Avatar of LPRKN
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  • Posts: 63 (0.02 / day)
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    1. LPRKN 7 yrs ago


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Used to be User Pacran. - GM of Charm Harbor Heroes, 10 years of at the table DM experience with one 4 year long campaign.

Irishman, Wrestling Mark, Baltimoron.

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Love it.
I see an instance where we have people aboard and we try to convince them that Mario is the Captain.
I think the Friend Ship and Contraband are reasonable and fit well.

Gunners platform
Engine Room/ Colin's room
War room?
Colin watched as Giggles flicked the safety off on his gun. Quickly, he stumbled to the shop window and saw the Sykrott, and to his surprise the military woman from Nova on a rooftop above. She too was drawing her weapon. His gut wrenched as guilt filled him. He had led the Sykrott warrior here, he had fled the worn torn land of Wiklow but it seemed its ghosts had followed him.

Hound sat on the couch with pride, indifferent to the events unfolding. He had succeeded in his mission, he was allowed on the couch.

Colin crept by Giggles unsure if he could see him inside the device he wore. He exited the shop and put a hand on Marco who wailed at the two gunslingers on the rooftop. Colin noticed that his shouting had turned the attentions of a few onlookers, and in turn, Frixiom Primes Surveillance Drones stoically waiting for a violation."Oi Boss, lets leave these two to der business. I'd hate to see anyone get hurt due to some slight I caused that ting. Your friend inside is all suited up and ready fer da crusades. Maybe we could all chill out and use another cup, eh. Look da drones are already watching."
TC found trouble finding the source of the cry. The trees bent and twisted the paths he tried. Eventually he found a stream, and let Skank pause for a drink. He pondered, Demon Lord Mammon, The Greedfather, had sent him towards Riverdale, not to investigate cries in the night. If he was to find Riverdale, following the stream would be a wise choice. He climbed back onto Skank and lead her further south. Following the bubbling stream.

Skank began to slobber from the smell of cooking meat, long before TC noticed the fire. The four voices conversing, and the creak of a water wheel soon followed. Maybe The Greedfather's task was with these travelers, it seemed like infernal providence. TC didnt want to startle anyone so he re-slung Deborah and began to whistle an old Halfling tune as he slowed his riding dog to a trot. TC Bywater enters the clearing, astride his New Bastion Riding Hound he lightly holds the reigns, his pinky adorned with a large gold ring. His salt and pepper hair is slicked back and shiny, his burgundy riding coat is open over an intricately designed greened vest. His whistle mid note into a big smile," Hey Yo, whadda we gotta ovah here. How you doin?"

@lyla @Silvan Haven @coyotelovely
No, I dont think it should go to PMs or Discord, seeing as how we are all involved in this scene.

Here I'll do some math for you, consider yourself lucky, I don't do this for every Jabroni,

"The average bullet travels at 2,500 feet per second (around 1,700 mph). If you reacted to the sound of the gun going off and required 0.20 seconds (twice that of the fastest Olympic sprinters) to react, then you would need to be at least 500 feet away to successfully dodge a bullet." per mythbusters

You have the task of going from a speed of zero to 22 mph (to travel the 10 feet), in the (average human, not tech enhanced) time of.31 seconds it takes for a person to pull a trigger.
That is a tall order for 324lb Randy Orton over there.
TC has left New Bastion and looks to jump in to aid the good aligned folk.
TC left New Bastion on the back of an Ecetopian Riding Dog, a few enchanted whispers and the bitch gladly followed commands. Ecetopian riding Dogs are amazing animals, something between a mastiff and a greyhound, sturdy yet built for speed. TC had loaded up his bag with provisions, and his lucky girl Deborah, and headed south as The Greedfather commanded. It was a few days on the trail, not too far outside of Riverdale, when a keening sound cried out through the forest, sending birds to flight. The sound, to TC sounded like a million chickens being slaughtered, but under water. " Wonder if this the BS I'm suppose to tend to. Muddafukka just sends me anywhere he please with out so much as a fukken target, the red horned prick." TC mumbles to himself, afraid his voice will somehow reach the third layer of Hell.

He kicked the Riding Dog he affectionately named Skank, and set off towards the noise. Deborah resting on his shoulder.
"Oh fer fooks sake! Of course you need a dog license on this over-chromed rock." Colin sighed as he was offered the tea. Colin wasn't to sure he could trust these two and whatever they had in that teapot. But, Colin's mother taught him his manners and he took the offered cup."Hound say Hi." was a common command to Hound, to let him know that this person was safe to approach. Hound followed the cue and walked up to Marco's spot on the couch, placing one paw on the open cushion to see if Dogs were allowed on couches here. " No, not G-Men, I've yet to screw up that bad. No, some mean looking Sykrott in Nova took some unknown offense to Hound or meself. Was making his way towards us, full of piss and vinegar. Now Hound here is a veteran of foreign wars, a fierce combatant. But meself, more of a lad of the arts and sciences. These Sykrotts, I've seen 'em fight before, and this angry git was the biggest one I've seen. So we set our boots out the door like hellfire on our heels. That's when the Fates lead me to your lovely, um... explosives emporium." Colin gulped some tea down realizing the array of weaponry he was surrounded by, and the hardy machine gun in the ginger's hands. He added the rest of the sugar to his cup. Dark as night and sweet as sin as Ma use to say. Colin turned his head slowly, back to the blonde man, trying to hide his worried face behind the tea cup. " Is this your emporium, Boss?"
I agree with 2 and second the MaxOneFive class battleship, registered as The Penumbra.
Colin and Hound made it out of Nova, and tried to get as much distance as they could from the Sykrott. Dammit, I'm an Engineer not an Assassin. As the two turned the corner, a lithe, androgynous figure, beckoned them into a storefront, a glimmer of gunmetal in its unwaving hand. Colin's spun on the spot to see if the figure was summoning someone else, as he was sure it was. His eyes darted up to the storefront sign, "Valentine Armaments".

Hound waited beside him, growing impatient. Was he going to lunge onto this Sykrott when he rounded the corner, or were they heading into this den? Colin chose the latter, much to Hound's chagrin.

The customer bell chimed as Colin held the door open and clicked his tongue twice for Hound to enter. He took his leather aviator cap off and slicked back his sweat drenched orange-brown hair. He closed the door slowly behind him and watched the street through the glass." Top of the day. Hope ya allow dogs in your fine establishment. Thanks for the assist, I... " Colin turned to meet the shops owner and the one who beckoned them in. Before him was a young man, tea cup in hand, green eyes surveying him under bushy eyebrows. His guardian angel was a ragamuffin. She looked like another orphan of war from his home on Wiklow. Colin couldn't nail a clear boy or girl vibe, so he would watch his pronouns. Fool be quick to speak, wise man holds his tongue as Da would say. Colin watched as Hound forgot his manners, and inched his way towards the cake on the table, nose twitching. " Oi Hound! Manners!" The dog stopped and looked back with an incredulous stare.

" Hi, sorry, I'm Colin, this me Hound. Mind if we peruse your shop while dodging a big ol' Mother Hubbar whose tailing us? Also, would you be happening to have any Ship Engineer or Mechanic positions available for a down on his luck transient?"
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