Avatar of Natsume Honnaji
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 324 (0.10 / day)
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    1. Natsume Honnaji 9 yrs ago


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So...what to say what to say..well first things first I'm generally a nice cheerful guy, however I do also enjoy things that are dark, tragic, and creepy. I mainly enjoy doing rps that are original because it makes it easier to adjust my character for that particular world but I do also do rps based off of anime/games/manga. As for rp partners..well anyone who's willing to rp with me really. If there's anything else you'd like to know about me feel free to pm me and simply ask.

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[@Temma Tendo]

Yes thank you, phones can be so fickle sometimes
Today was the day Kimiko had been waiting for all of her life. Finally she could leave the forest without getting scolded by the elder and her parents. Finally she'd be able to interact with humans who aren't afraid of her. Her new life would take some adjusting to but in her eyes it was very much worth it to finally see her dreams come to life.

Kimiko watched the new city fly by out of the window of the car with excitement gleaming in her eyes her large fluffy tails swaying happily. "Oh boy oh boy! Look all of these buildings and people, I can't wait to learn more about it. I have all kinds of fun tricks and pranks planned for my new housemate. I wonder what kind of person they are, maybe their mean, but then maybe their nice!" She giggled lightly to herself her excitement reaching it's peak when the moment the car stopped outside of the place she'd be living now.

These buildings and roads were all new to Kimiko having lived in a forest all her life. She couldn't wait to explore however first she must meet the one who would be taking her in hoping they were nice. She walked to the door and knocked on it gently ready to greet them with a wide smile her tails standing upright. "Hi hi! My name is Kimiko Takahara and I shall be living with you henceforth. I do so hope we get a long! It's a pleasure to meet you, please be nice to me." Kimiko let out a soft childish giggle her voice gentle and high pitched.
I've tried several different ways but I can't seem to make the pictures on my character sheet work from my phone and I unfortunately do not have a computer
Name: Kimiko Takahara
Nickname: Kimi
Age: 210
Species: Kitsune
Description: She wears various yukata with floral designs as well as sometimes wearing long robes or a traditional Japanese shrine maiden outfit. She's five foot for inches and weighs 175lbs with a bust size of D. Her hair is silky smooth and a fiery red her tails and ears match with extremely soft fur.
Personality: She loves to pull tricks on people and play games. She has a rather curious nature and loves learning of new things. She is very perceptive and if she needs to be she can be rather seductive. She's truly kind at heart though people see her as a trouble maker.
Occupation: cultural exchange member.
History: She was stuck living in her home village deep in the forests of Japan as Kitsune were feared amongst humans as trickster devil's that wanted to eat them. This couldn't be farther from the truth when it came to Kimiko however as she just loved having fun and making people smile with her pranks. She really wanted to learn more about the outside world however the elder in her village was very strict about such things so once she heard of the new program that would let her leave she was quick to jump at the chance.
House Shared With: Aleister, Zachary Abraham Campbell
This work?

@Natsume Honnaji
That poor door, that's like the third or fourth time that day that someone flung it open. At some point, it will probably fly off its hinges :,(

People really like flinging open doors xD
Tristan Halsar /// Kirukio

-- --
“Underestimating me was your first mistake.”


✿ N A M E
Tristan Halsar

✿ F A C T I O N
The Chinese

✿ A G E

✿ G E N D E R

✿ A P P E A R A N C E
Tristan typically has a traditional Chinese sword on him as well as a book and several vial attached to his waist. His hair is a silky smooth greyish white and his eyes a sharp yellow. His build is rather slim and stands at five foot six inches tall. He has two particularly sharp front teeth and he often wears a light brown cloak.

✿ P E R S O N A L I T Y
Tristan can be a bit condescending and rather sarcastic at times though he's more well known for his silver tongue. He enjoys a being tested so he seeks battles of skill rather than brute Force. When you've earned his friendship he is one of the kindest and most loyal people you will know. He's a bit of a scholar and alchemist.

✿ B A C K G R O U N D

Tristan was never really one who cared all too much about war though he did love fighting. His main talents lie elsewhere in putting together various mixtures be they poisons, soothing tinctures, or flammable materials. Such is to be expected of one raised by a traditional Chinese medicine man though he himself has sought to separate him from those traditional methods and discover new ways to go about making mixtures. Just because he's knowledgeable in many things does not mean he cannot fight. He's was trained with the higher class samurai so his swordplay is nearly on par with his alchemy.


✿ T Y P E

✿ A P P E A R A N C E
She has the appearance of a little girl adorned with wings and various feathers spread across her body. She has brilliant blue eyes and beautiful silver hair.

✿ P E R S O N A L I T Y
Though she appears innocent she is a cold and calculated individual. She can be nice to those she likes however to most she is very condescending and looks down on them. She thinks of her self as better than most and has a tendency to laugh at those in poor situations.

✿ B A C K G R O U N D
Though she has told that her reason for wanting to be King is to bring about a new lasting age of peace and enjoyment of the finer things in life she has kept most of her history a secret.

✿ S P E L L S
Jach Teruk- Fires off four feathers at high speed from a long range. Each individual feather can be fired at once or over the course of a few seconds. The feathers have sharp piercing and cutting abilities better than most arrows of the age.

Lonz Inkierdor- Strengthens the density of the feathers on her wings allowing them to be used as a tough shield or a heavy close range blunt weapon.
<Snipped quote by Natsume Honnaji>

Also, it's only been a couple of months, not years. That timeskip hasn't happened yet.

Well I'm gonna go edit that right quick then lol
I thought of something
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