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The Antari People

Turn Action:
B) Improve military technology

The strange sight of the lizardmen alarmed Manco , who knew because of his knowledge of history that when there are two groups relatively nearby (as they would be to met so soon after the landing of the Antari) there is either a cold peace or war and the people of Antari better be readied now to deal with the problems that will come ahead than not be prepared at all , all of this while Amari Asto walked the Pachacamac with little trouble, not thinking about the many variables that meeting new people would be, for that matter Amari Asto felt that they would be great trade partners just like the empire of his father and one smaller nation neighbouring it, though it remained to be seen who would be the smaller nation and the empire.

Under these conditions days passed with Manco troubling himself and Amari Asto just thinking about the wonders that his empire would be, but finally Manco was able to convince Amari Asto to improve the defenses of Pachacamac and what better way than to give better weapons to the people instead of their own fists, the weapon is question was the spear, a rather traditional weapon for the people of Antari as it had been the weapons that legendary carried to battle for many generations.

It was no trouble making these and equipping them to the people as all that was needed were stones and wood, some that was rather nearby and the other two or so Manco hoped for.
The Antari People

Turn Action:
G) Prospect the land

Resolving the problem of the storehouse: Make the man a servant or yanacona of the Amari Asto and he will work in the fields more than others , if he performs well he will be given his previous rank in society as citizen. His family is to be untouched and Manco will designate someone to check and treat the man's son.

After that, Amari Asto discussed with Manco about the resources available to them and most would be consumed sooner than later , so Manco advised to send people to explore the land, in search for wood , stone and copper, especially stone, since in the continent in which Manco lived there were few forests and stone tools had been dominant until the invention of iron and steel. He sent two groups one to the mountains composed of 5 men and other to the forest composed of three men.

With that done it would only be matter of time if the people of Antari would be lucky enough to have resources to start working on new tools and improve their quality of life.

The Antari People

Turn Action:
A) Improve food

The potatoes harvest was quite good indeed and but the people of Antari could not live only off eating potatoes and so Amari Asto proceed to the next crop which would be cultivated in this new lands which would be the Quinoa a crop that was also very common in the lands of Amari Asto, this crop was also easy to cultivate and could be done on the coast and the mountain valleys, although it required a bit more work to get it cultivated but that would be worthy.

Again the cultivation of this new crop was under the supervision of Manco while Amari Asto planned their next step, thankfully for Manco there were a couple of other capable people that did their job because if not Manco would have to supervise everything or at least most things as Amari Asto didn't bother much with the minor scale of things as he saw the great picture, one of those persons was Tupaka a young imperial mason ,who like Manco was also part of the lower nobility , Tupaka advised Amari Asto to start searching for resources to improve the housing in this lands as it would be needed as to settle and prepare for harsher weathers, Amari Asto accepted to do it after most of the food sources were secured.

The Antari People

Turn Action:
A) Improve food

Amari Asto knew that they had to secure their food supplies , whatever supplies they had would not last for much, if he was unable to get some food production soon his vision of a new kingdom would never be achieved, his first thoughts were to search for local flora that could be used in agriculture, but that thought soon vanished as he remembered how harsh was nature to humans and that many of the things that looked like edible food could be poisonous or worse, however , he remembered that in some crates were potato seeds and soon send people to the coast to find those seeds and bring them back.

Back in his homeland the potato was the most common food in the entire continent and especially in the empire of his father , where at least two hundred of varieties were harvested every year , this crop could be found in the tables of the poorest peasants to the table of the emperor himself, Amari Asto could remember how he often sneaked up to the kitchen to get some potatoes when he was hungry.

But Amari Asto himself knew little of how to cultivate it and so he left most of it to his trusty advisor, Manco Kuqira a member of the lower nobility that had become a friend of Amari Asto and because of his knowledge often accompanied Amari Asto when he planned the travel to colonize new lands, his mind undoubtedly one of the best the Empire had to offer made him also quite the asset for Amari Asto who had asked to the emperor himself to allow him to travel along in his voyage to which the emperor agreed only because Manco agreed and also asked for it.

Manco was truly lucky to survive the storm as he wasn't with Amari Asto the moment it struck the fleet , his ship a small vessel like many others almost collapsed by the strong waves but it ashore nearby the ship of Amari Asto. It was in his ship that many supplies were stored and he was cautious enough to also take with him the seeds, so when Amari Asto asked him about the seeds Manco told him not to worry about it as he had already brought along the seeds so sending people back to the wreckage was not necessary.

And so the cultivation of potatoes started under the supervision of Manco Kuqira, at last , they had the luck to arrive in summer where potatoes just when potatoes would be cultivated and harvested at home.

Nation: The Kingdom of Antari
Represented Color: Yellow
Race: Human
Capital: Pachacamac
Ruler: Amari Asto
Type of Government: Absolute Monarchy
Religion: The people of Antari have worshiped the Sun for many hundreds of years it is in their culture , tradition and way of life to worship the one that gives them light, he asked only for worship , sacrifices and to follow the rules that he had communicated to the priests. Most sacrifices often involve burning the sacrifice and there has never been a human sacrifice for the Sun as it was never required by it.The role of priests is often given by the Supreme Priest a position considered foreign to politics but that sometimes intertwines by greed and ambition.

Geographical Location:


The kingdom of Antari comes from a continent far away unknown to many , the lands of said continent are dominated by very powerful empires of men , the landscape may look inhospitable at first because of the many mountain chains that are found within it , but when one gets inside the continent one can find many green valleys and cities which would seen to defy gravity , as it's designs are very daring to nature, after all not many make cities near mountains and that look like a staircase. The people work in commune and serve their kings in commune , there is a heirarchy and social classes , but they are not static as there have been many cases of peasants that because of their skill had been ascended by their lords to the lower nobility.

But Amari Asto is the one that has decided to leave the continent , in search for a place to carve a kingdom of his own , as the third son of one of the emperors, he knew that he would never get to sit on the throne of his father and so inspired by tales of men that explored the world and his own curiosity and ambition , he asked for his father to support him in the exploration and colonization of new lands , his father accepted as a way to show him his love but his brothers saw as a way to get rid of him , as it has been common "tradition" between brothers to kill eachother for the throne something that Amari Asto didn't want to participate in.

It took him to prepare for the voyage three entire years , as he had to gather people and resources for it, but finally the time came and he set sail towards unknown waters, sadly and like many other stories , a storm hit Amari's fleet sinking several small vessels, thankfully they were saved by a nearby island that would lead them to a new continent, however , by the time they landed the ships were useless and a lot of the cargo was lost. The only things they were able to retrieve from the ships besides the wood was some fancy clothes , some tools and the personal banner of Amari Asto.

Morale was low but in a moment of inspiration Amari Asto gave a speech to his people and how they would make their own kingdom a new kingdom which name would be Antari in honor to one of legendary emperors that started Amari's civilization back at home.
Nation: The Kingdom of Antari
Represented Color: Yellow
Race: Human
Capital: Pachacamac
Ruler: Amari Asto
Type of Government: Absolute Monarchy
Religion: The people of Antari have worshiped the Sun for many hundreds of years it is in their culture , tradition and way of life to worship the one that gives them light, he asked only for worship , sacrifices and to follow the rules that he had communicated to the priests. Most sacrifices often involve burning the sacrifice and there has never been a human sacrifice for the Sun as it was never required by it.The role of priests is often given by the Supreme Priest a position considered foreign to politics but that sometimes intertwines by greed and ambition.

Geographical Location:


The kingdom of Antari comes from a continent far away unknown to many , the lands of said continent are dominated by very powerful empires of men , the landscape may look inhospitable at first because of the many mountain chains that are found within it , but when one gets inside the continent one can find many green valleys and cities which would seen to defy gravity , as it's designs are very daring to nature, after all not many make cities near mountains and that look like a staircase. The people work in commune and serve their kings in commune , there is a heirarchy and social classes , but they are not static as there have been many cases of peasants that because of their skill had been ascended by their lords to the lower nobility.

But Amari Asto is the one that has decided to leave the continent , in search for a place to carve a kingdom of his own , as the third son of one of the emperors, he knew that he would never get to sit on the throne of his father and so inspired by tales of men that explored the world and his own curiosity and ambition , he asked for his father to support him in the exploration and colonization of new lands , his father accepted as a way to show him his love but his brothers saw as a way to get rid of him , as it has been common "tradition" between brothers to kill eachother for the throne something that Amari Asto didn't want to participate in.

It took him to prepare for the voyage three entire years , as he had to gather people and resources for it, but finally the time came and he set sail towards unknown waters, sadly and like many other stories , a storm hit Amari's fleet sinking several small vessels, thankfully they were saved by a nearby island that would lead them to a new continent, however , by the time they landed the ships were useless and a lot of the cargo was lost. The only things they were able to retrieve from the ships besides the wood was some fancy clothes , some tools and the personal banner of Amari Asto.

Morale was low but in a moment of inspiration Amari Asto gave a speech to his people and how they would make their own kingdom a new kingdom which name would be Antari in honor to one of legendary emperors that started Amari's civilization back at home.
<Snipped quote by LordZell>
Go for it dude. Sounds good to me!

@Murtox & @Willy Vereb to avoid last version's insane stress of writing posts I'm not going to have as big of a group, so if you two join I'm closing it. Which means you'll have to make up your mind! Also welcome back! :D

Edit: Lol, "1 or 2 more players" I said. Here we are with like 8 people pending.

I am writing my sheet as we speak.
I am going to join this...again.
The Kingdom of Kalpia , the Enlighted Country

The New King Tariathus had two problems that required his immediate attention in his third year of mandate , the first one originated by a very unfortunate casualty and the other by his spending on education , one out of two that he did not cause , looks like he is improving and his people really hopes that he continues improving and not suddenly changes like many other kings and power hungry maniacs that history likes to remember so much . After consulting with his advisors and long sessions of drinking tea & coffee , he finally found a solution that could solve both problems or at least 2/3 of it.

The first problem was about the government itself that he had inherited from the last king , a government that was somewhat efficient where the average age was 40 years old , that mean that people would start to die like a domino after a certain time and replacements were required , this cycle happen to go accordingly with the coronation of the young Tariathus , as the day after the coronation the priest that preceded the ceremony died of a heart attack , the royal butler died a week after and the royal gardener the hour after . Because of that the following weeks Tariathus had to oversee the hiring of proper replacements for them and the others old men & woman , after a month or so he was informed that the minister of the army and the minister of foreign affairs had died after drinking too much in a party , everyone was pretty sure that they were way after their middle life crisis but for some reason that didn't stop them from having some fun with the friends.

And so Kalpia was left without an army minister and a foreign affairs minister , their post would take quite a while to fill out and it was not that they really needed right now since the great war victors left pretty clear that any war would have their deserved punishments and because of that everyone thinks they are ******** , anyways Tariathus had to wait untill his advisors told him who could (but not necessarily be ) a good choice , his advisors obviously picked obvious choices , generals that did not seen any war , administrators that could barely speak foreign languages , between others . Tariathus felt like his advisors were just teasing him before presenting him the real candidates but to no avail THOSE were the real candidates , so Tariathus set himself to search the right people for the right post , until he found the adecuate ones , one was called Giselbert Fridumar from Kaniarus and the other Archembald Leutwin from Husburg , both well educated men , by the standards of Kalpia , and also well versed in politic and administration or so he Tariathus thought , Archembald at the very least could speak 10 languages about 10 times the languages of the real candidates , Giselbert had a voice like no other and could direct men on his barrack like no other , he also knew many strategies and tactics that were supposed to be known by every Kalpian general and he also travelled a lot in the country so he also knew the terrain of his homeland , he finally sent them to do their job as ministers and set up to fix the other problem.

The money problem solution needed that Giselbert made a proper trade agreement with honorifics and else , to the nation of Plebina a nation that was also trapped in the Inner sea along with Kalpia , Tariathus thought that the previous kings certainly had a lack of something in their heads as none of them had proposed the Plebians or any other nation a treaty that could last till today , he seriously thought that they had conspired to make his rule a long and painful one , but then he remembered Santilt and those thoughts left his mind , for the lucky Giselbert an envoy carried a proposal for a trade agreement between the two countries and so Giselbert only had to fill out and send a proper response something way easier than done , but Giselbert proved capable of at least doing something similar that his predecessor , this somewhat fixed the economic problem of Kalpia , but future policies were still to come and poor Giselbert would have to do more paper work in the future and nobody could stop that.

-Action 1 Trade Agreement with the Kingdon of Plebina , +11 Economic Rating/Year Sea Trade
- Action 2 Appoint Minister: Giselbert Fridumar Minister of the Army -5 Economic Rating
- Action 3 Appoint Minister: Archembald Leutwin Foreign Minister -5 Economic Rating
- Naval Ship Assignment
The 1st Royal Fleet (Port: Terson): 3 First Rates , 4 Second Rates , 4 Frigates , 4 Sloops --Inner Sea [Merchant Escort]
The 2nd Royal Fleet (Port: Wular): 3 First Rates , 5 Second Rates , 3 Frigates , 5 Sloops --Inner Sea [Merchant Escort]

- [Demobilization] - [Mobilization]
- Research Priorities
- Army High (-3 Economic Rating/Year)
- Navy Low (0 Economic Rating/Year)
- Industry Medium (-1 Economic Rating/Year)
- Social Thought Medium (-1 Economic Rating/Year)
- Economics High (-3 Economic Rating/Year)
The Kingdom of Kalpia , the Enlighted Country

Kalpia Years 1800-1814

The Kingdom of Kalpia was one of the nations that maintained their neutrality during the time a great war ravaged most of the continent , many nations saw the Kalpian neutrality as something without a reason , but the fact is that the Kalpians had their own problems going on a war would make worse the delicate situation in the country. The delicate situation of Kalpia now called the Kalpian Succession Crisis , consisted of basically several pretenders arguing about who should be crowned king of Kalpia , each one backed by some branch of the royal family , some powerful aristocrat or even someone pretty rich from the bourgeoisie , either way most of them could not agree to give up the throne to anyone else because such was the way of the Seguthars a noble family that is known for their proud members no matter how small their position in society , this attitude has backfired several times in the history of the Seguthar and their possessions over the continent and most recently it had given birth to a king proud of his fanatism to the Kalpian religion of Malaritic , a religion that because of their conservative manners was frankly the origin of the succession problem as the king had little to no encounters with his queen and preferred to pass the time in the church , the priests considered him worthy , while the nobles thought of future trouble .

The king was called Santilt Seguthar I , a king that had leaded only one war on his entire life who after receiving a shot that put him near to death , pledged that if god saved him , he would forever follow all the teachings of the Malaritic religion until his death and sadly that was the case and it can be said to be the origin of the origin of the Succession crisis.

Back to the succession crisis there was a certain person from noble birth called Tariathus that presented himself as pretender to the throne and rightful successor of Santilt, the name of Tariathus had heard since the last king with the same died in a horrible way after he had be thrown to a dungeon and left alone with a jar full of Serranthian snakes , but that had happened in 1642 and few remember the story behind his imprisonment and it's not like someone cares about a king long ago death that may have done something very impressive or stupid to deserve such fate.

Tariathus was backed by the most powerful branch of the Seguthar family after all he was the son of the nearest cousin of Santilt and for the for that it branch it was a pretty obvious choice since most of the other pretenders weren't as close to Santilt and the throne as Tariathus , someone born and raised in the high nobility of Kalpia , someone with a lot of esteem from the previous king as he was the only that gave him company while he was at the great cathedral of Kaniarus and also helped him in his research to find holy relics , something that was fun for the young Tariathus but that also required a lot of dedication and patience from him , the moment he was selected to be the pretender of that branch of the family many hoped that he did not catch the fanatism of the previous king , something that they found out when Tariathus was found in the bed of one the court ladies , while the real reason behind that is that the poor lad broke the curfew after staying till very late to practice with his new horse and just entered one of the many rooms to sleep , the lucky lad didn't notice that there was someone in the bed and even more the young lady in the bed was someone that could be said was his fan and pretty much stayed quiet after the events.Tariathus was praised by his parents rather than punished and the king Santilt never knew what happened something that thankfully maintained him in high esteem.

Back again with the Succession crisis Tariathus while aware of the situation was almost never informed of the behind scenes actions , that his supporters had to do in order to secure the throne for their chosen one , even thought assassination was an approach that everyone decided not to use , things like sudden problems at home , bad headaches , rumors , debates between families and under the table deals between factions , one of those deals involved the holy cross that one of the most holiest kings of Kalpia wore hundreds of years ago , something that certain family desired the most in order to prove the rest of the families that they were the true preservers of family relics and history.This is a good example of why proudness will never stop to be the characteristic trait of many from the Seguthar family.

The most Tariathus had to do during his time as a pretender was to convince the rest of the aristocracy that didn't involve with the Succession crisis with a long prepared speech that he was the right one to be king , since until the moment of his coronation Tariathus was kept in one of the many mansions of his supporters , because they didn't want to risk anything especially rumours and popular scandals , things that could easily happen if one of his rivals really put himself to it.

At the end , Tariathus was crowned after a long and inconspicuous ceremony , where most pretenders didn't appear for some reason , Tariathus now with a crown changed from the easily manipulable guy to a more direct and proud guy , it is rumoured that his stance in the mansion of a certain mystic lover changed him the week before the ceremony , anyways this sudden change came well to the nation as his crowning at the age of 23 was well received by the nation , maybe because they were tired of old and long bearded guys that passed during their middle life crisis or maybe because he was a promising ruler , however , most nobles bet for the former as they were tired as well of that kind of stuff.

Tariathus during his first two years of rulership learned many things and decided to invest in education , in order to not met more common folks that believed that the earth was flat and that the clouds were made of farts and also to improve the economic situation of the country in the long run , he made his army one of the most elite in his little region of the world by recruiting only the best soldiers in his realm and sending the rest to study or do something useful with their lives ,because of this poor John could not accomplish his dream of becoming a general a la not-NapoleĆ³n and had to study in the of the newly constructed universities of the country , with his administration skills Tariathus was able to make his reforms quite easily and for some reason the branch of the family didn't mind that they could not control him as they loved the new gardeners that could read them books to their children while they could go bet with the rest of their high class friends and also get drunk and experiment a la "la bella vida" style.

And so is the year 1815 and Tariathus looks like a promising ruler or just some king that got some common sense.

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