Avatar of Ms Ravenwinter
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    1. Ms Ravenwinter 7 yrs ago


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And this is where I deeply lament not perusing the interest checks a week ago. So, instead of proclaiming my utterly doomed yet overwhelming interest in this concept, I'm just going to say hi. I'll probably also be over here crying in my pillow, for all that's worth. But, if you'll have a random skulker, I might hang out a little bit, chat with the other creative types, and simply bathe in the aesthetic, electric soup that is such wonderfully designed cyberpunk.
I do intend on setting up a discord server for this group, so if you're invited then you'll get a PM with the discord link and the link to the OOC when that's up.
[doublepost happened because of site lag x.x]
I was under the idea that two were unsure if they could, in fact, join at all, regardless of their interest.
So... If this doesn't get enough traction by the end of the week, I'll probably have to postpone this and start looking for interest somewhere else. I'll update if I decide to close out this interest check.
@Mariana Collie Well, I certainly hope to see you around here later. New, friendly faces are always welcome ^_^

@ihinka Will get right on that for ya.

Tracking. On the hunt. Sifting through the black drit for any sense of recent stirring that may lead her to food. Following a trail, she stumbled over a set of steps crossing over. Bootprints. Looking frantically along either side of its path, she found it seemed to move on well past her. A shuddering sigh. She was still alone.

Flecks of greenish-blue were smeared over the foreign tracks in a squishy powder. She looked off to the distance, seeing the one small slice of horizon unblocked by the other mountains, gazing upon the cerulean desert beyond. But there was something more. She heard something. She felt... something. Searching then, she sook the steady noise faintly grasping at her.

Along the stained tracks she saw a dull glow, and a broken clasp of synth, nestled in a patch of grass where the tracks showed some long passed struggle. Pulling away the grass, the glow revealed itself. Some sort of minor numenéra, slightly marked with drit, no greater than the size of her segmented, synth palm. A crystal with many evenly sized, triangular faces, each marked in black with symbols she couldn't understand. It hummed faintly with some mystical force or tiny, whirring mechanics she could not see. Holding it carefully, she could feel its gentle vibration subtly brace against her fingers. It seemed to tickle at first, but soon the feeling started to grow, building violently until the metal of her bones rattled. But it was not the crystal.

Cracking, booming, ear-wrenching noises wracked through the mountainside. The bauble fell to the ground as she pressed her hands do her ears and stumbled to the ground in recoil of this intense wave of sound. Birds fled from their trees as the rumbling tore through the air and shook the very earth. Eyes drew wide in terror as one of the neighboring peaks started to rise, uprooting itself from its mountain. Sickening and gargantuan tentacles sprouted from beneath the seams as the dark cone of mountainous stone floated above its natural seat. As the massive abomination drew ever higher, fading up into the clouds with wriggling tendrils lashing at the air, she could swear she almost saw eyes lining its lower surface.

The cracking noises had ended after its violent break from the land was complete, the horror then filling the air only with a terrifying and omnipresent hum as it rose beyond view. She plucked her prize when the thing vanished into the clouds, herself only briefly noticing how the sky shifted around its mass before she stood and turned away, running. Food could come, but she felt its eyes upon her, and had to flee.

Welcome to my fucked up imagination and, more importantly, to the Ninth World! If you can't tell by the header, I'm setting up a little romp in a game called Numenéra. For those of you that are unfamiliar, let me give you a basic rundown of the setting and what it tries to accomplish.

Numenéra is a science fantasy game set roughly one billion years in the future. This is such a monstrously long amount of time that the Earth and humanity --which surprisingly hasn't yet been obliterated within the depths of space-- are unrecognizeable from the modern day. The game's primary concept is that the society of the setting is rather young, perhaps only a few thousand years old. The hyper-advanced technology that has warped the world to what it is now was conceived by ancient, and not always human, civilizations that have long since passed. The term 'Ninth World' is derived from the belief that there were eight great civilizations before now, and that the current humans will inherit their greatness and some day become great like they were. Thus, they are the children of the Ninth World. Whether they're correct or if they'll merely be an insignificant speck to their coming overlords or to the inevitable doom of all things is up to me to decide. Isn't that fun?

It is definitely worth noting that the game's mechanics are very lenient and easy to pick up. It shouldn't take much time at all to learn, and all of the rules were built to take a back seat to storytelling while still providing an engine for that very purpose. The system for character creation in particular is very fascinating in particular, and I believe it is a terrific way to build a character. The main idea behind it is that you can easily describe how the character works in a single phrase. This phrase is structured like so, "I am an adjective noun who verbs," or, "I am a blank blank who blanks." Each of these blanks are your primary character choices such as your 'class', how you channel that 'class', and what the context is that's behind it all. I will not get into the minutiae of how this all works, since this is not a rules tutorial, but if you're interested and curious I can give a more detailed explanation.

Now, the goal of this game is to capitalize on the weird. When technology advances well beyond the point where one can distinguish it from magic, and has done so over numerous different stages, normalcy becomes a difficult thing to grasp. 'Weird' can mean a lot of things. It could be something quirky and fun like a talking, intelligent fish with a dry wit swimming through the air. Or something unfathomably mysterious like a tall, cloaked figure with a dark mirror for a face, speaks only in seemingly unrelated phrases and questions, and bears an uncanny knowledge of all things no matter how obscure or private. Or perhaps something as deeply unsettling as a parasitic creature, a skinless thing no larger than your thumb, which burrows beneath your skin unnoticed and breeds within you until a litter of them bursts from your flesh days later. All of which are things provided within the game's text. How lovely.

As your humble game master, I hope to play into every kind of weird within the course of play. However, as you may have noticed by the flavor text, I tend to enjoy a decently terrifying atmosphere. I feel like it's a natural emotion to experience when faced with the awe of such unknowable phenomena. Depending on the run time of the roleplay, I'd like to show anything from levity to intrigue to mystery, not just horror.

If you've not been scared off yet, then I'll go over some goals and expectations for a bit.

If this opening post looks like a massive wall of text to you, that's fine! I kinda got a bit excited and carried away while typing this, since this is a setting that I've been wanting to dig into for a couple of years. I'm not a stickler for post length at all, whether too small or too large. Just as long as you're making interesting storytelling decisions and playing along fine with everyone else, I'll be very okay. This isn't going to be a place where anyone judges your performance, which is something that I see a lot of roleplayers (abso-fucking-lutely including myself) worry too much about.

I'm looking for a group of players numbering from four to five, and I may include a player character of my own. A smaller group size than some of the other roleplays I'm involved in will be a better fit for the pacing that I'd like to go with. If you see more than this amount interested, which I'm not very well expecting, don't worry about it and claim your interest anyway. I'll be keeping the interest check open for a week and will filter through everyone as I like, if it comes to it. I invite you to hang out in the meantime.

Numenéra doesn't have any representation on sites like Myth-Weavers or Dicecloud, which have been the usual platforms for tabletop character sheets in this forum. Luckily, because the rules are quite laid back, it is very simple to make a sheet within the confines of this very site. I have a form for it ready that I can provide when the OOC is up, and it should be fine enough to work with in lieu of other options.

Because the setting is very different than typical fantasy or sci-fi (both being categories that it can handily fit into), the speech of the world can be rather atypical as well. As an example, the flavor text above mentions drit and synth, which, respectively, are terms for the fabricated soil that currently coats the earth, and a Ninth World term for plastic. There are a bunch of terms like this that can be made up, and I hope to provide a fairly simple list of appropriate words after the OOC comes up. But, in the spirit of the game's flexibility, you can be free to invent any terms that you deem fitting, as will I. This way we can build our own lexicon of Ninth World jargon as we play, which should be fun.

If you're still interested, but are wondering at how to get at these rules, then I can supply the core rulebook and the first installment of Character Options. If asked, I will also give a link to the dev team's site and store if you want a little of the plethora of other material that they have developed for this game, or if you just want to give them some support. I'm not advertising for them, so I won't provide that link in this opening post.
Yvah glanced back down to the coins after calling the others over. It was quite a huge mound of them, and she wondered at how the fish-priests had come to acquire so much of it. For now, it was of little consequence. She could not carry it herself, and the sack of gems was clacking against itself almost too much as is. If she handled much more of the valuables, she wouldn't be able to move very quietly at all, and there seemed to be more of this place to discover yet.

After tying the pouch of shiny rocks to her hip beneath the folds of her robes, she swung her pack from her. Reaching into it, after planting it to the stone, she pulled out a lantern with a manual shudder. Once she lit the candle within, she poked around the darker corners of the room. Not much to it other than some extra water tanks. But while lighting one of the shadowed corners, she did spy upon something that caught her eye. Where one of the tunnels delved deeper, the other seemed to host a fountain.

As she gazed into the hallway, she idly closed off the shudder to her lantern, the candlelight then blocked. She stooped low as she often does, and stepped cautiously toward the sequestered fountain. There did not seem to be much to it at a glance, but there was a corner to turn across from it. Peeking around the bend, she saw frightened people in tatters, all barred from escape. They had not met her eyes, for they had not noticed her, and so she peeled back out of the room. Leaning out of the entrance and looking out to her party, she waved out to gather their attention. "Psst!" she hissed in a hushed tone, waving the others over one last time before stepping back in. She pulled at the lantern's mechanical cover as she poked her head from the corner this time, light shining faintly upon the apparent prisoners.

"It's okay," she whispered out to them softly, trying her best to look positive despite herself, "We're here to protect you."
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. .

It couldn't have been stolen. How could it've been stolen? It had to've been stolen.

Wind whipped over the gnome's hair in her rush. One hand pressed her cap atop her head lest it be swept away by the grasping claws of the air, the other grabbed tightly to her broom, knuckles white with the tightness of her grip. How she shivered in anger and distress couldn't be seen as she charged through the air with a dazzling speed. The obsidian, monolithic tower slowly shrinking behind her as she took furious flight toward the dirty plunderers.

She had to find it. They could not get away with this.

In an invisible flash, the turbulent winds vanished and dusk turned to morning. The witch's eyes drew wide as suddenly her flight was taken down from the skies to a low hover over the ground. He momentum had not slowed, and just as suddenly as the light of day came, a mounted rider stood directly in her path. She turned, the force of her movement causing a spiral, and she started to lose control. The broom spun out in a corkscrew, nearly grazing the zealous warrior as she flew past. With enough wobble from her mystical mount, her grip faltered. The broom handle made a dull clatter over the ground as the little mage crashed headlong into the grass.

"Ugh," the tiny sorceress groaned, holding her bruised cranium as she stood to see the others, "Oh, what the Deva? She exclaimed in surprise and confusion at the sight before her. Not only was she nowhere near her dark tower, but she was practically surrounded in unfamiliar faces, all looking to belong to highly capable beings. By then, she had already missed the devilish woman's vanishing act, and she was faced with a slew of battle-ready warriors only paces away from her. "Stay back!" she bellowed in her small voice, stubby arms held high in the air in what she believed to be a threatening gesture. The one thing that was indeed threatening was the charred, coiling staff in her hand which glowed with a dull arcane sheen even when idle.

She stepped backward, trying to make distance between herself and these strangers. One of them must have done this. Had she only prepared a Plane Shift, she might've been able to escape this place quickly. She needed a way out of here, and fast. She needed time alone. Steeling herself, she readied some sort of grand declaration,"I am the great Archwitch Vasillia, and you will..." she stumbled upon her words, as shadows started to crawl along her figure as grand gestures were drawn in the air, "You will pay... for your crimes!" In her final syllable, one which ended in a squeak of her voice and a plunging of her staff into the ground.

Dark tendrils sprouted parallel the ground, stretching around in a circle between the warriors. From them, lines drew between them in a complex, star-like pattern with a vague image of jagged horns lining the center of the arcane sigil. With a pulse of magical energy, the darkness swelled instantly and lunged upward into the air. The energies immediately took the form of a blurred, shadowy figure with great, terrible wings, a sharp tail, gnarled horns and, as the horrific beast turned back, downward toward the ground now far below, an insidious and piercing stare. The creature bellowed in a deafening screech before swooping sidelong, sweeping its form around and toward the adventurers. As the threat drew near, the gnomish mage had taken the opportunity to take flight, recovering her broom and taking off beyond the ensuing havoc.
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And they set forward, by the lead of the Lady Mavros. On past the courtyard, away from the receding blanket of warm sun, and into the grand halls of kings. Each immaculate carving of stone and structure bore the refined and pompous aesthetic of royal elves. Elle wondered at how long is must've taken to craft such a place. At how much more it'd be before such a grand palace would inevitably recede into darkness and ruin. From the sight, it seemed like these lands had long enjoyed the bright daylight of their civilization, and Ellenara pondered at how dark the coming night might be for them, as the dusk seemed to be settling in then, just as it was outside.

"Oh?" she said to the elderly man's offer as they walked. "That's kind of you to suggest, but," she caught herself. Had he not mentioned his name, or was she forgetting again? "And what should I call you, young man?" she grinned as she teased the old sage. Elle looked to the child elf ahead, who was still carrying the spherically distended silk pouch. It was true that none had taken a liking to it, and while she had similar abilities herself, she couldn't deny that she had been eyeing the artefact since it was revealed. She had hoped that the first treasure she would acquire would be through adventure, but perhaps patronage would do just as well. "I suppose, if none others would like to, I could handle the globe myself. I'm sure I can find use for something so reliable."

The mystical cargo soon exchanged hands, and Elle was left at the entrance to this dusty library with the shimmering orb in her palms. She considered it for a moment, gazing into its depths and feeling a twinge of its essence binding to her little by little. A familiar feeling. After pulling her eyes from the crystal ball, she looked to her ring. She'd have to remove it before she could fully bind to the orb, this much she knew. Ellenara pulled from her finger and plucked a silvery helix cord which resembled a broken chain. The old thing hadn't seen much use since she had mastered the thousand forms, but she still seemed quite loathe to part with it. A relic of unforgotten times. Pulling from her hip, she untied a small pouch of red silk, seemingly filled merely with air. With the ring in hand, she reached into the bag, half of her arm sinking into its space paradoxically, and it seemed to hardly react to the intrusion. She took some time, seemingly finding a proper place for her ring, before finally removing her hand from it and tying it back to her hip securely.

Afterward, she had strode over to an unused corner of the library, her back to one of the bookshelves as she sat to the floor and gazed into the crystal ball. She felt some of her own energies fade only to be replenished by something new, a mutual feeding of energy between herself and the item in her grasp. She glanced about to the others every so often, scooting once out of the way as the halfling girl checked behind her for some material, but she firmly held her concentration on the globe. Elle wondered at how she'd extract the necessary information from these tomes, as she hadn't a clue where to begin or where to look. All of these covers seemed to be titled in forms of history or esoteric text, but not of any rumours of recent sightings of troublesome creatures. As she stared back into the clear orb, she saw an image in her mind of an old tavern she had once been hesitant to frequent, but had soon warmed up to.

And then she realized something she had nearly forgotten, which was where to find such a place within the city. She had passed by quite a few establishments during her jaunt in the sun, a couple of which might pass around these kinds of rumours. Another couple of which she'd need to remember for later if she decided to vacation in these mountains. In her realization, Elle stood, and addressed the busy party, "I'm going to head off and look for some more recent rumours. If anybody wants to come with, I'll be visiting the adventurer's guild and a couple rascally pubs."

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