Avatar of Mitheral
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    1. Mitheral 7 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Need sleep. Work is probably going to expect me to ... work tomorrow. SOMEone has to pay for my internet and I don't hear anyone volunteering.
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5 yrs ago
It didn't used to take so long to recover. When I was younger I was told a kiss would make it all better. These days, by that logic, I'd need to be a porn star.
5 yrs ago
Work running me ragged. Trying to get caught up.
5 yrs ago
Might not have internet tonight. Travelling into an area I don't know well. My wifi hub may not have cell towers to use. Should move by the next day though.
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5 yrs ago
Work is a little nuts. Long days, little time off. Going to be a little slow on replies. Bear with me.


Well, I USED to have a bio. Site keeps changing and it goes poof each time.

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Some rationale in Longmire's selection process:

World population 8 billion. (probably more, but it is just a number to start with)

Age 16-22 (roughly 10% of the population)
English Speaking (about 5% as a first language and another 7% as a second language)

This leaves about 96 million

Now he has to parse this down to a manageable number. Less than 100. That is 1 in a million. He is going to be very picky.

Weed out:
Heirs to massive fortunes
People with too many ties to the rest of the world
Easy street lazy millennials who expect everything to come from Mom and Dad. Over 18 and not in college or working very hard, a hopelessly jobless lazy bum who lives with their parent(s)

The idea here is that he doesn't want divided loyalties. Neither does he want people who would otherwise spend their lives on welfare.

I realize this presents a challenge for most of you to develop a character. It sounds intimidating. Well, Longmire is just that. He has a John Wayne view of what makes a person worthy. Here are some books or movies to think about.

True Grit
The Boxcar Children
(I'll add to this list later. Food has arrived.)

Image (photos please, face shots or ones that show the face well. No toons, animated gifs, etc.)

Caucasian Ancestry a must.

NATO countries only.
No Russia, China, Korea, ISIS ridden nations.

Build and/or Weight:
Other Features:



Companions (if any):
You may do a separate CS (abbreviated if preferred) as a Reply to your own character topic. If you like, create them as a WIP and finish them later so you don’t have to scroll or search pages later on.

Other Stuff
Stuff you brought with you. Did you bring a dozen steamer trunks that will threaten to break the backs of the staff … or a small gym bag with all your worldly possessions?

Writing Sample (Take this part seriously. Put it in a hider.)
Answer the question “How would you use a billion dollars?” The character will receive a tablet to make this a video essay. Feel free to entertain. You could do it seriously, or as a series of Takes. But answer it the way your character would.

Notes: Use English system for height / weight. (Descriptive system works fine for weight.)

The Meek shall inherit the Earth;
But who shall inherit my Worth?

READ CAREFULLY (please) or you will end up editing your CS or have it rejected.

June 20, 2037

Micha Emerson Longmire. Who the Hell is he? Well, whoever he is, you are apparently on of the possible heirs to this old buzzard. Make that a very, very RICH damned buzzard. Multi billionaire rich. But noone knows who he is, where he came from, who his family is. None of you has ever met the man. None of you can trace how you are even an heir - correction … potential heir. Neither has Longmire been photographed by news or paparazzi face to face. He is more reclusive than Howard Hughes ever was. He is more eccentric than Willy Wonka. And he is quite probably the richest man in history.

The letter came by special delivery - hand delivered, signature by the possible heir required, not parent, not legal guardian. But the inheritance comes with a condition. The heirs must come to live on the Longmire Estate until whom shall receive the inheritance has been determined. They must renounce all other citizenships and become a citizen of Dinotopia / Pokoponesia.

Longmire Island and its sister islands are new land along the island chain that Hawaii and Midway island are a part of. They rose out of the sea a little over a decade ago. Longmire got there first (or was already there), claimed them and declared them his personal sovereign territory. His claim was challenged by both Russia and China. Russia tried to challenge his territorial waters and he sunk their fleet. He has finally been recognized by the UN even if he is not a member. Longmire is a dictator who, upon his visit to the UN, was described as looking like a cross between Ironman and Dr Doom.

Longmire Island and its sister islands are collectively known as either Dinotopia or Pokoponesia. He offered the former for ease of spelling. The latter appears to mean he does indeed have a sense of humor. Both names are from fictional sources.


The Longmire Estate is huge, over 100,000 sq feet built on a tropical island in the Pacific Ocean. The fenced in area is about 40 acres. The “fence” is a solid wall topped with razor wire. Longmire liked his privacy. Oddly enough though, he built the place with over 100 rooms, five swimming pools, an eight-limousine garage (with virtually no roads), a two-lane bowling alley, a 50-seat home theater, a spacious library (one of those kinds with multiple levels and ladders on rails and sections dedicated to various subjects, an indoor garden, servant’s quarters, a wine cellar (with no wine though, no alcohol in the place at all) and elevators. There is an astronomical observatory complete with dome in a separate building. The rest of the place is off limits and locked.

The exterior and decor are gothic. At night the place is like something from a horror movie. It has 3 full levels above ground, one partly below ground (built on a hill), a basement and sub basement. The towers have mini floors such as in a castle.

The island itself is tropical, very much like the one in Jurassic Park. Travel will be arranged by Longmire.

The Staff are for the Storyteller - Me - to run. When the potential heirs arrive, Mr Longmire will be unavailable. However his staff is there. Butlers, and an estate manager. They will feed and clean up after you, wash clothes, etc. A legal representative will address the group when everyone has arrived.

Note the lack of a groundskeeper. This is the reason the place has fallen into disarray. Even the interior garden has suffered and looks spooky, especially at night. Actually there IS one. His name is Duncan Moran. But he is overworked - apparently to the detriment of the estate.

The estate is also said to be haunted. The island is rumored to have dinosaurs.

Age range - 16 to 22 (see below)

Anyone under 18 MUST meet at least one of the following qualifications:
Be emancipated.
Have graduated High School.
Have a GED.

Each Heir Potential will be required to send a Video Resume complete with an essay that answers the question. “How Would You Spend a Billion Dollars?” (Consider this your writing sample.)

CS: Yes, you need one. I am not picky about the format. But I will only accept SIX MEMBERS. No animated gifs (unless hidden in a Hider), but you need a good pic, NOT a toon!!!!! Absence from the RP will have your character discarded and an opening made for another member.

It IS possible to run a new CITIZEN of Dinotopia / Pokoponesia. But that is something to discuss via PM and even then as an NPC. Your Main still needs to be a potential heir.


Longmire won’t waste his time and money on kids whose ambitions are to play video games for the rest of their life. If you haven’t shown any promise by age 16, he won’t bother with you. (This means the CS will be rejected.)

Try to think of these as characters from a TV drama series. Will your character be able to make it to the next season? Or would they bore the audience to tears and get canned?

Disqualifiers: (This goes for for companions too unfortunately) You will not be in America any longer. Their laws do not apply here.
Disabilities: No bad allergies (nuts, pets, etc). Medical help is a little remote. If you had such issues you were weeded out. The same restrictions apply to companions. He weeded out genetic disorders as well. So, no diabetics, Down Syndrome or similar disorders. So long as you can have children and are otherwise healthy, he doesn't care. A wheelchair is fine. Recovering from injuries is fine.

Mental: No mentally unstable kids. Even if you seem unstable you will be weeded out. Longmire didn’t have time to get professional opinions. In other words, no autism, no bipolar disorders. You get the idea. They are not about to hand over billions of dollars to anyone mentally incompetent in any way. You can TRY to pass yourself off as okay. But if they think you aren’t … you lose.

Ethnicity and Nationality: Mr Longmire was American, but renouncd his citizenship before discovering and laying claim to the islands. He declared himself the sovereign leader and began to build his tiny empire. He is Caucasian. However, even as a caucasian he was a bit of a mongrel. His money wasn’t inherited.

Do NOT try to forge a genetic claim to Longmire. That will disqualify you. Spoiler alert: he has no heirs. He chose all of you with absolutely no basis of genetics or even adoption.

Travel arrangements began after two weeks. You may fly or sail (but will arrive at a sister island, then transfer to one of Longmire’s yachts.

You may bring up to two companions: to include members of your family, a legal guardian, or close friends. A pet counts as one of the two allowed companions. Sorry, no large pets (horses, great danes, etc). The dinosaurs are on a strict diet.

I am looking for dedicated writers. You should be capable of writing in an advanced / detailed format with other members.

I am looking for 3-5 posts per week. I do realize that is a bit high. I do realize people have RL. But even with only 3 members if each posts every other day after waiting on others to post, a single action takes a week. That is boring.

Once your CS is approved, you may join in. But everyone starts at the Sister island and gets brought in by Duncan.

Not so much a plot, but a purpose to the RP. What are you supposed to be doing? Well for starters, just interact and live. Some of you may be rich spoiled brats. Others may be country bumpkins or inner city kids. Others may be normal suburban kids or foster kids.

Longmire is looking for someone who can assume the responsibility of his vast wealth and make the necessary sacrifices that entails.

The Meek shall inherit the Earth;
But who shall inherit my Worth?

Link to RP: roleplayerguild.com/topics/165847-who…

READ CAREFULLY (please) or you will end up editing your CS or have it rejected.

June 20, 2037

Micha Emerson Longmire. Who the Hell is he? Well, whoever he is, you are apparently on of the possible heirs to this old buzzard. Make that a very, very RICH damned buzzard. Multi billionaire rich. But noone knows who he is, where he came from, who his family is. None of you has ever met the man. None of you can trace how you are even an heir - correction … potential heir. Neither has Longmire been photographed by news or paparazzi face to face. He is more reclusive than Howard Hughes ever was. He is more eccentric than Willy Wonka. And he is quite probably the richest man in history.

The letter came by special delivery - hand delivered, signature by the possible heir required, not parent, not legal guardian. But the inheritance comes with a condition. The heirs must come to live on the Longmire Estate until whom shall receive the inheritance has been determined. They must renounce all other citizenships and become a citizen of Dinotopia / Pokoponesia.

Longmire Island and its sister islands are new land along the island chain that Hawaii and Midway island are a part of. They rose out of the sea a little over a decade ago. Longmire got there first (or was already there), claimed them and declared them his personal sovereign territory. His claim was challenged by both Russia and China. Russia tried to challenge his territorial waters and he sunk their fleet. He has finally been recognized by the UN even if he is not a member. Longmire is a dictator who, upon his visit to the UN, was described as looking like a cross between Ironman and Dr Doom.

Longmire Island and its sister islands are collectively known as either Dinotopia or Pokoponesia. He offered the former for ease of spelling. The latter appears to mean he does indeed have a sense of humor. Both names are from fictional sources.


The Longmire Estate is huge, over 100,000 sq feet built on a tropical island in the Pacific Ocean. The fenced in area is about 40 acres. The “fence” is a solid wall topped with razor wire. Longmire liked his privacy. Oddly enough though, he built the place with over 100 rooms, five swimming pools, an eight-limousine garage (with virtually no roads), a two-lane bowling alley, a 50-seat home theater, a spacious library (one of those kinds with multiple levels and ladders on rails and sections dedicated to various subjects, an indoor garden, servant’s quarters, a wine cellar (with no wine though, no alcohol in the place at all) and elevators. There is an astronomical observatory complete with dome in a separate building. The rest of the place is off limits and locked.

The exterior and decor are gothic. At night the place is like something from a horror movie. It has 3 full levels above ground, one partly below ground (built on a hill), a basement and sub basement. The towers have mini floors such as in a castle.

The island itself is tropical, very much like the one in Jurassic Park. Travel will be arranged by Longmire.

The Staff are for the Storyteller - Me - to run. When the potential heirs arrive, Mr Longmire will be unavailable. However his staff is there. Butlers, and an estate manager. They will feed and clean up after you, wash clothes, etc. A legal representative will address the group when everyone has arrived.

Note the lack of a groundskeeper. This is the reason the place has fallen into disarray. Even the interior garden has suffered and looks spooky, especially at night. Actually there IS one. His name is Duncan Moran. But he is overworked - apparently to the detriment of the estate.

The estate is also said to be haunted. The island is rumored to have dinosaurs.

Age range - 16 to 22 (see below)

Anyone under 18 MUST meet at least one of the following qualifications:
Be emancipated.
Have graduated High School.
Have a GED.

Each Heir Potential will be required to send a Video Resume complete with an essay that answers the question. “How Would You Spend a Billion Dollars?” (Consider this your writing sample.)

CS: Yes, you need one. I am not picky about the format. But I will only accept SIX MEMBERS. No animated gifs (unless hidden in a Hider), but you need a good pic, NOT a toon!!!!! Absence from the RP will have your character discarded and an opening made for another member.


Longmire won’t waste his time and money on kids whose ambitions are to play video games for the rest of their life. If you haven’t shown any promise by age 16, he won’t bother with you. (This means the CS will be rejected.)

Try to think of these as characters from a TV drama series. Will your character be able to make it to the next season? Or would they bore the audience to tears and get canned?

Disqualifiers: (This goes for for companions too unfortunately)
Disabilities: No bad allergies (nuts, pets, etc). Medical help is a little remote. If you had such issues you were weeded out. The same restrictions apply to companions.

Mental: No mentally unstable kids. Even if you seem unstable you will be weeded out. Longmire didn’t have time to get professional opinions. In other words, no autism, no bipolar disorders. You get the idea. They are not about to hand over billions of dollars to anyone mentally incompetent in any way. You can TRY to pass yourself off as okay. But if they think you aren’t … you lose.

Ethnicity and Nationality: Mr Longmire was American, but renouncd his citizenship before discovering and laying claim to the islands. He declared himself the sovereign leader and began to build his tiny empire. He is Caucasian. However, even as a caucasian he was a bit of a mongrel. His money wasn’t inherited.

Travel arrangements began after two weeks. You may fly or sail (but will arrive at a sister island, then transfer to one of Longmire’s yachts.

You may bring up to two companions: to include members of your family, a legal guardian, or close friends. A pet counts as one of the two allowed companions. Sorry, no large pets (horses, great danes, etc). The dinosaurs are on a strict diet.

I am looking for dedicated writers. You should be capable of writing in an advanced / detailed format with other members.

I am looking for 3-5 posts per week. I do realize that is a bit high. I do realize people have RL. But even with only 3 members if each posts every other day after waiting on others to post, a single action takes a week. That is boring.

Not so much a plot, but a purpose to the RP. What are you supposed to be doing? Well for starters, just interact and live. Some of you may be rich spoiled brats. Others may be country bumpkins or inner city kids. Others may be normal suburban kids or foster kids.

Longmire is looking for someone who can assume the responsibility of his vast wealth and make the necessary sacrifices that entails.
Sorry, it is just that a guy doesn't fit well into the premise here. That isn't to say I couldn't rewrite the whole thing. But it was supposed to be part comedy for the basis of how it all gets started. I could as easily have used a random group of college kids who break into what they think is an unoccupied estate as squatters. The squatters would likely have to be poor ... or maybe they lived in college housing - not as a sorority, but just dorms ... and had a fire. Technically the school would have to provide a place to live, but ....

So yeah, I could think of ways to force the story. It does become more serious though. Dr Tanis teaches went to MIT. Eric is trying to study music and engineering, but is nowhere near the genius or prodigy Alex is.
Well, he has to finish loading up a train ... by himself. That means everything at his main base, the animals of the farm, food to feed them. That won't happen overnight. With help of a few people that is a few days, by himself, at least a week. And that is with leaving a lot of stuff behind that he doesn't really need.
@ineffable I did consider that. But the whole idea of the RP was a sorority using the fact that they are hot girls asking Eric for help and Eric asking (begging) Alex to help him, help them. "Look dude! This may be your best chance ...."

One possibility was that the fire burned down TWO houses, the sorority ... and the frat house next door. Of course, Eric isn't looking for competition.

I'll have to think on it. But without a decent group of girls, it isn't going to happen.
Absolutely. In fact, if the group ever enters the mantle, there is some "horror" stuff there that isn't so bad. Gothic statues (gargoyles). Yes, they are guardians.

Some of the minor stuff I was talking about were arachnidaemons that look like the egg layers from Aliens. The small ones can only do so much. The bigger ones that literally skin you alive. (They attach themselves to a victim, then peel the skin away whole. Another may use the skin as a disguise while the first one keeps the victim's body alive - skinless - inside of it.)

But like I said. The RP isn't intended to focus on horror. LOL, why do I see the group trying to go that route? Well, it is out there, but if we go that route it needs to be a unanimous decision. Otherwise, anyone who gets curious pretty much is destined for a miserable ending.

Nexus Crawler


@FrozenEcstasy Only works if we have at least a few others. By herself, a complete waste of time for the RP. Not trying to be mean, but think about it for a second. They went after Alex and Eric, because of Eric's reputation.

Now I did have a completely different estate setting where your character would fit, but the NPC's I had there wouldn't have cared for her much. There was one gay female, but she would have been utterly irritated by anyone childish.
LOL, I hate horror. If you recall Nexus Crawlers from the White Wolf rpg systems, that is the sort of things all around the house in the Umbra. Really nasty things to turn loose on a bunch of college kids. Not to worry though. I invented some less hazardous stuff to wet people's appetites if they get stupid and ignore the rules. Notice that I didn't actually click on Horror for the Tags.

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