Avatar of Nerevarine
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Erodios
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1236 (0.33 / day)
  • VMs: 5
  • Username history
    1. Nerevarine 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current tfw you eat only super rare steaks, so everyone else in you house who only eats well done looks at you in disgust
5 yrs ago
Considering quiting the retail business to become a stripper. It seems less objectifying and degrading.
5 yrs ago
getting pollen everywhere, and it's basically just plant jizz
5 yrs ago
Latin, Old Irish, Old English, Old Norse, French, and Middle Welsh classes? Guess I'll be properly prepared for any trips to 11th century Britain.
5 yrs ago
Gah, I'm so in love with this woman, god damn. Now if only I had the courage to just ask her out :X



23||UTC -6|Active at Night|Dyslexic|LGBT/Trans Friendly|Semi-Professional Linguist|"Suðrskrælinga"

Language Competancies:

Any languages at B1 or above are ones that I am comfortable to RP in

Modern Languages
English: C2 (native)
French: B2
Afrikaans: B2
Spanish: B1
German: B1
Japanese: A2
Modern Irish: A1
Icelandic: A1

Ancient/Classical Languages
Old French/Anglo-Norman: B1
Gothic: A2
Old English: A2
Latin: A2
Old Norse: A2
Old Irish: A1
Middle Welsh: A1
Gaulish: A1

An RP done entirely in Latin would be amazing

About Me:
I started roleplaying around age 12, giving me about 11 years experience. I'm a hobby writer who makes subpar fantasy and sci-fi novels on the side and have dabbled in the world of light novels to give my drawing skills a bit of practice. I'm by no means a professional or even really a 'good' writer, but I do try my hardest. Unfortunately, I am a very busy person so I often simply don't have the time to put the level of quality revision and editing into my posts that I'd like. That said, I am committed to creating the best experience for my fellow roleplayers when I join their RPs. I am a busy person, however, so know that I may drop an RP if I become unable to devote any more significant time into it.

I mostly take part in Fantasy RPs and Nation RPs. While I enjoy romance side plots in other RPS I do, I generally don't do Romance focused RPs except on occasions. I am okay to do Romance RPs on 1x1, however, note that I usually have to be in a particular mood for these RPs so I am not always up for doing them. For this reason, when I want to do such roleplay, I seek out a partner myself. I am fine with writing mature/18+ scenes, however, I typically find them boring and uninteresting to write (sorry, I'm not much of an erotica writer). As stated above, I am LGBT and Trans friendly, so LGBT Romance subplots and RPs are totally fine by me.

In terms of characters, I'm most likely to roleplay women, as I am one, though I can roleplay any gender. I enjoy exploring the characters and fleshing them out as they grow in the setting.

I am often told that I can come off as rude, and while I like to play it up a bit and be something of a tsundere, and I am trying to work on it, but please note that I am not much of a social person, even on the online realm, and I may take a while to respond to messages or not give you a very detailed response. Feel free to message me for purposes related to the RPs we are mutually a part of, though. I love to discuss things concerning the games to give them a more interconnected and realistic feeling.

As stated above, I have dyslexia, and it can be a pain in the ass sometimes. Don't be afraid to point out mistakes in my writing, I have a tendency to misspell, and I want to be made aware if it's particularly bad. I also speak a variety of languages, and if you are interested in RPing in a language other than English, I am more than happy to do so. Check out my Langauge Competencies list to see what I am capable of using.

My interests are High Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Nation Games, Alternate History, and Video Games. I'm not crazy about Anime, but I watch a few here and there, but I'm hardly the person to go on a long discussion on Anime about (I don't really see it as much different than any other animation, sorry.), same with Manga. However, don't go all weeb on me, I'm part-Japanese sansei myself, so obsession with and fetishization of Japan and Japanese people annoys the shit out of me and if you do it I will likely have a few strong words to say to you before I block you. No, I don't care if you're also Japanese. In that case, you're not a weeb, you're just a dime-a-dozen nationalist and that's even worse in my eyes.

Anyway, I hope to have some enjoyable RPs with you all. Let's have some fun.


Twitter: @skakafraujo (in Gothic)
Discord: Druzhinka #5058
Conworkshop: Karous

Most Recent Posts

Waiting for a pm with a prospective player about metal sonic, ill get something up for Sonic after work
@Letmehaveone2 Alright, Sonic's CS is complete


Russia's eyes blankly fixated on the wall behind Britain as she listened to him speak. It looked like She and France would have to carry most of the weight of this battle on their shoulders. Russia spoke up as Britain finished talking.

"Without doubt, she will go for France first." the slav spoke as she pecked lightly at the dish before her, barely eating anything. It wasn't to her liking, and it was clear she was putting the absolute minimum effort into attempting to be polite about it.

"My plan is simple enough, when Erika makes her invasion into French lands, I'll jump while her back is turned." She spoke while raising her hands as if to draw her plan of attack in the air. "She likely won't see much of a threat in this coming from a nation that is not as...avanced as herself, but an invasion can more than be made up with a significant force of manpower."

"I'll bring forth an army to occupy East Prussia, and turn it into a base of operations for an eventual attack on Berlin, which I will promptly take and burn to the ground." A slight, cold smile formed on Russia's face as she recounted her idea. "The invasion and occupation one would be a massive blow to Germany's ego, and with the inevitable fall of her allies, and her capital, I have no doubt in my mind she will lose the will to fight. The destruction of her production capabilities will certainly help too."

Russia turned to face Britain directly. "But I'd need you to do something for me, Anglija. And that is to keep the Turks busy." Russia frowned as she spoke, "What I don't need is the distraction of Ottomans in Ukraine, and Turks rousing up Caucasians in the mountains. I'd rather not have to diverge attention away from Prussia's lands to deal with the Islamic mountain men."

"The Turk is no doubt bitter over your presence in Egypt, and will spring to attack you. Do what you must to keep her away from me"
I intend on having Knuckles give chase to the theif.

My apologies for not posting sooner; caught a bit of a nasty illness, but i'll get something up asap
Sonic the Hedgehog



World: Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic Adventure canon)


Sonic is an anthropomorphic hedgehog with blue fur that covers most of his body, peach skin that covers his arms, muzzle and torso, and emerald-green eyes. He has six quills on his head, two spines protruding from his back and a short tail.

He wears two light-weight, hyper friction resistant red sneakers with a white strap, cuffs and a gold buckle, and a pair of white gloves with sock-like cuffs on his hands.

"What you see is what you get! Just a guy that loves adventure! I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!"

Sonic is a free spirit with an urge for adventure. A drifter by nature, he wanders across the world, although he usually can be found in his native country, the United Federation. Sonic values freedom over everything else, and hates oppression and control in all forms. Unable to be contained, Sonic has a strong sense of justice and will fight without a second thought. His headstrong nature and stubbornness can get him in more trouble than he wants, but Sonic is more than capable of handling himself. Playing by no one's rules but his own, he is never in one place for too long, and while he's usually a cool and collected hedgehog, he gets anxious and restless when trapped in one place for too long. Sonic's personality is a juxtaposition of kindness and ferocity. He is extremely benevolent, driven by his own strong sense of justice and fair play, and firmly stands for truth and freedom. However, he is never the one to rest in the face of injustice or oppression. He hates lies and evil in all its forms, exploding with anger when witnessing anything unjust, and will do all he can to snuff it out, throwing his life on the line without hesitation. However, he usually sees his heroics as an opportunity to have fun, making him a thrill-seeker. To Sonic, saving the world is no big feat and just another thrilling episode in his life.

Sonic's early history is mostly unknown, but at some point, he came into conflict with the infamous Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, who had kidnapped the animals of his homelands to power his robots in an attempt for world conquest by using the legendary Chaos Emeralds. Sonic defeated Eggman and his Death Egg base 3 times, acquiring two allies in Tails the Fox and Knuckles the Echidna. Later, he would save the Little Planet by traveling back in time and stopping Eggman's corruption of the past, freeing the small world and foiling the doctor's plans once again.

At some point later, Sonic would come into conflict with Dr. Robotnik once again, when he shattered the Master Emerald, unleashing ancient god Chaos, who Eggman planned to use to destroy various cities to build his own imperial city, Robotnikland. Sonic battled Chaos and Dr. Robotnik, eventually coming into possession of the Chaos Emeralds, turning into Super Sonic to defeat the final form of Chaos, and saving the day.

Some time later, Sonic is arrested by the military, being mistaken for another hedgehog, who he later discovers to be Shadow the Hedgehog, a science experiment created to be the Ultimate Life Form. Sonic escapes from the military, and discovers the plans of Dr. Eggman, who is planning to use the Chaos Emeralds to power an ancient weapon, the Space Colony ARK, to threaten the world with its powerful Eclipse Cannon, and establish his Eggman Empire. Sonic and his allies arrive on the Ark, with sonic being launched into space and his capsule detonated; however, Sonic manages to avoid death by copying the time-space altering technique of Chaos Control that he learned from Shadow.

Sonic later defeats Shadow, but is unable to stop the Doctor from firing the Eclipse Cannon, however, the Canon fails, discovering the failure was that the ARK was programmed to fall into the earth when the Chaos Emeralds were placed into the cannon. Sonic and Knuckles venture to the power source of the ARK, coming in conflict with the prototype ultimate lifeform, the Biolizard. While Shadow fought the Biolizard, Sonic and Knuckles neutralize the Chaos Emeralds, but the Biolizard fuses itself with the ARK, keeping it on track for collision with Earth. Sonic and Shadow then defeat the lizard once again, however, Shadow falls to earth, seemingly dying in the process.

Since then, Sonic has been adventuring as always, practicing Chaos Control. However, this time, something unusual has gone one with this attempt.

Sonic's main claim to fame is his speed. Termed "the fastest thing alive", Sonic is easily capable of breaking the sound barrier which is at the blistering speed of about 768 mph, and can run backwards just as well as he can forwards. Due to such speed, he can scale vertical surfaces and ceilings, run over water, outspeed lasers, and even cause the ground to explode in his wake. Even then, Sonic can take his speed even further. By revving up in one place, he can take off at turbo speeds in an instant. Sonic's top speed is unknown, and there are as well records stating that Sonic can move faster than the speed of light, although their accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

As well, Sonic's speed when jumping creates a sort of distortion of air around him, creating a shield around his body while curled into a spikey ball. While jumping, Sonic can push himself forward, homing in on his enemies.

Sonic has several powers that were conveyed to him by a series of upgrades and gadgets he acquired over his adventures. Sonic is able to utilize the Light Dash, wherein he can dash across a series of items in the air, running across them as if they were solid surfaces. Sonic's bounce bracelet lets him bounce his body on the ground like a rubber ball to achieve higher jump heights. His final upgrade is the flame ring, which lets sonic somersault on the ground with a brief flash of fire.

When in possession of a Chaos Emerald, Sonic can utilize Chaos Control, which lets him teleport across a short distance.

Sonic's most powerful ability is that to take on the form of Super Sonic. When in possession of the 7 chaos emeralds, Sonic can use their energies to take on a powerful, near invulnerable form with golden fur, and red eyes. This form is very taxing on Sonic and is not indefinite, and will eventually cease if he cannot maintain a power source, which are rings in his own universe.

Sonic has demonstrated complete mastery of his speed in any environment, and can use it for both high-speed offense and defense. Not only can he run at maximum tilt in straight lines, but also in full tight circles and through sharp turns with full control over his momentum. However, he has trouble keeping his balance when coming to a sudden halt. As far as stamina goes, Sonic's is seemingly limitless as he is never winded from running. His speed also allows him to perform several impressive feats: he can heal himself by vibrating his body, launch shockwaves by spinning rapidly, leap in midair, launch stunning waves with fast kicks, increase the force of his blows by striking with increased momentum, and create barriers of super speed. He can also spin in circles or rotate his extremities at super speed to create winds strong enough to attack or blow away opponents, similar to aerokinesis.

Sonic possesses astounding kineticism, precision and has reaction time to match his speed. He has profound acrobatic skills and agility, alongside with enhanced reflexes that lets him avoid any incoming obstacles with precise and delicate movements. As seen in his first meeting with Silver, Sonic can even detect attacks beyond his field of vision due to his sharp reflexes. When launched into the air, he can also pull off several tricks before landing. He also has incredible jumping skills, capable of jumping up to several hundred meters even with extra weight.

Sonic has several times demonstrated extreme resilience to damage. He can survive getting caught in the crossfire from all angles by Eggman's robots (which only knocked him out cold briefly), withstand the force of a massive explosion and a Hyper-go-on-based black hole unscathed, being pummeled with swords, and smash through several robots with his fist without discomfort.

Sonic has been shown to have Aquaphobia, and is unable to swim, sinking like a stone. He can only last a short time underwater before panicking, which will lead to him drowning. Sonic requires great amounts of rest each night, or he will not be able to perform at peak ability.

Sonic is stubborn and headstrong, which tends to make him act hastily and impulsively, which leads him into trouble.

Password: plures mundos
Heads up to everyone, I've caught Pneumonia, so you probably shouldnt expect any large posts from me for a bit, and my posts may be a bit delayed when they come up
Meanwhile Russia is spouting out french beautifully
@Nerevarine Taric and knuckles should arm-wrestle

Wouldn't that be a sight to see
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