Avatar of Maria 127
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    1. Maria 127 10 yrs ago


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@Weird Tales@The One you know only the werewolf Vampire hybrid Kyle is attacking Alex not Agentina
also i didn't realise that Shade was interacting with Kyle 0-0

on that note if anyone is interacting with my characters could you put their name in your post or @ me so i know, i don't want people thinking that i'm ignoring them.

Also im going to bed as i feel a cold coming on, i feel horrible and i have collage in the morning.
- Night all, i'll catch up on the posts in the morning.
@Weird Tales
well Fuchs is lucky then, but it doesn't mean she won't attack him if he gets in the way. She may even attempt to bite chunks out of him if he deliberately goes out of his way to fight her.
Argentina Rhosphrus & Zephroth
While trying to pin point the persons emotion that she had felt someone walked up to her. So focused on the others she didn’t at first notice Sky’s presence and so was startled when he suddenly spoke. As a result she reflexively hissed and her eyes flickered red as she whipped her head round to look at him. As soon as she had hissed Sky would hear a purring sound and from out of the shadows Zephroth would appear. He would nuzzle her side and in turn clamed her more quickly her eyes flickered around the place it was obvious that she was finding it hard to concentrate around so many other people around and sensing everyone’s emotions even this far from most of them. She couldn’t think straight and could barley concentrate on holding her thirst back.

It took a while but his words finally sunk in just as she fell to her knees her hands clawing at the soft earth. Her response was slow.
”To..Know that... You first...have to know what I am, and...i’m afraid.. that you’ll just fear me.” her voice was quiet but if he heard her he would notice that it also sounded strained.
It was then that it hit her all over again, it was too much for her to handle and so she broke. She couldn’t help it she knew she shouldn’t have come here. Her eyes turned a striking blood red and she stood slowly and began to laugh creepily her claw like nails outstretched. Her voice was not loud but it didn’t need to be it was loud enough that everyone should still here her clearly. ”Ine meanie minie mo who should I have for dinner first.” she began to laugh hysterically before she spoke again but before she did she tilted her head to the left. ” looks like i’ll spare you for now,..” she would say as she pointed a slender finger at Alex. ”after all it is you who has awakened me to this splendid banquet.” Argentina would then launch herself at Sky her hands were aiming for his throat. If her hand connected with his throat she would grip it tightly before raising her free hand to strike him down but hesitating as her eyes flicker. If Sky could work out what was going on he would be able to tell she was fighting for control. @PharaohAtem- Alex@The One- Sky

Kyle Maxallion & Zerphina
Kyle watched the people in the large gathering, he looked around thinking that this would be a good time to begin interacting with someone when someone making a big deal of their royal blood came into the area. It stopped him in his tracks rather surprised and irritated and all at once he wanted to go punch that so called prince in the face however he chose not to, he knew that it wasn’t a good idea. That was until he smelled it. Upon smelling the deliciously copper scent that was blood all his bad ideas now seemed good.

He launched himself over to prince Sekhemi and threw a fist at his face. If it connected it would send him flying. Even if it didn’t hit he would turn his attention to Alex and would only utter one simple phrase. ”Your blood is mine now..” he would state pointing at the one that was manipulating his own blood. @The One - Prince Sekhemi @PharaohAtem - Alex
Argentina Rhosphrus & Zephroth
Argentina could not decide on weather or not she wanted to meet everyone yet. She didn’t want to go to the big meeting place and attack everyone but then again she did want to see what happened when many people grouped together. Her curiosity was tempting her to go to the meeting place. What worried her though was that she didn’t know who or what would be there. If there was another vampire like herself it could prove to be very dangerous. What she feared the most was sensing another’s hunger.

Her face paled slightly as she looked at Zephroth ”What do you think Zepheroth??” she would ask before she began to elaborate and red the letter to him. ”Should we make our way to the academy alone or should we go to the meeting area?”

Zephroth tilted his head as he thought about the subject for a moment. He then kicked up some dirt into the air and manipulated it into words as the earth floated there for a few minutes. ”it is your choice Argent, but know this I will always protect and look out for you.” it was his way of saying that what ever her choice he would protect her.

Argentina smiled when he used his favourite nickname for her a she then made up her mind. She would let her curiosity take her to the meeting place. She wasn’t going to be in the open though, she preferred the dark shade of the forest. When she arrived at her destination she would peer out from behind the trees, being careful to stay hidden but not too bothered if a few people see her. She would remain quite at she watched the group of people grow.

From the cover of the trees it felt almost as if her heart had stopped as she could sense through her power of sensing emotions that someone was hungry. Hungry for flesh. It was like a lightning bolt had struck her. She closed her eyes and dug her claws into the tree next to her. That single emotion was enough to just about set off her bloodthirsty nature. Taking a couple of deep breaths she begins to steady her breathing and soon she opened her eyes once more and begins trying to pin point whose emotion of hunger she had sensed so strongly.

Kyle Maxallion & Zerphina
Kyle loved interacting with others, he liked to find out what other people’s personality’s were like and what odd quirks they have if any. When he recived the letter from the mystical academy he simply could not believe his eyes and he jumped up and down in joy, as people passed the ally way people just stared at him as if he was crazy. He just smiled and winked at the strangers which only creeped them out more. Kyle didn’t care as he was finally going somewhere better than where he currently was. He packed what little items he had into a small bag and went on his way. As he passed some charity shops he would steal some better looking clothing before making his way to a river deep in the woods where he would wash himself then change into his new clothes. ”its better I give a good impression rather than a bad one.” he would say out loud to no one in particular just as his ghostly demon wolf appeared seemingly from nowhere.

Anyone watching would find it odd that he wasn’t startled by the odd looking wolf’s sudden appearance. Kyle however could sense and smell its presence and he know that Zerphina wouldn’t allow him to go alone. Kyle didn’t mind he was actually that she was coming with him. H smiled at her and she returned it by hanging her tongue out her mouth then proceeding to allow him to rub her chest. No words were exchanged as none were needed. They both had the instinct of a wolf so they had their similarities. It didn’t take him long to get to the meeting site. He noticed that the group wasn’t as big as he expected, maybe not everyone had arrived yet. Kyle decided to just wait he had plenty of time to interact with people later.
@Core im finding it rather funny that 1 your character is rooming with someone who almost always feels the need to kill those around him and the fact that my characters pet can throw acid. essentially his pet could erode away at your characters tail. lol
@The One ive added this to power one
"psychic.- as a result of his psychic powers he has a few ability's he can use, he can move stuff with his mind and use Astral Projection."

is this okay?
hhmm ok i might add that and say that astral projection is part of his psychic powers.
Name: Kyle Maxallion
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Species: Werewolf-Vampire hybrid
Room Number: Room 345 with..
Alignment: Neutral

Personality: He is kind hearted and never wanted this for himself . He likes to help others wherever he can and goes out of his way to be around others despite almost always feeling the need to kill people.

Bio: He was an orphan living on the streets, often finding food wherever he could find it. Often he only just found enough to survive and was constantly on the brink of starvation. Until one night he was attacked, at the time he wasn’t sure what it was but he is sure now that it was a vampire. He was saved and cursed by both creatures of the night that day, He was sure that wolf had not meant to hurt him let alone turn him as a result he has been living with this condition for 11 years as he was bitten at the age of 6.

Power 1: psychic.- as a result of his psychic powers he has a few ability's he can use, he can move stuff with his mind and use Astral Projection.
Astral Projection-The ability to separate and control a projection of himself outside og his physical body. He can also somewhat project his surroundings he can send messages this way.
Power 2: Biokinesis – the ability to heal or manipulate others biologically. Using this power he could essentially stop someone’s heart or restart it. He is not very good at using this power though.
Likes: the taste of blood, tea and coffee. The dark
Dislikes: people being physically hurt around him, Seeing or smelling blood.
Family: N/A
Friends: none at the moment
Sentimental Attachment: Zerphina
Weapon: Teeth and claws Mainly
Other: He cannot eat normal food, his body rejects it and it makes him very ill sometimes even weak.

Pet Name: Zerphina
Pet Age: Unknown
Pet Gender: Female
Pet Species: Demon Wolf
Pet Apperance:

Pet Personality:

Pet Power 1: Poisen/acid- has the ability to weaken the opponent and can eat though armour and create mild burns or blisters on contact with skin. (she can also change the acidity level and even neutralize its effects on someone)
Pet Power 2: Desensitization – emits a gas that once it has enveloped an opponent can temporally take away their senses. While in the gas Zerphina can chose to make them blind and feel nothing she can also deafen them but doesn’t do it very often as she normally uses it for interrogation.
@The One so with Astral Projection being psychic can be added to it as part of astral projection?
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