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    1. Mag Lev 9 yrs ago
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Yes, I'm still alive. Mag Lev#3871

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The selection of carts and variety of products being sold throughout the festival astounded Andrea, though it seemed somewhat similar to the few times she ever visited Azeroth. However, she had to hold herself back so as not to buy any of the items which she didn’t need, especially since so many seemed somewhat expensive despite being a bit lower quality than she’d like. It wasn’t long before her attention was drawn from a set of necklaces when a man pushed her aside as he was running. She had barely gotten a look at him before she saw another person follow soon after, realizing then that the man was likely a thief and the other a guard trying to catch him.

It was for this reason that Andrea decided she’d help catch the thief, though it also was due to the fact that the thief had taken his coin pouch when he pushed past her. With only a few seconds of hesitation she broke into a dead sprint, knocking a few people out of her way as she pushed to catch up with the thief. The barefoot man was fast, faster than her, though there was only so long he could keep running before tiring. As such, she slowed down slightly and caught up with the man pursuing him. He seemed… average for the usual human she had encountered, the only thing that stood out seemed to be the scars on his face. And one on his hand.

”What did the thief steal from you,” Andrea said between breaths, ”Was it something important? Perhaps a letter or some gold?” She looked forward and watched the thief carefully so as to not lose sight of him any time soon. She then held up her right hand in front of both of them. ”A letter that left you with this mark just like mine,” She said as quietly as she could. She hadn’t thought it possible that any other had received the letter than her, let alone that she’d encounter them. However, if there were others with the mark then she had to know, it was the best way to figure everything out that was going on at this damned festival.
Count me in.
Seems interesting.

A Long Way From Home

Ardent’s Fall, the crown jewel of Astoria, was a beautiful sight to behold with the Ardent Festival coming into full swing, though that is if one ignores the slums. However, the sight of the grand gates of the city brought back sad memories to Andrea for it was through Ardent’s Fall that she came to Carthus nearly a year ago to pursue her trade. The city reminded her of how she yearned for her home and, at the back of her mind, a small bit of her wished to simply charter a boat and head back to see her aging father and mother. But she had more pressing matters to attend to, especially with the appearance of the glyph on her hand and risk of death.

Thus, Andrea pressed through the main gate of Astoria, though with many odd looks from the guards and checking that she wouldn’t cause any trouble. She had grown used to the strange glances, the stares and glares that some people gave her. It was only natural after all, she was taller than most people and had the typical traits of other tieflings, few commoners in Carthus had ever even heard of her kind let alone actually seen one. However, that only made her bids for contracts hunting mages or criminals all the more impressive. After all, hiring a ‘demon’ to hunt a mage seems all the more effective than hiring a regular person.

However, Andrea was soon distracted from her train of thought as she came into the plaza of Astoria. Having only arrived a year ago, not long after the last festival, she had never gotten to experience it, though she did hear of what a wonder it was. Yet the tales told by the common folk didn’t match up to what she saw before her, the sheer number of different kinds of people all packed into the plaza, the options presented before her much more numerous than she had first believed. Andrea looked around in wonder, silently taking in everything before her before she snapped to her senses.

The letter had told her to come to the festival, enjoy it, and wait for the right time to open the letter that came with it. As mysterious as the statement was, she was not one to question a mysterious stranger who had branded her with something that would cause her death. With this in mind, she began to look through the myriad of stalls which lined the plaza. She was heavily tempted to buy something from them, though the costs were a bit steep for her tastes.
@Traps And so we meet again. Look forward to seeing your character.
In Test 7 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum

Magic, the practice of using Aether to perform acts which no man could possibly do, to heal wounds in a near instant, and to even raise the dead from their graves. Few have delved so far into the study of Aether as the mages of Ishan-Ai and fewer even have access to the knowledge they have uncovered. Bits and pieces of their studies have been leaked, either through spies or simply their own free will. From those pieces many practicing mages have been able to get a solid grasp on the source of their power and the cost which comes with it.

Aether is the force which powers a mage’s spells, the driving force that allows a normal man to create a raging fireball or even heal a cut. Aether is believed to come from another plane of existence and leaked into the material plane through some unknown means. However, what is known is that anybody can harness the power of Aether and that it is inherently connected to the Aetherials. Aetherials are believed to inhabit the same plane Aether comes from and can be summoned with forbidden magic however this mostly results in contact with malevolent beings. Aether, however, is divided into four schools of study.

On Casting

A mage’s spells are limited in effect by the Aether Reserves they have built up. Most mages start out with very small Reserves which grow over time as they get older and hit their peak around their twenties. However, the true measure of a mage’s power is not in their reserves but rather in how they use their magic. Magic is, in of itself, not the primary tool in a mage’s arsenal however it is a powerful one, allowing a mage to turn the tables on their foe in an instant in some cases. If a mage is smart they can stretch out their reserves with fewer spells at a lower cost or simply go all in with a single spell. Casting a spell, however, is where a mage will show their true strengths.

In ancient times mages are believed to have used rituals and runes etched on their equipment to cast spells from the ambient Aether. However, with such Arts lost to time and forbidden to be studied, mages have turned mostly towards casting vocally with chants. The power of a chant is often based on its length, a single fireball even capable of becoming a raging inferno by building upon its chant. However, a single mispronunciation or missed letter can result in a backfire or miscast. As a mage grows more skilled however, such failings tend to become less and less common and the chanting faster. Eventually a highly skilled mage may even be able to change how a spell reacts by changing the chant.

The Schools


Elementalism is the art of controlling the natural elements of the world, bending them to one’s will and even creating them. Elementalism is further divided into Pyromancy, Cryomancy, Geomancy, Aeromancy, and Electromancy. Though one can learn all the elemental arts, this often comes at the cost of overall skill in them. Most mages are known to specialize in one or two elements at most, generally one’s which do not have conflict with each other.

Pyromancy- Pyromancy is the art of creating and using fire, both as a weapon and a tool. Pyromancy is one of the easiest and most common of the Elemental Arts to learn, often used offensively rather than any form of defense. Pyromancy is, however, countered by Cryomancy and it is rare for a Mage to learn both due to the varying casting of the elements.

Cryomancy- From Cryomancy comes the art of manipulating, creating, and using water and ice. Similar to Pyromancy, Cryomancy is common to among the Elemental Arts and one of the most varied. Due to its nature of being the most flexible of the arts, it has applications as both offense and defense however it specializes in neither and tends to be overlooked.

Aeromancy- To control the very wind allows one to have a large presence on the battlefield or not, for those who wish to go unnoticed. Aeromancy is the rarest of the Elemental Arts to learn due to high chance to miscast with even a single error. However, it is both powerful offensively and defensively when the spells are correct. It is, however, heavily countered by Geomancy and few Aeromancers are capable of learning any of the other Arts.

Geomancy- To manipulate the very earth beneath one’s feet, to create walls and waves of ground to crush your foes. Geomancy one of the rare Arts to learn due to the few mages so intune with its element. However, Geomancy is an effective defensive Elemental Art as well as a strong offense however its spells consume more of one’s Aether reserves than any of the main three Arts.

Electromancy- With singing bolts and crackling lighting, Electromancy brings the power once revered and believed only capable of being achieved by the Gods to a mage. Electromancy is the strongest offensive Elemental Arts and often can be applied for minor defensive skills in combat. However, the biggest drawback of Electromancy is the drain it has on one’s Aether reserves. Often Electromancers find themselves on the very edge of their reserves if their battle is not over in a few minutes. Electromancy is, however, almost as rare as Aeromancy due to much of its knowledge being forbidden by mages of Ishan-Ai


To influence the sway of life and death, to cure an illness and protect your allies from further injury; Restoration is truly one of the most valued schools of magic. From Restoration a Mage can heal most wounds at a drain to their reserves the longer their spell lasts and how severe the wound is. Despite this and the belief that Restoration magic is, rather, a miracle by the Gods is often false due to the limited degree which it can heal a person. While a mage can sew up a wound as if it was never there, the damage underneath can be left behind. Often times an unskilled and untrained Mage will do more damage than what their healing was worth by twisting the muscles into a horrid mass as it heals or leaving areas untouched.

As such, most mages who wish to learn Restoration can be offered classes in anatomy and physiology of the Races, at a cost of course, in most major cities in Eroammir and the Imperium. Some of these classes even train mages in preparation for when their magic reserves are out and they must rely on less grand methods of tending a wound such as alchemy. To some, however, the drive with Restoration is learn how to resurrect the dead, a feat that no mage has accomplished in history. They can, however, cure a illness even as it ravages a dying man’s body, offering the man a chance to come back from the verge of death.

One of the lesser known uses of Restoration magic is, however, in warding. Rather than healing wounds or curing illnesses, Warding focuses on placing magical spells on an object to give it an Aspect. These Aspects come in the form of Observation, Enhancement, and Deflection. Observation wards allows a mage to detect when a person enters an area or see an area from afar. Enhancement wards may temporarily give allies a boost to their physical abilities at a large cost of a Mage’s reserves, allowing them to sway a battle in mere seconds. Deflection wards, on the other hand, are purely defensive reflect most magical or physical sources of damage for the length of their existence. Warding, however, is one of the harder Magical arts to learn due to the drain it puts on one’s reserves and length needed for their casting.


Holding sway of the living is for Restoration, to raise corpses from the ground, summon spirits, and even contact Demons is the realm of Necromancy. From Necromancy one may find that, perhaps, most people do not like the idea of having their loved one’s dug up and their corpse paraded around for a battle. However, it is also from Necromancy that one may discover knowledge once lost, never shared between a single living soul on the mortal plane and lost with an old mage’s death. Necromancy provides a mage the ability to summon a soul and temporarily bind it to the mortal plane. However, the act of such a spell often draining and the results tend to vary as few survive the trip between planes sane. On the other hand, one could simply settle to raise a thrall from the ground to fight and protect the mage.

Most tempting of all, however, is the act of summoning a Demon into the physical plane from the Aetherial realm. The purpose of such a spell is to gain knowledge or enhance one’s magic, at a cost of course, through a deal with the Demon. However, summoning one is far more difficult than it seems as no mage inherently has the reserves to do as such. Instead they must rely on the darker side of Necromancy, Blood Magic, to spill the lifeforce of another and use its magic to draw the Demon in. Demons are, however, devious beings even for Aetherials and their deals tend to leave the mage at a heavy cost.


Lost to ages and forbidden by the Kings and Queens of old from the Imperium, Ritual magic is an ancient school that none have access to due to power which it may grant. From the early Era of the Imperium has the study of Ritual Magic been banned, all scrolls on it locked away in the Grand Library of Ishan-Ai. However, much of the speculation around its function has given rise to wild tales and assumptions, some which have not so lightly been mentioned as more than wild tales. From a Ritual one could easily summon a Demon without a cost to one’s self, even bind such a creature to one’s service by the effects of the summoning circle. Some say that it could even bring back a dead man, raise a field of ancient soldiers, or even create forests from thin air. However, such Arts are considered lost upon the world and only the speculation remains.

Posting my finished and approved work for posterity's sake. I'll see about getting around to a post some time in the future.
I have arrived, though very late it seems, after finishing working on a CS for another RP. I shall begin work on a character at some point today, might finish today, but first I'm going to catch up on everything so I'll be around.

Yes, I know I'm late and am making a character for a *full* RP. I'm doing it cause I'm willing to wait in case there are drops.
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