Avatar of Lady Luck
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    1. Lady Luck 8 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current Finally, corrected that Crit fail I rolled on election night four years ago.
8 yrs ago
I'm sorry everyone. I rolled a 01 during the election last night.
8 yrs ago
Time to roll your fate my lovelies.
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You know who I am, you know what I do... A roll of the dice, a flip of the coin, your fate is in my hands. Brace yourself. LLA has arrived.

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Oh my, it seems that I am back sooner than anticipated. Please stand by for details on your funeral arrangements.
Weep for your fallen, I shall return when death next comes knocking.

Time Of Death: 6:53 p.m. June 13th, 2010

Oh my, how time does fly. The hours turn into days and the days into weeks. Eventually years pass like the blink of an eye and all the horrors you have faced eventually do nothing to prepare you for the end. I have let the dice fall where they may and my dears, one of you no longer draws breath. Oh, now, who was it again? I seem to have misplaced my little list. Oh yes, that one. Oh dear, this may hurt a bit. I know at least one will be devastated, or was it two? I guess it doesn't matter. There will be blood spilt tonight!

~claps her hands together and rubs them with a cheshire grin on her face~ Forgive me, I am just so excited to be taking the driver seat in this death instead of phoning it in. Now, where was I? Oh yes, the death of your beloved.... Shall we get to it? Let's. In the world of the Walking Dead, this is just what went down. Oh wait, I can't yet! I must catch you up to the point of death! Yes yes, we cannot have an ending without a story now can we? Gather around boys and girls. This is just what happened.

As the group pulls through the gates of Franklin and begins their trek towards Newnan Sana watches them become smaller in the distance until they take the last corner and are out of sight. She says nothing for a time, her head just lightly resting on the Cabbages shoulder. After a moment his words finally register in her mind. She doesn't move, just simply speaks the following... "Il est mon frère." How sweet. It would be such a pity if something happened to him outside of the safety of Franklin.

Lyon eyes the two as Sana slowly looks up to Ed. "Fixez vos cheveux," the Duchess says to the French "prince" before taking his hand and leading him back in to the school. Lyon stopping them as he rests his hand on Sana's shoulder.

"Don't trust him," he says in plain old English before walking off to get back to work. Sana nods and continues on her way, it was time to find some scissors and a comb.

Over in Newnan, things are okay. Tatiana is taking the advice to heart and wondering if she could actually work such movements into the show. Probably not tonight, it had been far too long since she had had the time or space to work on any acrobatics as such. She was good to be able to dance for a brief time this evening. She does thank the woman for the suggestion and looks over at Miss Sally as she and others start bringing in chairs. Seeing Jack volunteer she is happy, something for him to help with. He always seems to want to help. "Make sure chair far back please. Safety," the Russian ballerina says before getting back to work with Bahzooli. Miss Sally is welcome to any and all help she can get, smiling over at Jack and thanking him.

"I am getting too old for this shit," the elder of Newnan states before sitting her rear end down in a chair as she begins to direct traffic instead of doing some of the heavy lifting.

Over at the gate people are keeping an eye out for anyone to show themselves, they are still tense on the wall and who could blame them. No one has shown up yet but there is are two horses, a familiar horses galloping up towards the gates of Newnan - Alone and without riders. "Boss! Boss! Horses are coming! Without their girls!" Jim calls in from the outer front gate.

Before Ash gets that message though, Ryan is found still in his cell, singing an Irish little tune under his breath as he watches his guard and Ash show back up. "About bloody time! I need some food," he says with a large grin. His guard released one very long held breath of relief. At least the man didn't try to escape.

Froggy stops in his tracks as the Radio crackles in the infirmary. It is crackling in on all leads, Jim didn't bother to turn it to a private channel. Can't blame him, those horses have never been without their riders. "Neisha, we have two extra gurney's in storage down the hall. Can you get them quickly please," he finally breaks in as he finishes setting up and rolls his sleeves up. Stepping over to the sink he starts washing up, if anyone gets back he wants to be ready.

Why are there two horses and no riders? Let's see what lead up to this event....

Astrid looks over towards Ray as the small caravan is making their way towards Newnan. "Yes actually, just released my patient from our infirmary earlier today. She is doing very well," Astrid says to reassure her. Marx just keeps his mouth shut, thinking about Sana and how he didn't want to leave her behind. Leaving her behind when he went out always left a sour taste in his stomach. It seemed to be an omen today.

Coming down a hill that crested on a corner the group is suddenly facing a wall of Walkers. A hoard moving through between Newnan and Franklin on HWY 34. They are able to stop and reroute but the hoard has seen them. "We can't lead them back to Newnan!" Astrid says quickly as they turn down J.D. Walton Rd to try to take a longer route and hope they can move fast enough to loose them before they start heading north again.

Before they can loose the hoard though they find it is a splintered group. Walkers coming out of the woods. Astrid pulls her axe out, ready to throw it before Edgar gets spooked as Marx is riding the horse in the grass instead of on the street. A rattle snake lashes out at the horse and Marx goes tumbling to the ground, his leg impaling on a broken piece of steel from a left over wreck on the side of the road. Candance (Bridgette's horse), get grabbed by several walkers but breaks free. It rears up sending Bridgette to the ground. The horse takes off after Edgar but Bridgette is already bit, once, twice, three times.

"Bridgette!!!!" Astrid screams as she jumps out of the truck and tucks and rolls. Coming up she starts mowing through the Walkers but there is nothing that can be done no matter how much Bridgette fights. Astrid knows it is over. There is nothing that can save her sister now. "Valhalla!" she bellows as tears stream down her cheeks, her arm stretching out as she releases her axe, it hurling and pivoting through the air.

Time moves slow at moments, Astrids eyes locking with her sisters, before the axe embeds its blade into Bridgette's skull, between the eyes and sinking deep. Pulling her shield from her back she draws her long sword and starts fighting back the walkers. "Get him in the truck!!" she yells pointing to Marx who is grabbing his rifle off his back and firing towards the Walkers as they come for him.

Who will be next? Let's see what you do surrounded.
@Morose But of course,

Oh I am truly excited! My first world narrative post!!! How I have been looking forward to this. Ladies and Gentleman, please, hold onto your seats. It's going to be a bumpy ride.
@mnkee Are you scared my child?
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