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Mostly given up on this post by post business

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<Snipped quote by Rilla>

What's the actual budget for this tournament?

Probably a couple billion smirkles, the Liaison knows a guy who knows a guy.
I'm happy to help anyone who wants some tips.
Yeah, might as well have an arena discord.
Generally speaking you can roughly sort most characters into unpowered or realistic melee for exactly that, unpowered characters with melee or medieval equipment. Low powered for characters who stray into the supernatural but not beyond what is reasonable for a character with medieval equipment to fight and potentially defeat. Mid powered for characters who have magical effects that would allow them to cause a lot of destruction on a city street and defeat numerous medieval opponents with relative ease, high powered where humans can be crushed like ants and a single attack might devastate a city block, and finally it strays into god territory where you start throwing around primal forces and dropping nukes on cities and countries.

The ways of ascertaining tier are many, it's not really an exact science, more something you judge by eye. Technology and weaponry mess up the balance, as something as simple as a pistol can make an ordinary human capable of attacks that stray into mid powered. It's not too big an issue when two opponents agree on each other's characters and dictate the fight is fair, it's more of an issue for tournament hosts who have to balance a wide range of characters the best they can in freeform.
Generally speaking in realistic or semi-realistic settings everything is a trade-off. You might be able to scrape your plucky witch character into feudal combat if she's poorly armoured or outmatched in direct melee, you wouldn't be able to scrape a fully armoured swordsman who also has magic into the same setting. You're covering too many bases, and it pops your character up into the next category of power as a result.

Taking magic out of the equation, going unarmoured is generally a bad idea, but it does have its advantages. Armour limits mobility, particularly vertical mobility, it reduces stamina, it could kill you in a small pond, and its usually noisy. An unarmoured character will generally be able to outrun an armoured one, all things being equal, and potentially outlast them. Also helmets generally make you look less cool, so there's that.
Rilla only has the power to score ranked fights, that's all Mahz was willing to secede to him for fear of revolution.
I ever tell you, I don't like you, Melon? Hahah

My plan is for them to have a character like I submitted above. It's simple, easy to use. Has no complicated powers. Can be accepted in just about any magic based arena.

The truth hurts Rilla me lad
Seriously though, this is a dilema.

Either you make t pure hand to hand, which might turn off a lot of people.

Or you force those poor, innocent, sweatless newcomers to slave over an arena style character sheet.

EDIT: or we can do knightly combat with pommel throws to the groin as our no powers section.

Rilla's taking the middle ground, he's allowing characters with like one element of their choice, more classical spellsword type combat.
<Snipped quote by MelonHead>

Name q Better one, damn you! I told you Liaison doesn't work for free!

Nexus of Worlds springs to mind, I heard it had like three successful seasons, two of which were won by some amazing kid I can't quite remember the name of.
Take out all those bits about Way of the Warrior being premier, change Angry-Rilla universe to Arena Multiverse, and I'd say you're good.
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