Avatar of Metadude
  • Last Seen: 4 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 489 (0.18 / day)
  • VMs: 13
  • Username history
    1. Metadude 8 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
I'd like to roll to seduce that T-Rex
6 yrs ago
Evil Dead taught me not to trust tree's
1 like
6 yrs ago
It doesn't have Lizardmen making out with Human women, 0/10
1 like
7 yrs ago
Da-na na, na, na. Another one in the trash. Another one goes and another one dies, another one in the trash.
7 yrs ago
"I can smell you."-Morgan Freeman, hunting his Prey


27yrs old, Male.

Content level
I don't do Human x Human because I roleplay to get AWAY from normalcy, not recreate it.

Have you ever
Ever felt like this?
How strange things happen
Are you going round the twist?

Most Recent Posts

Warning: No fade to black. Includes NSFW between characters, potentially torture depending on rp.
PS - I can do pure naughty bits if a story doesn't interest you.

Note: For MxM, I only do Digimon x Digimon. Humans/Elves/Dwarves/Etc are a nope for me

Places I can rp: PM's here, Discord
Basic Idea's

  • Follow a season story (eg, Tamers)
  • Slice of Life - Humans and Digimon worlds linked together
    - This is basically a Digimon x Human RP featuring diplomacy
  • Slice of Life - Digimon enjoying the Digital World, no Humans
    - Basically Digimon x Digimon
  • Anything else you desire


Digimon OC's

A bump because i'm a degenerate

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Warning: No fade to black for naughty bits. PS - M x M is for the Dragons only, M Humans don't work for me lol

Things I play as: Dragons

Breaded Egg Sauce
Warning: Will have 0 fade to black for naughty bits, so prepare your tuna casserole

Expecting at least 1 reply a day, more if I can see you online. If you need to leave, a heads up is appreciated. Very appreciated. If the rp isn't to your liking, even in the planning stages, let me know. I don't want you to just disappear without a trace.


Two Options:

#1 - Smut Based, minimal or no story
#2 - Story based, minimal or smut whenever. Plot will be worked out in PM's due to character selection, etc.

Franchises I have OC's for: Digimon, Star Wars, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Jurassic Park, Zoids, Godzilla, and Legends of Chima

Some characters I plan to use (official characters will be OOC/Possibly renamed

Bumps make the world go round
Warning: No fade to black for naughty bits, it's gonna get freaky in here ;3 no matter how extreme, i'm flexible af XD

FYI - If I get too many applicants, I might turn you away. I WILL reply to any and all PM's, so don't worry about being ignored.

I also do fandom rp's, just ask for a fandom and I might be able to roleplay it.
RP can be just smut too. However, this is a short rp - dragging it out is a nope from me

Okay - onto the idea's

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