Avatar of Mistiel
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 628 (0.24 / day)
  • VMs: 18
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    1. Mistiel 7 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
I have come up with the ultimate pansexual name! Drum roll please! Roryana. You can thank me later.
1 like
5 yrs ago
TFW you realize your SW character somehow turned into an anime character. I didn't even use an anime avatar. Damn you Japan! Freaking brainwashed me.
5 yrs ago
Look away, look away. My profile will ruin your evening, your whole life, and your day. Every single pixel is nothing but dismay, so look away, look away, Look Away!
5 yrs ago
Ghost mode disabled.
5 yrs ago
As of the end of March, I'll be a fully trained 5e dungeonmaster. Gird your loins, termagants and knaves!


Look away.

Most Recent Posts

I guess you could say I was a Manafest hipster. I knew ABOUT him (and even had a burned CD of his first album) from a friend of mine who had a rapping "Uncle Chad" (IDK his actual rapper name) who was good friends with this Manafest bloke. But yeah, this song seems to be what got Manafest on the popular radar when the directors of Supernatural got a hold of this song. I remember thinking when I first heard this song (which is #3 on said burned CD of mine) "I wish this song was one of the Supernatural intros". I believe that was during the "Carry on my wayward son" era. ^.^


Micah watched as several of the students already began chatting away with each other, paying absolutely no heed to that Payton at the head of the room. One girl sitting near the window seemed like she wanted to leap through it. Micah couldn't blame her. It was his first day in this place and his father had said nothing but, "Here you go, son" as he had remotely opened up the passenger door of his modern bright yellow Delorean and made a shooing gesture with his hand. Just when Micah had exited out in front of the school, his dad followed up with: "If you need anything, the school will call. You're nearly a man now, Micah. Act like one."

As with all authority, Micah blew this off with his trademarked "Whatever" and an eye roll. He mimicked the motion now, staring well over this other girl's head out aforementioned window all glassy-eyed and daydreaming. What he wouldn't give for just one more episode of Game of Thrones. Watching dwarven kings and queens bang was far more entertaining than some putz trying to reform them. One look at the room's occupants told Micah that nearly everybody here would win a battle of will with Mister Glossy Professor over there. Putzy himself still hadn't said much since he wrote the rules up on the board which struck Micah as odd. A normal teacher would have hushed his "students" down by now. Micah smirked. "Laid back" huh? Excellent....
Crap I forgot to subscribe to this. D'oh!
The stoneweaver in me sees the post title and cries out, "Throw another rock!"


Sorry, I wouldn't know how to be a furry. :/
Can't steal something that was offered free of charge lol. Just bein' friendly!

Really? You don't remember me from that other camp RP you GMed? Granted I've changed avatars since I left that, but dang. O,o

@everyone: I find it interesting and mildly amusing how almost all of us chose nearly the same appearance demographic for the students. :D

Ohai! *pokes and offers Oreos* ^,^

Micah, clad in his supremely uncomfortable "uniform", sat in the back with his feet propped up on an empty desk in front of him. He thought about saying something along the lines of 'Yeah, yeah we get the spiel. So what are you gonna teach us, Insert-Clever-Insult here?' For once in his life, he wisely decided to hold off, though his reasoning was not as wise. Best to behave on the first day so it might open up more opportunities later. He blew his stringy bangs out of his face. Why the hell didn't he get a haircut before coming to this place? Nothing like being shaggy when you planned your future rule-bending.

God, this was turning into one giant Breakfast Club meme. He made sure the pack of Trident spearmint gum he'd snuck in was secured snugly in his left Air Jordan 11. Good thing I don't know what Barry Manilow looks like, he thought smugly, unable to wipe the smirk off his face as he folded his arms and proceeded to stare down their "teacher". Staaang, Ryan Reynolds would be proud of those cheekbones! Micah wondered how much this guy was getting paid or if he was some celebrity volunteer. "Beautiful people" like that almost always had a story to explain why they were down with the mortals. Not that Micah was bad looking, but he wouldn't classify anybody else in the room as being classic Hollywood runway material either.
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