Avatar of LordZell
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    1. LordZell 10 yrs ago
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I recommend a discord chat.
I'm game.
Could someone repost the discord.

Also I introduce the not england aka the Redcliff Empire
The Republic of Zellonia

<Snipped quote by Jolteon>

No stats. While I expect there to be wars, the focus should be on story-telling, not winning a game.

<Snipped quote by MojaveCourier>

While there are more tabletop-centric NRPs with stats where you play a RP version of Civ 5, this concept isn't one of them. The focus for this will be on story-telling.

Hmm I was interested as I like the time period and such. But most NRPs I feel need some stats or baseline things to keep track of like armies, ships and resources. I mean that's what the whole idea of colonization is.
The Families of Old York

The Russo Family

Joseph “Crazy” Russo sat in the dining room surrounded by his lieutenants as they ate sweet savory brahmin steak. Each of them laughing and smiling as if the times were good, as if that shit has ever been true. All except two, to his right and two seats down sat the oldest man at the table Tristan “Stats” Crusie he was called stats as he had previously made some name for himself at the tracks getting odds and that’s how he’s lived life ever since, which made it all the more curious that he would stay in the Russo family. Everyone knew the Russo’s were the weakest and that Joe was the youngest, least experienced at leading and the hot headed man out of the five leaders. But for some reason Joseph also called Joey and Tris were close friends, so many assumed that was the reason but the name stats and given how much he relies on it for his life makes others think he sees the russo as the growing power. The other man was a newer guy at the table, prolly sacred shitless because he didn’t know these men or how he got to this table and didn’t wanna die on his first night, he was so new Joey didn’t even learn his name and didn’t really care enough to find out.

Joey simply shook his head before he slammed his fist with a fork in it on the table. The room immediately went silent and everyone turned to see what the noise was “Jesus Joey, why the hell do ya gotta do something like that and ruin the mood.” Russel “Bats” Tony said confused. Joey gave him a death stair and shook his head “Because Rus, you and every single one of you fucks seem to think everything is going swell ere, well let me tell ya. IT’S NOT!” He shouted “Ya see we have to go out of state hell outta country to deliver goods to some god damn southern fucks, then we have to pay fucking Creed from the congress of pennsylvania in the hopes he can get the congress to loosen up the rules so we can see more there. Then let’s not forget, the other 4 families are eating away at us. Stats, how many men have we lost so far?” Tristan slowly turned and pushed up his glassed taking a moment to think “Well, Joey, if my numbers are correct 23 men mostly to the Salintines.” Joey spit “Fuck the Salintines, we need to get moving boys and expand. Otherwise we’re gonna become the next fucking Redcliff family.” Russel looked behind joey and nodded to one of the girls who walked over and put her arms around joey and whispered in his ear “Aww, joey you’re all worked up come on and let take care of ya.” Amber whispered with a smile. “God damn why ya gotta do this, how many time do I say not while i’m working. Well I’m gonna need to teach you a lesson.” Joey stood up and pushed her down pulling out his 9mm pistol and shooting her in the left leg and she screamed. “JOEY OH MY GOD, JOEY!” Joey looked disgusted “Eww, no one’s gonna want you after this ya look horrible and can’t pay ya rent.” “JOEY NO PLEAS-” the gun went off again before amber could continue amber slumped to the floor. Russel stood up as two men rushed in with tommy guns concerned before they saw it was joey and walked back out “Joey, she was a good one why’d ya gotta do something like that.” Russel said as he blinked slowly. “Because, she was troubling me while we were working and I tell her it all the damn time. Now can we continue?” Joey said as he turned around as if nothing happened. “Oh and someone get this filth out of here. Now back to business.” The room now more shooken nodded and listened to Joey’s plans
I'm interested.
Helrox Empire
June 1905

War Intensifies

The Kaiser sat in his office drinking his scotch trying to decide what was to be done. Finally he decided he would allow his military officers to handle the future plans for the war, instead the Kaiser would take on the role to improve the war effort and diplomacy. In fact, the Military would only need to be approved by Casper Braun the current Chief of the Army.

To better improve the war effort, propaganda posters were made showing the Kaiser visiting troops and asking for recruitment in posters.

Helrox Empire

Military Meeting

The Kaiser and his military officials had been in the meeting room all night with constant arguing about the best course of action should be done. Finally, an ideal plan was set out and reports were sent out the the required units. Meanwhile the navy was informed of their orders. The Kaiser however had to prepare himself and his staff for the war. His father had won the war just 5 years earlier, but times were different then the economy was on track and people adored his father, the same could not be said for him. However he believed that with a swift victory against the Tyrians, he would win the people’s support and anything they acquired would help fix the economy, but the Kaiser went to bed that night with dark and vivid dreams uncertain of the future.

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