Avatar of Lurkerlurks
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 137 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Lurkerlurks 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current I'm only human sometimes, I am the king of disorder~
8 yrs ago
Super tired anymore x.x gotta push through disss~
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8 yrs ago
Muses are lively, would anyone like too plot? I like gore and grittier stuff, dystopic futures, that sorta ish. But i ike fandoms as well :3
8 yrs ago
Who are these people? I just woke up in my underwear, No liquor left on the shelf -I should probably introduce myself.
8 yrs ago
What a wonderful, caricature of intimacy.


I've been roleplaying now for about ten or 11 years give or take, i roleplay both male and female characters, typically i play more than one character ^^ i will roleplay in pm or on forum and if your interested i can give you one of my instant messengers we can rolepaly on as well. I know i'm suppose to say more, but I honestly don't.. know how to, or what too. I mean, I roleplay pretty much anything, to be honest the only thing i don't is like slice of life.

Erm, so just pm me some time and we can plot or chat ^^

Most Recent Posts

The Greenman's Smooth Tunes

Kijo Kokorensin

Kijo would stay quiet as he explained too her about her stand, well, not much rather then letting her know that The Outsider hadn’t been an angel, which a part of her knew that. The Outsider had been too detached about that world too be an angel, even a guardian angel she figured would give at least give two shits about care the world. The Outsider seemed more intrigued with herself, preaching too her about it’s logic when it can, trying it’s best too guide her from her current situation. After all, though.. she doubted there was anything past this life, she heard no voice when she use too pray at night, she had religion.. of course most children do at a time, however, that time is long over. Sighing a bit impatiently, as she looked too the seed in her hand, and the Jacket that seemed too be long but tainted by her blood. Sighing softly, she’d pull the white jacket off, to show- well more ivory. The girl didn’t seem too have much of a color scheme besides black and white.

Well, it would beat the hospital visit, and any stitches she would need. Glancing towards the tiki- masked being, which just reminded her of some sort of voodoo doll, however instead of straw or wax, it was more of a jungle-inspired doll, vines and wood and what not. Tilting her head slightly she would look over the creature more, so.. there were other people like her, with stands like The Outsider, she wondered if they all looked differently.

“The man who seemed too easily take down those thugs who were after me, in the diner, was he a Stand user as well? Or.. should i consider myself ignorant in thinking that Stands are the only...other worldly creatures around.” she would chose her words carefully, as if walking on eggshells, she didn’t know if this stand had cared too be called a creature, or how she could speak of it. Honestly, she only knew that The Outsider cared for such things because once she called it a pixie, or the Cupid... it was not happy about it. In fact, it had given her a whole speech on how Cupid isn’t real, and it finds those as racist terms. She could actually sense The Outsider’s annoyance by the simple thought of it within the corridors of her mind.

“Alrighty, Vita.. i’ll take care of your plant, even plant it in the ground after my shoulder’s all healed up- just stop this bleeding,please .” she would smile too the Stand, before looking too Roger, oh.. was this a stereotypical 80‘s movie? Where the lost hoodlum finds a sensei? Kijo could hardly hold back a snicker at the thought, before looking too him with a serious gaze finally, “The Outsider, has been by my side for as long as I can remember, I guess it wouldn’t hurt figuring out what it is, figuring out what to do with myself. Is there like a grand tournament or something, where stand’s fight each other, or is it a gotta catch em all type thing? Not that i’d go after Vita, honestly you are more like a third or fourth gym leader, and I haven’t even gotten one badge.” she spoke, referencing a child’s show, however the seriousness seemed too dance in her eyes.

“Although, we might only have enough time for one lesson, i have a meeting too go to in an hour or so.” she’d glance up to the sky, man it was a particularly long day. Out stretching the hand with the see towards Vitalogy, so it would be able too plant the Seed-band aide looking too him. “I.. don’t know about passing it on, considering your stand is the only other stand i’ve seen in my lifetime- next too The Outsider of course, but i’ll give you my word on it. Which might not mean anything too you yet, but i’m not entirely trouble. That’s just The Outsider.” she would shrug and wince suddenly, fuck.. that was right, her shoulder was bleeding, if she would wait any longer no doubt she’d be endanger of passing out from blood lost.

“Words mean nothing, but you’ll see soon enough.”

She was of course, referring too the fact that she planned on dropping off the money too repair any damages those hooligans had done. Emerald eyes would narrow at the thought, thinking of.. she did have a few loose ends too cut. Those were of course the meetings she had mentioned earlier.

My post will be up by tonight ^^
I was sick for a couple days so my muses were away
but do not fret
i am working on my post now >D

Whatever region you would like your demon lord too rule :3
i'm trying too be pretty flexible with the plot and the characters and what not :3

Well that would be entirely up to

You have a say in this as well, considering your role. Do you feel this would all fit nicely with your character?


On a side note, Hikari's character sheet should be up within the hour.


Depending on how advanced their society/lands are and how far along they are would be a couple of the subjects i need too factor in.

Because if you have a demon lord, who is well known and is actively ..let's say converting, villages too his cause, then he would be well known, if not feared by other lands, and hated by most demons. (i mean, i have an idea brewing too make it work, but that's just something i had too point out XD: )

That's actually all i can think about really, but i hope you don't mind if i think of other questions and what not.

I, believe i understand yer point.
The antagonist, isn't really evil, more so just out for himself in a sense. He isn't targeting anyone, but if anyone happens too get in his way of his idea they become a target.

I hope i'm correct, although there's a good chance your character maybe viewed as evil, being a demon lord in general

I have it very open and broad so i can fit pretty much plot for everyone.
Right now, the only role that is open is the Priest.
Hikari is taken and @rush99999 has claimed dibs on the demon lord,
i just don't scratch em out until i see the character sheets.

If you are interested in a demon lord/lady there will only be four HEAD ones.
North, south, east and west.
However, if you wanna play some sort of demon leader, that can be worked with as well.

Please, if there are any questions feel free too ask :3

You may have him ^^
please feel free too upload his character sheet on here, just so i can go over everything, and once the character sheet is approved and up we can start the thread.
I'll post up hers as well

I could work a plot for either or at this point, since the idea is very general.
The antagonist would be good, but the miko idea can be worked in as well ^^

Yass ^^
which role are you interested in? @rush99999
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