Avatar of Marmalised Junk
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  • Posts: 47 (0.07 / day)
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    1. Marmalised Junk 2 yrs ago
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Current If I'm not online often don't question it
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I'm going on vacation to Madeira so won't be online for a little
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Won't be online for a couple of days- Queen Elizabeth the second has passed away, and the entire country is in a state of mouring- hope you understand.
2 yrs ago
Looking for a roleplay - DM me if you want to!
2 yrs ago
" And if the seven hells collapse, Although the day could be my last.. You will be okay. When I'm gone, you'll be okay. "


Hey there, Junk here!
I've been roleplaying for a few years, but I'm pretty new to this site.
I have a wide range of interests, so if you have an idea/request to roleplay, DM me!
But I must say, I am not comfortable with very sexual roleplays. Sexual references are okay, just not actual descriptions of sexual situations.

Also if you like/have been to Alton Towers, DM me (I'm very obsessed)

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Putting herself up-right and lowering herself to the ground, Anya looked at Ghiar in bewilderment.

"You usually look like this? It's so cool!" Anya gave him another grin, baring her sharp-teeth as she did.
The fae shook his hand, "Anya Daymourn, It's nice to meet you Ghiar!"

Peering back at the unusual-looking hand, Anya asked,
"What exactly are you? I mean- I've never seen anything like you before, and you're not dead.. are you a type of fae, like me? Or a sort of light creature like Asami- but dark?"
The girl threw out guesses as she spoke, trying to work out what the figure in front of her was.
This roleplay looks very interesting! Anyway: Here's my character (I tried but I'm not very good at making characters haha-) I'm not expecting to get in, but she was fun to make!


"You can control the sun!? That's so cool!"
The girl was clearly star-struck. "Can I see? How do you do it? When did you learn to do it? How does it work? Tell me everything!"
Anya was so excited, she flew into the air, fluttering around near the ceiling, laughing loudly.

Overhearing the peculiar newcomer's question, Anya quickly fluttered over to him and hung upside down in place.
The fae gave a broad grin.
"I don't think you're dead, or, maybe you are? You're unlike something I've ever seen before."

"Asami, have you seen anything like this person before?"
The fae was caught off-guard by the booming voice of the griffin. She let out a little yelp and jumped, hovering for a few seconds using her wings, before lowering herself back to ground to compose herself. (Well, as much as Anya could be composed.)

The girl peered at him again, this time observing his features a little closer- and not realising she was staring.
She whispered something to herself about how she had never seen something like that before, even if she had met a couple of griffins whilst travelling.

On her previous question to Asami, she quickly added,
"I mean, like- because you're a sort of form of light? Fire? Whatever it is, it's cool!"

"You are not! I'm way more maturer then you!"

Anya glanced at the naga for a moment.
"Woahh.. she looks cool.."

Looking back at Asami, she popped another question.
"Do you have any cool powers? Or, wings or something?"

Sorry it took so long- and it's kinda trashy

Anya looked at her expertly bandaged leg. "You've done better in cleaning the cut then I can do. Also Asami, I'm older then you. I don't know exactly how old, but I know I'm older then you- so please don't treat me like a kid. I get enough of it whilst travelling."

Glancing away from Asami for a moment, she stared at the mutated griffin, and whispered to the other girl.
"Who's that, and what are they?"
I'm trying to get my character done- but I've had to go to London and keep losing my progress- should be done in the next couple of days

Anya stared at the other girl. "Anya Daymourn- what's your name, what are you, and how old are you?"
The inquisitiveness was almost a world away from how she acted a few moments ago. "Also, what's with the antiseptic?" The fae winced, forgetting about her leg.
<Snipped quote by Marmalised Junk>

Hi, thanks for your interest! Have you read the intro post to get an idea of the rules/setting?

Thank you! And yes, I have!
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