Avatar of levinfist
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    1. levinfist 5 yrs ago


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Amelia had been doing her own prep work for the night. She finished applying her black lipstick to compliment her similarly black party dress. Of course, dress or no she was still bringing her trusty leather jacket, and her dress needed to match. The plan was....fairly simple, in retrospect. Track down and drop in on the others, and inform them that she was, in fact, not dead. Except Lynn. Lynn would require some warning if she didn't want to get set ablaze under suspicion of being a snitch.

After that, when everything was winding down, and people started heading home for the night, Amelia had one special surprise planned. Her formerly empty duffle bag was now filled to the brim with spray paint, box cutters, and cardboard. It was as though everything was building up to one hell of a tag. A tag that honestly should have been made weeks ago. "Better late then never..." Amelia muttered to herself. Amelia slipped on her boots, foregoing heels since they weren't quite the best for the rooftop traversal she had planned later. With that, she made her way to the door, sending out a message to Archie, Natalie, and fuck it, lets add Keaton.

"Alright losers, I'm bored with pretending to not exist. Where we all going, I'll meet up with you."

Amelia had been.....pacing. A lot. In retrospect she was coming to realize that hiding from what might be a conspiracy was not as fun as she thought it would be. She'd duck out now and then for class, grabbing quick amounts of food, and other necessities, but would always do so with a quick teleport there and back, never staying out of her room for too long. And it was.....starting to quite get to her. She sat down on her bed, and buried her head in her hands. Again. Cara spoke up from her phone for what must have been the umpteenth time. "Amelia. Are you sure you don't want to go out there?"

Amelia groaned. "Look, for the last time, I'm not getting murdered on this space station thousands of miles from my home. I'll just wait it out here until somebody else finally shows some decency and stops it."

"Do you even know how long you've been hiding here?"

Amelia was getting unceasingly frustrated. "Look, yes I know. It's been a long time. But I really like not being dead."

Cara's responses were increasingly snide, almost in an effort to goad Amelia into doing something different. "As much as you clearly hate being here? You've been pacing for hours."


You could easily hear the amusement in Cara's tone now. "A fine person wouldn't have done what you did to the bathroom the other day."

That stopped Amelia cold in her tracks. "......What?"

Amelia stepped into her bathroom and was struck dumb by the sight. Written in what almost seemed blood red lipstick, on her bathroom mirror, was "All hide and no play makes Amelia a dull girl," over and over again. Amelia didn't make a noise for a while, before her declaration of "........Huh." She clicked her tongue for a few moments. "Hey Cara? I think I'm ready to go outside now."

"Why I think that's an excellent idea Amelia."

Amelia started throwing her jacket on. She pondered for a few moments on this.....let's call it a revelation, before her eyes fixed on her old duffel bag. A duffel bag that once held her dear hobby supplies in it. A thought occurred. "You know what? Fuck it. If I'm getting murdered its going to be while I do what I love." And with that, Amelia walked towards the door, and disappeared, the only sign of her previous presence being a momentary scar in reality.

If anyone thought Amelia couldn't freak out more then she already was, they'd quickly be proven wrong as Archie reached out and grabbed her. She frantically kicked at his chest as she was picked up, aiming for something, anything that would force him back and her out of his grip. Unfortunately, there was only so much she could do before she was pinned to the ground. Her look of panic didn't break, even as Archie released her, and she instinctively teleported back against one of the trees, pressed up against it.

Amelia had a look of animalistic fear in her eyes as Archie and Lynn interrogated her, and glanced around looking for a way to bail. Unfortunately for Amelia's instinct to just flee from her problems, there seemed to be no way she was breaking line of sight successfully. Without being free from the eyes of an observer, Amelia could only go a few yards, and that was not worth the minimal gain here. Amelia took a few deep breaths, trying to recall her experience in getting out of shitty situations. Her best bet here would probably be to talk. Besides, they might all be targets now anyway.

"I....on the first day, when everything went to shit. I didn't know that Archie here would go full Godzilla after the kick, so I went running after Freaky D. I...I'm kind of a fan of his work. His street art has inspired quite a bit of my own tags back on Earth. So I figured I tried to bail him out, get him away from the staff."

Amelia cleared her throat, her eyes beginning to fill with the first of tears. "We had a close call in the bathroom, so I figured I'd try and get us some breathing room by teleporting to random classrooms." She thought hard for a minute. "It was.....it was A.P. Bio I think. I warped us into the closet there, and we fell into the room and...and..." The tears were starting to stream now. Amelia clenched her fists hard and bit down on her lip, drawing blood. "And we saw that guy back there tied to a chair and bloody, and this other woman standing over him. She wasn't wearing the staff uniform. He was. I think...I think she was torturing him." Amelia bit back a sob. "At that point, D jumped out the window, and I dove back in the closet and teleported back to the cafeteria where the end of that shit was going on. Since then I've tried to keep my head down and stay away from her if I saw her, but now his body is here, right when I decide to hang out around here, and there's no way that's a coincidence!"

@He Who Walks Behind @JunkMail @Typical @Silver Carrot

Amelia grinned as Keaton explained that she had made a Freaky D sighting in the hospital. "Oh, really, huh? You ran into Freaky D? Don't suppose you know where he's storing all of his spray paint, do you? I still need to get my hands on some to do my own tagging." At Lynn's comment, she gave a look of confusion. "Run....with? I mean, I don't know what you're talking about, but I was by myself." Amelia flipped her sketchbook around, showing Lynn a series of planned 'improvements' to the decor. "Just good old fashioned street art. Stuff in alleys, on walls. I admit to putting the occasionally dick on a billboard of a politician. Low class, I know. Buuuuuuuuuut it's still funny."

Amelia was enjoying her time with this little band of misfits. I mean, they had all the archetypes right here. The bad boy, the denim chick, the shy weirdo, the girl who doesn't take shit from anyone. And her, the tagging anarchist, filled out the ranks. It might be harder to cause trouble, but she was certainly in the right group for it. She made a noise of amusement at Lynn's comment how they weren't friends. "Yeah, sure. Whatever makes you feel better Lynn. But let it be known. By the end of the month. You. Me. If not friends, at the very least tolerable acquaintances. Calling it now."

Amelia's enjoyment of the evening died as she shot up, instincts on high alert as Archie screamed. Archie. Screaming. Archie she thought to herself. Shit must be serious. Amelia let the others take the lead, out of practice of course, before suddenly teleporting to the front of the back once she was behind them all.

She arrived just as Lynn was pulling Archie away. Amelia, ever the curious sort, moved past them to get a look. And then she froze. All of the color went from her face right then and there as she froze in shock.

Amelia had seen this man before. When he was alive.


She fell back on her ass, rapidly scrambling away from the body as rapidly as a floundering fish. "Oh god, its him its him its HIM. Why is he here, why is he here?!?! Amelia scrambled to her feet, spinning around in desperation, practiced eyes trying to catch sight of the woman who she knew was responsible. "Fuck fuck FUCK. She's following me, why is she following me!?!? Amelia froze with indecision for a few moments, not sure what to do. And then well practiced instinct kicked in.

Amelia BOLTED for the tree line. She wanted to break line of sight, she needed to break line of sight to escape the woman she was sure had left this here for her.

@He Who Walks Behind @JunkMail @Typical @Silver Carrot
@Bloodrose I"m guessing I can assume Natalia has permission to board?

Amelia took Natalie getting up to talk with Archie as an excuse to steal her spot, and she smirked as she vaulted down onto the bench, finally taking the time to lean back and stick up her feet. She gave a grin up at Lynn at her reaction to her own bestowed nickname of human molotov cocktail. "Really? It kind of fits, you know. That was badass what you pulled back in the cafeteria." She frowned. "That name's a bit long though. You should just try molotov. Rolls of the tongue better."

She closed her eyes a bit and relaxed, carrying on the conversation a bit. "I'm guessing Jane Eyre isn't your style then. Don't suppose you've tagged before, have you? Been looking for some good spots to fire a response off at the guy stealing all the best places, and I was...." She stopped and frowned at Lynn staring away from her, and leaned over to get a look behind her back. And there was Archie and Natalia. And Archie was... holding Natalia's hand apparently. Amelia started putting two and two together as Lynn turned back to her, frowning sympathetically. "You alright? Godzilla over there isn't two timing you, is he? Man, you'd think after-"

Amelia abruptly shut up as the newcomer arrived, not wanting to spread gossip of that nature so readily. She seemed all right. She hadn't been amongst the degenerates originally, but the fact that she was daring to talk to Lynn of all people was a good sign. She gave a two fingered wave and leaned back a bit with a grin. "Sup. Name's Amelia." She gave a whistle at Lynn's comment that the hospital had survived her, grinning with amusement. "Oh really now? I thought you mentioned you'd be the last person to wind up getting caught causing trouble."

"Princess" Natalia Periwinkle the Purple

Princess Natalia Perwinkle the Purple boasted no such fleet as Euromulus Krynne, a fact that she had every intention of rectifying in the immediate future. And so her arrival into the system was a single Iconoclast Destroyer, The Flawless Kaleidoscope, pulling into orbit at a nonthreatening distance from his ship. Natalia was no fool. The ship remained prepared to make a getaway if necessary. But Natalia had quickly bored herself with raids on poorly defended merchant ships. She wanted a taste of real glory. And so she intended to hear out this merchant on his opportunity.

Natalia ignored the sounds of her sycophantic "court" on the bridge, vying for her attention through shows of opulence and dedication. By Slaanesh, her first officer Jenkins had shot such a poor wretch in the middle of such a declaration for some percieved slight that Natalia hadn't even noticed. She liked Jenkins. For now. She might kill him later, wasn't quite sure. But for once, her focus was not on the madness of her crew. It was on the planet below, almost entranced. She found the bright color of the atmosphere at once beautiful and terrible. A jewel amongst the stars that had been host to opulence and death; wealth and piracy.

This meeting would be no coincidence. It was here. Here her legend would truly be birthed.

At once compelled to begin, she raised and fired her bolt pistol straight into the air, drawing the attention of every crew member in the room not otherwise engaged. "Prepare my entourage and shuttle. Announce my coming. With propriety, this time if you please, Astropath. I hear good things about this Krynne. If you do not show him the proper deference I shall present you to him as a gift to torment as he sees fit."

Natalia prepared herself for the coming meeting, her servants fitting her into her specially designed armor. While funtionally carapace, the armor had been decorated and adorned to almost seem like she wore a deep indigo gemstone as her armor. Stepping onto her personal shuttle with a small group of bodyguards, and a much larger procession of heralds dug up from the wretches of the lower decks, she began to take off while her own ship broadcasted to Krynne's ship.

To the glorious, pristine, and most generous Euromulus Krynne of The Awoken. Her lady, Princess Natalia Perwinkle the Purple, requests the honor and privilege to board your vessel to discuss your concern of a most mutually beneficial business proposition.

Amelia grinned a bit, initially starting to lean back, but catching herself when she remembered she was sitting on the edge of the bench and there was nothing to lean back on. She pivoted down onto the actual seat of the bench, leaning back comfortably. "Sorry about that. I'm used to having to hide my ability. Now that I'm free to use it I'm just....doing it to get everywhere, you know?" She glanced over, and smiled as she saw the book. "Ah. Jane Eyre. Good choice. I think that and 1984 were the only high school literature books I actually enjoyed. Honestly, I thought I was gonna hate it at first, but it surprised me."

Amelia pulled out a little sketch book from her bag. She flipped through it, each page filled with sketches of rebellious imagery, things that would clearly be more expected on a vandalized billboard or an alley wall. Reaching a blank page, she began to sketch something new into the book, stopping every now and then with her pencil in her mouth as she thought. "Oh, you know. Keeping a low profile. Scoping the place out. I was gonna check out where some good tag spots are, but apparently somebody is already grabbing them up." She sighed. "And me without my supplies."

Amelia liked hanging out with Natalie. By nature of Natalie's whole....reputation, it practically guaranteed a quiet spot without other people cluttering the space. And while Natalie might try to bury it, apparent because she didn't want to decapitate someone with a hand, Amelia could just smell a quiet wit in there somewhere. Hopefully her own poking and prodding would eventually draw it out.

And then here came the peanut gallery. Lynn and Archie coming down from wherever they were. She gave them a friendly, if mischievous smirk as they walked over. "Well well well. If it isn't the walking molotov cocktail and actual Godzilla." She gave a wave. "I see you two aren't dead. Good start!"

The next week or so had passed by far less eventfully then that first day. And god damn, Amelia couldn't decide if that was better or worse. The worst part had easily been the questioning. At least her cover held up, and they were really more interested in the fact that apparently Godzilla had been Archie. Good to know there was a man on the station who could tear shit up if he got pissed off. Amelia made a note not to vandalize his room. With him and Lynn stuck in the hospital over the last few days, Amelia thought it best to give them two of them some space for now.

In the meantime, Amelia had been keeping an eye on a few things. Mainly Freaky D. The sign of his tags scattered across the promise had almost come across to her as a fresh breath of hope for her. If only she could get her hands on some supplies. Spray paint, cardboard, and some box cutters. What she wouldn't give to wage a tagging war with Freaky D himself. She was sure she could give him a run for his money too. Unfortunately, at least for the first week Amelia found acquiring the necessary tools were too difficult to be worth it. She'd just have to get on that later.

On the other hand, Amelia had also been keeping watch for any signs that she was being followed by the woman involved in that rather incriminating bondage session in the AP Bio room. She'd deliberately been trying to keep a furtive presence around staff because of that, keeping her head down and trying not to draw attention to herself. Still, from what she'd been overhearing it looked like the staff was either keeping hidden what had happened, or didn't know. Either way, she was not entirely convinced that she wasn't marked for seeing too much.

Amelia had been ambling through what amounted to a town, and once more was confused by the way this place was designed. Notably, why the hell did it get colder in the evening? It was an environmentally controlled habitat, they didn't need to mess with the temperature. Still, eventually she came across Natalie by the river. Amelia had been trying to get to know Natalie a little better, seeing her as something of a paradox to her own worldview. Well that, and she had no problem with piggybacking off her reputation to be left alone. Glancing around to make sure no attention was on her, she teleported over, appearing suddenly sitting on the edge of the bench on the opposite side of Natalie. "Sup. What'cha reading?"

Amelia had warped into the cafeteria expecting medical staff crowding around her former table, her jacket acting as a rest for Archie's head, maybe someone carrying him out to whatever passed for a nurse's office here. Maybe she would have to answer a few hard questions about her sudden disappearnace, but that was nothing she couldn't handle. Which is all why when she appeared in the room, she took a few moments to dust herself off, taking deep breaths, before looking up to walk towards where the group had been.

And then she saw what was going on.


Amelia's experience at ditching cops, security, and other people who were not her friend, allowed her to quickly clamp her mouth closed before letting loose a hail of expletives regarding the current situation. Her instincts kicked in, as she assessed the situation. Natalie and Lynn seemed to be fending off whatever this giant lizard thing was, which was good enough for Amelia. She might have had some skill at self defense, but nothing that would matter against actual Godzilla over there. The other students seemed to be making a break for it, and Archie was nowhere in sight. All of this led Amelia to one conclusion.

The rafters were her friend right now. She needed elevation.

Amelia made a break for one of the overturned tables. She needed a hard break in line of sight right now, and that was exactly what she asked for. She dropped into a slide, grabbing her discarded jacket as she skidded behind the table, and stopped for a practiced moment before suddenly disappearing from existence. Up on the rafters above the action, Amelia suddenly materialized once more. She went to put on her jacket, when her hand touched something...sticky. Pulling it away, she saw the telltale sign of vomit. And that was what broke through the silence.

"Oh come on, really?" she couldn't help but exclaim. She sighed, leaving it hanging on a rafter next to her while she kept watch over the fight.
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