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    1. MelonHead 10 yrs ago
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Mostly given up on this post by post business

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Andraste protect me.

Brennus was an ordinary man, within reason, born to a world without any real magic or monsters beyond those made by man and god. He probably would have been even more disturbed if he could really make out what was going on, but from his position about a hundred and fifty feet away from the portal it wasn’t as clear as it could have been. All he really caught a glimpse of was some hulking four-armed monstrosity, and then the sudden emergence of a chained man seemingly from thin air.

The screams from the audience took on a whole new meaning in the face of such terror, but as quickly as it came, it passed. Such illusion and trickery was not far beyond the normal spectacles of the arena, and as the lone figure face planted into the sand, nervous laughter flittered through the stands. Laughter that quickly became a roar, as they watched the gimped man stand, some chains falling from his body, others seemingly wrapped around his wrists. Brennus, with the unique perspective of standing before this figure, was less sure of what he had just witnessed.

“He does not even hold a shield or sword, is this a jest?” The Iceni man murmured in his native tongue. Still visibly shaken, the gladiator looked to the stands, and his Dominus. Septimus shrugged his shoulders from the stands, as the other Dominus started to shout and complain to the officials. Behind the chained man, the portcullis slowly opened and the gladiator Brennus was meant to be fighting stepped out onto the sand, surprised to see a man sprawled on the ground between him and his opponent.

Brennus stood with his spear standing in the sand and his shield resting over his left shoulder. The officials would have to sort this out, something seemed to have gone wrong indeed.
I have to fight Lysander here first, but afterwards, sure.

The screams, the jeers, the adulation. How had he ever lived without it?

Kicking up the sand beneath his bare feet, the blue painted gladiator span to receive all the Roman mob offered him. Oval shield lifted high, taunting the Latins with the swirling art of the Iceni people, he stubbed his spear into the ground and stood proudly, arrogantly even. He was so different to those silk strewn folk as to be almost alien, though of no great height his body rippled with muscle and scar stood out starkly on his tanned white skin. With ash rubbed through his hair to make it a white blonde and to stand it on head in a haphazard affair that only added to his odd appearance, he made an unusual sight even here in the arena. He wore only woollen trousers, with a belt on which he strapped the sheathed sword at his hip. Opting for pure mobility over armour of any sort was the way of some of his people, and the man known as Brennus intended to keep their memory alive, as long as he yet lived.

"Come then!" He roared in bastardised Latin, his toothy grin almost feral. It was that smile of anticipation his enemy would be faced with.

The Roman Colosseum aches for new and exciting feats of combat and bloodshed, roaring for depravity and mindless violence, who will answer the call?
Eh, yeah. It's best if only Negatomsk and I argue it out, though that doesn't mean a judge isn't needed so that we don't argue forever. I do believe I see things from your point of view now, Melon.


Aw hell. You're breakin' my balls here. I'm starting to feel like Melon. Don't hate me for being such a stiff customer, it already bugs me to act like this.

I'll probably use Anna, as she's been to one of the Liaisons events before and she's also a water elementalist.
Woah sir. Woah

I'm starting to think you're biased against my success.
I'm mentoring @Xaih as far as I know, speaking of which, if you still want my help send me a PM with any questions.
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