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I L L Y A N A R A S P U T I N A E X - D A U G H T E R O F B E L A S C O W A R D O F T H E S O R C E R O R S U P R E M E
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"For many years a man named Belasco tried to bury me. But I demanded to grow."

At the age of six Illyana Rasputina found herself taken from her comfy home at her family's farm in Russia, and transported to the fiery hellscape that is the realm of Limbo. There she found herself imprisoned by the man known as Belasco, who claimed her as his daughter. There she spent the next seven years of her life, with her tormentor turning Illyana into his cursed weapon. He trained her in the arcane arts, corrupting her soul and drawing her deeper into his clutches. His downfall came however when he attempted to teach her the art of creation magic. Illyana's own life force energy formed the Soulsword, a powerful weapon that gave Illyana enough power to use her sorcery to escape from Limbo and return to the mortal world.

As a teenager raised in the depths of purgatory, Illyana struggled to readjust to life, turning away from her family, as well as other mutant safe-havens, and venturing off on her own. During this time, she caught the attention of one Stephen Strange, this realm's Sorcerer Supreme for the last 15 years. Having traced her from the magical energy she had been exerting, he took her in, giving her a home at the Sanctum Sanctorum. There she became his ward, honing the magical abilities Belasco had so brutally engraved into her. She sheathed her Soulsword, no longer needing the blade, and instead formed a new extension of her soul; the Soulstaff.

She has been in Strange's care for a few months now, with the Sorcerer Supreme only recently deciding to begin to bring her along on some of his mystical cases.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

I'm aware I've done this before, but I do plan to take this concept in a slightly different direction this time. I want to focus a bit more on the dynamic of Magik and Strange, with the duo working on a series of magical cases, which can allow for some potentially fun collaborations with other players. Given Magik's status as a mutant, I also hope I can collaborate with some of the other X-Men players in the future.

Following are the key characters I intend to make use of:

Doctor Stephen Strange: The current Sorcerer Supreme, Strange became a surrogate father and teacher to Illyana after her time in Limbo, helping her hone her magical abilities. He has operated as the Sorceror Supreme for about 15 years, although initially, this was a secret to anyone not within the magical community. His first public appearance was during the Chituri invasion where he assisted in the fight within New York. Whilst he has assisted the Avengers on a few occasions, he kept to himself over the years, avoiding the public eye as best as he could.

Wong: Doctor Strange's loyal assistant, Wong runs and cares for the Sanctum Sanctorum. This loyalty extended to Illyana once she made the Sanctum her home, and in time a friendship between the two blossomed.

Belasco: A being of pure hate, Belasco is the ruler of Limbo and the being who trapped Illyana there for the majority of her childhood.

Following are characters who whilst I am planning on using/interacting with, I am by no means claiming as my own. If some of these are claimed, I would love to possibly collaborate in the future!

Piotr Rasputin AKA Colossus

Megan Gwynn AKA Pixie

Parker Robbins AKA The Hood

More to follow...

S A M P L E P O S T:

P O S T C A T A L O G:

This section is not necessary, but a procedural listing of your linked posts will make it much easier and more convenient for all involved.
after a busy weekend of christmas parties and concerts, finally got around to finishing my sample!
Contemplating the following honestly, although will be different than my previous plans

Finally in a position where I'll have time to write, so expect a post this week!
apologies for my radio silence over the last week; this month has been one of the busiest for me in ages. I should have a lot more free time starting from next week!
CS is finished.

Very happy to see the addition of Synch! Such a fun character who I'm glad is finally back in comics!

Very excited to see what you do with him!

Magik too! Another fave

The bus rocked from side to side as it meandered down the highway. It was still early, will only flashes of sunlight managing to peak over the tops of hills and through the trees. Outside of Jackson, the rest of the bus only contained a small number of people, none of whom he paid much attention to. Instead he sat in silence, head against the glasses of the window, feeling every vibration and bump in the road as a result. His earbuds played the same chill music into his ears that he'd been playing for the entirety of his journey. He was almost numb to it now, yet he couldn't pause or stop at the risk of remembering the sounds he'd been trying so hard to forget.

And then, just before Jackson could close his eyes once to doze off, the flashes of light grew brighter, as the treeline vanished and the sun began to fully emerge from behind the curve of the earth. In that moment Jackson got his first look at the ocean.

It seemed to spread onwards, infinitely. The deep blue was speckled with shades of orange and red as the sunlight hit it. It seemed to breathe, with the surface rising and falling with rythmic ease. It wasn't long before Jackson found himself copying it, as if on instinct. Watching the waves gave him a calm he hadn't experienced for some time. It felt familar.

He didn't turn away and began to sit there staring, mesmerised.

Jackson probably would've sat there staring indefinitely if it hadn't been for the sound of movement around him, as fellow passengers began to rise from their seats, and reach into the luggace racks above their heads. Emerging from his own world, the teenager looked around the vehicle, moving one hand to lower and earbud from his head. It was significantly lighter now, with a brief check of his cracked phone screen telling him that it was now around 7:30am.

Releasing a smile from his lips, he skipped to a more upbeat song, before reapplying his earbud, and joining the rest of the passengers in rising to their feet. Reaching up for his bag, his eyes moved out of the bus's window once more, barely in time to catch the approaching town's welcome sign.

Amnesty Bay.

🐟 🐟 🐟

As Jackson began to make his way down the boardwalk, duffle bag under his arm, a screaming group of seagulls signaled his arrival overhead. Amnesty Bay was beautiful in the morning light. The town had begun with a small harbour, next to where the bus had dropped Jackson off, filled with a collection of colourful fishing boats that bobbed around excitedly as if itching to set sail. The beach began right after the closest dock to the rest of the town, with it spanning a good couple of hundreds of metres, sitting just below the boardwalk. Despite its age, the boardwalk itself seemed extremely well maintained, with the railings a nice eggshell white and void of any obvious marks or chippings.

At the far end of the beach, and directly ahead of him, the headland rose dramatically, wrapping around the bay. Atop the hillside, sat a lighthouse, with its tower of white and red looking down on the small town below as if protecting it from danger.

Jackson moved his phone up out of his pocket as he admired it, swiping his fingers across the screen before opening up the camera and capturing the scene. He certainly didn't have views like that back in New Mexico.

Given the beautiful day that it was starting to become, it was already bustling, with townsfolk and tourists alike looking down at the sea or heading towards the beast.

Jackson garnered a few glances as he walked. Most seemed cheerful and friendly, although others looked on with suspicion. He scoffed, shaking his head. Given he was the only person of colour he'd seen since arriving, he was fairly certain he knew what those looks were for.

Turning his attention away from the sea, at last, he admired the small town itself. There were a series of gift shops, with grand displays of beach toys and postcards in their open-air displays, to various cafes and bars. One of the more central builds was a grand diner, just like the ones you'd see in movies. Jackson smiled at the sight, it filling him with the nostalgia of a time he never lived.

Another raise of his phone. Another photo.

Deciding to leave trying the place for later, he raised his hand briefly to stop a couple passing by.

"Sorry guys." He said offering them a smile, as he looked down at his phone to read aloud a message. "Any chance you could point me towards an... Arthur Curry?"

The bus rocked from side to side as it meandered down the highway. It was still early, will only flashes of sunlight managing to peak over the tops of hills and through the trees. Outside of Jackson, the rest of the bus only contained a small number of people, none of whom he paid much attention to. Instead he sat in silence, head against the glasses of the window, feeling every vibration and bump in the road as a result. His earbuds played the same chill music into his ears that he'd been playing for the entirety of his journey. He was almost numb to it now, yet he couldn't pause or stop at the risk of remembering the sounds he'd been trying so hard to forget.

And then, just before Jackson could close his eyes once to doze off, the flashes of light grew brighter, as the treeline vanished and the sun began to fully emerge from behind the curve of the earth. In that moment Jackson got his first look at the ocean.

It seemed to spread onwards, infinitely. The deep blue was speckled with shades of orange and red as the sunlight hit it. It seemed to breathe, with the surface rising and falling with rythmic ease. It wasn't long before Jackson found himself copying it, as if on instinct. Watching the waves gave him a calm he hadn't experienced for some time. It felt familar.

He didn't turn away and began to sit there staring, mesmerised.

Jackson probably would've sat there staring indefinitely if it hadn't been for the sound of movement around him, as fellow passengers began to rise from their seats, and reach into the luggace racks above their heads. Emerging from his own world, the teenager looked around the vehicle, moving one hand to lower and earbud from his head. It was significantly lighter now, with a brief check of his cracked phone screen telling him that it was now around 7:30am.

Releasing a smile from his lips, he skipped to a more upbeat song, before reapplying his earbud, and joining the rest of the passengers in rising to their feet. Reaching up for his bag, his eyes moved out of the bus's window once more, barely in time to catch the approaching town's welcome sign.

Amnesty Bay.

🐟 🐟 🐟

As Jackson began to make his way down the boardwalk, duffle bag under his arm, a screaming group of seagulls signaled his arrival overhead. Amnesty Bay was beautiful in the morning light. The town had begun with a small harbour, next to where the bus had dropped Jackson off, filled with a collection of colourful fishing boats that bobbed around excitedly as if itching to set sail. The beach began right after the closest dock to the rest of the town, with it spanning a good couple of hundreds of metres, sitting just below the boardwalk. Despite its age, the boardwalk itself seemed extremely well maintained, with the railings a nice eggshell white and void of any obvious marks or chippings.

At the far end of the beach, and directly ahead of him, the headland rose dramatically, wrapping around the bay. Atop the hillside, sat a lighthouse, with its tower of white and red looking down on the small town below as if protecting it from danger.

Jackson moved his phone up out of his pocket as he admired it, swiping his fingers across the screen before opening up the camera and capturing the scene. He certainly didn't have views like that back in New Mexico.

Given the beautiful day that it was starting to become, it was already bustling, with townsfolk and tourists alike looking down at the sea or heading towards the beast.

Jackson garnered a few glances as he walked. Most seemed cheerful and friendly, although others looked on with suspicion. He scoffed, shaking his head. Given he was the only person of colour he'd seen since arriving, he was fairly certain he knew what those looks were for.

Turning his attention away from the sea, at last, he admired the small town itself. There were a series of gift shops, with grand displays of beach toys and postcards in their open-air displays, to various cafes and bars. One of the more central builds was a grand diner, just like the ones you'd see in movies. Jackson smiled at the sight, it filling him with the nostalgia of a time he never lived.

Another raise of his phone. Another photo.

Deciding to leave trying the place for later, he raised his hand briefly to stop a couple passing by.

"Sorry guys." He said offering them a smile, as he looked down at his phone to read aloud a message. "Any chance you could point me towards an... Arthur Curry?"

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Now in this island of Atlantis there existed a confederation of kings, of great and marvelous power." ~ Plato

Born the son of an Atlantean queen and a human lighthouse keeper, Arthur Curry grew to become the bridge between his two peoples. He rose to take his role as the king of Atlantis and became the hero known as Aquaman when the surface world needed him most. For a time, there was peace between the surface world and those from the depths, but soon Arthur's rule as king began to crumble as tensions raised. As such, the hero known as Aquaman seemingly disappeared.

Years later, teenager Jackson Hyde finds himself in the quaint coastal town of Amnesty Bay, following the discovery of newfound abilities and the murder of his family. Here he meets the town's new lighthouse keeper, Arthur, who now lives a peaceful life of self-imposed exile with his wife Mera and daughter Andy.

As Jackson seeks answers, Arthur finds himself having to face his past.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I think Aquaman is neat. Atlantis and its lore however has always been an area I've been too intimidated by to fully explore. As such, I felt introducing this world through the lens of someone like Jackson felt like the perfect way to do it for me. They're a character I've really come to love in recent years, with his relationships with both the "Aquaman family", and his own father, Black Manta, being something I particularly enjoy. So I'm hoping to have some fun in this little corner of the world.

With Jackson, I want to tell a journey of self-discovery and actualization, as he strives to find out more about his family and his heritage and how this will shape him.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Arthur Curry ► The mysterious lighthouse keeper of Amnesty Bay, Arthur lies in self-imposed exile from his former home, Atlantis, with his wife Mera and daughter Andy.
Mera ► The crown princess of the underwater kingdom of Xebel and the former Queen of Atlantis.
Andriana "Andy" Curry ► The 3 year old daughter of Arthur and Mera.

S A M P L E P O S T:

The fishing vessel lurched violently as the world’s deadliest crustacean charged across the deck, giving Jackson Hyde a mere few seconds to leap to the side as a crimson claw swung towards him. Recovering from his fall and into a roll, he picked himself up just in time to take a step backward, narrowly avoiding yet another swing, as the creature attempted to backhand him.

It was now that he could finally get a good look at the ship’s attacker. 7’5 tall and built like a tank with a hulking red exoskeleton encapsulating it’s body. One of it’s arms, the one Jackson had been attempting to dodge, ended in what seemed to be a humungous pincer. Disproportionately large in contrast to the rest of the creature’s body, the sight of it’s jagged edges made Jackson’s heart skip a beat.. That wasn’t what scared Jackson the most though. Set within a pair of deep circular sockets in the exoskeleton, were a set of eyes, that whilst bloodshot and filled with rage, were deeply human.

For a moment Jackson found himself freezing up. Fighting against Atlantean soldiers was one thing but he hadn’t expected anything like whatever this sea creature was. There was no way he was ready for this thing. But as his eyes moved across the deck and to the cowering group of fishermen back up against the stern, he solemnly knew that he had no choice.

So he did what he always did when he was nervous. Make a poor joke.

“Okay Lobster Man, I’m scheduled to fight a starfish at 3 so you better make this snappy.”

The creature did not look amused, clenching its pincer sharply.

“Snappy. Get it? Because you’re a lob-”

Before he could finish the behemoth had charged forward, seemingly now enraged.

“I am not lobster!” It roared, its voice almost alien. “I am King Crab!”

The aforementioned King Crab brought their pincer wildly in an attack, yet once again Jackson was able to simply dodge to the side. That was when he realized; this King Crab may be strong, but they certainly weren’t fast. And he could use that.

Now more confident in his smile, he reached behind his shoulders to the holsters on his back, drawing his waterbearers. Aiming them towards the starboard side, Jackson concentrated. At once, the tattoos that trailed up along his arms quickly began to glow a brilliant blue, as two trails of water slithered up through the air and onto the ship. They connected with the hilt of his weapon, as the giant crab made another swing. This time Jackson ducked downwards, avoiding the swing with ease, before launching himself upwards with a swing of his own. As his arms arched around, the watery tendrils within his waterbearers shifted shape until they resembled that of a pair of medieval maces.

King Crab staggered backward as the maces collided with his head in a splash of water. Jackson wasn’t done there though. Upon landing back onto the deck, he made a move once more, darting forward.

His bearers, now taking the form of a pair of scimitars, struck the beast from the left. In response, another swing from King Crab, and in turn, another dodge. Jackson quickly moved around his body and once he was far enough around he kicked out with all his might.

The crab toppled forwards and down onto one knee, giving Jackson yet another window.

This time he focused his water onto a single waterbearer, forming it into the shape of a large mallet.

Before the crab could fully recover from the last hit, the mallet was upon him, with the force of its impact sending the beast flying across the deck. It crashed messily into the ships’ gunwale, sending wood flying.

Striding over confidently, Jackson struck the mallet down to a blade.

“My humblest apologies your majesty,” He said mockingly as King Crab groaned in pain. “But there’s only one king I follow.”

As if on queue, the surface of the water behind King Crab erupted, as a figure breached the ocean surface. Within seconds they landed on the deck of the ship between the two combatants.

Dressed in a suit of skintight orange and green scale mail, Arthur Curry stood triumphantly, looking down at the oversized crustacean. Long blonde hair, now dripping wet, flowed down to his shoulder, and a messy beard sat upon the lower half of his face. He was imposing. Like a true king.

“Took your time, old man.” Jackson smiled, stepping forward and greeting his friend with a half hug.

The man merely chuckled in response initially, before finally responding in a deep warm voice. “I figured you could use the workout.”

The two stood above King Crab, looking down at the mess before him.

“One of your usuals?” Jackson asked, looking between them and his mentor.

“Sadly so. Normally King Crab wouldn’t dare engage with a fishing vessel.” Arthur scratched his beard for a moment, as if in thought. “Seems like Atlantis really is dropping all pretenses of wanting to keep the peace.”

He let out a deep sigh. Jackson knew that if he were to look him in the eye now, he’d see that oh-so-familiar look of sadness. His mind struggled to find the right words of comfort, but before he could say anything, their new prisoner stirred once more.

“Traitorrr” It hissed feebly, raising their regular-shaped arm towards the now pensive Arthur, before letting out another groan.

Jackson looked between the two, mouth open, unsure of what to say. Arthur merely stood in silence. After what felt like an eternity, he finally turned away.

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