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6 yrs ago
I put the STD in STUD.. all I need is U
1 like
6 yrs ago
So moist
9 yrs ago
9 yrs ago
goldfish have a memory of at least 3 months as opposed to the 3 second myth.
9 yrs ago
Elephants are the only mammals that cannot jump.


Women average seven farts a day and men about 12, experts say.

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You know, I might change my shit up a bit. Take that big ass island in the south and make colonies all over. Be this nrps Britain.
Used to be an adventurer until I took an arrow-in Disney.

Disney Fascism

Pogo-sticking erotica

I can ignore that post but I cannot ignore my question. I do not wish to make more plans with that location if you are still wanting that location.

I honestly didn't see your claim and am more than happy to pick somewhere else.

Please let me know :)
Snake plissken


I never saw your claim. And if you're actually wanting to stay, I can take a giant chunk of land elsewhere.

Edit: And I don't intend the size of my nation to be any kind of dick measuring.
Responsibility sucks
"If this section includes some bullshit special group of a hundred that uses two swords because they went to sword college or something like that, see yourself to the door"

-ns military section.

This line made me join this RP.
Erotic creature
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