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G A B R I E L A R I V E R O F E M A L E 17 G U A T E M A L A
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"What kind of power is rain?"

Many years ago, the Pantheon of Mayan Gods was alive with the same fire and power as that of the Olympians.

One such member was Chaac; the God of Rain and Thunder. During the earliest days of mankind, people starved beneath the beating heat of the sun. That was until Chaac discovered a golden boulder deep within the mountains, and after breaking it in two with his mighty axe, he found maize, the crop that would change the Mayan people forever. Chaac was worshipped for bringing Maize to the world, however this soon went to his head. He began an affair with the wife of the Sun God, Kinich Ahau, his brother. After the affair’s discovery, in an act of regret, Chaac struck the sky with his axe, releasing his tears of regret in the form of rain. Since then, Chaac turned his attention solely on helping mankind.

Even after the fall of the Mayan Civilization, the Mayan Gods lived on, watching over humanity. Despite the hardships they saw, they agreed to not get involved in the struggles of mankind. Chaac however, couldn't just sit by and do nothing. He needed a champion.

Gabriela "Gabi" Rivero Gabi was born and raised in Guatemala City to a loving mother and father. Her family were fairly well off, with her father working as a professor at the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, an expert on Mayan Mythology. Gabi often found herself falling asleep to the stories of the Mayan Gods, however, as she grew older her attention turned away from the stories of old as she grew to love the new gods of the world; the Justice League.

Her whole world was shifted however as Guatemala City was devastated by a tropical storm. The sewage system had collapsed during the storm, causing a sinkhole to appear which had swallowed Gabi's entire street. She was one of the only survivors, the death of her parents leaving her alone and broken.

During the aftermath of the catastrophe, Gabi struggled to get by, moving from one odd job to another. She soon found herself roped into working odd jobs for the local gang, who had been exploiting the victims of the storm for some time. One such job had taken her out into the jungle, where they managed an illegal logging operation.

It was here that Gabi's life turned around. Voices called to her through the folliage, and after some exploration, the teenager found herself at the foot of a Mayan temple, hidden for centuries in the darkness of trees. The pure sight of it was breath-taking, compelling Gabi, lumber axe still in hand, to explore it further.

Inside was something that surprised her even further; a golden boulder. As soon as she saw it, her father's stories rushed back to her. She raised her axe above her head and with a powerful swing broke the rock in two.

She felt the power flowing through her immediately. She was stronger.

Stumbling back into camp sometime later, and contemplating what had happened to her, Gabi looking over the struggling workers around her. They were like her. Stuck in this life as a result of the actions of others. Exploited for the needs of the rich. Before she had been powerless to help herself or anyone else here in her situation, but now, she wasn't powerless any longer.

After her takedown of the gang, Gabi soon returned to Guatemala City, axe in hand, intent on helping all those that needed her. Her exploits grew larger and more influential, with the media soon dubbing her as Guatemala's very own Wonder Girl.

A B I L I T I E S:

Gabi has been blessed by the God of Rain himself, giving her a number of abilities. These include;

Weather Manipulation:
Due to Chaac being the God of Rain, Gabi is able to manipulate the weather, calling upon rain or even thunderstorms at will.

Rain Rejuvenation:
When in contact with rainwater, Gabi finds herself rejuvenated, gaining a disproportionate amount of superhuman clarity, strength, speed, agility, and endurance.

Axe of Chaac:
Possibly one of Gabi's most useful attributes is her axe. While it had originated as a simple lumber axe, after being blessed by Chaac, the Axe now resembles that of Chaac's very own weapon. Firstly, it is one of the most powerful weapons ever made, with the ability to cut through any earthly material. The weapon can also be used to help Gabi to direct her weather manipulation, much like a wand for example. However, if someone else was to use the axe, it would function just like any other axe. This is because the axe's properties aren't confined to that specific axe, instead to Gabi herself. Upon picking up another random axe, that weapon would then become the Axe of Chaac, with the old one returning to just a regular blade.

Godly Metamorphosis:
As Gabi makes use of her Godly powers, her body gradually begins to take the form of Chaac himself, the change starting from her axe hand. So far at its worse, her metamorphosis hasn't spread no more than halfway up her arm, with her body haven't begun to be coated with dark blue scales, reminiscent of Chaac's.

Gabi is able to instantly communicate in any earthly dialect.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I love mythology and dealing with Godly Pantheons, with the Percy Jackson being one of my favourite book series to this day. As such, I loved the idea of bringing an entirely new pantheon into the mix, especially given DC's connection to Greek Mythology to Wonder Woman. This idea was also influenced by the new Wonder Woman in comics, who makes use of Brazilian mythology. While that character is a bit more connected to Wonder Woman, I like however they used the same name but moved away from Greek Mythology onto another, which is what I wanted to do here.

Fundamentally, Gabi constantly strives to do good, despite the cost. She comes across as tough and aggressive, although unbeknownst to most, this is merely her attempting to disguise the pain of losing her family. This pain also comes in the form of her constantly questioning and arguing with Chaac, whom as she learns more about, becomes the source of blame for her parent's death, due to it being a storm that killed them.

What better way for her to deal with this emotional trauma than chucking her into a team of other struggling superheroes?

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Gabi, despite being known as Wonder Girl, currently has no relationship with Wonder Woman herself, or really any of her mythos. However, with such a name, she bounds to receive some unwanted attention..

R E L A T I O N S H I P S:


As the clock crept closer to the witching hour, the Oblivion Bar found itself a hub of activity. The small dingy room was alive for the first time in years, with its patrons - demons, monsters, magicians, and fairies, all dressed in an assortment of varying styles of clothing – bunched up towards the bar or sat at scattered tables, laughing away into the night. The light of various candles, or the odd burst of sorcery, illuminated their faces in a range of colours. The barkeep, Jim Rook, was keeping busy; one second he was pouring out glasses of bourbon for a rowdy group of cultists, the next he was laughing away with some visitors from Otherworld.

One thing he kept coming back to was a discussion being held at the very middle of the bar.

Bobo T. Chimpanzee let out a chuckle as his paw moved his drinks towards his mouth. He was wearing his best blazer tonight; perfectly tailored to the primate’s slender body. It was the grand reopening after all.

Opposite him sat someone dressed significantly more worse for wear; Rory Regan, the Ragman. A mass of green draped over his body, made up of a combination of tattered fabrics and patches. A rag for every soul that the suit held.

The duo laughed together, fondly reminiscing over better days. Such a duo would garner frequent stares in most establishments, yet the Oblivion Bar was different. Here everyone was welcome.

Mostly everyone, anyway.

The door to the bar exploded into light as a figure stepped into the room. Eyes all around turned to stare widely at the source of the commotion, as a deep silence swept through the bar’s patrons. Dressed in robes of brilliant blue, the Sorcerer Supreme cast an imposing presence, only amplified by the scarlet cloak that billowed behind him, as if alive with a mind of its own. His stern eyes narrowed as they scanned the room, taking in the scared faces of everyone before him.

It was not that they disliked the man. It was more that his presence here meant something was wrong.

Doctor Strange!” Jim announced from behind the bar, finally breaking the silence. “Can I… get you a drink?

The Sorcerer Supreme simply ignored him, turning slightly on his heel, finally spotting what he was after. He marched forwards, his leather boots heavy on the old wooden floorboards beneath him, directly towards the oddly duo sat before the bar.

Where is she?” His voice was demanding as his eyes pierced the ragged suit of souls before him.

Rory, sweat already forming underneath his mask, tried to hold strong.

Where’s who?” He asked, if only to delay the inevitable.

Don’t play dumb with me, you spineless oath.” Strange commanded, anger swelling within him now. As his brow furrowed, his face began to turn a similar shade to his cloak. “You know exactly who I mean.

Fearing his bar was about to become an arcane battleground, Jim leant towards over the bar towards them slightly.

Maybe it’s best if you guys dealt with this...” Jim spoke cautiously, as he motioned his head back towards the door, before being cut off as his friend raised a paw in his direction.

The chimp gave a short laugh before adjusting himself in his seat, bringing his glass towards his lips. “No way Jim, I’m not missing this one.

Ignoring the commotion to his left, Rory began to relent to his interrogation.

I’ve not seen her in weeks, okay? Not since you forbade her from contacting me.

Strange simply scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief.

Ballcrap.” He grew closed as he spoke, a fury in his eyes, and the slight spec of spittle in his teeth. “I know the two have been running around with this half-assed idea to reform Shadowpact and take on the forces of Limbo, but as of right now I'm declaring that that plan is dead”.

Rory sunk into his seat, his eyes moving down to his feet, not wishing to look Strange in the eye at this moment. All he had wanted to do was help.

Sighing, he finally gave in.

"Look, I don't know where she is now, but when I last heard from her, she was looking for answers on what to do next. So, I…” He shuffled nervously as he spoke, finally bringing himself to look back up at the Doctor. “I pointed her towards Madame Xanadu.

The group around him reacted in unison at those words. While both Strange and Jim let out a large groan, Bobo began to laugh once more.

That old bag?” Detective Chimp asked, still struggling to keep a straight face. “What on earth for?

Rory shrugged hesitantly. “Thought she’d tell her something insightful about moving on.

Doctor Strange simply frowned, running his hand through his salt and peppered hair in annoyance. Taking a deep, he seemed to become calm once again, the red of his face vanishing.

Well, that’s a start at the very least.” He declared.

With that, he was on the move once more, stretching his arms out before him in irregular positions. He moved his right arm around clockwise, causing the air before him to spark into life as a doorway of energy carved into shape. He was about to step through and disappear before a voice stopped him.

"You know..." Rory was standing now, his confidence having finally grown. "I wasn't actually going to go to Limbo for her. The girl didn't need a war, she needed a friend. Clearly when it came down to it, that wasn't you”.

The air grew cold once more, as Doctor Stephen Strange lowered his head down in shame. Stepping through the doorway in silence, he vanished from sight.

Waves crashed dangerously against the rocks at her feet, as Illyana Rasputin materialised on the stone outlet of the island. Rain fell around her, as the winds immediately began to attack from all directions. Avoiding the splashes of cold salt spray from the sea, she clutched her jacket around her body to shield from the rain. Fighting against the storm, she pushed her way up off the beach and onwards. The land around her as he moved was bleak; barren of any kind of vegetation bar the odd patch of grass or dying tree.

For a while, her only source of light was the odd flash of lightning in the sky above, which temporarily illuminated the greys of the island, before returning it once more to darkness. She had almost given up hope, when her eyes spotted the faint shape of a building in the distance, and a dim orange glow radiating from one of its windows.

Her hand moved to the protective charm around her neck. It was the only reason she had made it this far without began dragged back to the Sanctum. She finally allowed herself to smile, as it finally dawned on her that this trip may not have been made in vain.

The rain grew heavier as she moved onwards towards the building, the light guiding her. It was not long until Ilyana found herself stepping onto a path heading straight towards her destination. The opposite end seemed to slope back down towards the beach, where she imagined a small dock probably lay hidden amongst the rocks. Maybe even more buildings or settlements. She had no idea what to expect from this place.
She was so deep in thought that she missed the sounds of movement to her left.

Within seconds it was upon her. Leaping out of the darkness, the great beast snarled rabidly as it tackled her to the ground. She collided hard with the wet gravel, her arm beginning to trickle with specs of blood almost immediately as she scraped against it. She knew immediately that it was some kind of wolf. Yet the more she looked as she found herself trapped beneath it, the more she realised that wasn’t the whole story.

No natural wolf was this large. No natural wolf would look at her as this one did. This had to be a werewolf.

I L L Y A N A R A S P U T I N A E X - D A U G H T E R O F B E L A S C O E X - W A R D O F T H E S O R C E R O R S U P R E M E M U T A N T
C O N T I N U I N G C O N C E P T:

"For many years a man named Belasco tried to bury me. But I demanded to grow."

Raised and tortured as a child in the hellscape of Limbo by the demonic Sorceror Belasco, Illyana Rasputina finally found a home with the Sorceror Supreme, Doctor Stephen Strange. Becoming his ward, she turned her Soul Sword into a staff and sought to change her ways.

However, her torture continued to haunt her, and as such, she decided to finally get revenge once and for all. To do so, she sought to form a group of fellow members of the magical community in order to assist her in her quest. In doing so, she found herself pushed to her limits, encountering a number of foes, both new and old. The news of Belasco finding himself a new "Apprentice" rocked her to her core, leading her to finally redraw her sword once more.

The coming months became tough for Illyana, who found herself clashing against her mentor more and more. Despite his good intentions, Illyana felt herself pulling away from his teachings. Then, in the dead of the night, she left, intent on finding her own way.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

After discovering from the Demons Three that Belasco has a new prisoner in Limbo, Illyana is now motivated more than ever to make her way back into that hellscape and take him out once and for all. She also finds herself battling to control the anger and pain that churns inside her, brought into being in the form of her Soul Sword. She is taking strives to fight in two battles; one physical, and one mental. These battles led to Illyana clashing heavily against the ideals of her mentor, concluding with her striving to find Belasco on her own.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

♦ Doctor Stephen Strange
The current Sorcerer Supreme, Strange became a surrogate father and teacher to Illyana after her time in Limbo, helping her hone her magical abilities.

♦ Wong
Doctor Strange's loyal assistant, Wong runs and cares for the Sanctum Sanctorum. This loyalty extended to Illyana once she made the Sanctum her home, and in time a friendship between the two blossomed.

♦ Ragman
Rory Regan is a Jewish vigilante in Gotham City who wears the mystical Suit of Souls. Rory has vowed to help Magik in her fight against Limbo, with him and Magik becoming close friends.

♦ Belasco
A being of pure hate, Belasco is the ruler of Limbo and the being who trapped Illyana there for the majority of her childhood.

♦ The Demons Three
Led by the vicious S'ym, the Demons Three are Belasco's chief enforcers in Limbo. They acted as Illyana's "guards" during her capture; torturing her regularly.

♦ Piotr Rasputin
Illyana hasn't seen her brother Piotr since she was taken to Limbo.

♦ Rahne Sinclair AKA Wolfsbane
A Scottish mutant with the supernatural ability to turn herself into a werewolf-like creature.

♦ Danielle "Dani" Moonstar
A mutant able to manifest people's fears or desires as realistic illusions, Dani finds her and her family hunted by a demonic creature.

♦ Douglas Ramsey AKA Cypher
A young mutant with the ability to decypher any language he comes into contact with. He is currently assisting Dr. MacTaggert with her research.

♦ Dr. Moira MacTaggert
An expert in the field of genetics and mutation, Dr. MacTaggert has recently begun research on a series of mutated plantlife.

S Y N O P S I S S O F A R:

Vowing revenge on her former captor, Belasco, Illyana Rasputin sought out members of the magical community in an attempt at raising an armry against Limbo. Her search led her to the Ragman, and his suit of souls. After assisting the Gotham vigilante with stopping a mystical being named Master Belaric Marcosa, Ragman agreed to join her. The two met with another potential recruit; the Canterbury Cricket, however, that just led to further peril. Just as he was trying to convince Illyana that she wasn't the blame for the bad things that had happened to her, he was slain by the Demon S'ym, one of Illyana's former captors back in Limbo.

After fending off S'ym and the rest of the Demon's Three, Illyana discovered that Belasco had kidnapped another mortal, trapping them in Limbo just as she had been. Before she had the opportunity to process this news, the United States of America was rocked by a vicious terrorist act led by the Metahuman Supremacy Front. Doctor Strange sent her to look over Star City whilst he helped handle the crisis within New York, leading to Magik confront members of the M.S.F. alone. The group brought her to her breaking point once they began to kill hostages, leading to her transforming her Soul Staff back into the Sword she had wielded down in Limbo. With the assistance of the local hero Green Arrow, they took down the terrorist group's presence within the city, stopping the crisis from worsening.

The morning after the attack, Illyana confessed to Strange about her plan to kill Belasco during an emotional conversation, leading to him walking away disappointed in his ward.

Illyana found herself battling to control the anger and pain that churned inside her during the weeks that followed. Sadly she succumbed to these feelings during an adventure where she brutally killed a group of fleeing enemies. Following the event, an argument broke out between her and Strange, leading to Illyana finally deciding to go her own way...

P O S T C A T A L O G:

S E A S O N O N E:

S E A S O N T W O:

Same as before, this section is for a list of hyperlinks to your ongoing IC posts as they're created.

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Witty Quote"

This is where you outline your vision for the character including any notable changes or differences from the regularly accepted canon. This should be a short summary that provides insight into where the character is in terms of their overall progress and development.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Why do you want to play this character, what is the driving motivation behind both this desire and the character themselves. What do you hope to accomplish and where do you want the character's story/stories to go?

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Any additional notes you want to put either for yourself, the GM's or other players to help clarify your vision or continuity.

S A M P L E P O S T:

A sample post that can be used in the IC if you so desire upon acceptance. This post should provide an example of your vision for the desired character. This sample post should meet all standards outline in the rules and additionally include dialogue, mannerisms and other actions representative of your intended portrayal.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.


I L L Y A N A R A S P U T I N A E X - D A U G H T E R O F B E L A S C O E X - W A R D O F T H E S O R C E R O R S U P R E M E M U T A N T
C O N T I N U I N G C O N C E P T:

"For many years a man named Belasco tried to bury me. But I demanded to grow."

Raised and tortured as a child in the hellscape of Limbo by the demonic Sorceror Belasco, Illyana Rasputina finally found a home with the Sorceror Supreme, Doctor Stephen Strange. Becoming his ward, she turned her Soul Sword into a staff and sought to change her ways.

However, her torture continued to haunt her, and as such, she decided to finally get revenge once and for all. To do so, she sought to form a group of fellow members of the magical community in order to assist her in her quest. In doing so, she found herself pushed to her limits, encountering a number of foes, both new and old. The news of Belasco finding himself a new "Apprentice" rocked her to her core, leading her to finally redraw her sword once more.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

After discovering from the Demons Three that Belasco has a new prison in Limbo, Illyana is now motivated more than ever to make her way back into that hellscape and take him out once and for all. She also finds herself battling to control the anger and pain that churns inside her, brought into being in the form of her Soul Sword. She is taking strikes to fight in two battles; one physically, and one mentally.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

♦ Doctor Stephen Strange
The current Sorcerer Supreme, Strange became a surrogate father and teacher to Illyana after her time in Limbo, helping her hone her magical abilities.

♦ Wong
Doctor Strange's loyal assistant, Wong runs and cares for the Sanctum Sanctorum. This loyalty extended to Illyana once she made the Sanctum her home, and in time a friendship between the two blossomed.

♦ Ragman
Rory Regan is a Jewish vigilante in Gotham City who wears the mystical Suit of Souls. Rory has vowed to help Magik in her fight against Limbo, with him and Magik becoming close friends.

♦ Belasco
A being of pure hate, Belasco is the ruler of Limbo and the being who trapped Illyana there for the majority of her childhood.

♦ The Demons Three
Led by the vicious S'ym, the Demons Three are Belasco's chief enforcers in Limbo. They acted as Illyana's "guards" during her capture; torturing her regularly.

S Y N O P S I S S O F A R:

Vowing revenge on her former captor, Belasco, Illyana Rasputin sought out members of the magical community in an attempt at raising an armry against Limbo. Her search led her to the Ragman, and his suit of souls. After assisting the Gotham vigilante with stopping a mystical being named Master Belaric Marcosa, Ragman agreed to join her. The two met with another potential recruit; the Canterbury Cricket, however, that just led to further peril. Just as he was trying to convince Illyana that she wasn't the blame for the bad things that had happened to her, he was slain by the Demon S'ym, one of Illyana's former captors back in Limbo.

After fending off S'ym and the rest of the Demon's Three, Illyana discovered that Belasco had kidnapped another mortal, trapping them in Limbo just as she had been. Before she had the opportunity to process this news, the United States of America was rocked by a vicious terrorist act led by the Metahuman Supremacy Front. Doctor Strange sent her to look over Star City whilst he helped handle the crisis within New York, leading to Magik confront members of the M.S.F. alone. The group brought her to her breaking point once they began to kill hostages, leading to her transforming her Soul Staff back into the Sword she had wielded down in Limbo. With the assistance of the local hero Green Arrow, they took down the terrorist group's presence within the city, stopping the crisis from worsening.

The morning after the attack, Illyana confessed to Strange about her plan to kill Belasco during an emotional conversation, leading to him walking away disappointed in his ward.

Illyana found herself battling to control the anger and pain that churned inside her during the weeks that followed. Sadly she succumbed to these feelings during an adventure where she brutally killed a group of fleeing enemies. Following the event, an argument broke out between her and Strange, leading to Illyana finally deciding to go her own way...

P O S T C A T A L O G:

S E A S O N O N E:

S E A S O N T W O:

Same as before, this section is for a list of hyperlinks to your ongoing IC posts as they're created.
Edit: Heh, I see the one above me is named quite similar to my character's name. Maybe I'll change that up too haha

Honestly, i'm more than happy to change myself; bar the surname, i'm not set on a name yet

Currently a WIP; thought i'd do something slightly different and play a jedi knight who lost their apprentice during 66.
I am very interested :)

Teddy stifled a yawn as he emerged from his bedroom, using his hand to block out the morning sunlight that was seeping in through the window. It had been a long night, with one movie turning into a mini film festival of his mom’s favourites. They’d all been so exhausted afterwards that they had all just headed straight to bed, leaving a series of empty bowls of popcorn still filled with unpopped kernels littered the lounge’s floor and coffee table. He groaned a little as his eyes took in all the mess, before glossing over the remnants of someone having prepared food on the kitchen worktops. That paired with the door to his mom’s bedroom being slightly ajar told him that she had already departed for work. He nodded in affirmation before heading to work, moving a few plates and pieces of cutlery into the sink.

It used to bother him that she worked Saturdays, yet as he had grown older, he understood that she would have been here if she could’ve. They needed that money. So while she was out there doing her job, Teddy didn’t mind doing his job of tidying up around the house. Besides, he wasn’t always spending these mornings alone anymore.

Billy groaned slightly from beneath his blanket on the sofa, seemingly still in the exact same position he had been in last night when the Altman’s had retired to their rooms. While Teddy’s mom was extremely happy and welcoming of Billy, she at least had some lines, the main one being that Billy had to stay out on the sofa. He didn’t mind too much; at least they got to be together. However, given how Billy had been the previous night, Teddy currently wanted nothing more than to just be there with him and know he was ok.

On the surface, you would think it had been the perfect night, with Teddy loving nothing more than spending a quiet night with the people he loved. But it was hard to enjoy things when he knew Billy was hurting inside. He had stayed quiet throughout the duration of the movies, barely stifling a laugh at the campy costumes and effects like he did normally. Even Teddy’s mum had noticed, with her occasionally flashing the two with a look of concern from across the room.

As he moved around the room picking up plates, his attention moved from Billy to the morning sky outside. He smiled for a second before a small wave of guilt hit him. He remembered Billy looking out this very same window hours ago, probably contemplating the weight of the “destiny” that had been thrust upon him. Despite Billy’s reluctance, part of him wanted nothing more than to have some kind of path laid out for him. Sure, he and Billy used their mutant abilities to help, but surely there was a way to do more? Surely there was a way for Teddy to help him deal with what he was going through right now.


Teddy jumped slightly as his phone buzzed into life from within his pyjama pants. He welcomed the distraction from his negative thoughts immediately, swiping his fingers across the screen so nothing but Twitter was on his phone and in his mind. He sat there bemused for several minutes, perched on the arm of the sofa, scrolling continuously. However, even this could not distract him forever.

His ears pricked up slightly as a notification came through from one of the Avenger fan pages he followed. It seemed that mere minutes ago, one of his heroes, the Avengers had made an appearance. This wasn’t all that strange, with similar notifications appearing constantly most days as people like Iron Man were spotted soaring through New York, or Black Widow taking part in peace talks at the UN. However, as Teddy watched the shaky video before him of a beam of light descending on the British countryside, his mind raced back to a dumb joke he had made to Billy the previous night.

He moved immediately, rushing to his boyfriend's side, his arms gripping his shoulders as he began to shake him awake.

What… what the fuck are...” Billy managed, visibly annoyed at having been awoken from his slumber. Teddy almost laughed at the sight of him, his hair standing out at various angles atop his head, as his dazed eyes glared blankly at him.

Babe, get dressed,” Teddy instructed, using his hand to smooth out his partner's bed hair. “We’re going to get you some answers about your God stuff.

"But it's a Saturday!"

So, what you’re saying is that my boyfriend is some kind of God?” Teddy asked, his hand running playfully through his partner’s hair.

I guess so.” Billy pulled an awkward face. It was clear he was not happy at the idea. “Think I’m going to have a lot of questions for my rabbi.

Teddy hadn’t given too much thought to the subject before. Whereas Billy had his Judaism, he had always considered himself more of an agnostic. Something had to be out there somewhere. There was Thor for one. Sure, he was more of a small-g god, but that had to give some evidence to those kinds of things. Wonder Woman too. However clearly there were bigger things at play here, and his handsome boyfriend was right in the centre of it all.

The two had only just recently returned to Teddy’s apartment, where they now found each other sprawled out across each other on the sofa, as a trashy reality tv show played on the TV before them muted. As a bunch of hapless chefs ran about the studio in silence, Billy had been trying to explain what had happened to him. The complications of his reality warping. The appearance of the golden giant in blue. His visit to “space”.

Despite knowing how uncomfortable the experience, particularly the bombshell of his “destiny”, had been for Billy, Teddy secretly longed to have been able to see it all too. He had always dreamed of seeing the stars. Some of his youngest memories involved him running around the apartment pretending to be an Astronaut.

He smiled at the thought, only for it to drop as he spotted Billy gazing out of the window next to them glumly, evidently deep in thought.

Maybe Thor is secretly your brother?” Teddy joked, attempting to cheer him up a bit.

He was relieved to see that the question had at least put a smile on his face.

You’ll have to start calling me Asgardian or something.” He laughed, a sparkly image of Billy wielding Thor’s mighty hammer Mjolnir materializing before them briefly with a magical wave of his fingers.

Nah, stick with Wiccan, it’s cute” Teddy expressed, tightening his arms around Billy ever so slightly.
That oh so familiar smile of Billy’s flashed across his face as he too tightened his arms.

Oh, you think so?” He asked, leaning closer.

I know so.” Teddy breathed, as he locked his lips against Billy’s. His heart pounded inside his chest.

It was the jingle of keys in the lock that finally broke the two apart, with the two rushing to opposite sides of the sofa as the apartment door across the room began to open. A mixture of both guilt and awkwardness spread across their faces.

Mary-Jo Altman was a beautiful woman, with golden curls circling her slender face. She looked good for her age, with only the odd wrinkle noticeable across her face. She was the best mother Teddy could have asked for. She was caring and understanding, especially after he had told her about Billy. It often made Teddy wonder as to why or how she hadn’t dated anyone herself in years. Initially, he had assumed it was out of respect for his late father, with him having passed away back when Teddy was a baby. Yet, the fact that she never mentioned him made him wonder if there was a different reason. She had merely claimed with a smile that she was too busy with work and looking after him. He could not fault her for that at all, as the woman had done a lot for him. She had worked tirelessly throughout his childhood; the fact that they had a reasonably sized apartment in Manhattan being a clear sign of that.

It was clear from the smirk across her face as she entered that she knew exactly what the two of them had been doing.

“Hey boys.”

The two gave a short wave in unison to greet her before Teddy had the courage to speak.

Good day?” He asked, watching her dump her handbag on the countertop lazily.

She screwed her face up slightly at the question. “Nightmare client today honestly.” She exclaimed, sighing.

“Mind if we have the rest of yesterday’s casserole? I really don’t feel like doing much cooking tonight.” She asked, grabbing a wine glass down from the rack. “I just need a nice glass of wine and a decent film.”

Teddy smiled. His mom was fun.

Sounds like a plan.” He confirmed as he headed over towards the kitchen to help, Billy following him. “Mind if Billy stays too?

She looked up from the glass of wine she was beginning to pour with a smile. “Of course not.”

Thank you, Ms. Altman,” Billy said, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously.

“Billy, you’ve been staying for dinner for years, you don’t have to keep thanking me.” She beamed, putting her hand onto his shoulder. “You’re practically a part of the family.”

As they watched her switch on the stove, Teddy slid his hand into Billy’s. He rested his head against his shoulder in response. Even with this whole Demiurge business currently, life was good.
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