Avatar of Leos Klien
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1325 (0.37 / day)
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    1. Leos Klien 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Nothing beats the feeling you get when you find an RP that's amazing.
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7 yrs ago
Still alive, if barely, I will be back properly on the 20th.
7 yrs ago
Will likely not be able to post for quite some time in my current roleplays - If I do it'll be very slow and staggered, sorry guys this is only temporary.
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7 yrs ago
My pool of friends is drastically lowering since any of them that buys Andromeda makes my shit list.
7 yrs ago
Damnit... exam season is coming and I just got hooked on a new anime; the Gods are not kind....


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Finishing the post now people, will be up soon.
@MrDidact "only enough to collapse the entryway..."
*begins retconning the 30 cain mines that were placed*
Me and Sgt.Easy are collaborating at the minute, it's gunna be explosive :3
Will be posting later today, with many explosives as is Giles' forte - husks don't stand a chance.
@rivaanAh, My bad, just the term barrier is used a lot in biotics so I got confused - never mind then :3
@rivaanI don't think barriers work like that there's nothing to suggest in the Mass effect universe that a barrier created with biotics could actually stop something like a husk or anything of that size from traversing through it - the only thing we see is it stopping the swarms on the collector ship, but not abominations and husks that periodically come through it.
You'd have to create a large stasis field instead - which would be far more difficult and stressful to keep up.

A biotic barrier, based on what I've read on them doesn't allow small objects with varying force from getting through them, bullets or seeker swarms for instance, they damage the barrier lowering its effectiveness till it breaks hence why biotics erect their own barriers in the ME universe as personal shields - it would slow the horde a bit if you were to erect one, but not stop.
@rivaanWell that's the difference between you and me, I'd reload my save to land the headshot, that explosion...
Ah so bloody satisfying, the mission with the 4 YMIR mechs was the best, 4 head shots made my day when I done that mission.
@rivaanI am not ;-;
The godammned tunnels survived the reapers they can survive the Cain wannabe!
Psssht, we Brits made those tunnels, takes more than that to make em collapse.
YAY I posted :D
The battle below had come to a close, with no casualties or injuries sustained on their side - Ellis seemed to have a malfunction of some sorts, but quite frankly he did not care what happened to him.
Overall their efficiency seemed to be quite surprising, as they had easily dispatched their foes within moments of combat being engaged.
The turian gave out more orders and put Giles on overwatch... again...
There was limited fun to be had being a mile away from the action, whilst he did enjoy the chaos he could sow with nought but a single round, there wasn't anything quite like using his array of explosives up close - "Danger close" the humans called it, they seemed to have a word or saying for everything.

As the rest of the team moved up on the Cerberus facility Giles loaded in his next shot, he loved this bit, the mechanical and jarring movements needed to make that released the spent thermal clip, the clip itself pinging out with a metallic ring leaving behind a trail of steam from its white hot body.
Truly beautiful, in its own way...

Giles frowned to himself after that thought and action... it was exactly that line of thinking that brought the Artist out, and given the gravity of this mission, that would and could not happen.
His medication was still in effect and he had a backup vial in his satchel so he should be okay.
Gilvert rammed the next clip into his rifle and peered down the scope once more to look at the door where the vanguard was amassing. It was in that moment the real shit hit the fan, several mechs as well as Guardians came out of the facility ready to meet the assault team.
That was more than enough mandate to kill everyone of them, this "political party" was clearly in deep with Cerberus in order for them to receive such a large garrison as this.

Then he seen it, the large YMIR mech that laid behind the enemy garrison, he knew how to deal with these, and his rifle... it was designed for this moment.
Thankfully as the battle waged on the mech sustained damage, as well as its kinetic barriers being totally destroyed.
The Cerberus turncoat screamed to shoot the mech in the head, but Giles needed no order or aid in knowing what he had to do.
Gilvert breathed in, pushed the stock of his rifle close to his shoulder, pushing it in for a firm grip.
An explosive round was loaded, his scope firmly affixed on its head, the humans have a saying that lightning never strikes in the same place twice, well, on this occasion it would.

He pulled the trigger and his rifle caused thunder to roll through the tunnel once more- he was so entrapped in the moment he didn't even need to cover his ears, the round blazed through the tunnel and pierced straight through the YMIR mechs head causing it to explode violently in a cascade of shrapnel and electronics.
The mech fell on its knees, arms slumped in an oddly organic reenactment of losing ones head, then the telltale glistening on its core began to occur, a slowly increasing beep began to emit through the tunnel, seemingly overshadowing the firefight that was occurring.
Everyone knew what was going to follow.
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