Avatar of LancerOfBlue
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    1. LancerOfBlue 9 yrs ago


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I'm interested in seeing where this will go, so I'll be lurkin'!
[Medical Officer Kotan]

  • Incisor - Bunkers

In the scramble on the Incisor, Leonora was taking a moment to focus her mind as she erased it from the senses of her Jedi comrades. Her mind sharpening as she collected herself while she felt the force during this chaotic moment. In the silence of her meditation, Leonora could feel it... Something that she never felt before as the strings that she felt was taught with tension as they intertwined the Incisor to Javku. A breath-taking feeling that seemed as if they pulled each other closer that she was curious to see if her other Jedi comrades could feel outside of the moment. The adrenaline, anxiousness, and suspense were no doubt something that fogged the minds of everyone right now but those who could see past it were awarded. There, however, was no doubt a tugging sensation inside of her that she tried to ignore as they got closer and closer... It would do be little help to be worrying about it as her thoughts slowed themselves down to a standstill. Clearing her mind of its worries for now as she exited out of the room that she temporarily used as a place to focus her mind. Picking herself so that she could head into the armory to get everything ready for what everyone was being called into.

  • Incisor - Armory

With the door opening, she entered with the rest of her comrades as she blended easily within the ranks of the other soldiers. Looking at the faces of who she was going to be fighting with, she saw a variety of emotions ranging from anxiousness to fear and worry to even anger which was interesting... Their briefing with their commander was even more interesting, while she had never seen the famous Jedi leader before it was no doubt something. She could only wonder if Revan was what the Republic needed to stop the conflict from the Mandalorians. A question popped into her head, however, she instantly cleared her mind of that thought before it could lead into anything else...

"30 minutes to drop. Prepare to board drop pods on the red light mark..." Was announced through the PA system as everyone's scrambling and movement frenzied into an organized chaos. With everyone preparing and readying themselves for the drop through the pods, some already done and entered into pods which could only hold two comfortably at most. She paid no heed to the size of the pod as she slumped the armor over herself which she had disliked compared to her lighter apparel but this was a necessary precaution. Too many dangers presented themselves to wear anything lighter, but considering her strength anything heavier wouldn't do her good either so she was in between. Checking to see if she had everything else prepared and ready, she finished off her equipment check and began to make her way to the pods.

Private Lee waved to her to come share a pod as she smiled gladly for the invitation but before she could get anywhere closer to her, another person took the spot. Raising an eyebrow curiously, they turned their face to her as he stuck his tongue out teasingly, it was Hughes who she knew. Giving him a playful glare as the two laughed in the pod, she dramatically rolled her eyes before she waved the two love birds goodbye to find another pod. Looking around the room for a pod to join, there were many empty ones that happened to be open but they would be open for another. So best bet was to take one with another person already inside, taking a peak at the pods with a single person in there. Finding one that she knew wasn't like her Jedi comrades, she slipped in suddenly without saying much.

Entering the pod, she almost tripped against the... force pike? That was stuffed awkwardly into the pod which was amusing, looking at her companion for the ride. It was Ms. Lokdon who Kotan was going to be traveling with for the descend down. Giving a brief smile to Lokdon "I hope this half isn't taken" Leonora said polietely before setting down her things and locking what was needed into a compartment so that they wouldn't fly everywhere. It would probably be wise to hold onto something, as Leonora buckled herself into her seat and held onto something for bumpy descent.
As comrades, I would say us three would have had previous interaction with each other. So I'll just tackle both of you at the same time

Yes, my character would be most interested seeing your character in general and her untapped force sensitivity along with how it is expressing itself. Outside of being a person she would be watching, Katano wouldn't mind converting her into a Pazzak player with her kind of 'instincts' Ashara has and learning her story as a Senate Guard. I would find the two equally competitive with each other and talk about their experiences about what they been through.

I would like to say that Kal and Leonora would have similar personalities, being fairly upbeat and friendly with a slick side of sarcasm when they want to make it rain. She would honestly find a good friend in him should they ever solidify their status above acquaintances as they have similar traits with each other. While Asahara may be her competitive comrade, Kal, in contrast, would be a friend made during war-time.

Unfortunately, loner Leonora would be slow in turning you two from acquaintances to friends as those pesky Jedi are always making her walk on her toes. So it may take some time to grind away the stone for something to be made If you want something else besides, "Oh, I seen her around before!" then just PM me and we can talk about it ^.^

(Side Note: I'll try to post either tonight if I get through reviewing some stuff for tests or tomorrow)
I'm still alive and ready to go whenever you are @HeySeuss
Its like moving from BC to AD, In between BC and AD, there is 0 which would signify an event that would transit from those two classifications. In our case, the death of Christ (or after Common Era) and in the Star Wars Universe it would be the Battle of Yavin. So in essence, we are playing characters in the past and are moving forward in time to point '0'.

From the wiki, it explains it here...
...Calendar eras used the Battle of Yavin as its epoch, or "year zero." BBY stands for Before the Battle of Yavin, and ABY stands for After the Battle of Yavin.
Kenneth Sokolvo

Social Conscience | Mather Memorial High School

Kenneth's eyes was already on the clock ten minutes before, glancing at it every once in a while as he quietly wondered if Mr. Lehrer would turn up the air conditioning. It was like that ever since he got into the room and all throughout the period, if he had knew it was going to be this cold then he would've brought a jacket to this class. Suddenly, he felt warmth tickle his skin as the flash of heat was totally unexpected as his eyes darted around him to look where it came from. With the cold settling around him once again as he caught one of the other guys in the class start making his way to the door but did a u-turn after some interference with Mr. Lehrer. 'Daww, he only pays attention to the trouble makers' He thought teasingly to himself as he counted the minutes in the class slowly edge closer to the bell ringing.

Then before anything else could be said by Jonas or the class, the door was opened by a familiar face of Elroy, which reminded him of the announcement of the upcoming dance. Giving a small wave and smile to the boy entered the classroom, before listening to him as he announced his message. Looking to his side as he saw Brynn with a focused look as she was probably checking through the specifics in her head as Elroy spoke. Turning his head back as he listened to the rest of the message and watched Elroy left the room, leaving Kenneth pondering about the dance.

The costumes and contest for them were revealed to the council first after all the preliminary voting had passed through, letting all the members know ahead of time to prepare setting up for the dance. Of course posters, signs, and advertisement for the dance were made entirely for the school but more ambitious members he knew were making their costume way ahead of the announcement. Of those people, he was one of them who had already been building his costume that would be suitable for using as his Halloween costume as well when he was done with it. It so far was a pretty nice project that he had going on the side that he would have time to work on, thanks to the slow flow of homework coming in for the first week of school. Remembering the previous years he had given half-hearted attempts on each outfit which came out alright but this year was different. With a plan already laid out, there would be no cutting corners or lazying out on details as he was going to hammer some time and care into this personal project. With some elbow grease and getting those creative juices on overdrive, he was at least going to make sure the competition was tough for he was aiming to win as well.

When the bell rang, he got up from his seat in front of the class as he left the classroom being one of the first one out of the door. Feeling the temperature rise up to normal, he gave a second look into the class before he turned and made his way to other errands that needed to be attended to. Although there was no doubt that the upcoming dance was on his mind, as he thought of ways to improve and add on to the outfit. While the thought of who Mr. Lehrer was is no doubt important, it was merely pushed to the back-burner as Kenneth had a whole year to form a better opinion on their new teacher.

It did worry him that such a teacher wasn't able to pick up too many defining traits from his observation, but again worrying about this wouldn't do any good right now. Clearing his mind, as Kenneth reviewed on potential competitors for the dance as he continued his way down the halls.
Would it be possible to have a half-breed merperson, I would be sure to include the genetic discomforts of combining a land creature and water creature? My character would be most likely to be placed into Good even if the idea isn't accepted so its all goodie. Just have to spend some hours looking for a group of pictures that are perfect...
I'll make a race for my mechanical overlords character

A redundant race really, but the terminator-styled Cyborgs are not tech savy enough with me. So hopefully this is fine, I tried to offset its advantages equally.

I've been following but decided to come out of the shadows so here's my character
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