Avatar of Melkor
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Melkor
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1843 (0.49 / day)
  • VMs: 2
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    1. Melkor 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current I'm about to enter my senior year. So close to that astro degreeeeee
2 yrs ago
Act two of the original three is done. It is about 100 pages and 23k words. I'll be merging the first two acts into one and the book will end up being about twice as long as originally projected.
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2 yrs ago
Act 1 of 3 is done. It’s about 100 pages and 23k words and has a prelude, 8 chapters, and an interlude. I’m looking at 100k words as an approximate goal.
2 yrs ago
Progress on draft 2: 8200 words and 32 pages.
3 yrs ago
96000 words, 330 pages, 45 chapters, 8 viewpoints. First novel, done.


Thrawn: "I have read about the nightswan. Have you?"

Nightswan: "You refer to the fact that it sings only as night is falling?"

Thrawn: "Yes. You do not expect your stand to succeed, do you?"

Nightswan: "I know that it won't succeed."

Thrawn: "That does not necessarily mean the end. I can give orders for you to be taken unharmed."

Nightswan: "They will be ignored. Half the troops here are Batonn Defense and Restos is determined to get rid of me."

Thrawn: "Then come with me now!"

Nightswan: "A man must do what he must, Admiral Thrawn. Even if his stand is against the fall of eternal night."

Most Recent Posts

Nah it's up to me. I'm withdrawing since me posting a sheet caused this much commotion. I apologise IceHeart for having wasted some of your time.
Okay well my takeaway is that there should be a faction sheet because o course it was confusing because I only put in snippets of the regions culture. But also as far as the feudal system is concerned, each house is basically he king of their land but they answer to their liege lord. In the case of houses with very high influence their liege is the king. I can get rid of calling it a throne but houses can have castles and palaces. And also no, the eldest son doesn't necessarily inherit the land - in the culture of Avelyn is the eldest child. In terms of dropping her family name - she already had the land and titles and armies and such. All she did was not recognize the claims of either house. Again though there should be a house CS so it's easier to expand
@pugbutter it's pronounced Owen lol just spelled differently
@IceHeart They are an Ainedal lord? I'm confused. I didn't make another kingdom, I just fleshed out the agricultural sect of the existing kingdom. And if the vassal part is the issue - that's how the feudal system works.
And does the lack of a map free us up to invent our own countries, towns, and landmarks for the purposes of our stories?

I'm doing that for the houses I'm making. Presumably we'll all agree upon general locations and the rest will be free?
@IceHeart If I'm making a custom lord/house, is there a CS for that with all of the information you want?
I'm gonna work on a knight character who is in a Lady's guard, her house is going to previously have been in control of the agricultural sect of the nation but most of that has been seized. So her goal is to regain her former power and aid the prince and princess in their quest.
@IceHeart How long should I expect to wait before a CS is out?
This looks super interesting
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