Avatar of l0ck0n
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 384 (0.11 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. l0ck0n 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current It's tough out there, but take it day by day. Keep fighting
3 yrs ago
Hey :^)))
1 like
7 yrs ago
Hello everyone, I am back for some roleplaying! Been gone for while, and I do miss it.
1 like
7 yrs ago
Sometimes people just need to fuck off, don't you think?
7 yrs ago
A change in environment is good.


18+ as I am of age. I'm not asking, or requesting. You know the drill.


Please do not make yourself at home. Instead, keep scrolling and enjoy a few crumbs I've provided about who I am and what I do down below.

✨ If this comes as a surprise to you then leave. :3

I'm into Anime and Manga! The list is not an update, but a brief idea as to what I'm into. Feel free to strike up a conversation. But of course, as a fair warning I do enjoy a good rant. I do also like roleplaying these universes, and not just explaining what I like for the heck of it. Also, these types of universes are what I enjoy to roleplay if anime wasn't involved.

Best Friend is:

♥ XxLyraxX ♥

My Partner in Crime when it comes to roleplaying, and my dear friend who will give honest feedback for writing in general.

Mess with her and you mess with me. :)).

Who the heck am I:

I am but a human being who struggles, but stands their ground in whatever situation life will throw. And believe me, life has thrown a few boulders my way. A they/them who enjoys creating a fantasy adventure through writing, and will work with others to help make roleplaying an enjoyable experience.

Alright then, let's get to role-playing!

(I've recently come back, so unfortunately for you my history will not be of much help.)

Most Recent Posts

I...Have no words for that wonderful post
is this still going to happen?
I love the fact that two villains have walked in on this. Hahah.
It's like someone just pulled up a list and hit "Send All" without looking at the names.

> Can that intern be an NPC that gets yelled at, PLEASE? xD

Neo Priya



"And they think villains are the crazy ones..." Neo murmured under his breathe as he suddenly saw one guy fly through the air, and another yell for the others to shut up as she had walked in. It was a sight to see, and he wondered why he had re-thought attending this good guys meeting. It was a laugh to say the least, but he walked in nonetheless. As he realized who had thrown the poor man across the room Neo gave a thumbs up to the guy as he yelled out to him, "GOOD THROW!"

Glancing toward Ms. Everybody Quiet Neo winked, but started walking towards the armored guy. An asset is what he was, and not talking to him was like purposely losing a game of gold fish. He seemed intimidating, but who wouldn't after throwing a guy.

"Hey," Neo cleared his throat a bit. "Can you possibly throw me too? 'Cause that was pretty badass dude."
Neo Priya


On reading the letter Neo recieved he wondered only one thing, and that was..."How in burning hell did they obtain my address?" He had never updated his living address, and as far as anyone knew Neo was a drifter. He rarely ever wanted to stay in one spot, so there was no way a normal person could be able to know where he stayed. Skimming through the letter he had almost snorted at the word "save". As far as he knew "saving" anyone was not in his vocabulary, and he had no intention to add it there. Continuing to read through the letter he actually became intrigued by the idea this supposed mayor was presenting.

At least, that was what he thought before actually stepping foot into Town Hall. It was not his preferred place to be as it not only smelled musty, but it had a depressed vibe that the "artistic" architecture of the building could never change. Apparently, he had also entered the wrong side of the building and ended up being in the wrong area altogether, so when he had showed the letter to a lady there she thought he was joking. He was not joking, and luckily she was able to lead him in the right direction after a few more exchange of words. On reaching the reception desk he told the old fart who he was, and then was handed a stack of papers needed to be filled out. He was also told where to go since he would have possibly gotten lost again if he was not told. Skimming the stack of papers to see what he needed to fill out Neo was really questioning if he should turn back. The last thing he wanted was the be found after running for so long. These papers could easily leave a trace that he has been so far avoiding to do. Walking to the nearest trash can Neo threw the stack of papers away, and made his way to the meeting.

Walking in he seemed to notice there were more than just a few people invited to this...whatever it was supposed to be. He looked around to see if he was the only bad guy invited to the gathering. Honestly, it still didn't make sense why he was invited to "save" people. He was more of deaths assistant when it came to civilians, but besides the point there was a good amount of people here.

Suddenly, Neo heard someone shout for someone else to make out, and Neo burst out laughing as he looked around to see who had said that. Not quite what he was expecting for a first meeting.

Seems like the party started without me.

Okay, I'm home so give me about 2-3 hours to reply~

Update: Everyones characters are great!
I'm going back home tomorrow, so I will see if I can post tomorrow!
I am really interested in this, and want to join~
@Cherrywitch I'm excited! Though, I'll be on vacation From Friday through Monday, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to post anything until late Monday. No one has to wait for me, and I'll make sure to have Neo go in with a bang!
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