Avatar of ModeGone
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 242 (0.09 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. ModeGone 8 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current the trees have gone broadway i repeat the trees have gone broadway
3 yrs ago
I just got Paper Mario Origami and wOW bold move making the opening feel like a horror movie, Nintendo.
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3 yrs ago
@Jerkchicken I like dumplings but ONLY dumplings? Not even any real meat, or fake meat like seitan? Where's the fruit or veggies? Wheat? Potatoes? VARIETY?! How can you only have one kind of thing?
3 yrs ago
The weirdest songs get lodged in my head. I haven't even listened to it in years and BAM suddenly Dominick the freaking Donkey is hee hawwing all across Italy in my brain.
3 yrs ago
Birthday came and went. Just another day now.
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Most Recent Posts

Good mood and hopes getting dashed.
Just what Majora needs: teleport spam abilities.
Another crossover rp? Interested.
I noticed the title mentions you're still accepting people so here's a fairytale child I cobbled together for approval.

Granted, you get a wishing well, a penny, and no guarantees.

I wish for a puppy.
I love Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There. I also should really finish reading The Hunting of the Snark. This sounds interesting but I really hope that Midnight is alright for her own sake. Any time someone mentions "medical problems" I get worried. Best of wishes.
I've been working on two possibilities after narrowing down my list. I know I can't have both at this time. These are both being posted as I'm not sure which to pick at this time and they probably need some further adjustments.

An EMP wielding pirate shows up. First he zaps you and poses you for funny photos so he can kill your reputation after he kills you.
<Snipped quote by ModeGone>

Exactly my reaction after reading it for the first time, since they never explained it in the novel and actually had to make a freaking random extra in the manga that no one reads to explain the world.
Still, it seens that the console for the game is pretty easy for some reason, with the pay to win content being the main differential... Guess they wanted the peasants to have at least a little something to console themselves and escape from their shitty reality.

"A little something to console themselves" yeah right. They clearly want to keep the drones too busy in their spare time. All that time spent in the VRMMO is not spent figuring out "hey this isn't right, let's get them!"
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