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Are you still interested in our roleplay? Just curious.
While watching the conversation between Ryan and Nikki, Reagan listened to everything they said to each other. She watched the way their body language spoke to each other even though Nikki was compacted. She could see the hurt in Ryan that Nikki had caused him over the years which made her ears start to turn red and hot from anger. It still sickened her that she took advantage of him at such a young age and now, trying to plead for her life by begging and promising a better life and to be a better mother to Omni. Reagan could tell that she was lying and luckily enough, Ryan did too. She was pleased to see that Ryan wasn't buying anything she was saying.

It wasn't longer after that that Nikki was dead and laying motionless on the floor. The battle was over and she was gone for good, or so Reagan hoped. Her eyes then went over to Ryan who had been blown away from the explosion. She quickly got up and limped her way onto the grass to where his family and son were already over his body. Still being weak from earlier, she couldn't get there quite as fast as the others but she did her best anyway. Once she reached him, she tried to see what was going on.

"Is he alright?" she asked out loud hoping that someone would answer her.

Her knees were starting to become wobbly but she wasn't going to leave, not now, not ever. She watched as they handled Ryan and started to take him inside the house. Slowly, but surely, Reagan proceeded to walk with them inside the house. Her head turned a little to look at the lifeless body on the ground that used to be Nikki. As much as she hated Nikki, she couldn't help but feel sorry for her since Ryan was right..she had everything, yet she gave it up for what? The yellow eyes? What was so special about that group that she needed to leave a mate and son for? Reagan wanted to know more and decided that she'd investigate it more when she found out that Ryan would be okay.
I'm interested ! We can discuss through pm if you'd like.
This fight was starting to take its toll on Reagan. She wasn’t sure how much more she was going to be able to take. Everything that she ever believed in was changed in the past few weeks, between learning about the Elementals and their way of living. Reagan watched as Ryan continued to bleed and used it to his advantage every so often. Both Ryan and Nikki were putting up a good fight and with each blow, it made her heart sank. She wanted this to be over so they could move on. It wasn’t until Nikki had suggested that Omni would join the yellow eyes with her, she instantly became protective and shook her head to herself, knowing that she would never allow it to happen. Her legs suddenly became weak again and so she took a seat and continued to watch.

Ryan had a different style of fighting, which didn’t seem irrational since he wasn’t a normal human being. She noticed how he used his other senses and not just sight. Omni kept cluing her in on what Ryan was doing and this made Reagan smile a little. It was nice to see how proud he was of his dad which made her happy. Hearing screams, whether from Ryan or Nikki, sent a shiver down her spine. She hoped that each scream would be the last but it was never the case. At several points, she had to put her hands to her face and peek through her fingers like a small child when watching a movie.

“I can’t watch anymore.” She said mostly to herself.

The fight was far from over it seemed. Nikki was able to pin Ryan down and she finally noticed that his family moved forward but were unable to intervene. Omni’s face even looked worried which caused Reagan to be nervous. That wasn’t a good sign. Omni had been her rock this entire fight and now he was starting to look worried. She watched as Ryan eventually got out of her grip and eventually case her in his old blood but it looked like it was hardening like rock. At the end, only Nikki’s face was visible through the hardened blood. Reagan watched Ryan closely as this looked like the final minutes of the fight.

What are you going to do now?, she thought to herself as Ryan started to talk to Nikki for the last time. She put her hand on Omni’s shoulder gently and waited for the end. She knew though, that even after the fight was over and if he won, there would be something about him that would be a little upset. Even if she was evil and did horrible things to both Omni and him, she was still the mother of his son and first love. Reagan was worried that she wouldn’t be able to help him get through that but she knew that it was a bridge that she needed to cross when it came to it.

“Omni.. are you okay?” she asked gently.
Reagan watched as the fight continued. Every blow and every swipe of a sharp material made her cringe with fear. She wasn’t afraid of blood or death, just the thought that Ryan could potentially fall to the hands of the woman who abused him, used him, and then tossed their son away as if he was a misfit toy. Even the sight of Nikki made Reagan was to lash out and kill her herself. Every time Ryan had a clean shot to kill her, he would instead torture her in some way before stopping causing Nikki to regain some strength.

She was confused as to why he would do that but decided that it was best to trust Ryan in whatever it is he was planning to do.
Instincts told her to grab her wand out of her pocket and interfere. She gripped it tightly and moved forward a little bit until Omni stopped her. She looked at him and then back at the fight. Ryan was suspended in the air as Nikki laughed and mocked him for being weak. Again, Reagan lunged forward but she was weak and Omni wouldn’t allow it. She was helpless and couldn’t do anything to help him.

“I can’t just sit here Omni. Look at him! Blood is dripping everywhere!” she said to him as she tried to fight him off but there was no use, he was much stronger than she was. She watched Ryan as blood dripped from his mouth and continued to talk to Nikki. In her mind, she begged Ryan to stop the madness and get it over with. She looked up at his family, his mother and father, sisters, brothers and back down to his son. They were all calm and watched without a stir. How could they just sit there and watch as their family member is hurt and losing to that tramp?

Her attention went back to Ryan as she waited to see the outcome of the fight. If Ryan won, then everything would be fine and they could continue working on their relationship, or whatever it was. If Nikki won, she would either kill her or die trying. She had her hand on her wand again gripping it tightly so she could be ready to go if she needed too.
Reagan was still very weak since it had only been a few hours since Omni and his father, Ryan, helped her spirit enter her body again. Just as she was starting to feel safe again, another unexpected turn of events came to play. Nikki, Omni’s biological mother, challenged Ryan in a fight to the death. Reagan’s heart rate started to increase causing her to feel light headed and faint like. Once the ex-lovers were out of the house, Reagan looked over at Omni and sighed. As much as she didn’t want to watch the fight, she knew she had too. She reached out her hand for Omni.

“Can you help me get outside?” she asked with a weak voice.

Walking was hard for her. Her legs couldn’t seem to find their strength so most of her support was on Omni. Even though Omni was a bit taller than her and seemed at ease to be holding her up, she still felt horrible for having him carry her out. Once they were outside and she was able to lean up against the railing of the porch and hold herself, her eyes quickly looked around for Ryan. He wasn't in sight and she became nervous but then again, she didn't see Nikki so she didn't think she missed anything yet. She turned and looked at Omni.

“I’m sure this is hard for you Omni. You don’t have to stay out here if you prefer not to.” She said to him in an almost motherly tone.

After a few minutes, she couldn't hold herself anymore and she fell to the ground and yelped in some pain but refused help from Omni as she noticed that Ryan and Nikki were starting their battle. Her heart sank whenever Nikki was able to get in a shot on Ryan. She had all the faith in Ryan to come out in victory but since she was in love with him, she couldn't help but feel worried. At a few points, she covered her face and started to shake a little. She pulled herself up and continued to watch the fight. She looked at Omni who didn't seem to be too worried or upset.

"Are you okay?" she asked.
This is where we can talk out of the roleplay. Not a bad new quirk. :P
Yoo hoo!

Hello there :)

I am interested in getting back into the swing of things around here! And the fact that you enjoy romances as much as I do is a plus!

I'm Krystal by the way.
-tips hat-

Lets write some awesomeness!
hey all! glad to be back.

looking for Mysterion, Sinfulskills, and Jeremiahblackw

otherwise, how's everyone doing? ")
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