Avatar of Lord of Evil
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  • Posts: 964 (0.33 / day)
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    1. Lord of Evil 8 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current _ (:3 」∠ )_
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6 yrs ago
So apparently, business shorts are a thing that exists. All I can say is... why?
7 yrs ago
Been busy lately, courtesy of the guy who thought that it was a good idea to have 3 assignments and a test due in the same week.
7 yrs ago
Cards against humanity is... more certainly something else
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7 yrs ago
*Person with Seeing Eye dog stops right next to me* *Goes to pet the dog* *Sees "Please don't pet the dog" sign* ;-; I cry every time


Anyone remember the period a little after guildfall, when the site didn't have a lot of work put into it, the servers went down pretty often and people were moving out? We waited and waited until boom, Mahz made America the guild great again. That was about where I left off.

My mistake was trying to take on everything at once (and being cringy as hell but I mean come on). Well now I'm back, and better than ever.

And I'll be damned if I let anything get in the way of having a good time.

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Isaac was one of several bystanders watching as the well-built rowdy man made his entrance. He stared on, brow raised a fraction as the books were strewn on the ground. He watched as the bookcases were put back into place by a woman who came by, bringing with her a chill wind. He continued standing there as the man with the bugs emerged, who like they were insane. Talking to themselves, hiding bugs in their clothes, reading books about mushrooms. A normal day in Helia, evidently, and Isaac wasn't entirely what to make of it.

Isaac could see from the gibbering man's clothes that he was a hunter of some sort. And if not, he at least lived in the wild, if the bugs were any indication. As for the rowdy man... Isaac didn't know about him, but he theorized that the man wasn't a frequent user of the library. Then again, maybe he was, as he'd seemed to know where to find the book he was looking for. Either way, Isaac couldn't see him anymore so maybe it was safe to write him off. The other figure of note was the cold woman. It was the ease that she'd used her magic that had caught Isaac's attention. An ease he hoped he could one day achieve. Still, she was gone now, and she'd made it clear that she wasn't interested in helping further.

With the icy woman and the well-built man out of the picture, that just left the hunter (if he was one) muttering to himself with a book in hand and a scattered assortment of books on the floor. On the outside Isaac stood perfectly still, watching events unfold. On the inside, he debated with himself on whether or not to pick up the books. He was hesitant, as he always was when he couldn't see the immediate consequences of his actions. Although in this case, he could probably not think about the consequences too much as, while it was certainly out of the ordinary, the problem was pretty banal. The only 'strange' factor left was the wild man. But was that really a problem?

On the one hand someone would have to put the books back up, likely a worker of some sort, and they probably wouldn't like having to do it. And Isaac probably had the time to help somewhat, at least. On the other hand, maybe it would be better if he looked for the rest of his circle. They likely wouldn't like him to be late. There was an argument to be made about how people didn't seem to want to get close to the wild man, so there was probably some risk of ostracism by association. But then again, Isaac had never really minded what people thought of him socially, so that was a moot point.

In the end, Isaac shrugged his shoulders and went forward to pick up the nearest book. If he acted then perhaps he could incite other bystanders into action, who would likely have magic that could be more useful for the situation, and reduce the time taken to reorganize the books. The icy woman had thankfully taken care of the more physically strenuous task, so it wouldn't take much energy should he need to conserve it. Furthermore, the bigger mess tended to have a larger audience, and chances were that the rest of his circle would gather and he wouldn't have to look for them anymore. Of course the opposite of his assumptions could come true, but it was a risk small enough that he was fine with taking it. And besides, he liked the library somewhat, despite the headaches it had given him. The books represented years worth of human knowledge, and a lot of time and effort had been put into the creation of those books. Time and effort that was likely not put into them just to see them carelessly strewn across the floor.

The brown haired boy looked at the cover of the book he'd picked up. Reading the title identified the book as "Onyx Vale, a brief history", one that he'd read before. If memory served him correctly, it had been close to the start of one of the various rows of history books. Isaac's eyes searched for the corresponding shelf as he'd remembered it. It was difficult without more books for reference, but he found what was likely the right place and slid the book back into its proper place. He began rummaging through the mess, noting that many books were close to where they had fallen from, yet there were also many that were far away from where they used to be. Sighing lightly, Isaac stuck to what he knew and began the process of repopulating the shelves book by book, painstakingly comparing title to title as he tried to regain some semblance of order with the chaos. If it was just him it would take some time, but he didn't mind that so much. After all, it was something that would be done eventually.
On reflection I probably didn't need to write as much. Nevermind...
The hour was late and the night was dark, but in a lone room in the tower of Helia there remained a dim light. Isaac was hunched over a plain wooden desk, hunting knife in hand. And on the desk, the sole object of his attention, was a common stone. He closed his eyes for a moment, feeling for the energy inside of him, matching its ebb and flow with his breathing, before taking command. The flow responded to his thoughts, travelling up his arm as he willed before smoothly entering the steel hunting knife. The metal gradually took on a blue hue, intensifying as more power entered it, until it finally took on an iridescent blue sheen. His eyes opened once more.

The brown haired bow slowly lowered the tip of the knife into the rock, digging a small recess into the rough surface. He carefully carved a line along the surface of the stone, leading it into another, and another, until a pattern emerged. He continued his work wordlessly, each line sapping a little more strength as the knife carved more blue into the featureless grey stone, etching magic deep inside under the scratched surface. His hand moved faster and faster, and the pattern became more and more elaborate until he had gotten what he wanted. A calm shade of blue emanated from the center of the stone, rising up from the intricate pattern of scarred rock carved in the center. But Isaac knew that the cool light belied a vicious payload. It flickered every now and then, a testament to his inexperience and lack of skill. It wasn't stable, not by a long shot. The material was weak, his control of magic was a little lacking, and some of the lines he had carved were a little off the mark. But it would do for his purposes.

He looked up from the bluish glow only to be met by a blanket of darkness. It appeared that his task had taken longer than he had realized, long enough for his feeble lamp to fade, leaving nothing but the rune stone and the energy in his hunting knife to illuminate his dismal work space. There was a little magic left in his knife; he'd injected a little too much into it before he'd begun. But it seemed that it been a fortunate mistake, as he had enough left to bring some light back into the room.

He carefully set the tip of his knife against a glass globe that sat haphazardly on the desk, sending the dregs of the magic inside into the transparent sphere. A small globe of light formed inside as the magic entered, glowing brighter and brighter until it illuminated the whole room in a dim light.

Isaac looked around the bare room. It was quite small, with most of the space taken up by a bed, wardrobe and the desk he sat at, leaving precious little room to spare. Still, he had no reason to ask for more. He kept the floor and walls clean and bare, partially out of habit. No trophies to mark his achievements, not even the dirt on the floor to mark his steps. It had occurred to him more than once that if he packed all of his things and abandoned it, he would have left less presence in it than the spiders that made their homes in the corner. He had once considered decorating the drab room, to add presence to it, perhaps make it somewhere to look forward coming back to. But he would always hesitate, and in the first place, there was little to decorate with.

He knew that there were many other rooms in Helia that were much the same. Some lived in, some not, some holding their residents for longer than others. Helia often took in orphaned clairvoyants directly so that they would have a small place to call their own, where they could be supervised until Helia could find someone to take care of them, and usually this process didn't take long. Some kind of relative, friend of a relative, or someone looking to adopt a child usually took them in. Needless to say, Isaac had been in Helia for quite a while.

The boy sighed softly, turning back to the desk and the rune he'd spent so long working on. He'd stayed in this room, used it as his own, slept in its bed countless times as he studied, practiced, and worked to perfect his magic. But it had never been a home to him. Just a place to live in, perhaps indefinitely. Maybe there was a relative he didn't know who would one day come and give him a place to call home. But until then, he had work to do.

He picked up a leather pouch off his desk. As he did he noticed the memo he'd written down for himself earlier during the day. "New team. Head To the library tomorrow." He was being assigned to a new circle, though the details of said circle were eluding him at the moment. The orders he'd received earlier was what had prompted the creation of the stone rune in his hand, a form of preparation for things to come. He was certain that they'd be assigned to a mission of some sort, as this was usually the reason circles were formed like this. Although the nature of the mission was something of a grey area. He wouldn't say he was anxious, though he did feel some trepidation at this turn of events and a quiet hope that they would be sent on a routine patrol mission, or perhaps some sort of training exercise. It never hurt to be prepared, though, and he'd managed to imbue as much as he could for the moment. He'd have to prepare the rest tomorrow.

Isaac carefully slid the stone in his hand into the leather pouch. Inside were stones similar to the one he'd created, each glowing a dull blue light that flickered every now and then. The stone pouch functioned as a major source of offensive power for Isaac as his direct attack power was somewhat lacking. Using his magic in a direct assault was often a poor choice for him as his control of magic wasn't the best. Having chunks of magic pre-prepared made up for that deficiency somewhat. His quiver was ready, half of it was full of magic arrows while the other half held normal arrows. His pouch of snares was also ready. He was about as prepared as he could be for now, and it was time to rest.

He set himself down on the bed, covering himself with the think blanket. He lay there for a time, watching as the magic in the lamp burned away, slowly letting the room slide into darkness. Isaac thought about the events of the day, as per usual. The lessons he found difficult to understand, the failures of the day and the small successes. He thought back to the previous day, reliving the lessons he'd learned. Then farther back a little more. Past the almost-sullen, the beginning of his magic lessons, past before he'd come to Helia. Back to that place, so long ago... And then he was gone, lulled into the deep ocean of dreams.

Isaac awoke early the next day, as per usual. He initiated his morning routine: sharpening his knife, bow maintenance, and checking that nothing was close to exploding in his bag. With that done, he went downstairs. He got some funny looks as he went by, but that wasn't anything new to him. He'd been here long enough that most would ignore the strange boy with his bow and arrows. Most had likely seen stranger things, after all. And anyone who ignored the warnings to not use conventional weapons against shades was dismissed as a fool and left to their own devices, mostly.

He stopped at the second floor balcony and took the time to take a peek at things below. It was busy even in the early hours, a testament to Helia's productivity. Isaac looked at the people, taking in the fresh air and the morning sun. Things had changed greatly from when he'd first arrived at Helia, and he knew that he was lucky to be here. But he knew he still had a while to go. He'd get stronger, give back to Helia somehow. And then after that...

Isaac headed towards the library. It wasn't somewhere he went often but it was familiar to him. Part of the reason why he did poorly in his studies was because he had difficulties reading the texts used in them. Reading had never been much of a strong point for him and the advanced language contained in the books made things even worse. But he did go to the library on occasion because he didn't want to fall behind. It became somewhat quieter as he went along as he navigated away from the main points of foot traffic in the mornings, coming to a head as he stepped inside the library itself. He was instantly engulfed in the smell of books and polished wood as all sound from the outside was abruptly cut off. It was a fair ways into the morning but there still weren't too many people there. There was little noise inside, save for muted conversations in the hidden recesses of the library. Isaac glanced around the halls, looking for the mustachioed man purported to be his leader. He was likely in here somewhere, and if not then maybe he could find some of his other teammates.
Is that discord coming afterall? I do agree that it would offer better coordination for each Circle and all

Pretty sure OneWayOut's asleep at the moment (Or otherwise indisposed but most likely asleep) so give it a bit and we'll see.
@OneWayOut One last thing (maybe). Are there like dorms in helps for homeless clairvoyants? I was sort of assuming that was the case but I want to make sure before I post something.
@OneWayOut Speaking of libraries, what's the average literacy level in this world? Just asking.
@Lord of Evil
Nadia is pretty hard to annoy honestly. She doesn't really care what people do so long as they get done what they're supposed to have been doing. Nadia has 7 siblings, she's the oldest of her mother's children. Due to the fact that she's very small in stature she doesn't take shit off people. She's been known to quite literally freeze people solid for smarting off to her. As long as people respect her she's not generally inclined to do anything though.

It's the "so long as people respect her" that gets my vote but fair enough.

Still betting on her though. Just sayin.
@Lord of Evil
it would be rather suiting wouldn't it? the queen and the emperor being the team leaders.

.... however I don't know who toron would annoy more.

My money's on queen.
Looking at our cast it feels like either Avo, Nick or Nadia would rise to a leader position. They are much more the leader type then most of our characters.

I'll second that. Having experience seems pretty important and those 3 are pretty old, all things considered.
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