Avatar of louie221
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    1. louie221 10 yrs ago


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You want us all (everybody who wants to, anyway, unless you're requiring it) to make the relations sheet like that? @HushedWhispers
Never even seen a relationship sheet but it sounds like it could be pretty useful. I'm down for that.
Elliot, who was looking staring at the picture that he'd just lain on the dresser, tapped his fingers against the wood. The tapping seemed to echo in the room, there was hardly anything inside yet. Just when he was about to continue putting things away, he heard a noise behind him, shoes on the floor. He turned around rather abruptly, startled by the person who stood in front of him.

He was clearly an athlete, obviously strong. If he had to guess, Elliot would say definately one of the more physically taxing sports, football, baseball, something like that. He could even tell that, not only was he an athlete, but that he was one of the rich students. He would've assumed that he'd be put with another kid from his economic class, but he was very wrong. The very presence of his, what seemed to be, roommate changed the atmosphere of the whole room. Immediately he felt much more small than he had.

All Elliot wore was a beaten up beanie hat, a poor quality, blue, plaid, button-up, a pair of khakis, and some worn shoes that he'd had for the past few years. His feet didn't grow very much. Everything he owned was fading, and these were his dress clothes! If he didn't want to stand out, he knew he'd need to upgrade. And he definately was not going to stand out, that was never on his agenda.

He focussed his attention back to the athlete.

"Oh, er... Hi, you must be my roommate, yeah?" Elliot's voice was was much shakier than usual.

@King Tai
@King Tai

Sure, that could be cool!
Doc continued running for a short while, finally taking a break to look behind him. As soon as he realized he wasn't followed, he let out a long sigh of relief. Now he knew for sure that he'd keep his life, much less lose it to a tribal man or a dragon. He shoved his hand into one of his pockets, rummaged around for a minute or two, and pulled out a small vial. It was filled with a thin, clear liquid. In fact, it almost looked as if the vial was empty.

"Bottoms up," he muttered, popped the cork off, and downed the liquid. He instantly felt better, filled with energy. The liquid was a potion to restore his energy, rather than waiting around for awhile for it to come back on it's own.

He took just one more moment to clear his head before he continued walking around in the strange forest. He still felt the odd sensation, but he paid much less attention to it. For some reason, it seemed to be easy to ignore, but when he thought about it, it was imposible to pay no attention. Each time it crossed his mind, he shook his head and focussed on the things around him.

Before too long, he stopped and pressed his back against a tree, similarily to what he'd done earlier at the slaughter. He heard a voice, something about an elven warrior princess or something of the like. The voice sounded angry, almost infuriated. Doc turned his head, leaning a little closer to the convorsation. If something was about to go down, he did not want to be in the center of it all.

This is such a cool idea, how you only have 3 applicants right now is beyond my comprehension!
Here's my CS for a Hunter. If you think it's a little too high a rank for him, he can just be Hunter level, that's totally fine.

WOW you definitely have my attention, I'll work on getting a hunter CS tomorrow!
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