Avatar of MorningStar1399
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  • Posts: 85 (0.04 / day)
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    1. MorningStar1399 6 yrs ago


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MorningStar1399 or flowers-for-mars pretty much everywhere, either currently or formerly.
Polyvore was my main thing and where I got started with rp (outside of irl friends of course).
I don't do fandom rps unless there are reasons (and even then I'd prefer not to for many reasons).

Idk what else to say atm...

I'm a creative writing major. I act, sing, read, write, play instruments (viola, guitar, and piano), and draw.

I'm really dull...

Most Recent Posts

@ayzrules :-}
@AmethystAh...I read side-eying as being a bad thing and assumed I'm doing something wrong (I usually assume that though, as @ayzrules can attest). I'm also in a weird headspace right now so I'm not exactly the best at comprehending/understanding things.
@MorningStar1399 looks decent so far, though the Luxemi loyalists will side-eye you for having startlingly blue eyes (no need to change it). Unrest and threats to the prince are kinda cool.

I'm confused--why would they side eye me? Is that not a good thing? I mean, his eyes are really bright blue. I can change the wording so it references their proper shade of blue, but...I'm very confused and also very nervous that I did something wrong.
Hey! This is what I have so far; you mind taking a quick peek see if I'm in the right direction?

@MorningStar1399 Why am I not surprised to see you poking about over here. ^.^ Welcome aboard.

Because @ayzrules messaged me about it a day or two ago to drag me into it much like she did with PYKM? Lol
Count me in. :-)

Alexander raised his brows at the start of the speech, and in the end found himself shaking his head slightly. God how it must positively kill you to be this direct, Rowena my dear, he thought. Unfortunately not everyone in this room is particularly skilled at word games, especially not if theyโ€™ve had a drink or two.

The matters at hand were truly unpleasant indeed. Automations, oh dear. Definitely not my area of expertise, though informationโ€ฆhmm, that could be arranged, though Iโ€™m sure your sources would be far better than mine.

As far as an alias went, however, Alexanderโ€™s head went abuzz with possibilities. Perhaps a paisley cravat is too obvious, and a satin petticoat not obvious enough, he pondered. What about a ruby lion? Get my mane of hair confused with someone with red hair. No, not applicable to the theme. Alright, then a monocle, perhaps? A ruby one even? No, couldnโ€™t possibly picture myself with one of those dreadful contraptions. I couldnโ€™t bear to look like my father.

He frowned contemplatively. Well, what about brandywine? A brandywine handkerchief? Oh, no, what about aubergine instead? After all, a watch is far too obvious for me. Though perhaps aubergine is, tooโ€ฆ

Before he could debate it any longer, Alexander stepped forward slightly. โ€œMy lady, my captain, you have my support, my cane, and an aubergine handkerchief.โ€ He gave a smile, a slight jiggle of his head, then stepped back, resuming an air of hypocritical delighted indifference.

The more the captain spoke, the more Eudora questioned just how useful sheโ€™d be able to be. She knew pray little of automations, and she wasnโ€™t perhaps the best with such obviously illegal activities. She was just a healer, a mother, the wife of a minister, and a graduate of Madame Geraldineโ€™s.

However, she dealt best of all in favors. Perhaps that was what she could contribute after all. If ever they needed something from someone she had leverage over, she could get it from them for this cause. It would be safer than letting someone perhaps kill them or worseโ€”interrogate them. Why bother with any of that when you can just ask politely and smile sweetly at them?

And an alias came to her almost right away. After all, she dealt best in favors. Favors and pastries. So what better thanโ€ฆ

โ€œA buttercream pearl,โ€ she said, voice light. โ€œLike the small embellishments on cakes, yet also the color of some of the real pearls some of us are wearing tonight.โ€ Eudora smiled warmly, unable to remove that maternal glow until she let the smile fall completely.
V I N C E N T & A L E X A N D E R

Alexander raised his brows at Rowena, following her former gaze toโ€ฆah. โ€œOf course, my dear,โ€ he said, giving her a smile and kissing her hand. โ€œI will see you soon.โ€

He watched her walk away before making his way over to the corner in which Vincent seemed to be hiding himself in. โ€œDr. Halverson,โ€ he said. โ€œSkulking in corners, are we?โ€ Alexander turned, facing the rest of the room. โ€œItโ€™s not a bad corner, actually.โ€ He gave him a sideways glance, a smirk playing across his lips. โ€œLeave it to you to find the best hiding place.โ€ A wink.

The blond was careful about keeping his gaze more toward the gathered room, not wanting to ruin Vincentโ€™s hiding just because Alexander himself was easily spotted. โ€œI trust you are in good health?โ€ He laughed lightly.

Vincent had spent the requisite amount of time greeting the captain (who was exceedingly polite, he found, if a bit on the quiet side) and taking stock of the other persons gathered in the library. Aside from Alexander and Lady Imperia-Airwright, there were very few people whom he recognized. Most, however, seemed to be at least a few years younger than he was.

The altercation with a young lady in an elegant blue gown and an utterly inoffensive door frame had not gone unnoticed by Vincent, though he observed that the captain had been otherwise occupied when it occurred. Is our grumpy young lady a member of the Legionnaire Guild? Vincent wondered to himself, idly.

Vincent was still unsure of why Captain Kingsford, and by extension, Lady Imperia-Airwright, had decided to have him directly involved. He was no evil mastermind, nor was he really a geniusโ€” and he would have thought that Rowena would have known that he would heal anyone she put in front of him, no questions asked.

Perhaps they wish for me to disclose of anything I would have learned while with Archibald Sullivan, he mused to himself. Though Lady Imperia-Airwright is engaged to his father. Would she not have known what his son was doing by now?

In any case, Vincent supposed that dwelling on this matter for too long would not make it any less bewildering. He watched Alexander and Rowena re-enter the library together; Lady Imperia-Airwright glided off in the direction of Captain Kingsford, while Alexander made his way towards Vincent, who was off to the side, in a corner.

A slight smile flitted across his features as Alexander approached. โ€œPerhaps,โ€ he answered bemusedly, โ€œthough skulking is much tooโ€ฆdramatic for my tastes. I prefer, hmm, loitering?โ€

โ€œI am indeed in good health, thank you. And you?โ€

Alexander laughed lightly. โ€œYes, perhaps you are right. Though I do believe โ€˜loiteringโ€™ does not carry the same weight nor definition, for I know you are not merely standing here waiting, but observing those around you almost as carefully as I have.โ€ He raised his brows, a semblance of a smile still on his lips. โ€œIs that not the case, geranium?โ€

He sighed, shifting his hair idly. How long it had been since someone had played with it in even a platonic sense. He hadnโ€™t reason as of late for anyone to style it, as his own fingers were capable of brushing it or putting it up in a simple updo if that was what he desired.

โ€œBetter than I have been as of late, thank you, though you are well aware of that,โ€ Alexander replied. โ€œThisโ€ โ€” he gestured to his cane โ€” โ€œis again more decoration than actual necessity or use, and I hope it remains as such.โ€

Vincent let a small half-smile form on his lips, his expression carefully neutral. He did not reply to Alexanderโ€™s question.

โ€œI am glad to hear it,โ€ he said instead, inclining his head slightly in acknowledgement of Alexanderโ€™s statement.

Merely a decoration, is it? Hmm. If Iโ€™m not mistaken, there is a blade concealed in the end. Although I imagine that Alexander would not be particularly keen on the idea of putting it to useโ€”blood is horribly messy.

Some wistful part of him recalled Stephenโ€™s penchant for cane swords. Though he was always more partial to actual swords, he reflected. And revolvers, and gadgets that could bring the entire Council to its knees, if heโ€™d ever had half a mind to do so.

But such is the case with all graduates of the Institute, I suppose. Well. Most of them. Neither Alexander nor I are particularly inclined to weaponized machinery, Iโ€™m afraid.

โ€œIf I may ask, Alexander, what do you think Supreme Commander Osborne has summoned us all here for? Pardon my forwardness, but it is surely not for theโ€ฆfood?โ€

Alexander nodded slowly at the question. โ€œThe question of the hour,โ€ he stated. โ€œYou are not the first to ask. Do I really seem to know everything?โ€

He paused. โ€œDonโ€™t answer that.โ€ Of course he did. He was Alexander Amidale. Anyone who knew him or knew of him from the Institute would know the rumors of his spy network. Of course he would seem to know everything.

Still, it was in the case of this that he did not in fact have an answer. He hadnโ€™t bothered to pry, or at least hadnโ€™t gotten the information in time to do anything with it or come to any conclusions. โ€œIโ€™m afraid I do not have adequate information, but, given those in attendanceโ€ฆwell, it can only be somethingโ€ฆindelicate that must be handled with delicate hands. Thus, graduates of both schools are best suited for such tasks. Though Lady Chandlerโ€™s appearance here is a bit questionable. It seems more like theyโ€™d go for her husband, but heโ€™s too high profile for such an occupation. And yet his wife would seem to be, too, would she not?โ€

Alexander frowned. โ€œIโ€™m afraid, dear doctor, that I have more questions than answers myself, and yet knowing Rowenaโ€™s involvement must extend a bit higher than ours, I can only believe we will be left with the same proportion when we leave.โ€ He gave Vincent a look. โ€œShe does, after all, have a way of phrasing things in particularly complex ways and makes you figure it all out for yourself.โ€

There was a faint glimmer of amusement in Vincentโ€™s eyes as he took in Alexanderโ€™s words. Something indelicate that must be handled with delicate hands. That is quite exactly how I would have put it.

Alexanderโ€™s mention of Rowena, however, made Vincent pause. Though she was always perfectly polite to him, Vincent did not like the idea of trusting her. Especially after the...incident.

Nevertheless, he smiled slightly at his comment. โ€œIndeed,โ€ he answered, though he gave no further comment on Alexanderโ€™s rather accurate characterization of Lady Imperia-Airwright.

There had been times, in the past, when he had wondered about theโ€ฆextent of Rowena and Alexanderโ€™s relationship. There were rumors about them, he was sure; the two were frequently seen together, despite the fact that Rowena was engaged to some man or another more often than not, and it was well-known that they were very good friends.

Before he had met Alexander, he had not particularly cared about the rumors. But after seeing Rowena and Alexander interact, Vincent knew that he could conclude that there was nothing romantic whatsoever about...them.

In truth, he suspected that Alexander had no taste for women at all. He did not, however, want to jump to conclusions.

Besides. Why did it matter?

โ€œI suppose you are acquainted with many of the individuals that are present?โ€ Vincent said, arching an eyebrow questioningly. A small smile played on his lips. โ€œWe have quite the, ah, variety.โ€

Alexander raised his brows. โ€œAcquainted?โ€ He faked scandalization. โ€œMy goodness, Dr. Halverson, are you suggesting I know some of the guests in this room in a moreโ€ฆintimate fashion?โ€ He looked around. โ€œYou would be quite wrong, Iโ€™m afraid. Everyone in this room is either not interested in me or I am not interested in them. It is truly a pity.โ€

Still, he sighed. โ€œStill, I do know aโ€ฆa handful of those in attendance. Of course we both know Rowena, and both she and I know Lord Finnegan Oaks, whom I have just been informed has a younger brother who will be joining us, however his health does not permit him to join us tonight.โ€ He looked around. Oh my, who is that dashing creature? Such silver embellishments, contrasting my gold, and what a maskโ€ฆI wonder what kind of face lies beneath it.

โ€œI am familiar with the Lady Chandler, we take tea once a month, her children adore me.โ€ He nodded in the direction of a set of metal wings. โ€œOf course Lady Grey, though she prefers Professor, I am told, used to less-than-subtlely attend a handful of my classes while we were at our respective institutions, though it didnโ€™t seem the professors paid much mind. Why, I have no idea. I suppose I am more surprised no other students complained about the obviously female presence in their otherwise all-male school.โ€ He shook his head.

โ€œBut are you familiar with anyone here other than myself and our dear moonlace? Intimately or not, of course.โ€

Vincent gave a small, bemused smile. โ€œOh, no, of course not,โ€ he said neutrally. He listened as Alexander listed the people he knew. Vincent thought that he had maybe heard of Finnegan Oaks beforeโ€”the perfumist, yes? And Lady Chandler was, of course, the wife of a Minister. He had never interacted with Professor Grey before, although there had been quite a fuss when she was given her position at the Polytechnique Institute.

When Alexander asked if he recognized anybody in the room, Vincent let his gaze flit from Rowena and Captain Kingsford to Professor Grey (the one with the elaborate wings, presumably) and a young woman with pink hair. Beside the pink-haired woman was another young woman, who was wearing a gown as pink as her companionโ€™s hair.

โ€œI am acquainted with Charlotte Vernell,โ€ said Vincent, finally. โ€œHer brothers and I had classes together in school, and my parents are quite fond of their teahouse. But I do not know anybody else, I am afraid.โ€

Alexander turned slightly to look at Vincent. โ€œDonโ€™t be afraid. You know me.โ€ He gave him a smile, a bit warmer than his usual smiles. โ€œNo one here will do anything to you so long as Iโ€™m here. You have my word.โ€

He turned his head. โ€œNot even Rowena would give you that.โ€

Admittedly, Alexander wasnโ€™t sure just how many people Rowena would turn on if they were suddenlyโ€ฆwell, no longer on her side. Traitors. Villains. Even if only to her. He wasnโ€™t even sure just how much she really cared for him, at her heart. But loneliness made for too close a companion, and thus he stayed friends with her, if only to say he had one.

Likewise his friendship with Finnegan was hardly the most positive. The perfumist was practically a manipulative rake for Godโ€™s sake! How often had Finnegan manipulated him in some way? Usually only small ones, ways Alexander was happy to oblige in, but what happened when the day came where Alexander couldnโ€™t oblige, or it was in a way that made him uncomfortable?

His smile faded. โ€œAt least you seem to surround yourself in better company than I do.โ€

Alexanderโ€™s next words were unusually somber, especially given his otherwise frivolous demeanor. Nevertheless, Vincent duly pretended that he had not noticed the shift, nodding along obligingly. He wondered how much of his own past Alexander knew; they didnโ€™t call him the best source of gossip in Hourglass City for nothing, of course.

Yes. Better company. If you count a lover who was better at killing than at loving and a scientist with intentions that were not exactly...pure.

It was obviously a rather delicate subject for Alexander, so Vincent decided to steer their conversation in a different direction. โ€œI wonder when we will find out what is going on, exactly,โ€ he mused out loud, shifting his gaze to where Captain Kingsford was standing.

If Alexander was grateful for the shift in tone (and he was), he didnโ€™t show it, merely resuming his otherwise casual decorum. โ€œYes, I wonder indeed. Rowena mentioned it would be soon, I do believe, but โ€˜soonโ€™ seemed some time ago.โ€

He adjusted his stance and resumed studying the room, almost wishing he were closer to Vincent, and not just in a physical wayโ€ฆ
@buffykdh could be!

@shylarah Oh I know that, but again: not me speaking. Alexander here's the insecure one. And he's not gonna change just because I know something he doesn't. I'm not gonna have him think/say something he wouldn't reasonably think/say.
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