Avatar of MetalWeight
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  • Posts: 122 (0.10 / day)
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    1. MetalWeight 3 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Sleep well broski, and that goes for everyone else on RPGuild
3 yrs ago
I definitely want to make more interest checks myself, but I feel the need to draw art for my ideas first. One day, we'll all find the perfect group/partner to keep RPs going forever. One day...
3 yrs ago
Mandatory big butts update status.
3 yrs ago
This is just one big Truman Show reality
3 yrs ago
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Why hello there

I'm a big fan of stuff that goes boom and all sorts of actiony things. Also funny animal people but thats outside the point. Also THICC, if anything you like revolves around BOTTOM HEAVYNESS, then good, we have similarities.

Or if you want me to draw you as a dummy thicc furry animal person, I could do that too, its pretty fun.

roleplayerguild.com/topics/185270-met… Here is my art thread, have a look!

roleplayerguild.com/topics/185269-one… Here is a 1x1 thread on some fictional universe I created with anthropomorphic animal people, have a look if you dare.

If you pass by this profile and wanna do some 1x1 shenanigans, I generally like action-adventure, sci-fi, fantasy, science fantasy, dramatic battles between good vs evil and generally bantering about badass and silly ideas. and the funny animal people
Not into slice of life, calmer or just romance-only centric stuff. I do like this things when sparsely placed throughout an RP though.

Also don't worry or feel too anxious around me or worry about ghosting me etc. I've been through enough of that for a decade before and I've got too much responsibilities to fulfill to think negatively about you. No matter your race, religion, nationality, political affiliation, family drama, addictions, general degeneracy or what you believe to be past mistakes, I'm happy you've made it this far. You do you, man, this world has enough pain. I'm proud of you for just being alive. That isn't a meme, I really am. And if you really don't like that you can call be gay and a furfag for being emotional if you want to, I mean, this is the internet and it isn't like we know each other and its all kinda dumb to say this stuff outta nowhere, but confessing compassion is more relieving than keeping it in in my case

Anyway I come with up random ideas sometimes, I'll list more here when I come up with them, if they interest you feel free to spitball with me, it isn't like these ideas are set in stone or anything. If these get your noggin' joggin' then they did their job:

    1960s Alt-History with MECHS, the world is caught in a three-way cold war between a powerful Axis, a widespread Comintern and the influential Allies

    High Fantasy with a twist: Its inspired by Ancient History! Particularly inspired by the Rome vs Carthage Punic Wars, or any Mediterranean civilization war. Maybe also something inspired by Roman expeditions and colonies built in Western Europe? I've been playing Total War: Rome 2, might come up with more ideas playing that.

    Something WH40K, but I've been obsessed with that for a long time, a bit burnt out but throwing new things into the mix might work. Maybe something about the xenos like Eldar or Tau... As heretical as it is, maybe something with furry abhumans. Yiff-in-hell-furfag memes with terminators armed with flamethrowers are applicable I take full responsibility for my heresy.

    Star Wars, but something SWTOR era? Somewhere when the Cold War between the Republic and Empire went hot, like Balmorra. Or maybe something that takes place in the Sith Academy on Korriban...I love the SWTOR art designs and visuals in general, wholesome and chill memories of that game, and Star Wars Expanded Universe is big and expansive enough that lots of ideas can work here.

Most Recent Posts

@Dark Cloud It could work. Give Aurora something to do, though dunno if anyone else would like to interact with Dex/Aurora first.
Oh yeah. Its posting time.
o7 may Seiji be forever protected by the gods for his bravery it worked out in the end, FOR NOW

"...Counterpoint?" She looked at him curiously, albeit trying not to seem surprised or astounded by the confidence of such a human in her warm grasp. She kept her eyes locked on him, seemingly unaware as he brought his hand up beneath her fluffy chin.

And then...she felt something. "Wh-wha-what, w-what are you-!?" she began to gasp in surprise and seemed a bit flustered, a sudden warmth reached her face as she began to blush hotly, eyes going wide as her once predatory and dominant behavior got replaced by both surprise...and pleasure. It was hard to discern what she was feeling, waves of happiness overwhelming her body as she experienced something unbeknownst to her mind, trying to think became difficult as the rush of good feelings flooded her head. Some sort of secret human demon-countering technique!? It had to be!

Seiji would feel the mighty paws suddenly remove from his face, Aurora now clutching the sides of her own cheeks as she tried desperately to not make any, exotic, noises at the surprising amount of good feelings she was having from being scratched. In a matter of moments she had gone from complete dominant to completely docile, unwavering in her desire for more scratching beneath her chin. Though, after what felt like a couple of minutes of just standing there, Aurora would try to regain her composure.

As the blissful feelings were just about overwhelming her, caught in a haze of joy and love, she suddenly pulled her head back as everything around her felt like an atmosphere of deep and passionate love that could only be exclaimed in the most astounding and outlandish sound...

After pulling her head back and a short distance away from Seiji, Aurora was left huffing for breath, staring in confusion and total embarrassment, especially being the first time she was on the other end of experiencing something so good! "W-what...WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?" She asked, though not at anyone specifically, merely left confused as the blush started to fade from her face...albeit very slowly.
Oh. Woops. Expect a post tomorrow then.
Hrmm, I'd like to see Alt-history stuff. But very, very, ridiculously stupidly absurdly out-of-this-world borderline insultingly wacky. Like the Command and Conquer's Red Alert series (specifically Red Alert 2) I'd accept more serious things though, as alt-history can be pretty fascinating to explore in serious tone, but I'm a bit overloaded with with how dramatic and dark things can be, exploring consequences and changes in politics...Its all so tiresome. I just want my gigantic tri-pod walkers alongside hovertanks in the 1960s damnit.

Outside of alt-history, generally other things that are actiony, but comedic and not too serious. Really the perfect triad for me honestly, reminds me of the good ole days with friends. Anything lax in general when it comes to overall tone is fun now that I think about it. I'd try to make them myself but I can't break the habit of writing things in a ridiculously dark and dramatic way.
Badass. Been working on other pictures as well to get into the mood and writing up some rough ideas, will post a thread in casual at some point.

Nice. Gonna wait and see if anyone else has interest.
Interesting, also nice to see the Anti-Troopers happy I'm not the only one who remembered that mission in Battlefront 2 Whiskey is semi-interesting ME2 is a good game buuut I'm a sucker for big battles over smaller operations, the Fires of Atraken seems to be the most fun, albeit my lore knowledge on that battle is non-existent. I like writing non-force users, clone troopers/rebel soldiers/stormtroopers etc, if that works for you, I'd be up for something.

Understanding Why

It All Fell Apart

Only Drove Men Mad

And Nightmares Manifest


With unlimited possibilities within it's grasp, civilization had become a self-made heaven. Contemporary politics, economics, philosophy and scientific understanding had been dwarfed, rendered a footnote in history with the sudden explosion in humanities capabilities in changing reality itself. Had humanity of the modern era stood beside those of the future, it would seem like two separate species stood aside each other. All ills plaguing the body and mind had been removed, the soul transcended mortal barriers, the very universe becoming nothing more than a massive controlled environment that was monitored and controlled regularly, creating the ideal worlds for society to inhabit. Endlessly stretching out across known existence, fertilizing the dried up soil, colonizing the vast empty space and creating life where there was none, humanity had become a boon for all known life.

Vast stretches of time had now left that era behind.

As if evil, long suppressed by the good brought forth by humanities discoveries, suddenly arose. Who, why, when, where- none of it mattered as it spread across, drowning everything in a tidal wave as lights across known existence went out one by one. Perhaps someone cracked, a portal to another dimension opened, a war finally broke out, people became too decadent, or reality itself had enough of societies perfection... No one will ever figure out why it broke down.

But society now was caught in a horrific limbo of pain. The magic and technology that had been so perfect and infinitely capable kept civilization alive in it's bleeding and apocalyptic state, as if a dying patient constantly reawakening to experience the nauseating experience of being near death, people kept living. Instead of the apocalypse ending, it kept burning, with more people drowning in endless bloodbath that so commonly spewed forth wherever life was found. Yet life kept growing, then kept dying, then came to life and drew the ire of whatever wanted to squash it out again. The more the apocalypse went on the more imperfections formed, the more life became not only similar to our own, but worse than whatever Earth could ever foster, for all those incredible discoveries made had now turned into a endless assembly line of monstrous inventions, disturbing discoveries and more ways to decimate life itself.

With conflict now found wherever and whenever, it seemed safety was impossible, yet there were words written in marker and blood hinted at a safe zone. Deep within the city, covered in corpses, blood, monsters, decorated by bullet holes and with everlasting buildings poking out high from the red fog, there sat an answer to get out of this artificial Hell, that- bypassing all the dangers -there was still a chance to find the heaven that existed once a long time ago, finding a chance to breathe, to truly survive and to escape the clutches of endless death...


Something I've been thinking about while staying up late, opened up photoshop, colored some stuff and put on filters over some pictures and took advantage of inspiration to write this.

I like the idea of reality itself falling apart on ridiculously advanced civilizations and becoming an apocalyptic free-for-all, albeit with ridiculously bizarre and fantastical elements to it that is just "super advanced tech/magic/an act of cosmic gods" Like having all the capabilities of a multiverse without needing to have to actually have a multiverse. Point is- anything goes, all within a nice bundle of action and terrifying, evil, snarling, mean and horrifying monstrosities. Or just other people.

Gonna see if anyone else here likes this, if not, then at least I got this out of my system rather than just letting it die like other ideas.
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