Avatar of MajorGremlin
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  • Posts: 147 (0.12 / day)
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    1. MajorGremlin 3 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current Every time... EVERY TIME...
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3 yrs ago
I have never felt so enraged over puns until now...
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3 yrs ago
Be careful. Spaghetti attracts strange folks...
3 yrs ago
3 yrs ago
Wonderful~. Now it's time to watch hooligans lick coils and computers...
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🧬Well hello there, random profile peekers~!🧬

"Do you like science?"
Of course!
No? Tsk tsk! Why wouldn't you?


Nonsense aside, hello, my name's MajorGremlin!

I've been roleplaying on and off for a few years, holding a couple of fandoms under my belt - Ones that I'm willing to dip some typing into anyway... I might also slink back into some original stuff at some point, maybe, here 'n there. Lol.

With that said, I'm a casual lit/semi-lit guy who enjoys winging things / rolling off of the muses' interactions, and whatever surprises that'd be dished out. But less of that and more plotting's just fine too, of course~. I'm also in my twenties, so I don't feel all too cozy roleplaying with anyone under such (aside from within group rps), especially since I enjoy the occasional "spicy moments" and all that jazz.

That's pretty much it for now, I guess. Have a lovely day~! Or night...

Most Recent Posts

Goggled eyes glanced this way and that while Higgsbury quietly listened in on this conversation. As expected, everyone desired to return to their homes, where they belong. Graceland, Culrud(?), and various others… Wilson sighed, adjusting the straps of his backpack. To be honest, he wished the same. Though the Constant was absolutely dreadful, he’d much rather be trapped there with his ragtag family than running about in this world without them.

When Jesse’s eyes fell upon him and Mr. Sanchez, though, Wilson tilted his head. “Wh--?” Oh, he wished! If he had the resources to build a machine that’d whisk them back to their respective dimensions, he’d do so in a jiffy! But, honestly, at this moment; this was way beyond him (he won’t admit that, of course)! But the other guy… Wilson peered over at Zyx. Maybe, with some help, this guy could? Or their partner with the rune? Or… Or…

“A cult?”

Before he could question anything further, Higgsbury wobbled over the king suddenly using him to steady that balance. It seems that the other scientist wouldn’t be the only one banned from drinks for the rest of the day! But his drunken wobbling brought a blessing that Wilson must rub in Willow’s face later on!

Threats were tossed! And suddenly -- was that the Grim reaper!? Higgsbury’s mouth pursed into a thin line, which shattered over the sudden jabbing to his ribs. “Wh-whuah?” He’d rapidly look around once he recovered, unsure if he happened to be the only one taking notice of the skeleton in the room. “Er.”

Maybe he should keep quiet? He didn’t want to be deemed as crazy… For the umpteenth time. And so, the goggled scientist carried on while giving Elvis a quivering smile -- until his eyes locked upon what used to be a plain wall. “Shiny…” Twisting, glowing, almost captivating! Curiosity tugged at Wilson P. Higgsbury, drawing him closer to the ward… Only for him to freeze over Jesse’s sudden outburst.

Thank the stars! He wasn’t nutty after all! Luckily for them, the Reaper didn’t seem to be on the hostile side… And in some way, the bony creature reminded him of Wortox, a charming little imp who only lived to play tricks and pester others!


But that aside, the ‘cult’ matters might just be real. This gathering must be the cause of why they’re all here, yes?

No. Zyx was quick to answer Elvis’ audible question and Higgsbury’s silent wonder.

Damn it.

Releasing another sigh, the scientist carried on along with the group. There was still the possibility, right?
<Snipped quote by Kenshi>

"This way," Zyx said, moving swiftly along. "I had Duma scout ahead and she told me she found a rune somewhere nearby."

Meanwhile, in the city square...

The funny faced man in the crisp white suit strolled along in a jolly fashion, oblivious to the crimson gloves now coating his hands. Snapping, he did a little jig as he went, pedestrians screaming as they fled from him. For though he refused to acknowledge it, he'd let his darker side out, and thus crimson vitae had been spilt.

Emitting an odd splutter of surprise, Wilson barely dodged one of the guards Elvis had bashed over. Oh, the little scientist would huff and puff if it weren’t for the star’s questions! Yeah! Where were they heading? Maybe it was because he’d just joined this team, but there didn’t seem to be any plans in mind… Double that for the goggled man himself!

Higgsbury’s mouth would open as he lifted a finger, only to shut once Zyx spoke up about someone named ‘Duma’, and a ‘rune’? Those things were special, yes? Maybe that rune happened to be the source of all their world-jumping and troubles! And, of course, then came the possibility of there being more than one! Wilson was curious, and that curiosity led him to pick up his pace.
In Deify 3 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Not only is he the God of Pasta, but this guy's also that of puzzles too! The finest, of course.
Damn. Would've definitely gone down that road if such happened on my end, and I'm sure many could say the same. It's bittersweet, Kiwi, but at least you still hold fond memories, yeah? And hopefully you're making new ones with the folks you have now. The same goes for the ones you'll find later on, even if you're holding back a little. ^^' Best wishes either way, man.

But with that, yeah, making friends through rp's definitely the best if it happens naturally. Adds more flavor and extra fun screeching about what's going on within rp, or simply even vibing, gaming, and watching trash with them outside of it. Most of my close goobers were guys I've met on Discord, though, or... Hell, doing silly little shenanigans within custom games on Overwatch (Hush, don't judge me)! Sisters and brothers from other mothers for sure~.
Has nice 'stache.
I'll gladly put an end to your hallucinations~! And possibly experiment on those voids you call "eyes".
Sun very bad.
For planning to ban, I'm banning you too! And the skeleton with that glorious red scarf!
What if you're low-key his buddy, pal!? Banned!
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