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If someone wants to abandon a RP, they're not obligated to tell you why.
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I'm going to spend valentine's day with my true love. Food.
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Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down.
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Merry Crisis ya'll.
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O' Valley of Plenty.


I write. I'm old. Hello.

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In Deify 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
God of western art spice(s). 😏
In Deify 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
God of weeb flavor.
I can't stand still while brushing my teeth. So i usually walk around the house while brushing 🤷‍♀️
She is indeed a model. :)
Didn't know about her until today.

I feel like she's a diner kind of girl.
I'm fine with her not knowing he's a Grimm (yet). Would add a nice element of surprise. So I would go with the latter: they don't work together anymore until our story begins.

Jonna Lisa van Montfort

Name: Diara "Dee" Decker
Wesen: Klaustreich

Description: She's 5'2", with blonde hair and dark blonde roots, with gray/blue eyes. She's born in December 1990. Her style varies between fashionable and comfy. She loves a good comfortable pair of sneakers and tight jeans, but she also adores expensive looking heels and clothes. For her work she has to look representative, but she likes to bend the rules here and there. Diara will always be seen wearing her favorite gray woolen coat outside, unless it's summer/spring.

Klaustreich description: When Diara woges, she gains outward pointed ears and a feline muzzle with a pink feline nose. Her face and body are covered with gray fur, but she still keeps her hair. Her eye color changes into a green color. She can also focus her woge to just her eyes.

Psychological profile: At first sight, Diara will come off as calm, friendly and with a hint of sarcasm here and there. But she is also known to have a bit of a temper. She's been working on that, but it still sometimes show when things don't go her way (or when she gets too stressed out). When her temper shows she may become aggressive depending on the situation. It wouldn't be the first time that Diara was forced to take a temporal leave because she punched someone in the face. Her aggressive side may also show when she's cornered or afraid. But the past few years she's been working on herself.

Diara cares deeply about friends and family, and she will do anything for them. To her friends she may come off as motherly and caring, as she will look out for them. She would probably jump of a bridge if that would help her friends. That does sometimes make it difficult for her. Because she can't show up at work and be there for her friends/family at the same time.

She comes off as tough and might joke around, but that's all a facade that she puts up for others. Diara doesn't want others to know that she's actually quite insecure. So she is self-conscious about a lot of things, including how she sometimes comes off to others and how she looks like. The way she dresses and behaves, is a way for her to cover it all up.

Biography: Her parents don't originally come from the United Kingdom, but moved there a few months before her mother got pregnant with her oldest two sisters. Her father originally comes from Germany and her mother from Scandinavia. Diara and her two sisters were born in the Southampton hospital a few years after her parents and older sisters settled in Fair Oak; a town between Winchester and Southampton. She's the youngest of 5.

Her mother left her abusive husband when she was 13 years old, moving with the kids to Twyford where she found a job in a supermarket. Trying her best to come around financially for her children. Diara her father occasionally showed up, but never stuck around long. Their divorce made a big impact on the girls. Two of her sisters ended up in the criminal circuit. Diara turned into a rebellious teenager to deal with her parents' divorce. When she got caught shoplifting once, she decided to get herself a job for in the evening hours.

In 2005, she found a job at 5 Sons Café, a diner in Southampton. That's where she met Ransom who was still in police training at that time. He struck up a conversation with her, and they ended up talking about joining the police force. Ransom gave her advice on how to get in and after graduating from secondary school in 2007, she joined the police academy just like she promised she would. Diara didn't want to end up like most of her sisters.

After 2 years of police training she began working in uniform at the Hampshire Constabulary. She worked with Ransom for a year in Southampton. From there on, it took her about 6 years to work her way up to where she is now. In 2016, she was promoted to Detective Sergeant and began working in Winchester.

Both her parents are a Klaustreich, and it wasn't always easy. Her father - being a typical Klaustreich - was abusive towards her mother, but never to his daughters. Her mother worked hard, not just to come around but also to keep her daughters on the right path. The two oldest sisters (Daya and Lily) derailed and ended up dealing drugs or as a prostitute. Lily was shot in 2016 and didn't survive that. The relationship with her mother has been rocky, because her mother is hurt that Diara never looked into it. But she helps out wherever she can. She also has one sister (Daisy) who is happily married, and another one (Leah) who has left the country in 2017.

As a klaustreich she is quite strong. She is able to perform cat-like leaps over a distance of several yards, and she can match blows with a Grimm if she had to. Her sharp fangs and claws can cause massive damage when combined with her strength.

Diara her love life has always been a bit messy. She never stayed with boyfriends too long and had one-night stands here and there. Until she met Dean in 2017, a pflichttreue. They were in a relationship till 2019. They met at a bar, and a one-night stand led to more dates and eventually into a relationship. She broke up with him after they got into a heated argument.

Right now she lives in Otterbourne, a village between Southampton and Winchester.
Uh, I had to do some thinking there. My brain isn't exactly working along haha.
If I make her 30, they couldn't have met in 2005. Because she would be too young.
Unless they met when she wasn't in uniform yet.

From what I read, police training in the UK takes 2 years. In 2005 she'd be 16. She would start police training 2 years later.
What if... - and I'm just thinking out loud - Ransom inspired her to join the police force/start the academy? Because she had a bit of a rebellious youth. Would make sense if she's a Klaustreich or Yaguaraté. They would have to meet somewhere in 2005/6?
I like the idea of the drug trade and what it does to wesen and humans.
I already have a rough outline of my character. :)

Good point to write about how the two met and how their friendship has grown? Just in case we need to write about that. They were partners in uniformed service?
That doesn't surprise me. :)
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