Avatar of Ms Patoots
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 70 (0.03 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Ms Patoots 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current TFW you lose 20,000 souls in Dark Souls and then on the way back to retrieve them you get distracted by your phone ringing, a telesaleman btw, and die again, thus losing it all permanently.
6 yrs ago
Tracer is over-ratesijdnvfljkisdbnv;dckxlnv'sldknvsdnvsdnjdncv
6 yrs ago
*Sitting drunkenly in the corner* "Happy birthday to me..." *Takes swig from whiskey bottle* "Happy birthday to me..."
6 yrs ago
Nothing quite like a school that teaches a dead language. "Should we teach our students first aid? How to apply for a mortgage? Nah, teach em latin."
6 yrs ago
Watching Walking Dead again and I realised something: In a series with cannibals, homicidal megalomaniacs, and literal flesh eating monsters, Lori is still somehow the worst character in the show.


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Most Recent Posts

Well thanks for the time, but I'm going to withdraw my application from this. Aside from Zarkun, I've come to feel a bit ignored by the other GMs. No hard feelings, but it does give off a bit of an anti-newcomer atmosphere. I was iffy about coming in blind to such a long running rp, as in my experience the ones who've been there from the start tend to be less inclined to let in newbies, but I was encouraged by some here, and took a shot at it. Oh well. Thanks again for the time.
Clitty Kitty
Eheehee~! Ms Patoots here, thanks for that little clicky-doo. If you're here then hopefully it's because you're interested in some smutty roleplay action. The actual amount of smut in the roleplay, whether it's non-stop bedroom antics or an equal balance of plot to PLOT, will depend on the theme of the roleplay and what we agree on before hand. But smut will be featured in every roleplay, to some degree, so please keep that in mind if you're thinking of contacting me. While I've got you here, I will be playing the female role in any pairings. I'm not against crossplaying in normal rps, but I'm more comfortable writing smut as my own gender.

In the mean time, I've written up some rules below that I'd very much like you to have a look at first, and then you can continue on down to the plots. Each plot will really just be a basic premise or idea that will set up the bare bones of the roleplay, the details can be worked out in OOC. The number of available plots may be low to begin with, but the list will be added to over time.

Anyway, I'll quit rambling now and let you move on down the rules.
Thank you for reading this, and regardless of whether or not I see you in my PMs, I hope you have a wonderful day.

Ms Patoots
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Loli

  • 18+ only.
  • Be willing to create a character sheet.
  • Use correct spelling and grammar.
  • Be capable of upholding a Casual - High Casual roleplaying standard.
  • Post reasonably frequently.
  • Inform me before ditching or taking a break.
  • Don't be shy about your Kinks.
  • By that same token, no Kink Shaming.
  • Have fun!


Wine, Dine, and Fuck
Between the Internet Porn
I assume I'm waiting for Caits' ok?
And done!

Still foggy on the current year, but that's an easy edit, if it's even relevant.
As for the guild she joins, I don't know much about the guilds or story so far, so I'm leaving that up to the GMs to figure where Elnea would best fit into things.

Tagging GMs for visibility: @Caits@Zarkun@Expolar
Character sheet is almost finished. Just putting the last touches on it now.
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