Avatar of lady horatio
  • Last Seen: 11 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 219 (0.07 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. lady horatio 9 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Sorry I haven't been on in a few days, guys! I'm feeling sick, so going to retire, but will hopefully have time after work tomorrow.
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7 yrs ago
Plans for today: clean, reply to Guild messages, work on belated Christmas gift. Repeat. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon!
7 yrs ago
Ah, 3a.m. We meet again. My sleep schedule's become really screwy, and it's messing with my ability to keep up with things. I promise I'm keeping a running tally of my PMs; responses may just be slow.
7 yrs ago
Today's agenda: 30 minutes of cleaning, 20 minutes of crochet/reading/Guild time; repeat until either house looks less terrifying or it is dark outside.
7 yrs ago
Yesterday, was dispirited because my interest check wasn't getting any hits. Today, bumped it and came back to three messages, TWO of them referencing The Princess Bride. [delighted cackling]
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This bio is a work-in-progress! For now, here are the basics:
  • Marcie
  • 29
  • Hamlet fixation
  • Lover of all things fantastic, supernatural, and just plain cool
  • Sucker for character-driven stories
  • Terrible at plot, but always happy to brainstorm
  • And, most importantly: very friendly, so please say hi!

Most Recent Posts

Almost done with my character sheet, I swear! I got stuck on two possible directions for my background scene; I finally chose, but might end up writing the other one later. :P
-more happy pterodactyl noises-

Thank you, @Naril! :333 In that case, I'll have it up today. I already started drafting her new background scene last night.

It's so nice to see you all!
[delighted screeching]

I am so, so mad that I missed the activity kicking back up on the old thread! *pokes head in shyly* If you're open to having me, I would absolutely love to update Mandy's character sheet and re-submit it. I had so much fun with you guys.
@RBYDark Thank you for responding to my interest check! I realllllly want to say yes, but a few nice people already sent me messages, and I don't want to accidentally leave any of you guys hanging while I try to filter through potential partners. (I have been down that path, and that way lies me losing track of my PM threads.)

I'm going to temporarily close up shop right now while I get caught up, but I'll bump up the thread again if it looks like I can take on another partner. Thank you again, and I hope you find a few good RPs in the mean time!
I'm embarrassed by how long I've been gone--life got unexpectedly overwhelming for a while--but I'm back and hoping a few friendly people might be interested in starting something! So, without further ado: Bump!
Is anybody still out there?

I am! I admittedly haven't been around much, but I kept thinking of this thread. I love this thread! Anyone else?
That's totally OK, @Naril! Thank you for the head's up. New Year's is only a few weeks away, and I'd be happy to just pick back up whenever you're ready. :)
@greywolf375 I'm about to go grab lunch before work, but I'll shoot you a PM when I get home! :)
Hi! If you got the reference in the title, let’s talk so we can be the best of friends.

I’m lady h, a neurotic 27-year-old cat-lover, tea enthusiast, and champion marathoner (of TV, that is). It’s nice to meet you! I'm once again returning to the Guild after a bit of an absence, and as always, it's a bit nerve-wracking. (To any old partners that stumble across this: I'm so sorry for disappearing, and please don't hesitate to message me if I haven't already reached out to you first.)

I'm not looking to take on too much too fast, so if I manage to hit if off with a partner or two, I'll probably close up shop again for a bit, at least to see how I manage before expanding my horizons. That said, I'm always down to make more friends around these parts, even if we don't start something at the moment!

I’ve tried to make this interest check as organized and user-friendly as possible, so you can easily check out the sections most relevant or important to you. I’m sure, just like the title says, that I’ll tinker with it endlessly anyway—and in the mean time, if you have any questions that I didn’t cover, please don’t hesitate to hit me up!

I think the most important thing to remember up front is that finding a new writing partner is a trial-and-error process for everybody. I’d love for us to go into this with the understanding that either of us is free to say, “Hey, sorry, I don’t think I’m the guy/girl for you,” at any time, with no hard feelings. Then we can tip our hats, wish each other luck, and keep looking.

If you’d like to get in touch and see if we are roleplay-compatible, please shoot me a PM or a @mention so I’m sure to see it!
Hi, all! Just checking in to see how everybody's doing. :) I hope those of you who celebrate it had a nice Thanksgiving, and that you're all having a good week. Anyone up to anything exciting?
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