behind Tank. "Drop your weapons!" He bellowed, his voice echoing in the room. "Keep your hands where I can see them, nobody moves! You too Tank, and this won't end badly..." He didn't want to take either of the Variants in. He'd give them every chance to escape if he could. He didn't know if they knew that though...


Angel let out a small gasp as she heard the shots coming from the bank. She listened in to Jason filling her in before turning to address Nevermore. "We've got allies down there. Overclock, Tank, a dog I guess...? But we have to go, things are happening. Can you get to the bank? I might be able to carry you if you need it." Angel said, eyeing the distance from their roof to the bank.
In Variance 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Angel paused at the strange sight before her. The heavy costume made it difficult to tell the gender of the person in front of her, but the voice filtering out from the elongated mask sounded feminine. The strange bird-ish creature on the girls shoulder gave Angel pause, but nothing felt ominous to her. Angel prided herself on being able to read someone's intentions and this girl seemed to want to help. "I'm sorry," she said, moving closer to the raven figure and peering over the edge of the roof. "you caught me off guard and I'm kind of on edge... I'm keeping the crowd calm for now, but is there anything else we can do? If we get caught, it's NOVA for us..."

Angel trailed up as the night sky lit up in a flash of colors and shapes. Someone had just stepped off a roof opposite to them and was standing in midair! Giving a grand speech about saving the citizens... "Oh no. Oh that poor idiot. They're gonna shoot him out of the sky or take him to NOVA... But he may have just given us a distraction. What do you think?" Angel was already tapping at her ear-mounted phone to call up her brother and get him into motion.


Jason squatted beside the strange dog, reaching out to let the thing sniff at him before trying to get any closer. It was a good thing he was close as he was however, as the dog's eyes flashed into wells of darkness before reappearing, and doing the whole act again. As if it was some sort of signal. "Alright, I think I get you..." Jason muttered, moving closer. "So who do you belong to and what do you want?" He asked, curious about this turn but still suspicious.

The grandoise entrance from the Variant above made Jason straighten up and snap to attention. Bigger fish to fry and all. "Hold that though." He told the dog as his ear started ringing. With a flick of his good wrist, Jason brought up his phone display, the holographic image being displayed from the device on his ear into the empty space about a foot from his head. "Already on it, if we're moving now's the time." He said to the concerned-looking image of Angel's helmeted face. "Be safe down there, Overclock." She replied, remembering to use his codename for once. "C'mon Angel, this is me you're talking about. I wouldn't dream of it."

Hanging up the call, Jason made a beeline for the nearest alley. He dug into his pocket and pulled out a black bandana, wrapping around the lower part of his face. Pulling his hood up, the 'disguise' was nearly complete. He needed his gloves and-- Overclock ran into a brick wall of muscle. Looking up, Overclock was shocked to see the costumed visage of Tank, a local legend in this neighborhood. Overclock had never worked with him personally, but he'd seen the big guy's work. Taking a step back, Jason caught his breath and nodded up to the big man. "Tank, right? I'm a big fan." He said, digging into his backpack and pulling out a pair of black, elbow-length gloves. Tank had probably already seen the prosthetic arm Jason wore on his left side, but the gloves would help conceal him from anyone else. Finally he reached into his hoodie pocket and grabbed his staff, unfolding it to its full five foot length with a flick of his wrist. "I'm Overclock. I help clean up the streets too. Looks we got our work cut out for us tonight though, huh?"
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