Avatar of Mystic Writer
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 73 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Mystic Writer 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current And so I've followed through with my previous lesson, first roleplay group made ^^
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7 yrs ago
Life lesson of the day: 'You know . . when you can't find the right RP for yourself just make it' XD
7 yrs ago
Looking for the right RP
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Hello anyone who reads this,

First of all I would like to say it's a pleasure to know that you are interested in me, to the point that you are spending time to look at my bio. I originally joined this place in search of a Konosuba RP, but the fact is that I've been RPing for years now. Just for the sake of random facts my 'Quotev Birthday' is on January 5, 2016 and most RPs that I participate in have to do with anime that I come to appreciate. Down below is a link to the first group that I made on this site. ^^


Most Recent Posts

Hayakura Agasume

Hayakura kept a smile on his face as he walked down along a road, heading towards the city of Kyoto for one reason. He had just completed a quest for some villagers in a small town not too far off from the large city, and now that he had done that the poor male was completely clueless about the next step that he should take. I completed the quest, I made all of them so happy... they were offering me so many gifts for doing it. I-It was so much I felt like I couldn't accept all of it, practically treating me like their hero although I guess I was. He let out a small sigh as he said to himself, "I did some good work, with all the money I've saved up I could get so many things. Making connections does have its benefits."

Closing his mouth for a moment he twirled his scythe around in his hand as he officially entered Akihabara, his eyes scanning the place that he considered close to home. Ahhhh, it's so lovely. If only I- His thoughts were then interrupted when a small group of males came to block his way, each of them holding hideous grins as if they were trying to stalk prey. Almost immediately he noticed the 'not green' crystal over their heads, making the instant connection that he was definitely not with good company. Hayaura said with a disappointed glance, "Can't you find something better to do with your lives than resort to cheap tricks?"

The one who seemed to be in charge stepped forward as he spoke, "Hmmm? A lonely adventurer? If you fork over your money then maybe we won't go hard on you. Consider it a traveler's fee."

Clearly, these people must have been shut in for the past few months. Do they really not know who I am, like even my weaponry should say something about how strong I truly am. Knowing that he didn't want to get into a fight now he tried to go around the small party as he argued, "You should know my reputation precedes me, don't you fools already know?-"

The one in charge chuckled and said, "Oh, we know. And we don't care. You may be strong but how are you going to stand up to us, hmm? Want to bet your life on it? You versus a party of adventurers?"

Hayakura balled his fist while he looked at each member of the group, part of him wondering what luck led him to have to deal with this mess. I swear people only do this to try to make themselves look better. They think that they can do whatever they want so they cause a fuss and try to get their way. I don't want to have to deal with an annoying yellow marker though . . . this isn't fair . . . how many times in my life will I have to deal with people like this? Feeling tempted Hayakura asked, "Are you sure you really want to have a fight with me? You're all lower leveled then I am, that could be a disadvantage for you."

In fact, the group of three adventurers were much lower leveled then he was. Although he was at level 90 the three other people seemed to be around 60-70, and he knew that if he split them apart they would probably be no match for him.
Hi! I know that the interests in Konosuba seems to not be that high around here but with the start of the second season I wanted to be able to start up my own little Konosuba group RP. If you want to RP in that world (whether it be 1x1 or group I don't mind) then leave a message here and we'll work something out! ^^

I know that some people haven't seen this amazing anime yet so here's a link with the 10 episodes of Season 1. Note in the RP we don't have to be restricted to the same events that the anime uses, I just want you to get a feel for the world that we're going to be RPing in:
@Emuxe Thanks, I'll start working on the form then ^^
May I have permission to join this RP? I think the group is interesting!
@Fetzen Okay XD
(Hope you all enjoy my starter! I'm going to sleep for now but I couldn't rest until I finished this.)

Cole Striker

The voice of a good friend called out from the other side of the counter in a tavern, "So what did ya find out there? Got some witches with that blade of yours?"

And so Cole Striker continued his life as an avid hunter, taking a break from the activity that he had done a while ago. Early in the day Cole hunted in the area around Seren's Folly, but for some reason his search led him to nowhere today. It was probably just the way his luck turned out, but in a sense that helped him. Now he had a better understanding of certain areas not populated by those evil witches just yet. It was a win/win situation, and the next time he went out he would know that.

But in response to the bartender Cole could only mutter out, "Not for now, but I'll find them next time. I swear . . . I'll comb through everywhere to find those suckers. And my blade will make sure that those wretched beings don't get to live another day. You know, the only moment my blade would hesitate was if I found a 'good' witch out there."

The bartender said through a huff, "How many of that kind would you find out there in the wild."

After a moment Cole spoke, "Probably none but-" Some of the conversation in the tavern seemed to die down a bit, noticing Cole for a moment but then continuing on with their normal conversation like they expected it out of him. Geez, sometimes these people don't take me seriously and it bugs me. But I'm good at being a hunter! I can't blame the fact some of them are just stuck-up old people that can't get a joke.

The bartender stated, "Maybe you've had a bit too much to drink already, there are no 'buts' when it comes to those things. You kill em, and you make sure that you kill em good so that they don't come back to haunt you. If you were any old stranger people might have been suspecting you right about now, you're lucky that we're friends and all. Sometimes I wonder what you'd do without me. Now, you came here to get a drink right?"

Cole nodded slowly and said in a slightly loud voice, "Yeah, get me a glass of whiskey." He knew that from his experience witches were evil creatures, that was exactly what they were. Evil creatures that cast their magic to curse the hearts of men and only serve as a hindrance to humanity. Cole wasn't a newbie or even a simple rookie, so he knew a lot about the topic but at the same time his mind frequently wandered off to random topics when he was in a loud tavern like this one. He said, "I guess I just have an odd mind when I get ready to drink some alcohol, make it snappy please Adam. As much as I like the atmosphere it's not my style to use up precious time for no reason, I need to figure out where these witches lay."

The bartender chuckled as he poured the glass and said, "Yes, sir. Oh you know you never seemed to change all these years. You're always going to be that same guy that wanted to be a hunter from the start."

Cole looked at the glass as it filled with the wonderful liquid and kept his eyes on it as the bartender placed the cup down in front of him, the liquid inside swishing around. The bartender remarked, "You have some experience under your belt but that doesn't make you a master at your craft. You still have a life ahead of you, filled with challenges and other things. Don't throw your life away."

Cole rolled his eyes and spoke, "Sure, of course Adam. If I threw my life away I wouldn't get to enjoy the whiskey like I normally do when I relax. If you really want to help me then you could do me a favor." He then leaned against the table as he asked, "Got any rumors to share with me? Maybe a lead to help me out with hunting them down?"

Adam shrugged and slid a small slip of paper to Cole with his hand, trying to make it appear as if the paper would have his answer for him. He then spoke to carefully hide the secret message while he glanced towards another customer, "Meh, I got nothin of the like for you sir. Don't know what you're talkin about. But anyways there are more customers in this here tavern than just you."

As Adam walked away to take care of other customers Cole shook his head, reaching for his glass of whiskey and then bringing the cooled lid of the cup to his lips. After taking down a gulp of the wonderful liquid Cole brought his cup down on top of the note that he was given, masking the message further by making sure that it would be extremely hard to just catch a glimpse of the note. Can't let other fellows beat me to the witches after all, I want to have some fun with them.
@Letter Bee Yeah sure, you could do that. Shirtless is just fine lol.
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