Avatar of Metamore
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 273 (0.10 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Metamore 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Guess who's back!
6 yrs ago
As it so turns out RPGuild is not dead and neither am I! However I have lost both of my personal devices recently so I am unable to say how I'll be able to keep up with this site if at all. I'm sorry.
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7 yrs ago
It's a new Dawn, it's a new Day, it's a new School Year for me! Enjoy your breaks while they last folks , they end sooner than you think!
7 yrs ago
I am utterly sorry. I could've and should've said something. I dont ask forgiveness, I just want to apologize. I am returning to Roleplayerguild, so if for some reason you want to talk drop me a PM.
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7 yrs ago
Wow. If all these RPs really kick off I'll have a 1x1, a Free RP, and 2 Casuals. Still, let me know if you wanna talk ideas! My inbox is always open!


Hey, you! Welcome to my Basic Member Page!
I know, I know. Impressive. Please remove your jaw from the floor, your drool is staining my virtual carpet. Japes aside, seeing as you're still reading, I suppose I'll introduce myself.

My name's Tiye, and I've been role-playing on & off again for about 3 years now; originally with a few close friends, chat rooms here & there, but I mostly stuck with creative writings of own. Now I'm looking for more of a community. Some things about me: I'm a Black, 17 year old, agenderflux (they/she pronouns) teen who errs on the side of intrigue, and enjoys long walks by the beach. I've also been known to have a penchant for humor, but I don't know who started that vile rumor. If you find them, they're wanted dead or alive.

So yeah, that's me. How about you? Don't be afraid to pm or message, I only bite when I'm hungry or bigots are nearby. Either way, have a good one :)

| Started April 1st, 2017 | Totally by coincidence |

Most Recent Posts

| ROUTE 3: Savannah |
| January 2nd, Afternoon |

Despite the Shuckle's obvious confidence in its own STAB, Anu still won out. Sending The Mold Pokémon spiraling to the right, Anu's nostrils flared in satisfaction.

"Toat," the Totodile declared proudly, and Rin's pride shined through as well; they crossed their arms and smirked at their Starter's work. It felt good to see Anusobeket taking the lead again. Ever since her fight against Hephaestus it had been a long downward spiral of defeat after defeat. Rin was seriously tempted to just finish off the wild pokémon with another Water Gun, and restart her winning streak again. Then of course their conscience just had to remind them that they still needed to catch Seven-Hundred Ninety-Eight more Pokémon. Just as the Shuckle began peaking back out of its shell again, Rin met its stare head on with equal vigor.

"You're tough. I get that. I'm tough too, which is why I'm going to become first World Champion! So come with me, and we'll get stronger together!"

"Toto," Anusobeket egged on, and so tossing out a Standard Pokéball, Rin wrapped up their small speech. 'Come on, come on, come on,' Rin rushed silently. They'd never catch those remaining Seven-Hundred Ninety-Eight if they had to keep using multiple pokéballs on every catch, but they also couldn't go around wasting their expensive ones so soon. Rin knew they'd go for the knock out if it didn't work out, but part of them wasn't all that upset about that prospect. After all that just meant Anu would finally restart her winning streak, and that was nothing to be sad about.

Thank you for the feedback, I will adjust my scheme accordingly. >;D
| ROUTE 3: Savannah |
| January 2nd, Afternoon |

Rin was halfway through beating their previous personal record for number of seconds blowing a single, stable note when they nearly tripped over the neck of a Shuckle! Barely catching themself from stepping on the poor pokémon's exposed flesh, Rin was thankful they had practice avoiding Ogel Bricks Kairi "accidentally" dropped around their bed and in front of doors; those things were so painful to step on! Having narrowly missed getting stomped on, Rin had expected The Mold Pokémon to flinch or flee, but instead it look back at the Trainer with an intensity Rin immediately admired and recognized. Sending out the object of Rin's familiarity, Anusobeket sprung out of her pokéball with hands and volume raised in an attempt to startle.

"Totodile!" Anu blinked. Rin blinked. Breaking into a short chortle, her Trainer explained.

"No, Anu. We're not in Sunsay, we aren't gonna scare Liz. Yet." Slipping their Pokémon Whistle back into their utility belt, Rin's eyes gleamed as they shifted back to the Shuckle. "We are gonna catch us a pokémon though, so use Water Gun!" Opting to go more aggressive this time around Rin nodded proudly as Anusobeket lit up in excitement at the prospect of a fight before turning around to try and dowse the Rock Type.

Lol, on my older posts it's Savannah with one N instead of the correct 2

I copy and paste to re-use my headers, lmao, so I never would've even noticed if I hadn't just suddenly remember something looked off about my spelling

| ROUTE 3: Savannah |
| January 2nd, Afternoon |

Rin flattened their face with their right hand. Slowing dragging it down their face with a groan, Rin watched the Bosai Pokémon playfully skip away back into the grass. Lifting up the limp neck of their Girafarig, Rin felt like a stone had been dropped into their gullet. Only muttering, "I'm sorry," as they returned Gerseti to his pokéball. Glaring at their now empty hands, Rin took out their PokéWhistle to gaze at it in contempt. "What's the point of demeaning myself, if even a Baby Pokémon can me out?" Bemoaning their loss, Rin sat up off the ground where they'd been kneeling. Scratching the back of their hair, Rin already knew the answer. 'It's because of me. Maybe if I had-' A disgruntled noise came up from the back of their throat as Rin reached around in their belt with their left hand. "Screw maybe," Rin said aloud to themself as they marched back into the tall grass. "What's done is done. Just do better, geez," Rin spat already annoyed with their own whining. A World Champion didn't waste their time getting bent outta shape over one loss, ten losses, or even one hundred! They just learned and did better. So while Rin may not exactly be the strategic type, they knew in spades about determination. So with another blow of their whistle, Rin winced at the screeching notes, and looked forward to whatever they'd face off against next. Rin would do do better.

T~T don't remind me...
That's Rin can be the first Gym Leader of Zurest, because after they've become World Champion, it's nice to remember where it all started with them beating Liz on Day One >:D
Lmao, that's if I can ever get past this first week x"D

Yeah when this is all over, if you ever wanna take another crack at it, I'm all for it! This has been really fun, and I could definitely see myself Co-GMing with grown up Rin as a Gym Leader or Eeveelution Breeder If you'd be cool with that~ :D

As for now, time for Rin to suck up that loss I knew I should've used Confusion T-T, so I'll get to writing now as yesterday I took the holiday off to tour the African History Museum with my little cousins, and make sure they're woke early on, lol.
| ROUTE 3: Savanah |
| January 2nd, Afternoon |

Gerseti was well on his way to landing his first move when the baby pokémon began to whimper. From the sight of the first tear Rin knew that Gerseti would lock up, but Rin wasn't buying it for a second. If Midori had taught Rin anything outside of much of daily pest he could be, it was how to spot the difference between actual sobbing and crocodile tears. Their suspicions were confirmed when the Bonsai Pokémon gurgled with the small simper of a smile immediately after Gerseti halted. "Don't get psyched out, Geri! This little baby is coming with us, so let's make this as painless as possible." Rin considered calling for Tackle seeing how effective the Bonsai Pokémon was using Fake Tears, but what they wouldn't admit was that the wild pokémon's cuteness was persuading them to use caution.

"Girafa . . .?" Gerseti asked apprehensive. He didn't really have much battle experience, perfering to run away rather than engage, so he hoped that could properly restrain himself without prior practice.

"Let's go for Astonish one more time, bud. Knock its socks off," Rin added with a goading wink. Looking back between his Trainer and the Bonsly one last tims, Gerseti reared up for another attack . . .

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